Mod Rewrite to remove language from url in Concrete5 cms - .htaccess

I'm totally stumped. Hope you can help. I just spent a month redeveloping our website in Concrete5 version 7.3.1, latest version, and I'm ready to launch. It's a multi-lingual site and our SEO guy recommended not to include the language in the URL for the default language (English) as it would change our homepage from to, and our old site default language was in the base directory.
Concrete5 doesn't support this so basically I'm hoping to accomplish this with some .htaccess trickery, but am getting no where.
Concrete5 urls are, so all pages are fed off index.php. There is a rewrite rule as follows to hide the index.php from the user and make the urls pretty.
#RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
#RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.html !-f
#RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.php !-f
#RewriteRule . index.php
I want to further add a way to add the /en/ for the server side from a url which doesn't include it. i.e.
RewriteRule ^/index.php/(.*) ^/index.php/en/$1 [L]
So I can then strip the en from the urls and the system will still work.
I've tried putting this before concrete's rewrite (without index.php), after, and multiple different combinations, but keep getting a 401 error and it's hard to diagnose the problem as it's not so easy to see the generated url.
Any help would be much appreciated as I've got to figure this out before launch.

With this recently added event in the new 5.7.4 version that is to come out sometime soon, we're able to do some interesting things with the request. One thing we can do is ensure the page at that path doesn't exist, then rewrite the request to make it look to concrete5 that the request is actually coming in to /en.
\Events::addListener('on_before_dispatch', function() {
$request = \Request::getInstance();
$page = \Page::getByPath($request->getPath()); // Get the real requested page
if ($page->isError()) { // If it doesn't exist
$path = new \Concrete\Core\Url\Components\Path($request->getPath());
$path = $path->prepend('en'); // prepend "/en" to the path, ex: "/path/to" becomes "/en/path/to"
$page = Page::getByPath($path);
if (!$page->isError) { // Make sure that this page actually exists
// This may not work, you might need to replace the actual \Request instance.
$request->setCurrentPage($page); // Set it to the requested page.
I really suggest that you do not do this. As described in my comments on the question, you'll run into really weird cases that will cause SEO issues and general routing issues in your site.
Edit: concrete5 version 8 includes HTTP middleware, which is a better solution to this problem.


htaccess RewriteRule leaving the current directory scope

I'm creating a website based on wordpress on a hosting system (unfortunately not a dedicated system in this situation) and I am very limited in my configuration opportunities for Apache2.4.x / PHP8.
I was unable to convince my client to move to a more advanced environment, so I have to work with the given playground, as follows:
There is a website in /www/ which is linked to the domain (A-Record). There's an old man that maintains the current website until the new website is finished.
I am really not afraid that the old dev accesseses my development scope intentionally or uses PHP to do so to cause harm (he doesn't know PHP, he uploads locally generated HTML). He's an old man and I'm rather afraid that he accidently deletes, overwrites or moves my work while I'm working on the new website and I have to put it back together. He might be like "oh I don't know that folder" and it's gone.
My first task was to make and install certificates and enforce HTTPS, that worked pretty well so far.
Now I need www.domain.tld/dev/ to show the wordpress site, however the old developer can access the www scope and I really don't want him to mess with my code. He barely knows HTML.
In opposite to him, I have full access and can go outside of the /www/ directory, so I created a /wordpress/. Unfortunately I have no option to add a subdomain for that on said host, either.
Now here's where my problem and my approaches kick in, I am unable to move /www/dev/ to show the /wordpress/ content which is not inside of /www/.
Theoretically I would do this on my root server but my client wants the website development to happen in his webspace. That's a bit strange but no subject to change. Just take that as given fact please.
So my htaccess rules for this are not doing anything and I can not spot what's wrong.
(Note: The .htaccess is laying inside of /www/)
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^domain.tld [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://domain.tld%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]
#RewriteBase /
#RewriteRule ^/dev /is/htdocs/wpCUSTOMERIDSTRIPPED/wordpress [QSA]
#RewriteRule ^/dev/(.*) /is/htdocs/wpCUSTOMERIDSTRIPPED/wordpress/$1 [QSA]
RewriteBase /is/htdocs/wpCUSTOMERIDSTRIPPED
RewriteRule ^/www/dev /wordpress [QSA]
RewriteRule ^/www/dev/(.*) /wordpress/$1 [QSA]
Thank you alot in advance.
Note: The search function did not help me further as I am moving outside of the scope of the active directory.

Joomla - htaccess Redirects Error

I've had a Joomla 2.5.28 site for quite a while now and recently changed hosting providers. On the new server I managed to get Joomla updated to 3.2.7 and get it to run normally.
Now for the tricky part:
On my previous hoster I had a second installation being kind of the gateway to the other site. It just lets you select language and that's it.
My domain is with Joomla Main being /joomla and Joomla portal being /3.1
I figured by adding a REDIRECT rule from / to /3.1 I could get the portal up and running again. Sadly not.
This is what I get:
I thought I could undo this by deleting the .htaccess file. The problem lives on though.
I've tried just about everything. Help is VERY MUCH appreciated!
Edit01: A bit more info may be interesting.
The Joomla install is in /joomla while the other page is in /3.1
The .htaccess file however was in the root directory.
Edit02: I have managed to remove the wrong redirection. Question is: What is the correct way to redirect people from to /3.1? (without it showing up in the address)
Edit03: Here is a graphical representation (FTP) of the folder structure.
In order to avoid the redirect loop, you need to first check to see if your are already in the /3.1/ folder. Try this:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/3.1/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://%{HTTP_HOST}/3.1/$1 [L,R]
Sadly I've had to give up using .htaccess for the redirection.
I would have loved the recommended way (and still would like to know how).
index.html in root has the following lines:
<frameset rows="100%" frameborder=0 framespacing=0 border=0>
<frame src="" name="Content" noresize>
It may be the quick and dirty way of dealing with this issue, but it works.
If you can reproduce the same results with .htaccess, I'd love to tag it as an answer.

CakePHP: Can you globally modify all links to point to another directory?

My CakePHP app lives inside a subdirectory to keep it from crashing into a Wordpress installation that powers part of the website: <--root
/_wp <--Wordpress installed here
/_cake <--CakePHP installed here
To maintain consistency, I'm using mod_rewrite rules to rewrite URLs from to etc. This basically works, but CakePHP still creates links with /_cake/pageX. So if a user hovers over a link, the "_cake" will show up in the bottom of the browser and of course in the source code.
Is there a way to configure CakePHP to think it's actually in the site root so it creates the desired URLs for links etc?
I haven't found a way to configure CakePHP the way you want.
If you create your links with HtmlHelper::link or Router::url, you can add a member $url['base'] = false to the $url array argument. This prevents the _cake prefix being inserted in front of the URL.
As an alternative, you can create your own link() or url() function, which calls HtmlHelper::link and always adds base = false.
For this to work, you must also have a .htaccess in the document root, which rewrites the requests to their real destination
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^.*$ /_cake/$0 [L]
You must also pay attention to requests destined for the _wp directory.

Htaccess alias redirect fake multilanguage url

I have a domain with this kind of url (already rewritten by others htaccess rules)
I'd like to create a fake multilanguage url like
The user will see in the address bar the rewritter url but the content that I'd like to show is the original .
I'm on a shared server so I can't use apache vhost rule so I have to find a solution via htaccess.
Someone could help me to find the right way?
So you want english URLs pointing to italian content? Hope your php script that generates these rewrite rules does the translating. But you'd do this for each one of your pages:
RewriteRule ^/?english-page.html$ /italian-page.html [L]
for each one of your pages.
Generally you want to keep the code executed in the web server as small as possible, so having a rewrite rule for each page is not usually a good idea. I suggest to implement this the way most CMS work when SEO URLs are enabled:
Rewrite any url (mydomain/anytext.html [actually you should not use the .html extension either]) to a script (eg. mydomain.tld/translate.php)
Use content of $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] (should contain anytext.html) to display the correct page
Set correct HTTP response code if page does not exist: http_response_code(...) (see end of this answer for a function on php5 below 5.4: PHP: How to send HTTP response code?)
Sample .htaccess (actually originally "stolen" and severely modified from a typo3 setup)
RewriteEngine On
# Uncomment and modify line below if your script is not in web-root
#RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-s
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-l
RewriteRule (.*) translate.php$1 [L]
Very basic pseudo-code-like (not tested, there may be syntax errors) example:
// using a database? you have to escape the string
$db = setup_db();
$page = db->escape_string(basename($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']));
$page = my_translate_query($page);
// no database? do something like this.
$trans = array( 'english' => 'italian', 'italian' => 'italian' );
$page = 'default-name-or-empty-string';
if(isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) {
if(isset($trans[basename($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])])) {
$page = $trans[$trans[basename($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])]];
else {
// need to redirect to another script? use this (causes reload in browser)
header("Location: otherscript.php/$page");
// you could also include it (no reload), try something like this
$_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] = '/'.$page;
// you *may* have to modify other variables like $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']
// to point to the other script
I saw in your answer that you have another script - dispatcher.php - which you seem reluctant to modify. I modified my response accordingly, but please keep in mind that by far the easiest way would be to just modify the existing script to handle any English paths itself.

htaccess - redirect all requests within subdirectory, except if a requested file exists

I'm developing an app in php, and I need to set up a pretty broad .htaccess redirect. I did some reading and tried to write the RewriteConds myself, but it's a bit above my paygrade - I'm hoping someone with more experience can help. Here's what I'm trying to accomplish:
The app is contained in Don't redirect anything above this directory.
Some files exist in this directory that will need to be accessed. Currently these are /app/includes/* and /app/sb_pages/*. This will change and expand in the future, so I need an elegant solution that encompasses all existing files. It's fine if the redirect triggers within these directories when a file isn't found - all I care about is being able to access the files within without the redirect triggering.
All other requests should be redirected to /app/index.php, with the trailing url passed in the querystring. For example, a request to /app/path1/path2/ should redirect to /app/index.php?path=path1/path2/
The redirect should not be transparent. When the user requests /app/path1/path2/, I want them to believe they have remained there. They should not see the url change to /app/index.php?path=path1/path2/.
Just for added clarity, here's a few cases to elaborate:
/app/includes/sidebar.php should not redirect.
/app/includes/nothing.html does not exist - redirect is OK
/app/path1/path2/ should redirect to /app/index.php?path=path1/path2/. User should still see their current URL as /app/path1/path2/.
I hope I've explained it clearly and pre-empted most questions. If you need clarification, please don't hesitate to ask. Thanks in advance for the help!
Try adding this to your .htaccess file in your document root:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^app/(.*)$ /app/index.php?path=$1 [L,QSA]
Note that if you want accesses to existing directories (as opposed to files) to also not be redirected, add a RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d above the rule.
