Why is UITest.Maps filename null during UITestClass.Saving? - coded-ui-tests

I'm writing a coded ui package extension, and have it hooked up like this:
public override object GetService(Type serviceType)
if (!_initialized)
_initialized = true;
UITestClass.Saving += OnUiTestSave;
return null;
Then inside that method:
private void OnUiTestSave(object sender, UITestEventArgs e)
if (e.UITest != null && e.UITest.Maps != null && e.UITest.Maps.Count == 1)
foreach (TopLevelElement topLevelElement in e.UITest.Maps[0].TopLevelWindows)
LoopThroughAll(topLevelElement, topLevelElement.Id);
Notice in the above code e.UITest.Maps[0] actually exists and is totally valid, but I need to get the filename. The property exists but it's always null.
Is this a Microsoft bug?


Fusedlocationproviderclient method getcurrentlocation() is working fine for me but

I am using the above mention method like
mFusedLocationClient = LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient(context);
mFusedLocationClient.getCurrentLocation(LocationRequest.PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY,null).addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<Location>() {
public void onSuccess(Location location) {
if (location != null) {
userCurrentLatLng = new LatLng(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude());
in the cancellation token parameter i am passing null so is this going make any difference or i have to pass cancellation token in here. still i am getting the current location.
please suggest do i have to pass the parameter or null will be ok.
You can do like this,i have tried its working fine
object : CancellationToken() {
override fun isCancellationRequested(): Boolean {
return false
override fun onCanceledRequested(onTokenCanceledListener: OnTokenCanceledListener): CancellationToken {
return this
}).addOnSuccessListener { location: Location ->
//handle your location here

Overriding PXFilteredProcessingJoin and delegate for APPrintChecks

I have the same issue as the below link but with a different graph (APPrintChecks)
I am overriding the main view to pull in the remittance name from APContact to show in the grid.
public PXFilteredProcessingJoin<APPayment, PrintChecksFilter,
InnerJoin<Vendor, On<Vendor.bAccountID, Equal<APPayment.vendorID>>,
InnerJoin<APContact, On<APContact.contactID, Equal<APPayment.remitContactID>>>>,
Where<boolTrue, Equal<boolTrue>>,
OrderBy<Asc<Vendor.acctName, Asc<APPayment.refNbr>>>> APPaymentList;
However, I do not know how to override the delegate so I won't have the same problem as the other poster (no filter being applied).
protected virtual IEnumerable appaymentlist()
if (cleared)
foreach (APPayment doc in APPaymentList.Cache.Updated)
doc.Passed = false;
foreach (PXResult<APPayment, Vendor, PaymentMethod, CABatchDetail> doc in PXSelectJoin<APPayment,
InnerJoinSingleTable<Vendor, On<Vendor.bAccountID, Equal<APPayment.vendorID>>,
InnerJoin<PaymentMethod, On<PaymentMethod.paymentMethodID, Equal<APPayment.paymentMethodID>>,
LeftJoin<CABatchDetail, On<CABatchDetail.origModule, Equal<BatchModule.moduleAP>,
And<CABatchDetail.origDocType, Equal<APPayment.docType>,
And<CABatchDetail.origRefNbr, Equal<APPayment.refNbr>>>>>>>,
Where2<Where<APPayment.status, Equal<APDocStatus.pendingPrint>,
And<CABatchDetail.batchNbr, IsNull,
And<APPayment.cashAccountID, Equal<Current<PrintChecksFilter.payAccountID>>,
And<APPayment.paymentMethodID, Equal<Current<PrintChecksFilter.payTypeID>>,
And<Match<Vendor, Current<AccessInfo.userName>>>>>>>,
And<APPayment.docType, In3<APDocType.check, APDocType.prepayment, APDocType.quickCheck>>>>.Select(this))
yield return new PXResult<APPayment, Vendor>(doc, doc);
if (_copies.ContainsKey((APPayment)doc))
_copies.Add((APPayment)doc, PXCache<APPayment>.CreateCopy(doc));
There are other private variables that are referenced in this. Any help appreciated.
Also, if there's a simpler way to pull in a related value on a grid like this (virtual field in DAC?) I'm not stuck on doing it with a graph extension.
So this appears to work but it seems messy and duplicates a lot of code and private variables. Appreciate any feedback if there's a better way to do this:
public class APPrintChecks_Extension : PXGraphExtension<APPrintChecks> {
public PXFilteredProcessingJoin<APPayment, PrintChecksFilter,
InnerJoin<Vendor, On<Vendor.bAccountID, Equal<APPayment.vendorID>>,
InnerJoin<APContact, On<APContact.contactID, Equal<APPayment.remitContactID>>>>,
Where<boolTrue, Equal<boolTrue>>,
OrderBy<Asc<Vendor.acctName, Asc<APPayment.refNbr>>>> APPaymentList;
public IEnumerable appaymentlist()
if (cleared)
foreach (APPayment doc in APPaymentList.Cache.Updated)
doc.Passed = false;
foreach (PXResult<APPayment, Vendor, APContact, PaymentMethod, CABatchDetail> doc in PXSelectJoin<APPayment,
InnerJoinSingleTable<Vendor, On<Vendor.bAccountID, Equal<APPayment.vendorID>>,
InnerJoin<APContact, On<APContact.contactID, Equal<APPayment.remitContactID>>,
InnerJoin<PaymentMethod, On<PaymentMethod.paymentMethodID, Equal<APPayment.paymentMethodID>>,
LeftJoin<CABatchDetail, On<CABatchDetail.origModule, Equal<BatchModule.moduleAP>,
And<CABatchDetail.origDocType, Equal<APPayment.docType>,
And<CABatchDetail.origRefNbr, Equal<APPayment.refNbr>>>>>>>>,
Where2<Where<APPayment.status, Equal<APDocStatus.pendingPrint>,
And<CABatchDetail.batchNbr, IsNull,
And<APPayment.cashAccountID, Equal<Current<PrintChecksFilter.payAccountID>>,
And<APPayment.paymentMethodID, Equal<Current<PrintChecksFilter.payTypeID>>,
And<Match<Vendor, Current<AccessInfo.userName>>>>>>>,
And<APPayment.docType, In3<APDocType.check, APDocType.prepayment, APDocType.quickCheck>>>>.Select(Base))
yield return new PXResult<APPayment, Vendor, APContact>(doc, doc, doc);
if (_copies.ContainsKey((APPayment)doc))
_copies.Add((APPayment)doc, PXCache<APPayment>.CreateCopy(doc));
private bool cleared;
public void Clear()
Base.Filter.Current.CurySelTotal = 0m;
Base.Filter.Current.SelTotal = 0m;
Base.Filter.Current.SelCount = 0;
cleared = true;
private readonly Dictionary<object, object> _copies = new Dictionary<object, object>();
Per Rick's suggestion I implemented the FieldSelecting method. Much, much simpler/cleaner code. It does in fact cause a round trip to the database for each row when using this in a grid column, however, for check printing this should be acceptable. Thanks Rick! Code below.
protected void APPayment_UsrRemitTo_FieldSelecting(PXCache cache, PXFieldSelectingEventArgs e)
var row = (APPayment)e.Row;
// fill usrRemitTo from APContact
if (row != null)
var extension = PXCache<APRegister>.GetExtension<APRegisterExt>(row);
using (PXConnectionScope cs = new PXConnectionScope())
APContact rec = PXSelectReadonly<APContact, Where<APContact.contactID, Equal<Required<APPayment.remitContactID>>>>.Select(Base, row.RemitContactID);
if (rec != null)
string remitToName = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rec.FullName)) ? rec.FullName : "";
e.ReturnValue = remitToName;
e.ReturnValue = "";
Using DBScalar, you can further simplify your event with just one line :
public class APPaymentExt : PXCacheExtension<APPayment>
#region UsrRemitTo
[PXUIField(DisplayName="Remit To")]
[PXDBScalar(typeof(Search<APContact.fullName,Where<APContact.contactID, Equal<APPayment.remitContactID>>>))]
public virtual string UsrRemitTo { get; set; }
public abstract class usrRemitTo : PX.Data.BQL.BqlString.Field<usrRemitTo> { }

Update Project's attribute value from Different Page

I need help to update the value of Project's attribute from different page.
I have fetched the attribute value in 'Appointments' page using following code.
protected void FSAppointment_RowSelected(PXCache cache, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e, PXRowSelected InvokeBaseHandler)
if (InvokeBaseHandler != null)
InvokeBaseHandler(cache, e);
var row = (FSAppointment)e.Row;
AppointmentEntry graph = (AppointmentEntry)cache.Graph;
if (graph.ServiceOrderRelated.Current != null)
int? projectID = graph.ServiceOrderRelated.Current.ProjectID;
ProjectEntry projectGraph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<ProjectEntry>();
projectGraph.Project.Current = projectGraph.Project.Search<PMProject.contractID>(projectID);
foreach (CSAnswers att in projectGraph.Answers.Select())
if (att.AttributeID == "ESTHOURS")
cache.SetValueExt<FieldService.ServiceDispatch.FSAppointmentExt.usrProjectEstimatedRemainingHours>(row, att.Value);
And, now I want user to be able to update that particular attribute's value from 'Appointments' page.
For that, I had written following code by overriding the Persist method of 'Appointments' page.
public delegate void PersistDelegate();
public void Persist(PersistDelegate baseMethod)
if (Base.ServiceOrderRelated.Current != null)
using (PXTransactionScope scope = new PXTransactionScope())
int? projectID = Base.ServiceOrderRelated.Current.ProjectID;
ProjectEntry projectGraph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<ProjectEntry>();
var project = projectGraph.Project.Search<PMProject.contractID>(projectID);
var answers = projectGraph.Answers.Select();
foreach (CSAnswers att in answers)
if (att.AttributeID == "ESTHOURS")
att.Value = "20";
But still it is not updating the value.
The thing to realize is that the attribute system is different that the usual DAC->SQL system. CSAnswers is a unnormalized table of values for all the attributes. They are linked to a DAC document by RefNoteID. See select * from CSAnswers where AttributeID = 'ESTHOURS' In the code above you are altering every project's 'esthours'. You're also missing a statement where you tell the graph to update the cache with your altered object. Something like projectGraph.Answers.Update(att);

Changing GUID change program behaviour

I'm currently working on creating a namespace extension.
So I want to create an entry in Computer, and had explorer.exe calling my IShellFolder implementation.
I had it working for few minutes (I stupidly decided to clean up the code before commiting), so I'm somewhere near.
But I noticed something very strange: changing the GUID value of the Class change what I see in explorer.exe
I found that question which tells me I am not doing something bad
Here's the code:
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: Guid("007C5100-4251-47BE-8141-D2AD3F496E6A")]
[Guid("007C5101-4251-47BE-8141-D2AD3F496E6A"), ComVisible(true)]
public class RootFolder : IShellFolder, IShellFolder2, IPersistFolder, IPersistFolder2 {
private const String _mountPoint = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\MyComputer\\NameSpace\\{0}";
private const String _mountName = "CLSID\\{0}";
#region Shell Extension Registration
public static void Register(Type t)
Console.WriteLine("Registering {0}...", t.GUID);
try {
if (t.GUID == null)
throw new ArgumentException("CLSID must not be null");
using (RegistryKey key = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(String.Format(_mountPoint, t.GUID.ToString("B")))) {
key.SetValue(null, "RootFolder");
using (RegistryKey key = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(String.Format(_mountName, t.GUID.ToString("B")), true)) {
key.SetValue(null, "RootFolder");
using (RegistryKey shFolder = key.CreateSubKey("ShellFolder")) {
shFolder.SetValue("Attributes", 0x78000040);
shFolder.SetValue("WantsFORPARSING", "");
using (RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(#"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved")) {
key.SetValue(t.GUID.ToString("B"), "RootFolder");
IntPtr pidl = NativeMethod.SHGetKnownFolderIDList(KnownFolder.ComputerFolder.clsid, 0, IntPtr.Zero);
NativeMethod.SHChangeNotify(NativeMethod.FSNotification.UpdateDir, NativeMethod.ItemMeaning.IDList, pidl, IntPtr.Zero);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.Write(Logger.Severity.Fatal, "Registration error: {0}", ex.Message);
throw; // Re-throw the exception
public static void Unregister(Type t)
try {
if (t.GUID == null)
throw new ArgumentException("CLSID must not be null");
Registry.CurrentUser.DeleteSubKey(String.Format(_mountPoint, t.GUID.ToString("B")), false);
using (RegistryKey k = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(String.Format(_mountName, t.GUID.ToString("B")), true)) {
if (k != null)
using (RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(#"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved")) {
if (key != null)
key.DeleteValue(t.GUID.ToString("B"), false);
IntPtr pidl = NativeMethod.SHGetKnownFolderIDList(KnownFolder.ComputerFolder.clsid, 0, IntPtr.Zero);
NativeMethod.SHChangeNotify(NativeMethod.FSNotification.UpdateDir, NativeMethod.ItemMeaning.IDList, pidl, IntPtr.Zero);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.Write(Logger.Severity.Critical, "Registration error: {0}", ex.Message);
throw; // Re-throw the exception
#region IShellFolder2 Inheritance
[All the methods looks like that, this is just a test]
public IEnumIDList EnumObjects(IntPtr hwndOwner, EnumObject flags)
throw new NotImplementedException();
#region IPersistFolder2 Inheritance
I use the range 007C5{100...120}-4251-47BE-8141-D2AD3F496E6A for my GUIDs
When my extension has GUID 007C5101, it just shows "RootFolder" without any attributes.
When it has 007C5100 (same as assembly), or 007C5102, or 007C5103, it is shown as "System Folder" (even though it doesnt call my DLL).
I'm a little puzzled by this behaviour, how in the world can changing a GUID lead to this change ?
Note: I ran a search through the registry for 4251-47BE-8141-D2AD3F496E6A (the immutable part of my GUID), and couldn't find anything after unregistration.

How can I get a filter to work with an Event Calendar webpart?

I've created a custom event document that extends the fields of the normal event document. I've added a field that can keep 0 to many category Ids in a pipe delimited list. Categories are stored in a custom table.
Here is my filter code:
public partial class CMSGlobalFiles_EventCategoryFilter : CMSAbstractDataFilterControl
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
if (RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
private void SetupControl()
if (this.StopProcessing)
this.Visible = false;
else if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
private void InitializeCategory()
CustomTableItemProvider customTableProvider = ne CustomTableItemProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser);
string where = "";
string tableName = "customtable.EventCategory";
DataClassInfo customTable = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClass(tableName);
if (customTable != null)
DataSet dataSet = customTableProvider.GetItems(tableName, where, null);
if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(dataSet))
this.drpCategory.DataSource = dataSet;
this.drpCategory.DataTextField = "CategoryName";
this.drpCategory.DataValueField = "ItemGUID";
this.drpCategory.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("(all)", "##ALL##"));
private void setFilter()
string where = null;
if (this.drpCategory.SelectedValue != null)
Guid itemGUID = ValidationHelper.GetGuid(this.drpCategory.SelectedValue, Guid.Empty );
if (itemGUID != Guid.Empty)
where = "EventCategory LIKE \'%" + itemGUID.ToString() + "%\'";
if (where != null)
this.WhereCondition = where;
This filter works great using a basic repeater and a document data source. When I use the event calendar it does not. I'm using Kentico version 6.0.30
The problem is in the different lifecycle of the EventCalendar, based on the CMSCalendar control which is based on standard .Net Calendar.
First of all, our developers discovered a way to fix this and allow your scenario to run by default. This fix will be included in the 6.0.33 hotfix (scheduled to go out on Friday 25th).
I'm sorry for this inconvenience.
Aside from this upcoming fix, it's also possible to make the EventCalendar to filter its results by modifying (cloning) the web part, integrating the filter controls directly into that web part and set the calendar's Where condition in the OnPreRender before the DataBind as
protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
calItems.WhereCondition = "some filtering condition";
If you can hotfix your CMS instance, it would be certainly less effort.
Zdenek / Kentico Support
