What is the equivalent of Ansible's delegate_to in Puppet - puppet

When using the Ansible provisioner, the delegate_to: ip_address can be used to execute actions on the machine that originally invoked ansible (the host) instead of the guest.
When using Puppet, what would be a similar equivelent?

Functions in a manifest are executed on the puppet master (if using agent). Resources are evaluated by the agent on the node. Note that this happens in stages, so functions are all called when the manifest is compiled and resources happen later after the compiled catalog is sent to the agent. Catalog caching can also prevent functions from being called on ever invocation of the puppet master.

Puppet implements a client / server paradigm (agent / master in Puppet jargon). I'm not sure whether that maps cleanly to Ansible's guest / host.
Nevertheless, Puppet DSL functions run on the master during catalog building. You can write custom DSL functions relatively easily, and you can run arbitrary commands (within the capabilities of the relevant user) via the built-in generate() function.
Additionally, if the master manages itself (which is common) then you can use exported resources to cause resources to be defined during building of any node's catalog that can later be collected and applied to the master.
Puppet does not provide any means, however, to cause code to run on the master as part of the process of the agent applying a catalog to a different node.


Bolt plan in puppet dsl

We have heavily invested in writing puppet modules. Now we have a requirement to use puppet in agent less mode in one of our environment for that we are planing using puppet bolt.
My question is if we write puppet plan in puppet dsl. Can we target those plans to a remote VM if it’s not having puppet agent installed.
The target system needs an interpreter or it won't understand the code you're sending it. The same as if you write a Bolt task in Python, you need Python on the target machine for it to be able to run the code.
But a Bolt Plan has inbuilt tasks to handle this, here's an example plan to install git via chocolatey with a bolt plan;
plan git_install::Windows_git (
TargetSpec $targets
) {
apply_prep($targets) # This installs the PE agent temporarily so it can
include chocolatey # include and use regular Puppet class from the chocolatey module
package { git :
ensure. => 'present',
provider => 'chocolatey',
If you already have the target connecting to a PE server you probably don't need to use apply_prep though as the agent is already installed.
This is a real life saver though if you have to manage a legacy infrastructure alongside a PE managed infrastructure as at the time of writing a PE module you can create a plan only a couple of lines long that'll allow you to reuse the same class on your legacy infrastructure.
You do not need to install anything on a target upfront in order to run a plan that executes tasks on the target (if that is what you are asking). If you mean that you are using Bolt's ability to apply puppet resources then Bolt will install the puppet agent package without you having to do anything. See details in the documentation here: https://puppet.com/docs/bolt/latest/applying_manifest_blocks.html

How to use multiple different puppet masters from one puppet agent?

There is the need that one puppet agent contacts some different puppet masters.
Reason: there are different groups that create different and independent sets of manifests.
Possible groups and their tasks
Application Vendor: configuration of application
Security: hardening
Operations: routing tables, monitoring tools
Each of these groups should run it's own puppet master - the data (manifests and appropriate data) should be strictly separated. If it is possible, one group should even not see / have access to the manifests of the others (we are using MAC on the puppet agent OSes).
Thoughts and ideas that all failed:
using (only) hira is not flexible as needed - there is the need to have different manifests.
r10k: supports more than one environment, but in each environment can only access one set of manifests.
multi but same puppet server using e.g. DNS round robin: this is the other way round. We need different puppet masters.
Some ways that might be possible but...
running multiple instances of puppet agents. That 'feels' strange. Advantage: the access rights can be limited in the way as needed (e.g. the application puppet agent can run under the application user).
patching puppet that it can handle more than one puppet master. Disadvantage: might be some work.
using other mechanisms to split responsibility. Example: use different git-repositories. Create one puppet master. The puppet master pulls all the different repositories and serves the manifests.
My questions:
Is there a straight forward way implementing this requirement with puppet?
If not, is there some best practice how to do this?
While I think what you are trying to do here is better tackled by incorporating all of your modules and data onto a single master, and that utilizing environments will be effectively the exact same situation (different masters will provide a different set of modules/data) this can be achieved by implementing a standard multi-master infrastructure (one CA master for cert signing, multiple compile masters with certs signed by the same CA master, configured to forward cert traffic elsewhere) and configure each master to have whatever you need. You then end up having to specify which master you want to check in to on each run (a cronjob or some other approach), and have the potential for one checkin to change settings set by another (kinda eliminating the hardening/security concept).
I would urge you to think deeper on how to collaborate your varied aspects (git repos for each division's hiera data and modules that have access control) so that a central master can serve your needs (and access to that master would be the only way to get data/modules from everywhere).
This type of setup will be complex to implement, but the end result will be more reliable and maintainable. Puppet inc. may even be able to do consultation to help you get it right.
There are likely other approaches too, just fyi.
I've often found it convenient to multi-home a puppet agent for development purposes, because with a local puppet server you can instantly test manifest changes - there's no requirement to commit, push and r10k deploy environment like there is if you're just using directory environments and a single (remote) puppet server.
I've found the best way to do that is to just vary the path configuration (otherwise you run into problems with e.g. the CA certs failing to verify against the other server) - a form of your "running multiple instances of puppet agents" suggestion. (I still run them all privileged, so they can all use apt package {} etc.)
For Puppet 3, I'd do this by varying the libdir with --libdir (because the ssldir was under the libdir), but now (Puppet 4+) it looks more sensible to vary the --confdir. So, for example:
$ sudo puppet agent -t # Runs against main puppet server
$ sudo puppet agent -t \
--server=puppet.dev.example.com \
--confdir=/etc/puppetlabs/puppet-dev # Runs against dev puppet server

Trigger puppet run on update of manifest / facts

I'm working on a tool which manages WordPress instances using puppet. The flow is the following: the user adds the data of the new WordPress installation in the web interface and then that web interface is supposed to send a message to the puppet master to tell it to deploy it to the selected machine.
Currently the setup is done via a manifest file which contains the declaration of all WordPress instances, and that is applied manually via puppet apply on the puppet agent. This brings me to my 2 questions:
Are manifests the correct way of doing this? If so, is it possible to apply them from the puppet master to a specific node instead of going to the agent?
Is it possible to automatically have a puppet run triggered once the list of instances is altered?
To answer your first question, yes there's absolutely a way of doing this via a puppetmaster, what you have at the moment is a masterless setup which assumes you're distributing your configuration with some kind of version control (like git) or manual process. This is a totally legitimate way of doing things if you don't want a centralized master.
If you want to use a master, you'll need to drop your manifest in the $modulepath of your master (it varies depending on your version, you can find it using puppet config print modulepath on your master) and then point the puppet agent at the master.
If you want to go down the master route, I'd suggest following the puppet documentation which will help you get started.
The second question brings me on to a philosphical argument of 'is this really want you want to do?'
Puppet traditionally (in my opinion) is a declarative config management tool that is designed to make your systems look a certain way. You write code to determine 'this is how I want it to look' and Puppet will converge to make it look that way. What you're looking to do is more of an orchestration task (ie when X do Y). There are ways of doing this with Puppet like using mcollective (to trigger a puppet run) which is managed by a webhook, but I think there are better tools for the job.
I'd suggest looking at ansible, saltstack or Chef's knife tool to do deploys like this.

How do I get a Jenkins server to push bash code to a different server?

I have Jenkins installed on a Linux server. It can run builds on itself. I want to create either a Freestyle Project or an External Job that transfers a bash script and runs it on two separate linux servers. Where in the GUI do I configure the destination server when I create a build? I have added "nodes" in the GUI. I can see the free space of the servers in the Jenkins GUI, so I know the credentials work. But when I create a build, I see no field that would tell Jenkins to push the bash scripts and run them on certain servers.
Are Jenkins nodes just servers that lend computing power to the master server? Or are they the targets of Jenkins builds? I believe that Jenkins "slaves" provide computing power to the Jenkins master server.
Normally Jenkins is used to integrate code. What do you call the servers that Jenkins pushes code into? They would be called Chef clients or Puppet agents if I was using Chef or Puppet for integrating code. I've been doing my own research, but I don't seem to know the specific vocabulary.
I've been working with such tools for several years. And for as far as I know there isn't a Ubiquitous Language for this.
The node's you can configure in Jenkins itself to add 'computing power' are indeed called build slaves.
Usually, external machines you will copy to, deploy to or otherwise use in jobs are called "target machine". As it will be the target of an action in your job.
Nodes can be used in several forms, you can use agents, which will require a small installation on the node machine. Which will create a running agent service with which Jenkins can communicate.
Another way is simply allow Jenkins to connect to a machine via ssh and let it execute commands there. Both are called nodes and could be called build slaves. But the first are usually dedicated nodes while the second can be any kind of machine as long as the ssh user can execute the build.
I also have not found any different terms for these two types.
It's probably not a real answer to your questions, but I do hope it helped.

Deploying and scheduling changes with Ansible OSS

Please note: I am not interested in any enterprise/for-pay (Tower?) solutions here, only solutions available via Ansible's OSS offering.
OK so I've got my Ansible project configured and working perfectly, woo hoo! Looks something like this:
There's several things I need to accomplish to get this working in a production environment:
I need to be able to automate the deployment of changes to this project
I need to schedule playbooks to be ran, say, every 30 seconds (to ensure all managed nodes are always in compliance)
So my concerns:
How are changes usually deployed to live Ansible projects? Say the project is located at myansible01.example.com:/opt/ansible (my Ansible server). Is it sufficient to simply delete the Ansible project root (rm -rf /opt/ansible) and then copy the latest (containing changes) Ansible project back to the same location? What happens if Ansible is currently running any plays while I perform this "drop-n-swap"?
It looks like the commercial offering (Ansible Tower) has a scheduling feature built into it, but not the OSS offering. How can I schedule Ansible OSS to run plays at certain times? For instance, I might want certain plays to be ran every 30 seconds, so as to ensure nodes are always within compliance. Is cron sufficient to do this, or is there a more standard approach?
For this kind of task you typically want an orchestration engine such as Jenkins to do all your, well, orchestration.
You can set Jenkins to run playbooks on timers or other events such as a push to an SCM such as git.
Typically a job starts by checking out a tag/branch of our Ansible code base and then applying it to all of our specified servers so you always know what is being run. If you want, this can simply be the head on master (in git terms) so it's always applying the most recent changes. If you were also to have this to hook into your SCM repo then a simple push will force those changes to be applied to all of your servers.
Because of that immediacy you might want to consider only doing this on some test servers that then have some form of testing done against them (such as Serverspec) to verify that your changes are good before rolling them out to a production environment.
Jenkins, by default, will not run a job while the same job is running (or if you are maxed out on executor slots) so you can always be sure that it will only pull the repo (including any changes) after your Ansible run is complete. If you have multiple jobs running you can use blocking to prevent jobs running at the same time (both trying to apply potentially different configurations to the servers) but you don't have to worry about a new job starting and pulling the repo into the already running job as Jenkins separates these into separate work spaces.
We use Jenkins for manual runs of Ansible against our environment but we also have a "self healing" Jenkins job that simply runs a tagged commit of our Ansible code base against our environment, forcing it to an idempotent state to prevent natural drift of configurations. When we need to do something different to the environment or are running a slightly further ahead commit of our code base in to it we can easily disable the self healing job until we're happy with things and then either just re-enable the job to put things back or advance the tag that Jenkins is using to now use the more recent commit.
