Foreground App detection of Firefox OS - firefox-os

In Android, we can use "dumpsys activity top" to obtain the Foreground App information.
But in Firefox OS, the dumpsys command not provide the Foreground App information.
Dose their have any way to detect which Foreground App are running?


Can I use same software after switching Window Manager or Desktop Environment in Linux

Suppose I am using Kubuntu.
So I have Kwin as Window Manager and
KDE as Desktop Environment.
I use VSCode and other software.
I am switching to other Desktop Environment and Window Manager alongside Kwin and KDE.
Note: This means I will have both KDE and other Desktop Environments installed on my computer and I will switch between these from login screen. [Same for window manager]
Now, If I switch to Cinnamon Desktop Environment or GNOME Desktop Environment or any other Desktop Environment.
or if I switch to i3, bspwm, dwm Tiling Window Manager or Fluxbox, Openbox Stacking/Floating Window Manager.
or switched both Desktop Environment and Window Manager.
Now can I use the same VSCode and other softwares on these different Desktop Environment and Window Manager? or do I need to install same software for each of these Desktop Environments and Window Managers?
All your self installed programs will work fine in whatever environment you choose.
For maximum compatibility, you should still prefer x11 over Wayland as display server - for example screen sharing in ms teams needs x11, last time I checked. This depends on your personal needs.
Although you can always start any program from a terminal, we usually like to have a graphical menu of some kind that lists all available GUI apps. Desktop environments all contain their own menu.
If you go down the window manager route, you are expected to install a launcher yourself (such as dmenu or rofi), and configure keyboard shortcuts to launch each one of your favorite apps.
I recommend watching DistroTube on YouTube for lots of good info about tiling window managers and Linux in general.

How to run WPF application in background using pywinauto

How to run an application in background ? type_keys and click_input requires active window. Instead of type_keys and click_input(), is there any way to run WPF application in a background ???

Switch application fullscreen mode programmatically on Linux Mate / Ubuntu

I have an application that runs on a Raspberry Pi with Linux Mate and a touch screen. The normal users control the application via touch screen and should usually only see my application. I have defined a keyboard shortcut in Mate that allows me to toggle the fullscreen mode which can be used when I am remotely connected to the PI and have a keyboard.
From time to time it is, however, necessary for the normal user to access the desktop. Since the Raspberry Pi has no keyboard connected, the (local) user can't use the keyboard shortcut.
For this reason I would like to add a button to my application that would allow the user to toggle fullscreen mode.
As far as I understand this is a function of the Gnome 2 desktop (which Linux Mate uses). I have no idea how to access this from my program and can't find any information on it.
My application is written in .NET Core with Avalonia UI but the function would not necessarily have to be integrated in my application. I could as well call an external script or utility program.
Any idea how to accomplish this?
A friend gave me the tip to check out the wmctrl program. The sources of this program led me to the XLib or XCB library and setting the window to _NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN.
I guess this could be done in .NET by P/Invoking the native lib. Then again it seems much easier to write a shell script that determines the windows ID and calls the wmctrl utility and call that script from the .net application.

Node webkit window manager on boot

I have written a node webkit application that also works as a window manager.
I want to achieve the following on Ubuntu on boot:
Bypass Ubuntu loading screen (skip it or customize it)
Start and display my app instead of and before anything else
Is that possible? And if yes how can it be achieved? Thanks.
I take it that you are launching node-webkit in kiosk mode?
To add your app in Ubuntu as apps to start as soon as linux has booted:

Stopping scroll in iOS hybrid app

How do I stop scroll in background which has a overlay/pop up on it? I have disabled the scroll and its working fine on windows and android but the background scrolls in iOS.
No. There's no direct way or a Windows Store app to launch other apps. The only way is to launch files or URIs into the default handlers for those file types and protocols.
If this is a side-loaded enterprise app then it can use a brokered Windows Runtime Component to call desktop code, and that desktop code can then call desktop API to launch other apps. See Brokered Windows Runtime Components for side-loaded Windows Store apps
