JSF number converter issue - jsf

I am using jsf number converter in my application as follows:
<p:inputText id="hoursWorked" required="true"
<f:convertNumber locale="de" maxFractionDigits="2"/>
Now , if I enter a value such as 160ffff, the converter automatically strips off the letters after the digits whereas I would like to throw an error. How can I do it?


How to reset <f:ajax> disabled attribute

given the following code:
<h:inputText id="minRate" value="#{bakingController.minRate}">
<f:convertNumber type="currency" pattern="#{msg.currencyPattern}" maxFractionDigits="0"/>
<f:ajax event="keyup" listener="#{bankingController.listProviders()}" execute="minRate" render="minRate btn-submit" disabled="#{facesContext.validationFailed}"/>
i would like to disable the ajax-listener if the validation is failed for the first keyup-event, e.g. user enters some non-digits. but when i clear the input field or enter a valid number then, it won't get reactivated, although the parent field is re-rendered. how can i solve that?
may you answers help.
there was a thinking flaw -.-
i have to validate with javascript if the input matches the appropriate format. then the listener will only be called, if the javascript-function returns true. so the disabled attribute is not needed.
<h:inputText id="minRate" value="#{bakingController.minRate}" onkeyup="return $.isNumeric(this.value)">
<f:convertNumber type="currency" pattern="#{msg.currencyPattern}" maxFractionDigits="0"/>
<f:ajax event="keyup" listener="#{bankingController.listProviders()}"
execute="minRate" render="minRate btn-submit"/>

How to Validate number field from <f:validateRegex>? [duplicate]

In a managed bean I have a property of the type int.
public class Nacharbeit implements Serializable {
private int number;
In the JSF page I try to validate this property for 6 digits numeric input only
<h:inputText id="number"
<f:validateRegex pattern="(^[1-9]{6}$)" />
On runtime I get an exception:
javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String
Is the regex wrong? Or are the ValidateRegex only for Strings?
The <f:validateRegex> is intented to be used on String properties only. But you've there an int property for which JSF would already convert the submitted String value to Integer before validation. This explains the exception you're seeing.
But as you're already using an int property, you would already get a conversion error when you enter non-digits. The conversion error message is by the way configureable by converterMessage attribute. So you don't need to use regex at all.
As to the concrete functional requirement, you seem to want to validate the min/max length. For that you should be using <f:validateLength> instead. Use this in combination with the maxlength attribute so that the enduser won't be able to enter more than 6 characters anyway.
<h:inputText value="#{bean.number}" maxlength="6">
<f:validateLength minimum="6" maximum="6" />
You can configure the validation error message by the validatorMessage by the way. So, all with all it could look like this:
<h:inputText value="#{bean.number}" maxlength="6"
converterMessage="Please enter digits only."
validatorMessage="Please enter 6 digits.">
<f:validateLength minimum="6" maximum="6" />
You can achieve this without regex also
To validate int values:
<h:form id="user-form">
<h:outputLabel for="name">Provide Amount to Withdraw </h:outputLabel><br/>
<h:inputText id="age" value="#{user.amount}" validatorMessage="You can Withdraw only between $100 and $5000">
<f:validateLongRange minimum="100" maximum="5000" />
<h:commandButton value="OK" action="response.xhtml"></h:commandButton>
To validate float values:
<h:form id="user-form">
<h:outputLabel for="amount">Enter Amount </h:outputLabel>
<h:inputText id="name-id" value="#{user.amount}" validatorMessage="Please enter amount between 1000.50 and 5000.99">
<f:validateDoubleRange minimum="1000.50" maximum="5000.99"/>
<h:commandButton value="Submit" action="response.xhtml"></h:commandButton>

How to make one field from two required at least with JSF/Primefaces

I'm using primefaces with jsf and i want to make one of two fields required at least. that means that the error message will be displayed if this two fields are empties togheter:
this is a sample of my code:
<h:outputLabel for="srcNumber" value="Originator MSISDN (EXAMPLE 32495959595)" />
<p:inputText id="srcNumber" value="#{cdrMmscRecBean.srcNumber}" label="srcNumber" />
<h:outputLabel for="destNumber" value="Destination MSISDN (EXAMPLE 32495959595)" />
<p:inputText id="destNumber" value="#{cdrMmscRecBean.destNumber} label="destNumber" />
thanks :)
You can implement it this way:
<p:inputText id="srcNumber" value="#{cdrMmscRecBean.srcNumber}" label="srcNumber"
required="#{empty cdrMmscRecBean.destNumber}" requiredMessage="SRC Number Required">
<p:ajax event="change" update="destNumber" />
<p:inputText id="destNumber" value="#{cdrMmscRecBean.destNumber}" label="destNumber"
required="#{empty cdrMmscRecBean.srcNumber}" requiredMessage="DEST Number Required">
<p:ajax event="change" update="srcNumber" />
For more reference on how to parametrize your validation message:
Parametrized Messages in JSF with Facelets Taglib Functions
If you want to show the validation error use <p:message for="srcNumber" />
and same for test number, get rid of your outputLabels, this will show the validations warnings.
You neeed to add the required="true" flag to your inputTexts as well.
This is primefaces
Purpose of the h:outputLabel and its "for" attribute this here shows the outputLabel for using non primefaces to show validatoin messages if this is all your problem was then u just need to add the required="true" validation flag indicators on your input texts

regex date validation on p:calendar

my calendar has readOnlyInput="false" , hence the user can enter wrong dates such as 13/13/2013.
is there a way to regexValidate my date in case the user prefers to type the date instead of using the datePicker popup ?
<p:calendar id="birthDate" size="22" locale="#{view.locale}"
maxdate="#{userCreationBean.maxDate}" navigator="true"
yearRange="c-100" readOnlyInput="false"
mindate="01/01/1900" pattern="dd/MM/yyyy"
style="left: 194px !important;"
The <f:validateRegex> validator works on String input values only, not on Date input values and is therefore insuitable for the purpose you had in mind.
Rather use the <f:convertDateTime> converter.
<p:calendar ...>
<f:convertDateTime pattern="dd/MM/yyyy" />
It's by default non-lenient and will thus throw a converter exception when an invalid date is entered. You can if necessary customize the converter message by converterMessage attribute on the input component.

validating and displaying decimal numbers in JSF 2.0

I wonder how to validate an inputText text field and see if it matchs a decimal format.
And also in the rendering time how to format that text field with a specific format
I've done this :
<rich:column id="soldes_comptables">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Solde Comptable" />
<h:inputText id="inputTextSC" value="#{file.soldes_comptables}"
validatorMessage="The number must be decimal eg: 000.00"
<f:convertNumber pattern="#,###,##0.00"/>
<f:validateRegex pattern="^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]{1,2})?$"></f:validateRegex>
<rich:validator />
<rich:message for="inputTextSC"/>
but it's not working as i want :(. please help me
You're mixing validation and conversion. The <f:validateRegex> applies only on String values, not on Number values, however, the <f:convertNumber> has already converted it from String to Number beforehand, so the <f:validateRegex> is rather useless to you. You should remove it and specify the message as converterMessage instead.
<h:inputText ... converterMessage="The number must be decimal eg: 000.00">
<f:convertNumber pattern="#,###,##0.00"/>
An alternative would be to create a custom converter extending NumberConverter and throw a ConverterException on improper input format based on some regex pattern matching.
See also:
validating decimals inputs in JSF
How validate number fields with validateRegex in a JSF-Page?
