How to include a expression in the name of file in Maxima - string

I have a Maxima program that does some algebra and then writes some things down on an external file. How do I include some calculated values and even small expressions into the name of the file?
A mwe would be the following:
f: erf(x);
tay: taylor(f,x,0,N);
with_stdout("taylor.txt", fortran(tay));
But this example names the file taylor.txt. I wanted something that named the file taylor_N3_f_erf.txt or something like that. I have tried several syntaxes but nothing worked.
Also, I know Maxima in programmed in lisp and I learned the syntax for concatenating strings in Lisp but I haven't figured out how to use that in Maxima.
Thank you very much.

Here's what I came up with. It took some playing around with argument quoting and evaluation in functions but I think it works now.
(%i2) bar (name_base, name_extension, ['vars]) := sconcat (name_base, foo(vars), ".", name_extension) $
(%i3) foo(l) := apply (sconcat, join (makelist ("_", 2 * length (l)), join (l, map (string, map (ev, l))))) $
(%i4) [a, b, c] : [123, '(x + 1), '(y/2)];
(%o4) [123, x + 1, -]
(%i5) bar ("foobar", "txt", a, b, c);
(%o5) foobar_a_123_b_x+1_c_y/2.txt
(%i6) myname : bar ("baz", "quux", a, b);
(%o6) baz_a_123_b_x+1.quux
(%i7) with_stdout (myname, print ("HELLO WORLD"));
(%i8) printfile ("baz_a_123_b_x+1.quux");
(%o8) baz_a_123_b_x+1.quux
Note that sconcat concatenates strings and string produces a string representation of an expression.
Division expressions could cause trouble since / means a directory in a file name ... maybe you'll have to subsitute for those characters or any other non-allowed characters. See ssubst.
Note that with_stdout evaluates its first argument, so if you have a variable e.g. myname then the value of myname is the name of the output file.


IO Fortran format command issue [duplicate]

I would like to have a Fortran write statement formatted to depend on some variable. For example, I could write:
write(*,'(3f15.3,3f9.2)') x,y,z,(var(i),i=1,nvari)
where nvari = 3. But, what if, in some cases, I actually have 4 variables (i.e. nvari = 4). I would like to write something like this:
write(*,'(3f15.3,nvari(f9.2))') x,y,z,(var(i),i=1,nvari)
Now, nvari can be anything and the output will work as I like. How can I make something like this work?
If you are using Intel fortran, it has a proprietary extension for this -- you can include an existing variable in angle brackets to act as a specifier:
write(*,'(3f15.3,<nvari>f9.2)') x,y,z,(var(i),i=1,nvari)
If you compiler supports it, '(3f15.3, *(f9.2))'
If you have an older compiler, just use a larger number than you will have items to output, e.g., '(3f15.3, 999(f9.2))'. You don't have to use up the format.
For the most complicated cases you can write a format to a string and use that as your format:
write (string, '( "(3f15.3, ", I4, "(f9.2))" )' ) nvari
write (*, string ) x,y,z, (array(i), i=1,nvari)
With the understanding of formats, including format reversion, the use of string formats is rarely necessary.
Instead of writing the format directly in the write statement, it's also possible to use a character variable.
character(len=32) :: my_fmt
my_fmt = '(3f15.3,3f9.2)'
write(*, my_fmt) x, y, z, (var(i), i = 1, nvari)
Now it is possible to manipulate the character variable to contain the wanted repeat count before the write statement, using a so-called internal write, or write to internal file.
write(my_fmt, '(a, i0, a)') '(3f15.3,', nvari, 'f9.2)'
(Just make sure the declared length of my_fmt is long enough to contain the entire character string.)
You wanted to write something like this:
write(*,'(3f15.3,nvari(f9.2))') x, y, z, (var(i), i=1,nvari)
In fact, there is an old trick in the Fortran standard that allows you to omit the nvari, thus:
write(*,'(3f15.3,(f9.2))') x, y, z, (var(i), i=1,nvari)
or even thus:
write(*,'(3f15.3,f9.2)') x, y, z, (var(i), i=1,nvari)
The standard says that the last descriptor in the format is implicitly repeated as often as is necessary to accommodate all of the variables in the list. That 'last descriptor' could be parenthesized such that the last group of descriptors is implicitly repeated, for example:
write(*,'(3f15.3,(2x,f9.2))') x, y, z, (var(i), i=1,nvari)

Parse command line arguments

I try to parse command line arguments in haskell.
Below is a sample code:
import System.Environment
work :: [Integer] -> Int
work (s:r:t:es) = length es
main :: IO ()
main = getArgs >>= putStrLn . show . work . (map read)
I execute it with:
./test 2 10 10 [7, 3, 5, 4, 4]
The output is 5 like expected.
But if I replace length with sum and Int with Integer the execution raises the error
test: no parse
Can someone explain how to do this?
The list returned by getArgs will look like this: ["2", "10", "10", "[7,", "3,", "5,", "4,", "4]"]. The first three of those strings are valid string representations of integers, but the others are not. So when you use read on those, you'll get an error.
The reason that you don't see an error when you calculate the length, is that length does not have to look at the values in the lists, so the reads are never evaluated.
In order to sum the values, however, they definitely do need to be evaluated. So that's why you get an exception then.
In order to fix your problem, you could either just change the format of the arguments to not include brackets and commas, or manually go through the arguments and remove the brackets and commas before you pass them to read.
Another alternative would be to concatenate the later arguments together, separated by spaces, (so you end up with "[7, 3, 5, 4, 4]") and then pass that as a single string to read with type [Integer].

Haskell # type annotation [duplicate]

I've come across a piece of Haskell code that looks like this:
What does the # symbol mean in this context? I can't seem to find any info on Google (it's unfortunately hard to search for symbols on Google), and I can't find the function in the Prelude documentation, so I imagine it must be some sort of syntactic sugar instead.
Yes, it's just syntactic sugar, with # read aloud as "as". ps#(p:pt) gives you names for
the list: ps
the list's head : p
the list's tail: pt
Without the #, you'd have to choose between (1) or (2):(3).
This syntax actually works for any constructor; if you have data Tree a = Tree a [Tree a], then t#(Tree _ kids) gives you access to both the tree and its children.
The # Symbol is used to both give a name to a parameter and match that parameter against a pattern that follows the #. It's not specific to lists and can also be used with other data structures.
This is useful if you want to "decompose" a parameter into it's parts while still needing the parameter as a whole somewhere in your function. One example where this is the case is the tails function from the standard library:
tails :: [a] -> [[a]]
tails [] = [[]]
tails xxs#(_:xs) = xxs : tails xs
I want to add that # works at all levels, meaning you can do this:
let a#(b#(Just c), Just d) = (Just 1, Just 2) in (a, b, c, d)
Which will then produce this: ((Just 1, Just 2), Just 1, 1, 2)
So basically it's a way for you to bind a pattern to a value. This also means that it works with any kind of pattern, not just lists, as demonstrated above. This is a very useful thing to know, as it means you can use it in many more cases.
In this case, a is the entire Maybe Tuple, b is just the first Just in the tuple, and c and d are the values contained in the first and second Just in the tuple respectively
To add to what the other people have said, they are called as-patterns (in ML the syntax uses the keyword "as"), and are described in the section of the Haskell Report on patterns.

Find all possible variations of a string of letters

Newb programmer here, I'm most familiar with Python but also learning C and Java, so either of 3 would be fine.
What I have is a string of letters, say:
However say,
X is possible to be M and N.
Y is possible to be P and Q.
In this example, I would like basically to print all possible variations of this string of letters.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
This boils down to a simple problem of permutations. What you care about is the part of the text that can change; the variables. The rest can be ignored, until you want to display it.
So your question can be more simply stated: What are all the possible permutations of 1 item from set X and another item from set Y? This is known as a cross-product, sometimes also simply called a product.
Here's a possible Python solution:
import itertools
x = set(['M', 'N'])
y = set(['P', 'Q'])
for items in itertools.product(x, y)
print 'AB{0}DE{1}GH'.format(*items)
Note that the print ''.format() command uses the "unpack arguments" notation described here.
why dont you write two loops. one to replace all possible characters with X and one for Y.
foreach(char c in charSet1){
// replaces X
foreach(char ch in charSet2){
// replace Y

What does the "#" symbol mean in reference to lists in Haskell?

I've come across a piece of Haskell code that looks like this:
What does the # symbol mean in this context? I can't seem to find any info on Google (it's unfortunately hard to search for symbols on Google), and I can't find the function in the Prelude documentation, so I imagine it must be some sort of syntactic sugar instead.
Yes, it's just syntactic sugar, with # read aloud as "as". ps#(p:pt) gives you names for
the list: ps
the list's head : p
the list's tail: pt
Without the #, you'd have to choose between (1) or (2):(3).
This syntax actually works for any constructor; if you have data Tree a = Tree a [Tree a], then t#(Tree _ kids) gives you access to both the tree and its children.
The # Symbol is used to both give a name to a parameter and match that parameter against a pattern that follows the #. It's not specific to lists and can also be used with other data structures.
This is useful if you want to "decompose" a parameter into it's parts while still needing the parameter as a whole somewhere in your function. One example where this is the case is the tails function from the standard library:
tails :: [a] -> [[a]]
tails [] = [[]]
tails xxs#(_:xs) = xxs : tails xs
I want to add that # works at all levels, meaning you can do this:
let a#(b#(Just c), Just d) = (Just 1, Just 2) in (a, b, c, d)
Which will then produce this: ((Just 1, Just 2), Just 1, 1, 2)
So basically it's a way for you to bind a pattern to a value. This also means that it works with any kind of pattern, not just lists, as demonstrated above. This is a very useful thing to know, as it means you can use it in many more cases.
In this case, a is the entire Maybe Tuple, b is just the first Just in the tuple, and c and d are the values contained in the first and second Just in the tuple respectively
To add to what the other people have said, they are called as-patterns (in ML the syntax uses the keyword "as"), and are described in the section of the Haskell Report on patterns.
