How to limit the items in the popup. "Sar" array contains lot of words, with respect to the selection. if my first popup contains 15 items and did the change. when going to the next popup, if it contains 10 items, the remains 5 items from the first also added to the second popup options.
How to kill that buffer in popup menu items? Iam using this code
global jar,myjar,sam,mySam,Dic,Sar
on mouseUp pMouseButton
put the selectedText of field "MytextField" into Ftext
if pMouseButton = 3 then
put the number of lines of (the keys of sam) into mySam
repeat with i = 1 to mySam
if sam[i] contains Ftext then
put sam[i] into Sar
split Sar by comma
end if
end repeat
put the text of button "M" into tText
put the number of words of (the keys of Sar) into mylength
repeat with x = 1 to mylength
put Sar[x] into line x of tText
end repeat
put mylength into kk---now iam using this code for delete the buffer
----repeat with j = kk to 100
---put "" into line j of tText
---end repeat
set the text of button "M" to tText
popup button "M" at the clickLoc
--popup button "M" at the clickLoc
-- do other stuff here
end if
end mouseUp
Is any option for limit the items in popup. Example:- if popup contains 15 items, i want to see only 10 items, remaining 5 could be see only clicking the bottom button in the popup
You are using globals which might not be what you want.
Try emptying the global with put empty into Sar before adding some new values or use locals which will be emptied after your code is done.
Currently I am able to load all of the photos onto the page, however, they all load in the center of the app on top of one another. I want to have the images display before the data it belongs with.
For example:
This is my code currently (data loaded from xml url) and I have tried to look at rect and other properties, but I have not been able to have any luck.
repeat for each line tChild in tChildren
add 1 to x
put revXMLChildNames( tInfo, "ArrayOfXmlNode/"&tChild&backslash, return, "adoptableSearch", true) into tAdoptable
put revXMLNodeContents( tInfo, "ArrayOfXmlNode/"&tChild&"/"&tAdoptable&"/Photo") into tURL
put url tUrl into tPhoto
if the result is empty then
set the text of img x to tPhoto
end if
put "Name: " & revXMLNodeContents( tInfo, "ArrayOfXmlNode/"&tChild&"/"&tAdoptable&"/Name") & return after tData
end repeat
Thank you in advance for any help!
As you have no creation of the images in your code I assume that you have created them before the repeat loop, then you will need to lock the size and position of the image.
My other suggestion is to create a template group with an image and one or more fields (name, sex, age etc). You can then create a nice layout for each part. When done you can lock everything within the group but still easily set the location for the complete group. Finally you can then move the template group outside the card or hide it.
put 50 into tTop
put 20 into tLeft
put the width of group "templateGroup" into tTempGW
put the height of group "templateGroup" into tTempGH
put 0 into tCount
repeat for each line tChild in tChildren
copy group "templateGroup" to this card
put it into tGroupID # It holds the long id after a copy operation
put url tUrl into tPhoto
if the result is empty then
set the text of img 1 of tGroupID to tPhoto
end if
# Position the new group
set the topLeft of tGroupID to tLeft,tTop
add tTempGW to tLeft
if tLeft + tTempGW > the width of this stack then
# Next item will be partly outside so we move down
add tTempGH to tTop
put 20 into tLeft
end if
# Set some proper name
add 1 to tCount
set the name of tGroupID to ("Person" && tCount)
put revXMLNodeContents( tInfo, "ArrayOfXmlNode/"&tChild&"/"&tAdoptable&"/Name") into field "name" of tGroupID
end repeat
You can of course use other values for top and left. I usually use an empty group to hold all other groups then you use the boundaries for that group as top, left, right.
I am using the following code in a scrolling field. It works fine in both windows and android. The only problem is that the selected item changes as the mouse mouses up and down the list. I would like the original highlighted line to remain highlighted during the scroll and only change if the mouse have not moves move than 11 units(row height is 22) from initial vertical position. How do I modify this code to achieve that?
local lmousev,lvscroll,lscrolling
on mousedown
--If we don't use lscrolling the list will scroll when the mouse hovers over it
put true into lscrolling
--Set the initial vertical position of the cursor
put the mousev into lmousev
--Set the inital position of the vertical scroll
put the dgvscroll of me into lvscroll
end mousedown
on mousemove x,y
if lscrolling=true then --lscrolling is only true after mousedown so no scroll when mouse hovers over
--adjust the scroll position based on the vertical distance that the mouse has moved since mousedown
set the dgvscroll of me to lvscroll -(y - lmousev)
end if
end mousemove
on mouseUp
--stop scrolling when mouse hovers
put false into lscrolling
If abs( the mousev-lmousev)<11 then --If vertival position of mouse has not moved far from vertical position at mousedown
--selectlist command is in the group. It insert list selection into the textbox
end if
end mouseUp
on mouserelease
--stop scrolling when mouse is release outside the listbox and there is no mouseup
put false into lscrolling
end mouserelease
The button,textbox and listbox that forms the combobox are grouped.The code to show/hide listbox and add selected to textbox is in the group script as follows:
Additional Info
local ldrop=false
on buttonclick --show/hide the listbox
--Get the name of the group,textbox & listbox.
--Naming convention required:- textboxname=txt & groupName,listboxname=lst & groupname
--Using quote as deliminater allows us to get the groupname from group "groupname"
set the itemdel to quote
put item 2 of the name of me into groupname
put "lst" & groupname into lstName
put "txt" & groupname into txtName
--status of ldrop let us know if the listbox is visible
if ldrop=false then
--show listbox
set the visible of field lstName to true
put true into ldrop
--hide listbox
set the visible of field lstName to false
put false into ldrop
end if
end buttonclick
on selectlist
--Get the name of the group,textbox & listbox.
--Naming convention required:- textboxname=txt & groupName,listboxname=lst & groupname
--Using quote as deliminater allows us to get the groupname from group "groupname"
set the itemdel to quote
put item 2 of the name of me into groupname
put "lst" & groupname into lstName
put "txt" & groupname into txtName
put the hilitedLine of field lstName into lhilitedLine
put line lhilitedLine of field lstName into field txtName
set the visible of field lstName to false
put false into ldrop
end selectlist
I think you have to make your own control that acts like a list so that you can control all the messages it sends and receives. You are otherwise stuck with some of those basic functions of LC's built-in controls. seems like you'd need an engine-level tweak to the control.
I have linked a livecode application to a relational database. I want to use a combobox to display values related to an ID. I other program such as msaccess this is done by having combobox with 2 columns. The first is linked to the ID and set to 0 width and the second displays the related value. Is that possible in livecode?
I have a text field and a list field and I managed to get it working using the following code on rawkeyup
global strHilitedLine,strTempHilitedLine,booAfterReturn,booFirstKeyUp
on keyup -- when your press a character key
end keyup
on returninfield --when user press return key on keyboard
--accept the temporary hilite
put the hilitedLine of field "lstfood" into strHilitedLine
put empty into strTempHilitedLine
--set booFirstKeyUp to true so that the keyup command will know that
-- the next keyup is the first after clicking the enter/return key
put "True" into booFirstKeyUp
--clear field txtfood
put empty into fld "txtFood"
end returninfield
on enterkey --when user press enter key on mobile(code same as on returninfield)
set the hilitedLine of field "lstfood" to strTempHilitedLine
put the hilitedLine of field "lstfood" into strHilitedLine
put empty into strTempHilitedLine
put "True" into booFirstKeyUp
put empty into fld "txtFood"
end enterkey
on TempHilited
if booFirstKeyUp="True" then
--store the value of hilitedline if this is the first keyup after
-- clicking enter(see on enterkey)
put the hilitedLine of field "lstfood" into strHilitedLine
put "False" into booFirstKeyUp
end if
--set hilitedlines to the hilitedlines just after clicking enter
set the hilitedLine of field "lstfood" to strHilitedLine
-- cleartemporary hilitedlines from previous keyup
put empty into strTempHilitedLine
-- create array from field lstFood and find if the text in txtFood
-- appears at the start of any item in the array
put field "lstfood" into arrFood
filter lines of arrFood with regex pattern "^" & me into strLineText
--create new value to temporarily hilite
if the length of strHilitedLine>0 and the length of strLineText>0 then
put strHilitedLine & "," & lineoffset (strLineText ,field
"lstfood") after strTempHilitedLine
else if the length of strHilitedLine>0 then
put strHilitedLine into strTempHilitedLine
else if the length of strLineText>0 then
put lineoffset (strLineText ,field "lstfood") into strTempHilitedLine
end if
--set temporay hilite
set the hilitedLine of field "lstfood" to strTempHilitedLine
put the length of me into mylength
--Select the part of txtFood that user did to type so that it is overwritten on the next keyup
put strlinetext into field "txtFood"
select char mylength +1 to the length of me of field "txtFood"
End TempHilited
As you can see it is a long convoluted code. Happy to hear if you have a more
-- efficient way of achieving the same.
You mentioned "Store the data in a custom property, filter to include relevant lines, put the remaining data into the field" and I believe you were alluding to another method of doing it but I have not really work out how to do that
No, menu buttons don't allow for multiple columns in LiveCode. However, it is possible to make your own combobox, e.g. by using a stack panel for a menu and adding two fields to that stack. Use the properties inspector of a menu button to assign a stack as a stack panel.
I made such a stack panel, with only one column, quite some time ago:
It would be easy to make this a two-column menu: just make the field half as wide, add another field and update the hilitedLine of the field that doesn't have focus when the hilitedLine of the focused field changes. This example isn't a real stack panel, but it works pretty much the same. I open the stack hidden as a palette, set the size and location, and show it making sure that it has focus.
(The picture is from my own website; the library is in an area available to donors only).
How to change this choice 1, choice 2 ,choice 3 in popu menu to special words (passing by variables from array). With out using the popup properties menu. Means: contents of array svar[2] instead of choice 1
contents of array svar[3] instead of choice 2 .. so on.
so each time the value of choice 1, choice 2 will differ.
global searchStr global replaceStr global Ftext global myArrayToBe global myArraylength global gvar on menuPick pItemName put the number of lines of (the keys of myArrayToBe) into myArraylength
repeat with i=1 to myArraylength if myArrayToBe[i] contains Ftext then put myArrayToBe[i] into Svar answer Svar split Svar by colon put Svar[2] into gvar answer gvar end if end repeat switch pItemName put gvar into pitemName case gvar answer Ftext break case "Choice 2" answer "bye" break case "Choice 3"answer "Please" break end switch end menuPick
Hard to see in your question what you are asking for, but you can set the menu options by using the text of button
If you want to change the menu on the fly when the user clicks, you can do that in the on mouseDown handler:
on mouseDown
set the text of me to "One" & return & "Two" & return & "three"
end mouseDown
if you then have a global variable sVar and would like to populate the menu just when it is about to be shown you can do that also:
on mouseDown
global sVar
put sVar into tVar # Copy array
combine tVar with return
set the text of me to tVar
end mouseDown
If you want to change the first two alternatives based on an array sVaryou can use:
put the text of button "myMenuButton" into tText
put sVar[1] into line 1 of tText
put sVar[2] into line 2 of tText
set the text of button "myMenuButton" to tText
I made a stack that displays lines of text that change their width when the stack is resized.
The Category columns is changing its position on resizing but the check box does not.
What am I missing in the code? What changes have to be made?
See the code in the stack that can be downloaded here:
Thanks in advance.
If I understand what you are trying to achieve here then in your LayoutControl handler make the following change:
-- put the rect of btn "btnCheck" of me into theFieldRect
-- put item 3 of pControlRect - 5 into item 3 of theFieldRect
-- set the rect of btn "btnCheck" of me to theFieldRect
set the left of btn "btnCheck" of me to the right of fld "cat" of me
However I think the resizing of the Cat field is wrong too. Try something like:
on LayoutControl pControlRect
set the right of btn "btnCheck" of me to item 3 of pControlRect-4
set the right of fld "Cat" of me to the left of btn "btnCheck" of me
get the rect of fld "Line" of me
put the left of fld "Cat" of me into item 3 of it
set the rect of fld "Line" of me to it
put the formattedHeight of fld "Line" of me + item 2 of it into item 4 of it
set the rect of fld "Line" of me to it
put item 4 of it into item 4 of pControlRect
set the rect of graphic "Background" of me to pControlRect
end LayoutControl
To edit the LayoutControl script you need to open the datagrid property inspector and click on the Row Behavior... button. This will present the script editor for the behavior of the row template.
Because the DataGrid doesn't have this feature. If you would use the Geometry manager, the GM propeties are not copied from the checkbox in the template to the checkboxes in the actual DG. So, the GM won't work. Perhaps you could write a script of your own that sets the right of all checkboxes to a position relative to the width of the card:
on resizeStack
lock screen
repeat with x = 1 to number of buttons
if the style of btn x is "checkbox" then
set the right of btn x to the width of this cd - 100
end if
end repeat
unlock screen
end resizeStack
Unfortunately, this doesn't work with the datagrid either, because the DG also does some (or a lot) resizing of its own.
It would be much easier to create your own.