node-oracledb other language encoding - node.js

I'm newbie at node.js!
I'm in trouble at encoding 'Korean'.
My oracle database has Korean String data, and directly Console.log(Korean text) is worked.
but when I use execute function and select query, and Console.log(return rows), It isn't work. text is broken.
I set all encoding type in Eclipse as UTF-8. As I think, I have to set something controlling encoding type in oracledb module, But I can`t find how set it.
please help me. I have to resolve this problem at any cost!!!
I already set NLS_LANG.
I don't set it. I just check it and take picture. It is already done when I found registry.
Windows 7 64bit
node 0.10.38
Eclipse / NodeClipse
It's resloved.
I set my NLS_LANG variable, as 'original value'.UTF8 And It works.
This is from master of node-oracledb. thanks.

From version 1.0, node-oracledb always sets the "client" character encoding to Oracle's AL32UTF8 value. See


How to read Arabic text from DB2 on z/OS using Node.JS

I am trying to get data from DB2 table on z/OS in my Node application, where some of the values are stored in Arabic (IBM-420). The result that I am getting in application is the following:
������� ���� ���������
I am using ibm_db version 2.7.4 to fetch data from DB2 and:
Windows 10 - 64 bit
Node version: 14.17.3
NPM version: 7.19.1
I have tried to display the result on the console and writing it on a txt file using fs through following:
fs.writeFile('data.txt', content, err => {
if (err) {
Any suggestion to convert the text into a proper Arabic?
Resolved by creating the system environment variable DB2CODEPAGE and setting its value to 1208 , then restarting all components to pick up this new variable.
When converting / translating between codepages , the Db2 CLI component will need to know the application code page, along with the DB2 server database code page and convert/translate between them as necessary. This requires the relevant conversion tables to be already present in the Db2 client (in this case the CLIDRIVER).
The DB2CODEPAGE environment variable value 1208 on Microsoft Windows forces the CLI components of Db2 to use Unicode as the application code page. When that DB2CODEPAGE variable is not present then the Db2 CLI component will try to derive the code page from the Microsoft Windows Control Panel Regional Options - which may not be what you need. Other values of this variable are possible, refer to the documentation for details.
When you set DB2CODEPAGE=1208 you must ensure that all the Microsoft -Windows applications really do use unicode or UTF-8 when inserting/updating data in the Db2 tables.

ENSDFSTATE.dat file not found error while running exampleB1.exe using Geant4

I am new in Geant4. i installed and build GEANT4 using cmake and visual stdio 17 on windlows 10 and now i am trying to practice its given basic exapmles, So, I build first example using cmake by following the toturial given here. The example build successfully and created the exampleB1.exe file. I have set up all environment variables to data installed as given in screen shot
but facing the problem of still relating to environment vairiable is the screenshots of error
I looked this ENSDFSTATE.dat file but could not be able to solve the problem. Any suggestions/ support is highly appreciated.
It looks like your "G4ENSDFSTATEDATA" environmental variable is pointing to the wrong data set. Edit this variable to point to G4ENSDFSTATE2.2 location (i.e. D:\GEANT4\share\Geant4-10.5.1\data\G4ENSDFSTATE2.2 instead of D:\GEANT4\share\Geant4-10.5.1\data\G4PARTICLEXS1.1) and should work fine for that one. Double check your other environmental variables are correct also. Looks like G4ABLADATA should be G4ABLA3.1 for example.
Here is the list of all variables from the getting started manual (
Good luck!

Calling WriteRegMultiStr in NSIS properly

With version 3.02 of NSIS came the addition of the WriteRegMultiStr function. When the function is called in my script the script throws an error:
Usage: WriteRegMultiStr /REGEDIT5 rootkey subkey entry_name hex_string_like_660000000000
The call itself looks like this:
WriteRegMultiStr /REGEDIT5 HKLM "System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SomeService" "DependsOnService" "service1 service2"
Since there is no documentation on this specific function which was added later on, long after WriteRegStr and WriteRegDWORD were available, I have to wonder - how does one use it?
So far with respect to entering REG_MULTI_SZ values I only found the directive to use a registry-NSIS -plugin. Yet the function exists, so how can it be used?
Encoding the string to hex and passing it with ot without quotation marks yields no desirable result either.
I was actually able to find an answer after digging through the depths of the internet. Since I don't think this has been answered on StackOverflow I will leave a response here, in case anyone wants to use this function.
The structure of the command as described in the opening post is basically correct, but the value must be encoded precisely. My command looks like this:
WriteRegMultiStr /REGEDIT5 HKLM "System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SomeService" "DependsOnService" 54,00,63,00,70,00,69,00,70,00,00,00,41,00,66,00,64
For anyone intending to test this string, this is
encoded in hexadecimal regedit format. Precisely this is Regedit Version 5.0 format, as opposed to REGEDIT4 format. A conversion editor can be used to achieve this, I used OTConvertIt.
The script should then compile, assuming you run NSIS version 3.02 or higher.
As you found out, the value data must be in the exact same format as .reg files from Windows 2000+.
The reason this instruction works this way is because it is actually the same as WriteRegBin under the hood and very little code was added to support this new functionality.
In the future you might be able to drop the /REGEDIT5 switch and give it plain strings but support for that has not been added yet.
The Registry plug-in does allow you to write these strings in a sane manner.

Oracle Data Integrator Oracle to Excel encoding

I try to export my Oracle view data to Excel sheet using Oracle Data Integrator.
English text is exported good, but russian (cyrillic) is wrong!
Help me please, how can I configure datasources and encoding.
After export to excel data has cp1252 encoding, but there is no place where such encoding is configured!
Oracle DS use jdbc:oracle:thin and
(in windows registry and environment variables(same to database).
ODI starting with product.conf:
AddVMOption -Dfile.encoding=Cp1251
AddVMOption -Dsun.jnu.encoding=Cp1251
AddVMOption -Duser.language=ru
(and I see such values in Help-About-Properties.
Excel DS use jdbc:odbc and
Oracle 12c, ODI 12c.
If I execute simple java code with
option - russian language displays correct, but not over ODI...
I would be glad any advice!
I want to answer my own question.
May be it is obviously for anyone, but I found solution not fast...
I need to change Windows property Current language for non-unicode programs. from English to Russian.
So I even not need "AddVMOption -Dfile.encoding=Cp1251" options in ODI - they are set correct after changing property.
Hope this information to be helpful for someone.

Excel export works locally, fields become hidden when running on server

OK, so i have a SmartGWT web application, where i have some reports running in list grids.
I export to excel using the Smartgwt built-in export as per the examples using the listgrid.exportclientdata();
Here's the issue:
-When running locally, all works fine and i can open the XLSX file and see all data.
-When running from the server, the columns containing data become hidden! If i manually do the "unhide" thing from within Excel, i can see the columns...
My local environment is Mac OSX, Mountain Lion(also tried earlier), running Sun's Java.
The prod server is Debian running OpenJDK.
Not sure if that would have something to do with it, and i am at a loss as to how i go about solving it... Running my webapp on Tomcat6 in both environments.
For others, searching the stackoverflow void for answers to riddles in the dark:
This was caused by certain fonts not being available in OpenJDK, without any errors being logged anywhere...
I switched to Sun's JDK on my Debian as well, and the Excel files now open and display properly.
This an also happen when facing this POI Bug that seems to be related to a Java Bug.
If it's the case changing the Font to something other than Calibri or using jre above 7u21 should fix the issue.
You can also mitigitate the issue and avoid the columns from being totally collapsed by using a code like this
if (sheet.getColumnWidth(x) == 0) {
// autosize failed use MIN_WIDTH
sheet.setColumnWidth(x, MIN_WIDTH);
