Many SelectOneMenuRadio in a forEach [duplicate] - jsf

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input component inside ui:repeat, how to save submitted values
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
I have a bean called Question with a lot of alternatives -->
Question have 1:N Alternative.
I have a Page with a lot of Question, like:
Page have 1:N Question
I need create a XHTML page showing the amount of questions and your alternatives, like this:
<c:forEach var="questaoCurso"
<h:outputText value="#{questaoCurso.questao.texto}" />
<br />
<h:selectOneRadio style="font-weight: normal"
value="#{cursandoMB.alternativasEscolhida}" layout="pageDirection">
<f:selectItems value="#{questaoCurso.questao.alternativasPreenchidas}"
itemLabel="#{c.texto}" />
<br />
<br />
The problem is that I don't know how I can set each choose alternative in a List in my ManagedBean. I can't create one variable for each Question, because this is dynamic and I don't know the amount of questions in design-time.
I used a Map in RadioButton, see:
value="#{cursandoMB.alternativasEscolhidas[questaoCurso]}" converter="entityConverter" layout="pageDirection">
value="#{questaoCurso.questao.alternativasPreenchidas}" var="c"
itemValue="#{c}" itemLabel="#{c.texto}" />

First, You must not mix render-time (e.g. f:selectItems, h:inputText ...) and build-time tags (JSTL tags, f:actionListener, ui:include ... ), for more understanding of the view build time and render time concepts and how that works please take a look to this BalusC's answer: JSTL in JSF2 Facelets... makes sense?
So IMO the only thing to replace is the c:forEach tag with ui:repeat like this:
<ui:repeat var="questaoCurso"
<h:outputText value="#{questaoCurso.questao.texto}" />
<br />
<h:selectOneRadio style="font-weight: normal"
value="#{cursandoMB.alternativasEscolhida}" layout="pageDirection">
<f:selectItems value="#{questaoCurso.questao.alternativasPreenchidas}"
itemLabel="#{c.texto}" />
<br />
<br />
The value attribute of ui:repeat Tag is:
The name of a collection of items that this tag iterates over. The
collection may be a List, array, java.sql.ResultSet, or an individual
java Object. If the collection is null, this tag does nothing.
So you can use a List of Object in that value which in your case will be a List of Question objects, and in your Question bean you can include a List of answers (while Answer may also be a bean).


Dynamic 2D arrayList table not working after refreshing in primefaces?

I am using prime-faces 5 and jsf, I've created dynamic 2D arraylist table based on Tester and Date, first time its showing values correctly with date. But next time onwards its showing different tester name in single row.
The above showing first row correctly showing tester name but 2nd and 3rd showing different values. But i want to display same tester name in each row level.
<div align="left" class="width100">
<div class="DTHeader">
<h:form id="frmres">
<h:panelGrid columns="2"
<h:outputText class="lighttxt1" value="Schedule Date" />
<p:calendar id="button" value="#{schedulerbean.sch.scheDate}"
styleClass="cal schdate" label="Schedule Date" showOn="button"
pattern="dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm" showButtonPanel="true"
<h:outputText value="TCU Goal" class="lighttxt1" />
<h:panelGrid columns="1" >
<p:inputText id="tcu" label="The Value given in TCU is"
style="border: 1px solid #A8A8A8 !important;background: transparent !important;"
styleClass="txtbig" value="#{schedulerbean.sch.tcu}"
keypadOnly="true" required="#{tcselectionbean.mancnt} != 0}" />
<h:outputText value="(Total Tcu:#{schedulerbean.tottalTCU})" class="lighttxt1" />
<h:outputText value="Select Squad" styleClass="txtblack14" />
<p:selectOneMenu value="#{schedulerbean.sch.squadparam}"
panelStyleClass="panel" styleClass="DTDD ddwidth1">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="All Tester" itemValue=""
styleClass="txtblack14" />
<f:selectItems value="#{schedulerbean.squadLst}" var="squadval"
itemLabel="#{squadval}" itemValue="#{squadval}"
styleClass="txtblack14" />
<h:panelGrid columns="1">
value="Calculate" styleClass="blubtn"
update=":frmres:reservtable" />
<h:panelGroup id="reservtable">
<table class="bor bortd" style="margin-left:32px;">
<th>Tester Name / Dates</th>
<c:forEach var="resdate" items="#{schedulerbean.resDateList}">
<c:forEach var="reserv" items="#{schedulerbean.resList}">
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{schedulerbean.testerCheckboxmap[reserv.testerName]}"
styleClass="lighttxt1" />#{reserv.testerName}</td>
<c:forEach var="resdate1" items="#{schedulerbean.resDateList}">
<td class='c#{reserv.reserveType.get(resdate1)}'>
#{reserv.testerName} #{reserv.tcuMap.get(resdate1)}</td>
<p:commandLink styleClass="bluelinknew"
update=":schmenufrm" value="Next" style="float:right;"
onclick="javascript:changets('schedule');" />
How can i achieve this?
You are misusing the forEach JSTL tag. The tag is only in effect when the component tree is built, and the component tree is not re-built for post-backs and AJAX requests.
bwright's suggestion to use a <p:dataTable> is good, but you could also use <ui:repeat> if you don't want to render an HTML table.
The most important thing to understand about the JSTL tags in JSF is
that they do not represent components and never become a part of the
component tree once the view has been built. Rather, they are tags
which are actually responsible for building the tree in the first
place. Once they have done their job they expire, are no more, cease
to be, etc etc.
When is the view built?
Now that you understand that tag handlers are only effective when the
tree is built, the next logical question should be well, when is tree
The short answer is that a new view is built for every request which
is not a postback. During a postback, the view is reconstructed from
saved state. Quite confusing, and not very obvious I know, but there
you have it.
My list doesn't change size after deleting or adding an item
When your view was built you only had, say, 5 items. If you post back
to this view and add or delete an item, your view still has 5
h:outputText components in it since it was restored from saved state.
In this simple case, you should use ui:repeat and your tree will
always contain one h:ouputText component which is iterated over with
differing values of ${item}.
If you rely on using c:forEach to dynamically include different form
components you could run into difficulty. Always try to think about
what the resulting tree looks like and remember it doesn't change on a
See also (quoted above)
JSTL in JSF2 Facelets... makes sense?

How display something near h:selectOneRadio item?

I have some list of elements, that generates my <h:selectOneRadio> items:
<h:selectOneRadio id="list#{}" value="#{mybean.value}" layout="pageDirection">
<c:forEach items="#{mybean.list}" var="c">
<f:selectItem id="first#{}" itemlabel="#{c.surname}" itemValue="#{}" />
I want next each element display <h:outputText> with value #{}, so that at each row will be my radioButton element and next it some textbox. How can I do it ?
I tried something like that:
<h:selectOneRadio id="candidates1#{}" value="#{candidates.selectedCandidate1}" layout="pageDirection">
<c:forEach items="#{candidates.c1}" var="cand">
<f:selectItem id="first#{}" itemlabel="#{cand.surname}" itemValue="#{}">
<h:outputText id="c1ShortName#{}" value="#{}" />
<h:outputText id="c1ShortName#{}" value="#{}" />
But it deisplays all radioButtons after last outputText.
I want something like the below screenshot. When right part is for example IDs, then it can be encrypted and decrypted.
Just put it in the item label.
itemlabel="#{} #{c.surname}"
Or the other way round, you was not clear on that.
itemlabel="#{c.surname} #{}"
You can if necessary use HTML like so, you should only beware of XSS attack hole in the surname.
itemlabel="#{c.surname} <strong>#{}<strong>" itemEscaped="false"
Or, if you actually want to have them outside the generated <label>, then use a 3rd party component library. This is namely not supported by <h:selectOneRadio>. For example, Tomahawk's <t:selectOneRadio> has a layout="spread" attribute for that.
See also:
Radio buttons in different parts of the page
<h:selectOneRadio> renders table element, how to avoid this?
Unrelated to the concrete problem, you don't need that <c:forEach>. That's plain clumsy. Just use <f:selectItems var>. This is new since JSF 2.0, perhaps you were focusing too much on ancient JSF 1.x targeted resources.
<h:selectOneRadio ...>
<f:selectItems value="#{mybean.list}" var="c"
itemlabel="#{} #{c.surname}" itemValue="#{}" />
See also:
Our selectOneMenu wiki page

Is it possible to use <c:if> inside <a4j:repeat>

Is it possible to use <c:if> inside <a4j:repeat>?
I need to render a <br /> each 4 elements. I tried the following approach:
<a4j:repeat value="#{}" var="item" rowKeyVar="idx" >
<h:outputText value="#{item.eventDescription}" id="item1" />
<c: if test=#{idx % 4 == 0}>
<br />
However, it does not render the <br /> elements at all.
How can I achieve the requirement anyway?
Note: I'll ignore the careless formulation of the code which causes that it wouldn't compile/run properly at all. There's a space in <c :if> and the quotes are missing from the <c:if test> attribute. In future questions please pay a bit more attention to the properness of the code snippets you post, otherwise you'll only get invalid answers due to those red herrings.
Coming back to your concrete problem, this construct will indeed fail. The <c:if> runs during view build time (when the JSF component tree is about to be populated based on Facelets/JSP files), while the <a4j:repeat> runs during view render time (when the HTML code is about to be generated based on the JSF component tree). So, at the moment the <c:if> runs, #{idx} does not exist in the scope at all and always evaluates to null.
There are basically 2 solutions:
Use <c:forEach> instead of <a4j:repeat> to iterate over the items. It runs during view build time, so it'll run "in sync" with <c:if>.
<c:forEach items="#{}" var="item" varStatus="loop">
<h:outputText value="#{item.eventDescription}" id="item#{loop.index}" />
<c:if test="#{loop.index % 4 == 0}">
<br />
(note that I changed the <h:outputText id> as well, otherwise you end up with duplicate component ID errors or malformed HTML; feel free to omit the id attribute altogether, JSF will autogenerate proper one)
Use JSF component's rendered attribute instead of <c:if> to conditionally render HTML. It runs during view render time, so it'll run "in sync" with <a4j:repeat>.
<a4j:repeat value="#{}" var="item" rowKeyVar="idx">
<h:outputText value="#{item.eventDescription}" id="item1" />
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{idx % 4 == 0}">
<br />
See also:
JSTL in JSF2 Facelets... makes sense?

Custom selectItems

i want to customize selectItems
to display an image conditionally beside each checkbox
so first i tried to display the image for all checkboxes
but it gets displayed only once, here's what i tried:
<h:selectManyCheckbox value="#{myBean.checkboxesArry}" layout="pageDirection">
<f:selectItems value="#{myBean.mapOfCheckBoxes}" var="entry">
<ice:graphicImage url="/resources/images/myImage.bmp"/>
please advise how to accomplish that ?
You cannot nest UI compnents in <f:selectItems> that way. I however see that you're using ICEfaces, you should then be able to use <ice:selectManyCheckbox layout="spread"> in combination with <ice:checkbox> instead.
<ice:selectManyCheckbox id="foo" value="#{myBean.checkboxesArry}" layout="spread">
<f:selectItems value="#{myBean.mapOfCheckBoxes}" />
<c:forEach items="#{myBean.mapOfCheckBoxes}" var="entry" varStatus="loop">
<ice:checkbox for="foo" index="#{loop.index}" />
<ice:graphicImage url="/resources/images/myImage.bmp" />
(untested as I don't use ICEfaces, but the above construct works for Tomahawk, from which ICEfaces has basically copied the implementation; you can also use <ui:repeat> but it only supports Map since JSF 2.1)
See also:
Radio buttons in different parts of the page

Absolute reRendering using RichFaces

My problem is that RichFaces reRender does not work 'under' the current element in the element tree; only upper elements get rerendered.
Is there any way to access lower elements with AJAX?
Any help would be appreciated!
EDIT I edited this question to a more general one. See revisions if interested in the original question.
reRender works with providing an the id of the target object you want to reRender (inside the same naming container - form most often)
the id should be a unique string, according to html spec
reRender allows dynamic value - i.e. reRender="#{myBean.currentItemsToRerender}
Based on that I think you should be able to achieve what you want (although it's not entirely clear)
UIComponent.findComponent(..) has a well-defined algorithm for resolving ids. So for absolute referencing your reRendered id should start with : and then continue through the hierarchy of the naming containers.
Here is an example where changePanel111() changes the content of a lower element:
<h:form id="form" prependId="true">
<rich:panel id="PANEL1">
<h:outputText id="PANEL1TEXT" value="#{ajaxTestBean.panel1}"/>
<rich:panel id="PANEL11">
<h:outputText id="PANEL11TEXT" value="#{ajaxTestBean.panel11}"/>
<rich:panel id="PANEL111">
<h:outputText id="PANEL111TEXT" value="#{ajaxTestBean.panel111}"/>
<rich:panel id="PANEL12">
<h:outputText id="PANEL12TEXT" value="#{ajaxTestBean.panel12}"/>
<a4j:commandLink value="CHANGE PANEL12" action="#{ajaxTestBean.changePanel12}">
<a4j:support reRender="PANEL12" event="onclick"/>
<a4j:commandLink value="CHANGE PANEL111" action="#{ajaxTestBean.changePanel111}">
<a4j:support reRender="form:PANEL111" event="onclick"/>
Notice how the lower element needs to be identified as form:PANEL111.
Hope this helps!
reRender can point to any component outside the form as well. For example this works:
<a4j:commandButton reRender="panel"/>
<h:panelGrid id="panel">
For my MyFaces+Richfaces App, <rich:panel> tag was not working as described in the selected answer. When I changed it to <a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true" />, it started working as given here "<a4j:commandLink> Not Rerendering"
Configuration: MyFaces 2.1.10(Facelets used for templating) and Richfaces 4.2.3.
Hope this will help.
