Several file extensions in VIM autocmd - vim

I got autocmd BufWrite *.rb :RuboCop -a in my ~/.vimrc
How to modify it to process *.jbuilder files as well?

You can either add another file-glob, separated by ,:
autocmd BufWrite *.rb,*.jbuilder :RuboCop -a
This is documented under :help autocmd-patterns. Alternatively, of course, define a separate autocmd:
autocmd BufWrite *.rb :RuboCop -a
autocmd BufWrite *.jbuilder :RuboCop -a
If all these file globs already are detected to a single filetype inside Vim, you can also leverage that, and define a buffer-local trigger on that:
autocmd FileType ruby autocmd BufWrite <buffer> RuboCop -a

Use a comma:
autocmd BufWrite *.rb,*.jbuilder :RuboCop -a
For more information see :h autocommand-pattern.


Why :redraw! not take effect in augroup?

I use Vim-Airline plug in Vim, but statuline incomplete display after source .vimrc, so I want use :redraw! in augroup but it not take effect.
augroup Vim
autocmd BufWritePost $MYVIMRC ++nested source $MYVIMRC ":redraw!"
augroup End
I can only exec :redraw! in command line.
How to improve my code?
I am not sure where those quotes around :redraw! come from or what you expect them to do since " introduces a comment.
In Vim, you use a "bar", |, to separate Ex commands like :source and :redraw:
augroup Vim
autocmd BufWritePost $MYVIMRC ++nested source $MYVIMRC | redraw!
augroup END
See :help :bar.

Vim autocmd for FileType not working indirectly

I have a custom ~/.vimrc I made with this augroup:
augroup filetype_vim
autocmd! BufWritePost .vimrc* source %
autocmd FileType vim |
setlocal foldlevel=0 foldmethod=marker foldmarker={{{,}}}
augroup END
When I open vim directly to edit the ~/.vimrc like this: vim ~/.vimrc, the folding works as expected, I can fold {{{ marker:
:set foldmethod?
> foldmethod=marker
When I open vim without specifying a file: vim, and then trying to edit: :e ~/.vimrc, the foldmethod is different!
:set foldmethod?
> foldmethod=syntax
Which obviously comes from a different part of my vimrc.
Why doesn't it recognizes the file type when I open the file indirectly?
You've failed with VimScript syntax. Must be
autocmd FileType vim
\ setlocal foldlevel=0 foldmethod=marker foldmarker={{{,}}}
What you did instead is
autocmd FileType vim <nothing> | <nothing>
setlocal foo bar
Therefore setlocal applies to the current buffer only (i.e. command-line argument), not to anything else.

Highlight txt files but not help files

I would like to apply the following autocmd:
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.txt set filetype=markdown
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.txt colorscheme OceanicNext
However, I do not want this to apply to any vim help files that are loaded whenever I do :h <something>. Is there a way to exclude that from the autocmd?
Use FileType event whenever possible.
Use setfiletype to set filetype if it wasn't already set.
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.txt setf FALLBACK markdown
setlocal foo bar

How to add :autocmd to vim modeline?

I am trying to add :autocmd BufWrite * make to modeline in vim, but it is not triggered. I see that the help says only set <options> can be used in modelines. Is there a way to achieve this effect, where I write a file to run make.
Set your autocmd in your ~/.vimrc with a pattern that will match your file name. I would also suggest using augroup so it can be made to be re-sourced.
augroup my_project
autocmd BufWrite /project/*.c make
augroup END
For more help see:
:h :au
:h :aug

autocmd function always executed twice

I put together the following pile of awesomeness:
if !exists("g:AsciidocAutoSave")
let g:AsciidocAutoSave = 0
fun! AsciidocRefresh()
if g:AsciidocAutoSave == 1
execute 'write'
execute 'silent !asciidoc -b html5 -a icons "%"'
fun! AsciidocFocusLost()
augroup asciidocFocusLost
autocmd FocusLost <buffer> call AsciidocRefresh()
augroup END
augroup asciidocFileType
autocmd FileType asciidoc :call AsciidocFocusLost()
augroup END
The only problem is: It saves twice every time vim loses focus when in an asciidoc file.
When I put :autocmd asciidocFileType into the command line, it shows:
asciidocFileType FileType
asciidoc :call AsciidocFocusLost()
:call AsciidocFocusLost()
The same with :autocmd asciidocFocusLost and AsciidocRefresh().
Why this duplication?
I can't tell you for sure why you got those duplicates (multiple sourcing?), but the canonical way to prevent this is clearing the augroup first:
augroup asciidocFileType
autocmd FileType asciidoc :call AsciidocFocusLost()
augroup END
Since you only have one definition, you can also do this in one command:
augroup asciidocFileType
autocmd! FileType asciidoc :call AsciidocFocusLost()
augroup END
#ingo-karkat's answer is great, but I think I know why you get twice as many autocmds and how to prevent it naturally:
Some distributions of vim / Neovim make sure by default that filetype plugin indent is on. Test it for neovim with env XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/dev/null nvim -c 'filetype' or for vim with env HOME=/dev/null vim -c filetype
If the output is
filetype detection:ON plugin:ON indent:ON
Then You don't need to add filetype * on to your vimrc.
