Stop Multiple WebAPI requests from Azure Scheduler - azure

I have a web api which does a task and it currently takes couple of minutes based on the data. This can increases over time.
I have Azure scheduler job which calls this web api every 10 minutes. I want to avoid the case where the second call after 10 minutes overlaps with the first call because of the increase in time for execution. How can I put the smarts in the web api so that I detect and avoid the second call if the first call is running.
Can I use AutoResetEvent or lock statements? Or keeping a storage flag to indicate busy/free a better option?

Persistent state is best managed via storage. Can your long-running activity persist through a role reset (after all, a role may be reset at any time as long as availability constraints are met).
Ensure that you think through scenarios where your long running job terminates halfway through.

The Windows Azure Scheduler has a 30 seconds timeout. So we cannot have a long running task called by a scheduler. The overlap of 2 subsequent calls is out of question.
Also it seems like having a long running task from a WebAPI is a bad design, because the recycling of app pools. I ended up using Azure service bus. When a task is requested message is posted to the queue. That way the time occupied by the webapi is limited.


Azure function timeout/fails to complete

G'day folks,
I'm having some issues with an Azure function that I'm hoping someone might be able to help with.
We have a relatively long-running process (3-4 mins) that is being triggered from a Service Bus message, and we were having issues with the function execution ending without error and then attempting to re-process. The time take for this to happen is less than all the timeout/lock duration settings we have configured. Watching the logs (log stream, for both file system and app insights) we see the last line of the previous execution, then it kicks straight into the next.
To determine whether it's service bus related, I've also tried executing the process via a blob trigger (the process uses the file as a data source anyway) but I'm seeing the same thing except I don't see the subsequent retries.
In both scenarios I don't see anything in App insights apart from the Trace records. I don't get an exception, or even a 'request' entry. (function logic is all enclosed in try/catch blocks btw)
So my question is - Is it possible to trap these scenarios so we can determine the root cause? Currently I've got nothing to go on to try and diagnose. These errors don't happen when running locally.
FWIW we've seen this issue happen during the execution of a third-party libraries (MS Graph and an OpenXMLPowerTools library) - as we're generating documents for upload into Sharepoint. Not sure if this is relevant.
Thanking you in advance,
May be this is because of the plan that you are using , If you're using the Consumption plan, the default timeout is 5 minutes, but you can increase it to a maximum of 10 minutes. The maximum timeout on a Premium plan is 60 minutes. You can set your timeout as long as you want if you have a dedicated App Service plan.
Also try configuring the timeout of your function app i.e by changing the value of functionTimeout in host.json of your function app.
You should have a look at durable functions.
They allows us to have long running processes, i.e. import/export tasks.
I was able to wrap a long running import process, which takes about 20 mins to run successfully.

How to host long running process into Azure Cloud?

I have a C# console application which extracts 15GB FireBird database file on a server location to multiple files and loads the data from files to SQLServer database. The console application uses System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel class to perform parallel execution of the dataload from files to sqlserver database.
It is a weekly process and it takes 6 hours to complete.
What is best option to move this (console application) process to azure cloud - WebJob or WorkerRole or Any other cloud service ?
How to reduce the execution time (6 hrs) after moving to cloud ?
How to implement the suggested option ? Please provide pointers or code samples etc.
Your help in detail comments is very much appreciated.
let me give some thought on this question of yours
"What is best option to move this (console application) process to
azure cloud - WebJob or WorkerRole or Any other cloud service ?"
First you can achieve the task with both WebJob and WorkerRole, but i would suggest you to go with WebJob.
PROS about WebJob is:
Deployment time is quicker, you can turn your console app without any change into a continues running webjob within mintues (
Build in timer support, where WorkerRole you will need to handle on your own
Fault tolerant, when your WebJob fail, there is built-in resume logic
You might want to check out Azure Functions. You pay only for the processing time you use and there doesn't appear to be a maximum run time (unlike AWS Lambda).
They can be set up on a schedule or kicked off from other events.
If you are already doing work in parallel you could break out some of the parallel tasks into separate azure functions. Aside from that, how to speed things up would require specific knowledge of what you are trying to accomplish.
In the past when I've tried to speed up work like this, I would start by spitting out log messages during the processing that contain the current time or that calculate the duration (using the StopWatch class). Then find out which areas can be improved. The slowness may also be due to slowdown on the SQL Server side. More investigation would be needed on your part. But the first step is always capturing metrics.
Since Azure Functions can scale out horizontally, you might want to first break out the data from the files into smaller chunks and let the functions handle each chunk. Then spin up multiple parallel processing of those chunks. Be sure not to spin up more than your SQL Server can handle.

Tasks that need to be performed on a certain date in Azure

I am developing an application using Azure Cloud Service and web api. I would like to allow users that create a consultation session the ability to change the price of that session, however I would like to allow all users 30 days to leave the session before the new price affects the price for all members currently signed up for the session. My first thought is to use queue storage and set the visibility timeout for the 30 day time limit, but this seems like this could grow the queue really fast over time, especially if the message should not run for 30 days; not to mention the ordering issues. I am looking at the task scheduler as well but the session pricing changes are not a recurring concept but more random. Is the queue idea a good approach or is there a better and more efficient way to accomplish this?
The stuff you are trying to do should be done with a relational database. You can use timestamps to record when prices for session changed. I wouldn't use a queue at all for this. A queue is more for passing messages in a distributed system. Your problem is just about tracking what prices changed on what sessions and when. That data should be modeled in a database.
I think this scenario is more suitable to use Azure Scheduler. Programatically create a Job with one time recurrence with set date as 30 days later to run once. Once this job gets triggered automatically by scheduler, assign an action to callback to one of your API/Service to do the price & other required updates and also remove this Job from the scheduler as part of this action to have a clean jobs list. Anyways premium plan of Azure Scheduler Job Collection will give you unlimited number of jobs to run.
Hope this is exactly what you were looking for...
I would consider using Azure WebJobs. A WebJob basically gives you the ability to run a .NET console application within the context of an Azure Web App. It can be run on demand, continuously, or in response to a reoccurring schedule. If your processing requirements are low and allow for it they can also run in the same process that your Web App is running in to save you $$$ as they are free that way.
You could schedule the WebJob to run once or twice per day and examine the situation and react as is appropriate. Since it's really just a .NET worker role you have ultimate flexibility.

WCF service, launch a task every X hours

I have a WCF service which needs to perform some actions on database every 1 hour and also needs to generate a file with some information.
So which is better, do it through a timer or thread?
The problem of thread would be the constant iteration (with a little delay) on a loop checking if the time has elapsed and if so do the action.
Any ideas on how to achieve this scenario the most efficient possible?
Sounds like you need long running service.
WCF by it self not good solution.
You should look at Windows Services or WCF + WF hosted in app fabric
One of the reasongs, WCF does not support autostart, so you will have to start it every time after pool recycle(if you host in IIS, or any other hosting process)

Orchestrating a Windows Azure web role to cope with occasional high workload

I'm running a Windows Azure web role which, on most days, receives very low traffic, but there are some (foreseeable) events which can lead to a high amount of background work which has to be done. The background work consists of many database calls (Azure SQL) and HTTP calls to external web services, so it is not really CPU-intensive, but it requires a lot of threads which are waiting for the database or the web service to answer. The background work is triggered by a normal HTTP request to the web role.
I see two options to orchestrate this, and I'm not sure which one is better.
Option 1, Threads: When the request for the background work comes in, the web role starts as many threads as necessary (or queues the individual work items to the thread pool). In this option, I would configure a larger instance during the heavy workload, because these threads could require a lot of memory.
Option 2, Self-Invoking: When the request for the background work comes in, the web role which receives it generates a HTTP request to itself for every item of background work. In this option, I could configure several web role instances, because the load balancer of Windows Azure balances the HTTP requests across the instances.
Option 1 is somewhat more straightforward, but it has the disadvantage that only one instance can process the background work. If I want more than one Azure instance to participate in the background work, I don't see any other option than sending HTTP requests from the role to itself, so that the load balancer can delegate some of the work to the other instances.
Maybe there are other options?
EDIT: Some more thoughts about option 2: When the request for the background work comes in, the instance that receives it would save the work to be done in some kind of queue (either Windows Azure Queues or some SQL table which works as a task queue). Then, it would generate a lot of HTTP requests to itself, so that the load balancer 'activates' all of the role instances. Each instance then dequeues a task from the queue and performs the task, then fetches the next task etc. until all tasks are done. It's like occasionally using the web role as a worker role.
I'm aware this approach has a smelly air (abusing web roles as worker roles, HTTP requests to the same web role), but I don't see the real disadvantages.
EDIT 2: I see that I should have elaborated a little bit more about the exact circumstances of the app:
The app needs to do some small tasks all the time. These tasks usually don't take more than 1-10 seconds, and they don't require a lot of CPU work. On normal days, we have only 50-100 tasks to be done, but on 'special days' (New Year is one of them), they could go into several 10'000 tasks which have to be done inside of a 1-2 hour window. The tasks are done in a web role, and we have a Cron Job which initiates the tasks every minute. So, every minute the web role receives a request to process new tasks, so it checks which tasks have to be processed, adds them to some sort of queue (currently it's an SQL table with an UPDATE with OUTPUT INSERTED, but we intend to switch to Azure Queues sometime). Currently, the same instance processes the tasks immediately after queueing them, but this won't scale, since the serial processing of several 10'000 tasks takes too long. That's the reason why we're looking for a mechanism to broadcast the event "tasks are available" from the initial instance to the others.
Have you considered using Queues for distribution of work? You can put the "tasks" which needs to be processed in queue and then distribute the work to many worker processes.
The problem I see with approach 1 is that I see this as a "Scale Up" pattern and not "Scale Out" pattern. By deploying many small VM instances instead of one large instance will give you more scalability + availability IMHO. Furthermore you mentioned that your jobs are not CPU intensive. If you consider X-Small instance, for the cost of 1 Small instance ($0.12 / hour), you can deploy 6 X-Small instances ($0.02 / hour) and likewise for the cost of 1 Large instance ($0.48) you could deploy 24 X-Small instances.
Furthermore it's easy to scale in case of a "Scale Out" pattern as you just add or remove instances. In case of "Scale Up" (or "Scale Down") pattern since you're changing the VM Size, you would end up redeploying the package.
Sorry, if I went a bit tangential :) Hope this helps.
I agree with Gaurav and others to consider one of the Azure Queue options. This is really a convenient pattern for cleanly separating concerns while also smoothing out the load.
This basic Queue-Centric Workflow (QCW) pattern has the work request placed on a queue in the handling of the Web Role's HTTP request (the mechanism that triggers the work, apparently done via a cron job that invokes wget). Then the IIS web server in the Web Role goes on doing what it does best: handling HTTP requests. It does not require any support from a load balancer.
The Web Role needs to accept requests as fast as they come (then enqueues a message for each), but the dequeue part is a pull so the load can easily be tuned for available capacity (or capacity tuned for the load! this is the cloud!). You can choose to handle these one at a time, two at a time, or N at a time: whatever your testing (sizing exercise) tells you is the right fit for the size VM you deploy.
As you probably also are aware, the RoleEntryPoint::Run method on the Web Role can also be implemented to do work continually. The default implementation on the Web Role essentially just sleeps forever, but you could implement an infinite loop to query the queue to remove work and process it (and don't forget to Sleep whenever no messages are available from the queue! failure to do so will cause a money leak and may get you throttled). As Gaurav mentions, there are some other considerations in robustly implementing this QCW pattern (what happens if my node fails, or if there's a bad ("poison") message, bug in my code, etc.), but your use case does not seem overly concerned with this since the next kick from the cron job apparently would account for any (rare, but possible) failures in the infrastructure and perhaps assumes no fatal bugs (so you can't get stuck with poison messages), etc.
Decoupling placing items on the queue from processing items from the queue is really a logical design point. By this I mean you could change this at any time and move the processing side (the code pulling from the queue) to another application tier (a service tier) rather easily without breaking any part of the essential design. This gives a lot of flexibility. You could even run everything on a single Web Role node (or two if you need the SLA - not sure you do based on some of your comments) most of the time (two-tier), then go three-tier as needed by adding a bunch of processing VMs, such as for the New Year.
The number of processing nodes could also be adjusted dynamically based on signals from the environment - for example, if the queue length is growing or above some threshold, add more processing nodes. This is the cloud and this machinery can be fully automated.
Now getting more speculative since I don't really know much about your app...
By using the Run method mentioned earlier, you might be able to eliminate the cron job as well and do that work in that infinite loop; this depends on complexity of cron scheduling of course. Or you could also possibly even eliminate the entire Web tier (the Web Role) by having your cron job place work request items directly on the queue (perhaps using one of the SDKs). You still need code to process the requests, which could of course still be your Web Role, but at that point could just as easily use a Worker Role.
[Adding as a separate answer to avoid SO telling me to switch to chat mode + bypass comments length limitation] & thinking out loud :)
I see your point. Basically through HTTP request, you're kind of broadcasting the availability of a new task to be processed to other instances.
So if I understand correctly, when an instance receives request for the task to be processed, it pushes that request in some kind of queue (like you mentioned it could either be Windows Azure Queues [personally I would actually prefer that] or SQL Azure database [Not prefer that because you would have to implement your own message locking algorithm]) and then broadcast a message to all instances that some work needs to be done. Remaining instances (or may be the instance which is broadcasting it) can then see if they're free to process that task. One instance depending on its availability can then fetch the task from the queue and start processing that task.
Assuming you used Windows Azure Queues, when an instance fetched the message, it becomes unavailable to other instances immediately for some amount of time (visibility timeout period of Azure queues) thus avoiding duplicate processing of the task. If the task is processed successfully, the instance working on that task can delete the message.
If for some reason, the task is not processed, it will automatically reappear in the queue after visibility timeout period has expired. This however leads to another problem. Since your instances look for tasks based on a trigger (generating HTTP request) rather than polling, how will you ensure that all tasks get done? Assuming you get to process just one task and one task only and it fails since you didn't get a request to process the 2nd task, the 1st task will never get processed again. Obviously it won't happen in practical situation but something you might want to think about.
Does this make sense?
i would definitely go for a scale out solution: less complex, more manageable and better in pricing. Plus you have a lesser risk on downtime in case of deployment failure (of course the mechanism of fault and upgrade domains should cover that, but nevertheless). so for that matter i completely back Gaurav on this one!
