How can I work on files on my server and keep them in sync? - linux

I have set up a development web server using VMWare and Debian. It's all set up fine, but I have an problem.
I need to be able to work with the files on the server, or a copy of them. But, it's important that both sets of files are in sync. For example, in my text editor if I'm working on index.php I don't want to have to upload with FTP each time, and I don't want to manually keep track of what files I've edited etc.
Any ideas on how I can achieve this?

Besides version controlling you can achieve it with sshfs. It is basically like mounting a remote directory in your local system.
More info:

After much searching I felt the best solution for my case is to use lsyncd to upload files to the development server anytime a change is made.
Although I use git I felt setting up a Git server and having to commit and push every time I make a change isn't what I want to be doing. Using lsyncd I'm able to use git on my local machine to keep track of the project.


Using haxe to edit remote file?

I've searched in haxelib for a library to use for remotely editing a file on a server using ssh connection with haxe, or listing files in directory..
Has any one done this with haxe?
I want to build a desktop app to create a yaml editor that will change settings files of several servers using a frontend like haxe-ui.
Ok, there are probably a lot of ways you could do it, but I would suggest separating your concerns:
desktop app to create a yaml editor
Ok, that's a fine use case for Haxe / a programming language. Build an editor, check.
change settings files (located on) several servers
Ok, so you have options here. Either
Make the remote files appear as local files via some network file system, or
Copy the files locally, edit them , and copy them back, or
Roll your own network-enabled service that runs on each server, receives commands, and modifies the files.
Random aside: Given that these are settings files, you probably also want to restart some service after changes are made.
I'd say option 2 is the easiest. There are even many ways to do that:
Use scp to both bring the settings files to a local location, edit them locally, and then push them back. And if you setup SSH keys, you won't have to bother with passwords.
Netcat is another tool for pushing bytes (aka files) over the network. It's simpler than scp, but with no security measures.
Or, get creative / crazy, and say, "my settings files will all be stored in a git repo. The 'sync' process will be a push / pull setup."
There are simply lots of ways to get this done.

TortoiseGit - copy via sftp on pull

I have 2 folders which are on the same GIT repository, one is on a very slow Samba network drive, and one locally. using GIT on samba is extremely slow, but the Samba is my server, which is actually vmplayer running ubuntu server on a windows machine.
My question is:
is it possible to automatically copy files from the local directory, after a pull has been done, to the other samba folder. I do this in Sublime text editor (via addon), but it copies only when I save a file. I want that functionality also on GIT. (i'm mainly using TortoiseGit)
Yes, there are git hooks. Have a look at
git help hooks
you can define what's automatically to be done after a pull. However, your system sounds insane and you should think about not doing that with the slow share. Also, I don't understand why an Ubuntu on a VMWare player would be really slow, unless you royally messed up configuration (not to mention I really don't understand why you wouldn't just let your windows do the shares, instead of letting a linux VM do that -- and I don't really like windows at all).

How to the history of files changed on a Rsync server

How can I instruct RSYNC server to keep a copy of the old versions of the files that were updated?
Background info:
I have a simple RSYNC server running on Linux which I am using as a backup of a large file system (many TB). Let's call it the backup server.
On the source server, we run daily:
$ rsync -avzc /local/folder user#backup_server::remote_folder
In theory, no files should be changed on the source server, we should only receive new files. But, nonetheless, it might be possible that some updates are legit (very very seldom). If rsync detects the change, it overwrites the old version of file on the backup server with the new one. Now, here is the problem: if the change was a mistake, I lose the data and do not have the ability to recover it.
Ideally, I'd like that rsync server keeps a backup of the replaced files. Is there a way to configure that?
My backups are local to the same machine (but different drive on a mount point of /backup/)
I use --backup-dir=/backup/backups-`date +%F`/ but then it starts nesting the things rather than having a load of backups-yyyy-mm-dd/ in the /backup/ folder.
If someone has a similar issue, there is a easy solution:
Execute a simple cron that changes access rights in the destination computer.

ftp push changed files to server

Is there an easy way for me to automatically search "recursively" through a directory and put changed files up through ftp to my live server in their correct spots?
CLI is ideally what I'm looking for.
I'm tired of manually searching out the files I need to do and doing it individually or by queue, trying to make this quick and painless
If the server is under your control, you might want to try rsync instead of FTP.
rsync is the way to go for keeping directories balanced. +1 for Frederic.
The other way to go is change management, like Subversion. Once you set it up, files checked in over time can be brought to productions with a simple "svn up" command.

How to do version control via ftp?

I have a web dev. client using a shared host that doesn't allow shell access, and thus no access to SVN, Git, etc. I've tried to convince him to move to one of the many cheap options that allow it, but he won't do it. If I use version control on my staging server, are there any tools that will allow me to replicate the changes to production via ftp? Locally I have both mac & windows, the staging server is linux, so something that works on any of those platforms....
Using your Linux staging server you could keep a separate checked out copy that you use specifically for that host and then use a utility to mirror that directory with the host server.
LFTP is useful for this kind of thing. Its available for most Linux distributions and includes a 'mirror' function:
Mirror specified source directory to
local target directory. If target
directory ends with a slash, the source base name is appended to
directory name. Source and/or target can be URLs pointing to
Some kind of ftp mirror software is what you need. Not tested it but a quick search gave me this Java application. You could run that over your up-to-date checked out repository.
Good thing for keeping SVN repo and FTP copy in sync is svn2web. May I suggest creating separate branch for production copy and do merges to that branch for uploading to production server.
You probably need to write a batch file that is able to
Export the SVN repository
Upload the exported files to your Linux server via FTP
Short of finding / implementing some FUSE based CoW file system that supports immutable versions .. I'd just find another (more developer friendly) host. As far as I know, no FTP server supports this natively, nor can I think of any elegant means of putting it in place with script hackery.
I could be wrong.
This question (and answer) really helped me just now as I implemented version control via gitolite on a separate server and lftp.
Here’s what I did:
Set up gitolite on my ubuntu staging server
created base repo (i.e. foo.git) on staging server
cloned foo.git into working directory on staging server
cloned foo.git into working directory on local development machine
Developed locally
Pushed changes to foo.git repo on staging server
On staging server, logged into working directory, and pulled in changes from foo.git
lftp-ed into shared host (like you mention above)
Once in shared host, ran:
mirror -R --only-newer --delete --parallel=10 /source/directory/ /target/directory
Notes on the mirror command options:
-R - this pushes the source/directory to the target/directory. (mirror pulls in from target to source without this, think reverse)
—only-newer - without this option, even if you only changed one file, the mirror command will send all the files in the source directory over to the target directory. with this option only the changed (newer) files are transferred over the wire.
—delete - deletes files that are no longer in the source directory but still in the target directory. one of my pushes involved deleting expired assets. without this option, the same files would have stayed put on my shared host after executing the mirror command.
—parallel=10 - transfers 10 files at once (instead of 1 by default). this made the process much faster
While this is what worked for me, I’m sure there are ways to improve on this. I was grateful for this question and thought i’d share my experience.
Rsync will do this over an FTP connection. You probably already have it installed if you’re on a Unix-like system.
