How to send email to people via Google Plus API? - gmail

According to Google Plus, you can e-mail Google Plus users within your circle: refer this
How can you use the Google Plus API (or Gmail API) to send an e-mail to a user within your circle, given you have their user ID?
If you cannot do this, how can you send them a message via hangouts?

You should follow the official Gmail API reference guide here.
From the docs:
There are two ways to send email using the Gmail API:
You can send it directly using the messages.send method.
You can send it from a draft, using the drafts.send method.
Emails are sent as
base64url encoded strings within the raw property of a message
resource. The high-level workflow to send an email is to:
Create the email content in some convenient way and encode it as a
base64url string. Create a new message resource and set its raw
property to the base64url string you just created. Call messages.send,
or, if sending a draft, drafts.send to send the message.
The arguments you'll need to provide in order to send an email through the API are the following:
- service: Authorized Gmail API service instance.
- user_id: User's email address. The special value "me"
can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
- message: Message to be sent.


Is it possible to send a DocuSign template via sms delivery?

As the title suggests, I'm wondering how I can send a template defined within Docusign via SMS delivery. However, I'm only seeing documentation on how to send a document from storage outside of docusign. Am I missing something?
Yes, for the recipients specified in a template, your API program can choose for them to be notified by SMS only, SMS and email, or email only.
This live example via the API Request Builder uses a template to send an SMS-only notification to a recipient.
This live example via the API Request Builder uses a template to send SMS and email notifications to a recipient.
If you want to know how to replace a template's document with a different document when you send the envelope, here's a live example for that.
The API Request Builder can create the examples in C#, Java, PHP, Node.JS, Ruby, or Python.

Apex toolkit Envelope change sender, subject and message in Docusign Envelope

I have two problems with Docusign, first, always it sent the envelope with the same account, no matter who is logged always is sending using the same account, i don't know why.
Second, i want to change the subject and message, i am using the example for apex toolkit and i am using the template, but always it show the same subject Documents for your DocuSign signature.
To change the subject of a message you can use the withEmail method and edit the emailSubject property. See the API reference for more details:
Do your salesforce users have the DocuSign Sender permission? I'm thinking that could be the reason that envelopes aren't being sent from their account.

Resend Envelope using Docusign not working- user not receiving the email

I am trying to re-send the envelope to Recipient through docusign API, but user is never receiving the email
The post is successful, i get a success message but user never receives a email.
There is no correction required. Its a reminder email, i know in the account there is a setting to send the reminder, but i am using nintex "send docusign document" activity to send the email to the user initially. So the default docusign reminder is not working and i using the api to send reminder.Any help???
Use the "resend_envelope=true" query string parameter.
Answer already provided here.

Sending email to lists via MailChimp API v3.0?

So it's not possible to create campaigns via MailChimp API v3.0 at this moment. But is it possible to send emails to lists/groups/segments via API v3.0? Or should I use API v2.0 for this functionality?
I have seen this one already: MailChimp send email v3.0
It's now possible to create and send a campaign through the V3.0 API.
See the this page
You can send to a saved segment, but as far as I can tell, there's no way to create a saved segment via the API, or to send to any subset of the list members.

docusign access code authentication mail

If I set the recipients to get Access Code through email, then do I need to program separately to send the email with access code or Docusign API will automatically send the access code email to all recipients?
Also do I need to enable any setting from my DocuSign account to turn on this feature? I have a developer Docusign Account.
When using the Access Code authentication feature, it's up to the sender how to actually get the code over to the signer. For example, if you have their phone number you can call them and give it to them. Or you can instant message them or send an SMS, or some other means. In general though I would shy away from sending them the code through email as that pretty much defeats the purpose of multi-factor authentication (i.e. if someone has compromised their email they will get both the signature request email AND the access code email).
Similarly, the SMS Authentication feature is used the same way but in this case the code is explicitly sent to their mobile phone number. With Access Code it's up to you how to provide to the recipient.
