Web deployment task failed (vs2013) - azure

I successfully deployed 'my project 22' from visual studios 2013 express to microsoft Azure.
It was working fine for about 30 mins.... but now it is giving me an error when loading the projects url http://myproject22.azurewebsites.net/ in browser.
Error 403 - This web app is stopped.
The web app you have attempted to reach is currently stopped and does not accept any requests. Please try to reload the page or visit it again soon.
If you are the Administrator of this web app, please visit the Azure Portal to check why the app is stopped.
When i try to publish the solution i get this error
Web deployment task failed. (Could not connect to the remote computer ("myproject.scm.azurewebsites.net") using the specified process ("Web Management Service") because the server did not respond. Make sure that the process ("Web Management Service") is started on the remote computer. Learn more at: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=221672#ERROR_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_TO_REMOTESVC.)
I have tried downloading published profile in azure, putting the file in vs folder publish profiles.
And publishing the project again.
I've noticed in the publish web window validate connection yields failed and once clicked yields the same error
But it has not resolved the issue.
Anyone any ideas what may be causing the error?


Share point site configurations issue while using port other than 80

I am using SharePoint 2019 on premise and hosting our .net application into it.
I created a site in share point using port 80 and i can deploy my application into it with no problem.
while creating multiple site to host the same application system is not allowing to host application other than 80
error occurred in deployment step recycle IIS application pool the local sharepoint server is not available.Check the server is running and connected to the sahre point farm
Please try to do some troubleshooting:
Clear the visual studio's cache.
Open VS as Administrator.
IIS reset executed before every deploy.
Use the account has full control and is the primary site collection administrator.
Restart the server.
Similar issue for reference: Getting Error occurred in deployment step 'Recycle IIS Application Pool': A task was canceled when deploying custom action to Sharepoint

Web deployment task failed - Issue when connecting to remote server from local machine

I was trying to publish a web application to remote server (amazon windows server 2012) using Visual Studio 2012. Following is the error I am getting.
Web deployment task failed. (Could not connect to the remote computer ("amazon-server-name"). On the remote computer, make sure that Web Deploy is installed and that the required process ("Web Management Service") is started.
I did go through several articles mentioning this issue. Also both the web management service and web deployment agent service is running on remote machine. Also in IIS’s management service part I did enable the remote connection. When try to deploy a website from server machine itself, it’s working. But from my local machine to windows server it’s showing error like cannot connect to remote server. Anyone has any clue on how to solve this issue?
Note: Microsoft Web Deploy tool 3.5 is running on both server and the local machine.
Looking forward.
What happens when you try just using FTP in Visual Studio? You mentioned "web project", I know some Visual Studio things are iffy with connecting to web servers. Just try a simple FTP into the server, then you should be able to save/test/deploy projects and files that way.
If you're still having problems, there's just an unlimited amount of problems that could cause this (hence why I don't work on Windows servers anymore). Could be ports, firewalls, security settings, folder permissions, user privileges, any combination of things. Good luck.

Web Deploy unable to validate connection

I am trying to learn how to setup Web Deploy functionality on both sides Server and host/client computer. Created a Windows Server 2012 Web Server in Hyper-V and able to access default web page in host/client computer. On server installed Web Maintenance Service, Web Deploy 3.5 and performed all the required steps e.g. "Configure Web Deploy Publishing" and added Administrator to IIS Manager Permission for the website in IIS. I disabled Firewall totally to make it work for the first time.
On client computer I created a dummy MVC Application in Visual Studio and trying to create publish profile for this app. As soon as I hit the Validate Connection I got the option to receive and save the security certificate from server but after that in gives me following warning (snapshot):
Tried doing all the steps all over but no luck.
I am open to all feedback. Thanks in advance.
Found the solution. Instead of adding publish information manually, I am suppose to use publishsetting file generated in server through "Configure Web Deploy Publishing" feature of IIS. Server address ends with file name which ends with .axd

Azure Error 403 this site is stopped

I have a asp.net mvc5 site running off a azure website, its running off a D1 shared infrastructure.
In the last couple of days I've had a few issues when deploying to it. Its at times been unable to deploy. (i've hashed out my site name)
Error 26 Web deployment task failed. (Could not connect to the remote
computer ("#####.scm.azurewebsites.net") using the specified process
("Web Management Service") because the server did not respond. Make
sure that the process ("Web Management Service") is started on the
remote computer. Learn more at:
And now when I deploy I'm getting
Error 403 - This web app is stopped.
. When I look in the azure portal it says the site is running and I cannot see anything in the ftp logfiles\http\rawlogs\ which would indicate this issue. i.e. I can just see 200 responses from then the site was last responding.
Restarting the site via the portal doesnt seem to make a difference.
How can i diagnose the cause of this problem? and is it possible that it could be related to any changes i have made to my application rather than a server infrastructure issue?
You may be running into Quota issues if your site is in SHARED mode. Please try upgrading to STANDARD mode.
Here is a screen shot:
I was having the same problem. Our site wasn't in shared mode and scaling up/down to another service plan helped for a moment but the problem quickly recurred.
Turned out the staging environment was bad.
To fix the problem, I had to swap, delete the staging slot, and then wait ~30 minutes before I could recreate it (got errors saying the hostname still existed).
I also had the same deployment problem from Azure Devops and the site wasn't in shared mode.
Failed to deploy web package to App Service.
More Information: Could not connect to the remote computer ("######.scm.azurewebsites.net") using the specified process ("Web Management Service") because the server did not respond. Make sure that the process ("Web Management Service") is started on the remote computer. Learn more at: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=221672#ERROR_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_TO_REMOTESVC.
Error: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
Error count: 1.
Error: C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe failed with return code: 4294967295
I wasn't able to get to the Kudu site (######.scm.azurewebsites.net) from my local machine but I was able to from a JumpBox VM in our Azure subscription.
After inspecting the settings at resources.azure.com I noticed that under the "web" settings:
The "scmIpSecurityRestrictionsUseMain" value was set to "true". I set it back to "false" and was able to deploy and view Kudu locally again.

Web deployment task failed. The maximum number of connections for this site has been exceeded. Azure

I am get error below on publish to azure using web deploy profile i downloaded from azure website
Web deployment task failed. (The maximum number of connections for this site has been exceeded. Learn more at: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=221672#ERROR_EXCEEDED_MAX_SITE_CONNECTIONS.)
I am using visual studio 2012
I was having the same issue but after restarting management service it worked for me.
Here are the steps:
Go to your windows server where IIS Server configured.
Control Panel => System and Security => Administrative Tools => Services.
In the Services. Restart Web Deployment Agent Service and Web Management Service
Give a try now to web deploy.
This may occur if you are connecting to the internet via a 3G dongle or card.
I have the same error and earlier in my warnings was "Retrying the sync because a socket error (10054) occurred" I'm stuck on a 3G connection today and getting this for the 1st time so presume these are related.
I know that it's been a long time ago, but I was struggling with the same issue lately. For me, it helped to restart the Web Management Service.
It might hang in Stopping status - if so, you can forcibly kill it:
First, open cmd with elevated privileges, and use sc queryex wmsvc command to find out the PID of the service.
Then, use taskkill /PID [the pid] /F command to kill the process. After that, you just start it again with services.msc
Hope it'll help :)
I had a similar problem trying to publish a WebSite on Azure. I solved it by restarting the website from azure management. If you're deploying to IIS, I suggest to try a restart or a stop and start for your website and try publishing again.
