domain poiting to website - dns

I have a a website on my server on a subdomain. let's say at this adress:
I mapped a freshly bought domain ( to my server. So now resolves with the IP of my server.
And displays the website located at
When I start browsing in the pages of the website, the adress displayed changes back to
I would like to keep it with the domain name:
How can I do that ?
Do I have to create a CName on the DNS zone ?
Thanks in advance !

DNS is not what's changing the address in your browser, it is likely your web code or web server config. My suspicion is that your site is configured to be "", so links inside the site are pointed at "", which is why the visible URL changes. is resolving to the same IP address as your previous name, so your web browser is taking you to the same content. Unless you have virtual hosts configured so that the server pays attention to the headers, it will simply serve out the content to the request that lands on it's IP:port.
Virtual host examples


How does my local HOSTS file resolve but IP will not

I'm in the process of launching a new website. I migrated all the code to the new server. The admin at the new host told me that I have to add an entry to my hosts file and then I will be able to see the website. So essentially he had me add:
These are example, but after doing this, it worked. My question is, is how? If I visit the IP directly in my browser I get a 403 Forbidden error. Does the host have a way to resolve this IP to a location on their server if resolved from a domain name? I'm just confused as to how this works. I understand that by changing the IP address I can get the domain name to resolve to any IP, but I'm wondering why, on the hosts end, does this now resolve this way, but not by typing in the IP directly.
Does the host have a way to resolve this IP to a location on their
server if resolved from a domain name?
Not exactly. Your browser, when sending the request to the IP address, will send one important piece of information called 'Host header', that is the actual host name as you typed in your browser.
You usually can not open the website just by entering the IP address in your browser's address bar because web servers (and possibly many other network components that are between you and the web server) often do not host only one web site on that IP address so they rely on exact domain name typed in address bar to serve the right content.
You can test this by using one of the browser add-ons that allow you to add your own headers. Add header named 'Host' with the value '' and with that try to open your site by typing only provided IP address.

Cloudflare 'direct' subdomain shows main site on IP address

At the moment I'm hosting several websites under the same IP address, all running perfectly fine. Now I've added Cloudflare in front of them and for all websites, the subdomain direct., points to the main website's main page.
Example setup of domain, if IP is → Master Domain website → Master Domain website → Master Domain website
I've tried adding an alias to the website in question, but no success.
Is there an error in my setup of domains or should i change something on the Cloudflare side?
It is only going to work against the root domain that is on us (, if what I'm reading this correctly. That's what the A record is pointing to & what direct is working against (my assumption is the other sites are not on us individually).

How to do a no-DNS site preview, when a wildcard redirect is in place

I'm looking to figure out how to replicate the functionality of GoDaddy's PreviewDNS when I'm moving a site to my own web host based in cpanel.
My setup is this: I have a wordpress multiuser site setup with a subdomain install, and a wildcard redirect.
I can't figure out how I can preview the website for an account before the DNS is switched over to my host from the old host.
I've been able to sorta do this by creating an A record of a subdomain over to my host, but I still have the issue of not being able to test the actual files instead of a copy in a subdomain.
I have two IP addresses attached to the server, one to the server itself and all the shared domains, and the other dedicated to the WP multisite.
When I go to http://ipaddress/~username/, I either get an error, or get redirected to the wordpress multisite's default "this site doesn't exist, sign up now to create it" page. I've tried this with both IP addresses with no avail.
Any ideas?
I think what you're trying to do is ensure that everything is working on the new server before having the DNS globally changed for all users? You could change your local computers hosts file to point the domain (and any subdomains you wish to test) over to the new dedicated IP address, which is essentially moving the DNS over for just yourself.
Here's a pretty good guide on how to do it:

How do I redirect to a shared virtual hosted site in the hosts file?

I want to change my hosts file to redirect a web address to my site...
normally I would just do... ping then in the hosts file, if the IP came out as, I'd write...
But in this case my site is on virtual shared hosting... which means the IP I get back from the ping is the same as a few other sites and if I type that IP in the address bar, won't come up. Here's a bit more details: someone who asked a question about why pinging it wouldn't give the correct IP.
So what I would like to know is... if you're on virtual shared hosting, how can you specify redirects to your site in the hosts file?
You cannot. With the hosts file you can change the IP address, but your shared hosting provider needs the HTTP Host header to be set up correctly -- which in your case will still be and not . Your hosting provider will therefor not know who's site to show.
What you could do is redirect to some host you control (f.i. localhost) and run a proxy server there. If you set up Apache on your machine, with a virtual host for which does a reverse proxy to , it should work.
This is handled via the host header of the website, and not anything on your local machine, like your hosts file.
I would make sure your host has that set up, then as long as people visit your sit via the website name, and not IP, everything should work.
On a shared host, the website you get is determined by the domain name you ask for thanks to the Host HTTP header. For this to work properly the web server needs to be configured correctly so it knows what website to serve in response to which Host request - this is usually called 'Add-on Domains' on CPanel driven shared hosting.

How to redirect different sub domain requests to different servers

Under my domain, one of the subdomain must be directed to one server that hosts the relevant applications, and the rest must be directed to another server that hosts the relavant applications.
So, any requests to the url\* must be directed to one server, and any requests to the url\* must be directed to another server.
The issue now is how to configure the Apache configuration on both servers-- maybe using configuration like ProxyPass or ProxyPassReverse so that they all the incoming requests can be directed correctly at the correct server?
Edit to make the question clearer.
The place to link an url to an IP (server) is the DNS.
For example if server A is at and server B at you link to and to
But if both servers are behind a firewall (with a single external IP address) you have to perform some tricks. (And you are probably looking for these tricks).
Have a look at An Introduction to Redirecting URLs on an Apache Server.
I've done the same thing for my workplace (a University). Our primary website it hosted elsewhere but part of the site (student registration system) is hosted onsite.
What I did was to create a Authoritative (A) DNS Record ( and made it point to the IP of our onsite server. And that did the trick!!!
Here's a screenshot of the same from my domain CP (domain and IP masked for obvious reasons)...
alt text
It's essentially the same as what you're trying to do. Give it a shot and see :)
In the DNS records/manager for the parent domain of the intended subdomain:
point the subdomain name at the to-be host servers IP address, then ...
... Then ...
In the host server DNS and or server-software config: direct the subdomain to the website app. You can achieve this by one of: -
manually edit the DNS records,
park the subdomain and point it at the website document root folder, or
add the domain and subdomain (domain will never be used since its not pointed at applicable server). Point them both at the document root for your now subdomained (if there is such a word) website app
