How to get access for ApplicationpoolIdentity on particular folder - iis

My deployed application is creating file on a shared location.
To get it work and allow applicaiton to write file on shared location, I have set applicaiton pool as domain\user account.
Please guide me how should i get it working using applicationpoolidentity account too ?

Versions of IIS 7.5 and later create a virtual app pool user account running under the umbrella of ApplicationPoolIdentity. This will be unique to that app pool and therefore won't be the same account as on another server.
You'll need to have the same specific local user account or domain user account set as having permissions against both the shared folder and the app pool.


Issues in IIS Manager

I am using IIS Manager in window 10,
I need to host my ASP .NET web Form project in iis and access from other devices in same network.
i add new website and provide physical path.
the ip access from the computer but cannot able to access from other device in same network.
It Shows:
While Authentication file.
The server is configured to use pass-through authentication with a built-in account to access the specified physical path. However, IIS Manager cannot verify whether the built-in account has access. Make sure that the application pool identity has Read access to the physical path. If this server is joined to a domain, and the application pool identity is NetworkService or LocalSystem, verify that \$ has Read access to the physical path. Then test these settings again.
As far as I know, this is IIS warning when you click test in the binding window.
By default, IIS will use identity to access the protected files.With psasthrough
authentication like impersonation, IIS will attempt to use the actual identity of the user when accessing protected resources.
If user doesn't auth, it will use application pool identity to access the resources.
In my opinion, it is just a warning not a error.

Accessing a file on the server from my web application

In my web application I am trying to retrieve images from a shared network folder. When I put this website live in IIS, I am getting an error that "Access to the path is denied" when I try to access the network folder. What is considered the user that IIS uses, and how would I grant permissions to the network folder?
Thank you.
The issue is because your application pool identity or the user that IIS is using to run the worker process does not have permissions on the network path.
You may want to grant this user permission on the network path. However, if you are using IIS AppPoolIdentity that is not possible as they are built-in account per machine. As is the same with any buit-in account.
I would advice you to use a network account and give that account appropriate permissions on both IIS and the network share.
You may have to add this user to the IUSR group.

Why a new windows user profile is created when I create an Application Pool in IIS

I was recently cleaning up my file system and observed that there were few users, which I never created directly, in the c:\users* directory. This is supposed to have all those users which was created/logged in on local machines. I observed that these usernames are same as the name of Application Pools I have created in the IIS.
To confirm I created a new Application Pool in IIS and then observed this directory. Still it was not there. Later I created a new web site, assigned this application pool and accessed that website from browser, and then I see a new user profile with the name of the new application pool.
Question is - Why does it create a user profile for every IIS Application Pool? Is it absolutely necessary to have, and can it be configured for not creating? Will there be any downside? I do not remember to have seen this in earlier IIS i.e. 6.0.
My environment - Windows 7 64 Bit, IIS 7.5
I tried to google, but most links tell me how to configure User/Identity with app pool and stuff, but nothing specific about these questions.
This behaviour is because of the new security model starting with IIS 7.
Application Pool Identities started with IIS 7
Application Pool Identities allow you to run Application Pools under a unique account without having to create and manage domain or local accounts. The name of the Application Pool account corresponds to the name of the Application Pool.
- Application Pool Identities (2009)
The main reason is security, each application pool is isolated from each other.
LoadUserProfile=true Creates the User Profile Folder
From experimenting on my machine I believe this setting is responsible for the folders being created.
Having LoadUserProfile set to true means that IIS will load the user profile for the application pool identity. This happens when the application is actually spun up, you can test this by creating a new app pool and if the setting is false, no new folders should be created under C:\Users when you hit the web site for the first time.
- IIS Documentation
According to the documentation LoadUserProfile should be false by default, although I have noticed that on Win 7 machines it might be set to true instead. You can change this default via the IIS gui:

IIS 7.5 - How To Grant Read/Write Access For A non-local Share To Application Pool

Everything I've found via search on this talks about Read/Write for local drives only (typically C) and what I am having trouble with is getting the same Read/Write access for an application pool to a non-local drive, specifically a share on the file server.
We've set the Application pool to run the anonymous user under a domain account that we have explicitly verified has full control of the file share and yet the web app that use the application pool is unable to access this non-local share. It can however access a local copy of the shared folder if we copy the folder from the file server to the local drive.
This is a third party app and we'eve followed all the instructions from the vendor and so far this is unresolved. Their support is looking at this but I don't believe they have any idea on what's wrong. This same web app works fine with the same file server share when the web app is running under IIS6 on another sever so its something with IIS7.5. I figure its got to be something particular to IIS7.5 that is not in IIS6 that is the key.
FYI - The application pool is already set to classic mode.
I think that you will have to see the permission that you have. In iss7.5 you have the aplication pool running with an account, It can be a ApplicationpoolIdnetity, or a real one. if you want to access the share the application pool identity has to have rights to do so, or you can impersonate a user and then use the permission that user has to copy to the shared folder, i prefere to use the impersonate, only when is necessary i do the impersonate and do whatever i most do.

Local site within Dropbox using IIS

I am trying to have my local website within dropbox using IIS. When I add the dropbox directory I get the error: The server is configured to use pass-through authentication with a built-in account to access the specified physical path. However, IIS Manager cannot verify whether the built-in account has access. Make sure that the application pool identity has Read access to the physical path. If this server is joined to a domain, and the application pool identity is NetworkService or LocalSystem, verify that \$ has Read access to the physical path.
I am admin and have allowed all access to the dropbox folder. What is wrong?
You should add IIS user account to the list of users who are allowed to view/read the files. IIS usually runs via separate user account for security reasons.
This is done the following way:
Right-click on your site folder in Dropbox
Select "Security"
Click "Add"
Find IUSR user and/or IIS_IUSRS group
Add them both (or one, if only one is present) and assign them read permissions
Try adding your site folder again.
This should fix the issue.
