Missing urlTemplateRewrite field in REST API of Create Operation in Azure API Management Service - azure

I am trying to use Azure API Management Service using REST API. I want to create / update API Operations using REST API. I referred to Create New Operation documentation and found that property for "Rewrite URL Template" field.
I want to create / update a new Operation which has name, method, urlTemplate, urlTemplateRewrite and description properties.
Can someone suggest on how urlTemplateRewrite property can be populated using REST API?

Please refer to discussion here: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/azure/en-US/b2dae2eb-27d8-46cb-bf0f-571ef1f44efe/unable-to-create-new-api-operations-using-rest-api-missing-urltemplaterewrite-field-in-rest-api?forum=azureapimgmt


How can I detect the user sign up event from Azure API Management?

I've been using Azure API Management recently, and I would like to know if there is a way to detect the sign up process performed from the included Developer Portal.
Basically I need to be able to get the user unique id, to be able to map data stored in a database.
Is configuring Delegation the only way to capture this event?
Try to enable the Resource Logs, it includes the userId.
Reference - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/api-management/api-management-howto-use-azure-monitor#resource-logs

Is it possible to create agents via the API?

So I've been reviewing the DialogFlow documentation and wondering if it's possible to use the API fully programmatically and create agents via the API as well? A sample use case being the user on my platform being to able to create their own bot. I'm not able to find the functionality listed in their docs and wanted to double check with the community here.
You can now create and update agents with the API. See the REST and RPC documentation.
You can’t create an agent through the API but once it’s been created in the UI it can be edited through the API. Users will need to grant your service account the dialogflow editor IAM role and then tell you their project ID.

Is there a way to get Azure Subscription ID programmatically?

We would like to create some Azure resources using Azure Rest APIs through a C# program. We are able to get access token by following the below msdn doc
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/active-directory-v2-protocols-oauth-code .
But the Azure Rest APIs also requires Subscription ID which we are not able to get. Is there a way we can get it through program?
You can use the below request URI to get list of subscriptions for a tenant. https://management.azure.com/subscriptions?api-version=2016-06-01
Please refer to Get Subscription List for more information.

401 Errors Calling the Microsoft Luis.ai Programmatic API

I've been attempting to call the MS Luis.ai programmatic API (bit.ly/2iev01n) and have been receiving a 401 unauthorized response to every request. Here's a simple GET example: https://api.projectoxford.ai/luis/v1.0/prog/apps/{appId}/entities?subscription-key={subscription_key}.
I am providing my appId from the Luis.ai GUI (as specified by the API docs), here:
I am providing my subscription key from Azure (as specified by the API docs), here:
The app ID and subscription key, sourced from above, are the exact same as what I'm using to hit the query API successfully (see note at bottom). My account is pay-as-you-go (not free).
Am I doing something wrong here? Is this API deprecated, moved, down, or out-of-sync with the docs?
NOTE: I can manipulate my model through the online GUI but that approach will be far too manual for our business needs where our model will need to be programmatically updated as new business entities come into existence.
NOTE: The programmatic API is different from the query API which has this request URL, which is working fine for me:
NOTE: There doesn't seem to be a Luis.ai programmatic API for v2.0--which is why the URLs from the query and programmatic APIs have different versions.
Answering my own question here:
I have found my LUIS.ai programmatic API key. It is found by:
LUIS.ai dashboard -> username (upper-right) -> settings in dropdown -> Subscription Keys tab -> Programmatic API Key
It was not immediately obvious since it's found nowhere else: not alongside any of the other key listings in cognitive services or the LUIS.
the programatic key for Luis is here ,

Getting Azure Operation Status with Microsoft Azure Management Libraries

The following page describes how to get Operation Status with the REST API.
Is it possible to get that Operation Status with the Microsoft Azure Management Libraries found at https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Libraries ?
Yes. Assuming you have an instance of the ManagementClient class, the method is GetOperationStatus. You pass in the RequestId of the request you want to get the status of.
Also, this method exists for specific resource clients too. For example, the WebSiteManagementClient class exposes this method.
