How to set the requested presence with Telepathy-Glib-GJS? - gnome

According to the Telepathy Developer's Manual:
"To bring an account online, set RequestedPresence to an online state[..]"
For TelepathyGlib.Account under GJS I can see a TelepathyGLib.Account.prototype.get_requested_presence but not an equivalent setter. What's the right way to bring a telepathy account online in GJS/TelepathyGlib?

Not immediately obvious, but you don't set a presence, you request it ...


Gmail markup for online event

While there is good documentation around sending markup emails for specifying offline event. Refrence Can someone help me out on how to add handle an online event?
The issue with offline event is that I need to enter a proper postal address, however in our case the location is simply a url.
Things I have already tried
Putting type of location as VirtualLocation, but that gives error
Entering empty strings in PostalAddress fields
Marking eventAttendanceMode as, it gives error
Does gmail support markups for online events? Common sense says it should.
As said by #kayes-fahim comment you can find more information on their blog, and documentation.
By the blog post you could use the virtualLocation but you also need to set the eventAttendanceMode to OnlineEventAttendanceMode. Reference

Google retiring "ranking" email to replace Gmail/ actions

I'm wondering how I can replace the functionality of the Google ranking action.
I'm sending out email at the end of a ticket/support issue and want to be able to let customers state whether they are happy or not with the service they are getting without opening a web browser(inline button/link) or another method. I was trying to hijack the RSVP method however it appears as if the only answers you can set are "Yes, No, and, Maybe"
Looks like there is a lot in SCHEMA.ORG seems like Google has given up on any additions to the basic 3(Yes,No,Maybe) buttons with no real options.

XPages: where to get detailed documentation

This is not a technical question, but rather an inquiry on how to get better information regarding the huge numbr of parameters and properties of the various controls you can put in an XPage.
A concrete example:
I have a button which had a property save=true in its event Handler. I added some code in the postSave event, so a lotuscript angent could do some processing, and I started having save conflicts. It took a while but I managed to figure out that the save=true in the event Handler was causing the issue.
I like to know my options, so I wanted to look at what exactly that property ws doing (although the name kinds of give it), but that's when it hit me: where do I look for that kind of information?
Is there a site somewhere that lists all properties we can add and a description of what they are doing?
Maybe my Google skills are not the best, but I couldn't find anything yet...
The three IBM Press XPages books (Mastering XPages 2nd Edition, XPages Portable Command Guide and XPages Extension Library) are key to understanding the implications of the properties. There are the equivalent of Javadocs for controls (here's the link for the XPages Extension Library one), but they're not intended to go into the kind of depth to identify the problem you hit.
These might be useful:

Google Docs Zoom Querystring Parameter

Is there a way to set the zoom level in google docs by using a querystring parameter?
I know there's other querystring parameters you can set, like how "render mode" can be set with the rm parameter (eg - rm=demo). I also found this related SO question, which doesn't mention zoom options.
I have been searching for a while now and have not found any concrete way to manipulate the user's view setting of a document when it's embedded into a webpage via iframe. The only options I have found for getting a doc to adjust within the given frame are as follows:
/pub? - This removes any toolbar display and displays a rough view of the doc. If you use tabs or spaces to line things up, they will not look pretty with this option. I have tried adding the "rm=full" and/or "ui=2" parameters (and other combinations) but those did not do anything.
/preview? - This also removes any ui elements and just straight-up shows the doc. This one doesn't work for me because I need users to be able to print the doc.
I even thought that perhaps the view setting was determined in the doc itself, but anything I tried in that direction (setting to Fit, looking in doc settings, etc) produced no results. So the parameters I am using now are:
/edit?usp=viewing&chrome=false&rm=demo (still overflows in the iframe in Firefox & Chrome)
I hope this info helps anyone else at least a little bit. (I would have provided all this as a comment but I needed more points in order to do that.) It's disappointing that one of the most obvious and relied-upon Docs options cannot be adjusted through parameters.

Google docs viewer url parameters

Is there any sort of documentation on exactly what parameters you can put in the url of Google viewer?
Originally, I thought it was just url,embedded,chrome, but I've recently come accross other funny ones like a,pagenumber, and a few others for authentication etc.
Any clues?
One I know is "chrome"
If you've got;chrome=true
then you see a fairly heavy UI version of that doc, however with "chrome=false" you get a compact version.
But indeed, I'd like a complete list myself!
I know this question is very old and perhaps you already solved your issue, but for anyone on the internet who might be looking for an answer...
I have been looking for this recently, following a guide I found on GitHub Gist
More specifically, the option to embed a certain page of pdf using
<iframe src="[put your file id here]&pid=explorer&efh=false&a=v&chrome=false&embedded=true" width="580px" height="480px"></iframe>
The best I could fing was this article (I suppose from a long time now)
HOWEVER, I tried modifying the attributes and the result was simply a redirect to[ID]/edit[ID]/preview or[ID]/view
I'm also on a quest to discover some of the parameters of the viewer.
the "chrome" parameter doesn't seem to do anything, though. Is this
supposed to be the same as embedded=true?
Parameters I know of:
url= (obviously)
embedded= (obviously)
hl= set language of UI (tooltips) = jump to page 2 (page 1 is numbered 0) - this is unreliable and often requires a refresh after the first load,
defeating the purpose.
That said, when I use the Google Docs viewer on my site, "fit page to
screen" is the default view without any parameters. So maybe I'm
misunderstanding your question.
Source: For convenience, this is a full quote of the sole answer (it is from user k3david) to the crosspost of this question #Doc has posted to the Google support forum in 2011.
You can pass q=whatever to pass a search query to the viewer.
