Making jslink target specific list - sharepoint

I got a page where I’m showing two list views from two separate lists which both have Custom List as their ListTemplate. They got their separate jslink file cause I don’t want them to look alike.
The js link file targets both listviews since they use the same Template.
(function () {
var listContext = {};
listContext.Templates = {};
listContext.ListTemplateType = 100;
listContext.Templates.Header = "<div><ul>";
listContext.Templates.Footer = "</ul></div>";
listContext.Templates.Item = LinkTemplate;
Is there any way to make the js only target a specific list?

Ended up going with Paul Hunts solution that he writes about on
The script ended up looking like this and I pasted it into the jslink function where I define what listContext to override.
// Override the RenderListView once the ClientTemplates.JS has been called
// Copy and override the existing RenderListView
var oldRenderListView = RenderListView;
RenderListView = function(ctx,webPartID)
// Check the title and set the BaseViewId
if (ctx.ListTitle == "List")
ctx.BaseViewID = "list";
//now call the original RenderListView


How to override template file item-list.html.twig for field_slider_images in Drupal 8?

I want to override the item listing template file core/themes/classy/templates/dataset/item-list.html.twig for listing the fields field_slider_images as well as field_blog_tags respectively of their's multiple values of the field.
I have selected "Unordered List" in the view.
Please do check the attached image.
I have created following files :
But, this is not rendered for the listing of the fields.
When I have created item-list.html.twig then only it will access.
However, both fields have different data to style and I am not able to get the current field name which is loading it's data in item-list.html.twig.
Had a brief look at this and it doesn't seem that 'item-list' to have suggestions, which is quite unfortunate.
In this situation there are two options:
Create your own suggestion which would accomplish exactly what you need.
You'll have to do something like this:
/*add new variable to theme with suggestion name*/
function hook_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) {
$theme_registry['item_list']['variables']['suggestion'] = '';
//send a value to newly added variable to use it build the suggestion
function hook_ENTITY_TYPE_view(array &$build, $entity, $display, $view_mode) {
//add condition here if field exists or whatever, do the same for other field
$build['field_slider_images']['#suggestion'] = 'field_slider_images';
//use newly added variable to build suggestion
function hook_theme_suggestions_THEME_HOOK(array $variables) {//THEME_HOOK=item_list
$suggestions = array();
$suggestions[] = 'item_list__' . $variables['suggestion'];
return $suggestions;
Now you should be able to use item-list--field-slider-images.html.twig
Second option is to do what others in core did: use a new theme
function hook_ENTITY_TYPE_view(array &$build, $entity, $display, $view_mode) {
//add condition here if field exists or whatever, do the same for other field
$build['field_slider_images']['#theme'] = array(

How to add an absolute element in a NativeScript page

I want to be able to just place a View component (plugin) into the page through code and have it appear at some X\Y on the page... but I'm a bit stumped.
Any attempt to add via page.content kinda adds it to the layout\render pass so it occupies space.
So this would get injected into "any" page at "any" time, I have no control over the markup this would be used in (know what I mean?) There is no XML for it and unfortunately the answer can't just be wrap everything in an AbsoluteLayout because one can't mandate that on users apps\layouts.
Thoughts, even possible?
Basically the simplest way to do this is to dynamically and be fully cross platform compatible is to create a AbsoluteLayout item in your JavaScript code, and dynamically insert your item and the AL into the page container.
Code would be something like this:
var AbsoluteLayout = require('ui/layouts/absolute-layout').AbsoluteLayout;
var myAL = new AbsoluteLayout();
var myItem = new myPluginItem();
// Set you left, right, top, bottom coords. = x;
// Add our item to the AbsoluteItem
var frame = require('ui/frame');
var page = frame.topmost().currentPage;
var LayoutBase = require('ui/layouts/layout-base').LayoutBase;
page._eachChildView(function(view) {
if (view instanceof LayoutBase) {
return false;
return true;
However, if you don't want to do this the really simple way; the only other way is to actually go a bit lower level. You can natively access the iOS view controller (page._ios.view) and the android view (page._nativeView), and then manually add it to the view by using things like addView ( or addSubview (
I would like to add you can set the Top and Left properties in TypeScript by importing AbsoluteLayout like so
import {AbsoluteLayout} from 'ui/layouts/absolute-layout';
and then using the exposed functions setLeft or setTop
AbsoluteLayout.setLeft(YourItem, LeftValue);
AbsoluteLayout.setTop(YourItem, TopValue);

Adding section icons and changing background color in dynamics CRM

I need to give an icon to each section in my entities. For example, I need to give an icon to General information, another one for interactions section.
Is there an idea about how could I do that? and how can I make a background color for each section please?
Thanks in advance,
There is no way to assign icons to sections. The best you could do would be to add a web resource to each of your sections and have them link to an image, but it doesn't really sound like that's what you're going for.
There are no supported ways to modify the form background color. If you don't care about remaining supported, though, you can use jQuery to do it. Put this function into your form script:
function changeSectionBackgroundColor(sectionId, color) {
parent.$("[name='"+sectionId+"']").css({"background-color": color});
and use it like this:
changeSectionBackgroundColor("General_Section_2", "red");
changeSectionBackgroundColor("General_Section_2", "#ababab");
You could try to do something like this to insert the Section images:
var stackoverflow = (function (Xrm)
var sectionBarClassName = '.ms-crm-Form-SectionBar'; // name of the CSS class given to the Section's Label's <td> element
function GetSection(tabName, sectionName)
var parentTab = Xrm.Page.ui.tabs.getByName(tabName); // get the tab
var section = parentTab.sections.getByName(sectionName); // get the section
return section;
function AddSectionImage(tabName, sectionName, imageUrl)
var section = GetSection(tabName, sectionName); // retrieve section using Xrm
var elSection = document.querySelector('table[name=' + section.getKey() + ']');
var elSectionHeader = elSection.querySelector('tr:first-child');
var elTitles = elSection.querySelectorAll(sectionBarClassName);
if (elTitles.length === 1) // we can assume that this section has a title
var elImg = document.createElement('img');
elImg.src = imageUrl;
elTitles[0].insertBefore(elImg, elTitles[0].firstChild);
return {
AddSectionImage : AddSectionImage
You then call this code and pass in the Name (not label) of the tab and section as well as the relative URL of the image you want displayed. Like so:
stackoverflow.AddSectionImage('tab_5', 'tab_5_section_1', '/imgs/Cancel_16.png');
I've only tested this code in CRM 2016 (online). And the image is a bit rough. You'll need to take care of the styling (inline) and the size yourself.
This is of course, unsupported by Microsoft :)

How to set different page size for first page in Orchard CMS

We got the need to display a blog posts page that display X posts - first post is displayed as a header and the rest are in 2 columns. The page has a show more button at the bottom that fetches the next page posts using ajax and adding them at the bottom.
Is it possible to get X+1 items for the subsequent pages?
Any hint, even in code are welcome since we use a sourced version of orchard installation.
So before cluttering the comments above this is my proposed solution.
I think there was a slight misunderstanding about changing the controller action which I'd like to clarify (I hope I understood everything correctly now):
Orchard.Blogs | BlogController | Item Action
public ActionResult Item(int blogId, PagerParameters pagerParameters) {
// This is all original code
Pager pager = new Pager(_siteService.GetSiteSettings(), pagerParameters);
var blogPart = _blogService.Get(blogId, VersionOptions.Published).As<BlogPart>();
if (blogPart == null)
return HttpNotFound();
if (!_services.Authorizer.Authorize(Orchard.Core.Contents.Permissions.ViewContent, blogPart, T("Cannot view content"))) {
return new HttpUnauthorizedResult();
// This is the actual change:
// Use the pagerParameters provided, otherwise fall back to the blog settings
pager.PageSize = pagerParameters.PageSize.HasValue ? pager.PageSize : blogPart.PostsPerPage;
// This is all original code again
_feedManager.Register(blogPart, _services.ContentManager.GetItemMetadata(blogPart).DisplayText);
var blogPosts = _blogPostService.Get(blogPart, pager.GetStartIndex(), pager.PageSize) // Your new page size will be used
.Select(b => _services.ContentManager.BuildDisplay(b, "Summary"));
dynamic blog = _services.ContentManager.BuildDisplay(blogPart);
var list = Shape.List();
blog.Content.Add(Shape.Parts_Blogs_BlogPost_List(ContentItems: list), "5");
var totalItemCount = _blogPostService.PostCount(blogPart);
blog.Content.Add(Shape.Pager(pager).TotalItemCount(totalItemCount), "Content:after");
return new ShapeResult(this, blog);
So the change is very subtle, but this way I would configure the blogs default pageSize to 7 items and for every subsequent Ajax-Request I'd provide a "pageSize"-Parameter with the desired size.

Using FindView in Orchard

I'm trying to use:
var viewEngineResult = ViewEngines.Engines.FindView(ControllerContext, myViewName, null);
as part of a process to render the contents of a view to send nice formatted emails. I'm using it inside an Orchard Controller. I have used similar code outside of Orchard in an MVC project and it works fine.
However in Orchard running this code fails to find the view I'm looking for and returns a view engine result that has searched 0 locations.
viewEngineResult has the following values after it is called:
SearchedLocations: Count = 0,
View: null,
ViewEngine: null
Is there a reason this doesn't work in Orchard and is there a way to make it work?
This answer is based on the advise given me by Bertrand, but I wanted to bring it together with what I'd discovered.
To be able to use FindPartialView I needed to inject an instance of IViewEngineProvider into my controller.
I then used the following code to resolve and render a view:
private String RenderView(String viewName, object model)
var paths = new List<string>(); // This can just be an empty list and it still finds it.
var viewEngine = _viewEngineProvider.CreateModulesViewEngine(new CreateModulesViewEngineParams {VirtualPaths = paths});
var viewResult = viewEngine.FindPartialView(ControllerContext, viewName, false);
if (viewResult.View == null) {
throw new Exception("Couldn't find view " + viewName);
var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary {Model = model};
using (var sw = new StringWriter())
var viewContext = new ViewContext(ControllerContext, viewResult.View, viewData, TempData, sw);
viewResult.View.Render(viewContext, sw);
return sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString();
I think you'll want to take a close look at Orchard.Framework/Mvc/ViewEngines, in particular IViewEngineProvider and ThemeAwareViewEngine. There's a lot more going on when in Orchard, such as themes, multi-tenancy, and a richer environment in general that may be needed to make this work.
What's likely happening here is that the view engines don't have enough information to resolve a view and thus opt out of the chain. You might want to put a breakpoint into ThemeAwareViewEngine.FindView, and then inspect the private dependency fields of that class. I wouldn't be surprised if they were null, because getting to FindView through statics will probably not allow dependency injection to do its stuff properly.
Then again I'm just guessing.
