How can we edit Rust files in VSCode? [closed] - rust

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I like the new VSCode and would love to use it for Rust programming. Are there any rust plugins available?

Support for Rust syntax coloring will be in the next VSCode update.
"VSCode is based on Atom". This is not accurate. VSCode is built on top of the Electron (was the AtomShell), the editor and workbench are a totally different code based (the Monaco editor)

For now VSCode doesn't support plugins Visual Studio Code Plugins (Format / Spell Check)
I know that there is Rust plugin for Atom IDE and VSCode is based on Atom.


Better syntax highlighting for Genie [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have been using scratch-text-editor on elementaryOS, but it seems to highlight Genie code as if it is C# code.
Is there a way to improve syntax highlighting in that particular OS.
Does any text editor can recognize genie's syntax?
GEANY is an open-source, lightweight and fast text editor, providing the main features of an IDE, including syntax-highlighting, with support for Genie.
The following article has installation instructions and also mentions that Geany should work fine with elementaryOS.

Is there a VIM plugin for Windows that allows stepping through code? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Many IDEs have functionality that allow you to understand code by "stepping" into function calls to look at the definition, and what the function actually does. It might also allow you to look at the values of defines (in C) and maybe color code blocks of code with a different background color if they are not built during compile time.
Is there any plugin that would allow VIM to be used this way?
Actually, what you ask for is an IDE.
But VIM is more an editor than an integrated development environment.
You can config VIM to act like an IDE:
Use ctags for function/variable definition jumping.
Use tpope/unimpaired for showing errors.
You should keep in mind that VIM is for editing.
Wish you good luck.

Plugins or editors for Haskell source code navigation [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm looking for Vim/Emacs plugins or other editors for handily going through Haskell source code with two major built-in features:
code fold/unfold per function/type/typeclass;
jump to function/type/typeclass definition in the dependent module.
(Haskell website and Hoogle are nice but not what I really pursue.)
In vim, you can :set foldmethod=indent to approximate the first. Use hasktags together with vim's builtin tags support for the second (see especially Ctrl-], Ctrl-T, and in larger projects, :tnext and :tprevious).
See IntelliJ plugin for Haskell:
Available in Jetbrains plugins repo

Multiline Tabbar Text Editor on Linux [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm looking for text editor that run natively on linux which support multi-line tabbar and don't truncate long file names. I'm usually using Notepad++ in Windows.
Here is a screenshot of what I would like (using notepad++):
Please give me recommendation. Thank you.
The top 3 seem to be the following:
sublime, I guy I work with loves this one and it is cross os compatible.
geany, great for if you do programming and are a GTK2 fan.
kate, KDE editor with LOTS of options
vim, what most will tell you to use....
Additionally you can install Notepad++ through Wine, if you just cant live without it. :)
You can do this with atom. It's highly configurable through CSS and even is cross-platform.

What is the largest open source project written in Visual C++? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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What is the largest open source project written in Visual C++ ?
I can see that eMule project is pretty big, but what is largest?
I think some of the largest pieces of software that you will find are some of the open Source Game engine, such as
These are a couple of quite large open source projects if you want to get your teeth in to something.
Panda3d is another one wrote in c++ ( altho its better used with there nice python based API )
Google Chrome is build with Visual C++. According to Ohloh it has 2-3M lines of code, but I have no idea if that's an accurate number.
