Does chrome extension have listener for chrome toolbar like back/forward/refresh button and address bar? - google-chrome-extension

I want to determine whether user used browser toolbar in chrome extension.

The closest there is is the webNavigation API.
With it you can discern forward-or-back events, and reload events.
However, it won't tell you that it was specifically the toolbar that was used and not, say, a hotkey or a mouse key.


Is it possible for a website to tell that a mouse click event was generated by CDP rather than a real mouse?

Is it possible for a website to tell that a mouse click event was generated by Chrome DevTools Protocol Input.dispatchMouseEvent rather than a real mouse?

Is it possible for a Chrome Extension to screen grab from an incognito window?

I'm trying to build a screen recorder as a Chrome Extension. The idea is that the recorder can log all mouse and keyboard events, and also store a stream of images from the browser client window. I want to do all of the recording from an incognito window. So far, I'm not managing. Is this even possible?
Yes, it's possible. User just has to allow incognito mode.
Here are the steps below to get this done:
1. In chrome://extension find your extension press details
2. Then Find the section that says allow in incognito.
Just turn it on, this will work.

What is the keyboard shortcut to capture screenshots using Capture for Jira? says
"Keyboard shortcut
Capture for JIRA allows you to configure a keyboard shortcut to take a screenshot at any time. This allows you to capture bugs that might only occur during mouse interaction.
The configuration can be set in the server settings overlay in the browser extension's sidebar."
I cannot figure this out.
It's a setting in the browser extension, not in the JIRA add-on.
In your JIRA, in the "Capture" menu at the top, there's a link to install the browser extension. Make sure you've installed the extension first.
Then, when you open the extension, you can click the settings icon at the bottom. That will display the settings panel where you can configure your shortcut keys:

How to programmatically toggle the console panel from a custom developer tools Chrome extension?

Is there a way to programmatically toggle the console from inside a custom devtools panel?
What's happening is that on the stock panels, you can press Esc to toggle the bottom console panel; but it seems that inside a custom devtools panel, this doesn't work.
The fallback would be to catch the key press and toggle it programmatically but I can't figure out how to do the second part.
I dug through some of the "official" code for devtools and found the _toggleConsoleButtonClicked method attached to the WebInspector object but I can't find how to access that object from my context.
Any pointers would be appreciated!
For context, I'm working with the Backbone devtools extension.
PS: there are more keyboard shortcuts that stop working. Things like Ctrl/Cmd+[number] to switch to a different panel, Ctrl/Cmd+R to reload the page. That might mean that it's more of a feature request for Chrome than something I'm missing. In the meantime, if you have ideas for some of these, I'll take them!
You have to enable Developer Mode in chrome://extensions/. Here is a nice tutorial to debug Chrome extensions
I found this issue relative to your question:
I don't know where is it now...

Chrome Extension: Replace context menu item action

is it possible to replace the action of an existing item in the context menu in Chrome. Simple example, every time I press "Inspect Element", it opens another developer tool extension instead of the default.
It is not: at the moment, devtools APIs only function if the web inspector is open. There's no mechanism to open the web inspector for a user, it has to be her explicit choice.
That said, it sounds reasonable to give an extension the ability to hook into an element's context menu. That might be a good idea for an extension to the existing devtools or Context Menu APIs. Would you mind filing a request at I'll make sure it lands in the correct queue.
