inverted index sets - querying key prefixes - search

I'm using Redis in order to build an inverted index system for words and the documents that contains those words.
the setup is really simple: Redis Sets where the key of the Set is: i:word and the values of the Set are the documents ids that have this word
let's say i have 2 sets: i:example and i:result
the query - "example result" will intersect i:example and i:result and return all the ids that have both example and result as members
but what i'm looking for is a way to perform (in efficient manner) a query like: "ex res". the result set should contain at least all the ids from the query "example result"
Solutions that i thought of:
create prefix sets of size 2: p:ex - contains {"example", "expertise", "ex"...}. the lookup running time will not be a problem - O(1) to get the set and O(n) to check all elements in the set for words that start with the prefix (where n = set.size()) but i worry about the added size price.
Using scan: but i'm not sure about the running time - query like scan 0 match ex* will take O(n) where n is the number of keys in the db? I know redis is fast but it's probably not an optimized solution for query like "ex machi cont".

The usual way to go about this is the first approach you had mentioned, but usually you'd go with segments that are 3+ chars long. Note that you'll need to have a set for each segment, i.e.g. i:exa, i:exam, i:examp, i:exampl and of course i:example.
This will naturally take up space in your database (hence the suggestion to start at 3 rather than 2 characters). A possible tweak is to keep in the i:len(3) sets only references to i:len(4+) sets instead of document ids. This will required more read operations but will have significant savings in terms of RAM.
You should explore v2.8.9's addition of lexicographical ranges for Sorted Sets. By calling ZRANGEBYLEX you can get ranges of members (i.e.g. all the words that start with ex). While this could be useful in this context by itself, consider that you can also use your Sorted Set's members creatively to encode a word and its document reference. This can help you get over the "loss" of the score (since all scores need to be the same for lexicographical ordering to work). For example, assuming the words "bed" and "beg" in docs 1 and 2:
ZADD index 0 "beg:1" 0 "bed:2"
Lastly, here's a little something to think about too - adding suffix searching (i.e.g, everything that ends with "ample"):


Mongo DB like search with count is very slow on 50 million collection data

In my application, I have a collection of 50 million data. I am using like search and then count the results on a particular field(i.e Patientfirstname). I also created an index on the Patientfirstname field it improved the performance but still it is taking a lot of time.
db.patients.find({"Patientfirstname":{"$regex":"Testuser"}}).count() without index 40 sec
db.patients.find({"Patientfirstname":{"$regex":"Testuser"}}).count() after adding index on the Patientfirstname field 31 sec
I tried with a different approach (aggregate) but still, response is very slow
{$group : {_id:"$Patientfirstname", count:{$sum:1}}},
{$sort:{"count":-1}} ])
this query also takes the same to time fetch the results 31 sec
another approach was tried but the results are not correct
select only the field from the entire collection and then apply like search and count and result.
applying a filter in the count is not working, entire collection count is displayed
Please help in this query to fetch results faster.Thanks in advance
So here is the deal:
As rightly pointed in the comments, $regex is an operator that would not perform well with or without indexes. Here is the reason why:
Queries without indexes are slow because they executed using COLLSCAN - which is essentially iteration of the whole 50 Million documents on the disk one-by-one, filtering data and returning only the ones that match. Disks being an inherently slow piece of hardware does not help the situation either.
Now, When indexed - MongoDB creates a B-Tree in the RAM. And $regex operator being not very selective in nature, it forces a complete Tree Scan (as compared to a reduced / partial tree scan in case of equalities or ranges) in the index b-tree - which is as bad as a Collection Scan itself. The only reason you get a benefit on 9 seconds is because this Tree Scan occurs in the RAM and not the disk.
Having said that, there are a few alternatives to it:
Optimize your $regex. From the MongoDB Documentation itself:
For case sensitive regular expression queries, if an index exists for the field, then MongoDB matches the regular expression against the values in the index, which can be faster than a collection scan. Further optimization can occur if the regular expression is a "prefix expression", which means that all potential matches start with the same string. This allows MongoDB to construct a "range" from that prefix and only match against those values from the index that fall within that range.
A regular expression is a "prefix expression" if it starts with a caret (^) or a left anchor (\A), followed by a string of simple symbols. For example, the regex /^abc.*/ will be optimized by matching only against the values from the index that start with abc.
Additionally, while /^a/, /^a./, and /^a.$/ match equivalent strings, they have different performance characteristics. All of these expressions use an index if an appropriate index exists; however, /^a./, and /^a.$/ are slower. /^a/ can stop scanning after matching the prefix.
Case insensitive regular expression queries generally cannot use indexes effectively. The $regex implementation is not collation-aware and is unable to utilize case-insensitive indexes.
Create a Text Index - This would tokenize your text string and enable faster text based searches
If you are deployed on MongoDB Atlas - Then you can use Atlas Search which is a Lucene based Text Search Engine (Works almost like elasticsearch on steroids). This offers significantly greater performance and functionalities like fuzzy text search, text automcomplete etc.

Finding the most similar string among a set of millions of strings

Let's say I have a dictionary (word list) of millions upon millions of words. Given a query word, I want to find the word from that huge list that is most similar.
So let's say my query is elepant, then the result would most likely be elephant.
If my word is fentist, the result will probably be dentist.
Of course assuming both elephant and dentist are present in my initial word list.
What kind of index, data structure or algorithm can I use for this so that the query is fast? Hopefully complexity of O(log N).
What I have: The most naive thing to do is to create a "distance function" (which computes the "distance" between two words, in terms of how different they are) and then in O(n) compare the query with every word in the list, and return the one with the closest distance. But I wouldn't use this because it's slow.
The problem you're describing is a Nearest Neighbor Search (NNS). There are two main methods of solving NNS problems: exact and approximate.
If you need an exact solution, I would recommend a metric tree, such as the M-tree, the MVP-tree, and the BK-tree. These trees take advantage of the triangle inequality to speed up search.
If you're willing to accept an approximate solution, there are much faster algorithms. The current state of the art for approximate methods is Hierarchical Navigable Small World (hnsw). The Non-Metric Space Library (nmslib) provides an efficient implementation of hnsw as well as several other approximate NNS methods.
(You can compute the Levenshtein distance with Hirschberg's algorithm)
I made similar algorythm some time ago
Idea is to have an array char[255] with characters
and values is a list of words hashes (word ids) that contains this character
When you are searching 'dele....'
search(d) will return empty list
search(e) will find everything with character e, including elephant (two times, as it have two 'e')
search(l) will brings you new list, and you need to combine this list with results from previous step
at the end of input you will have a list
then you can try to do group by wordHash and order by desc by count
Also intresting thing, if your input is missing one or more characters, you will just receive empty list in the middle of the search and it will not affect this idea
My initial algorythm was without ordering, and i was storing for every character wordId and lineNumber and char position.
My main problem was that i want to search
with ee to find 'elephant'
with eleant to find 'elephant'
with antph to find 'elephant'
Every words was actually a line from file, so it's often was very long
And number of files and lines was big
I wanted quick search for directories with more than 1gb text files
So it was a problem even store them in memory, for this idea you need 3 parts
function to fill your cache
function to find by char from input
function to filter and maybe order results (i didn't use ordering, as i was trying to fill my cache in same order as i read the file, and i wanted to put lines that contains input in the same order upper )
I hope it make sense

How to quickly filter a list using regex?

Well... I have a trivial request of building an Entry that filter on-the-fly a list of entries. (think of an editor auto-complete feature)
The request is to support a regex filter over the whole list and display only matching entries.
The list contains:
Typing in the Entry
Value : List
hij : abc.efg.hij.entry, abc.ddd.hij.entry2, hij.some.value.entry
ddd : abc.ddd.hij.entry2
dd*entry : abc.ddd.hij.entry2
val : hij.some.value.entry
Here is the code i'm using for filtering the list:
regex = re.compile(r"{0}".format(entry_value), re.IGNORECASE)
display_list = list(filter(, display_list))
The real life list contains ~300K entries of strings (up to 100 char each) and the performance of the above is very poor, considering a GUI response time.
I've profiled my real test case and it yields ~0.8s for each key typing in the Entry.
Is there a faster way?
If you are doing regular expression pattern matching against a normal python list that contains 300,000 items, it's just naturally going to be slow. Also, if you are going to display 300,000 items in a listbox it's going to be slow to display all of those items.
Your best bet might be to pick a better data structure. For example, on my system I can run your filter against 300,000 items in about 250ms, but a query against an in-memory sqlite database with 300,000 rows takes about half that time. In either case, it can add another second to fully update the display if the result is very large (for example, if all 300,000 match)
Of course, sqlite doesn't support regex out of the box, but you can translate some common patterns to sql patterns (eg: 'foo.*bar' could be translated to 'foo%bar'). For more information on sqlite and regex see How do I use regex in a SQLite query?
Another strategy to employ would be to not search on every character typed. Wait until the user pauses in their typing. So, for example, if they type "Lorem", you don't need to search on "L" and then "Lo", and then "Lor", etc. Instead, schedule the search to happen in 100 ms, and with each keypress you can reschedule the search. This will prevent the searching from slowing down, while still giving the user what appears to be a fairly rapid result.

how an search index works when querying many words?

I'm trying to build my own search engine for experimenting.
I know about the inverted indexes. for example when indexing words.
the key is the word and has a list of document ids containing that word. So when you search for that word you get the documents right away
how does it work for multiple words
you get all documents for every word and traverse those document to see if have both words?
I feel it is not the case.
anyone knows the real answer for this without speculating?
Inverted index is very efficient for getting intersection, using a zig-zag alorithm:
Assume your terms is a list T:
lastDoc <- 0 //the first doc in the collection
currTerm <- 0 //the first term in T
while (lastDoc != infinity):
if (currTerm > T.last): //if we have passed the last term:
insert lastDoc into result
currTerm <- 0
lastDoc <- lastDoc + 1
docId <- T[currTerm].getFirstAfter(lastDoc-1)
if (docID != lastDoc):
lastDoc <- docID
currTerm <- 0
currTerm <- currTerm + 1
This algorithm assumes efficient getFirstAfter() which can give you the first document which fits the term and his docId is greater then the specified parameter. It should return infinity if there is none.
The algorithm will be most efficient if the terms are sorted such that the rarest term is first.
The algorithm ensures at most #docs_matching_first_term * #terms iterations, but practically - it will usually be much less iterations.
Note: Though this alorithm is efficient, AFAIK lucene does not use it.
More info can be found in this lecture notes slides 11-13 [copy rights in the lecture's first page]
You need to store position of a word in a document in index file.
Your index file structure should be like this..
word id - doc id- no. of hits- pos of hits.
Now suppose the query contains 4 words "w1 w2 w3 w4" . Choose those files containing most of the words. Now calculate their relative distance in the document. The document where most of the words occur and their relative distance is minimum will have high priority in search results.
I have developed a total search engine without using any crawling or indexing tool available in internet. You can read a detailed description here-Search Engine
for more info read this paper by Google founders-click here
You find the intersection of document sets as biziclop said, and you can do it in a fairly fast way. See this post and the papers linked therein for a more formal description.
As pointed out by biziclop, for an AND query you need to intersect the match lists (aka inverted lists) for the two query terms.
In typical implementations, the inverted lists are implemented such that they can be searched for any given document id very efficiently (generally, in logarithmic time). One way to achieve this is to keep them sorted (and use binary search), but note that this is not trivial as there is also a need to store them in compressed form.
Given a query A AND B, and assume that there are occ(A) matches for A and occ(B) matches for B (i.e. occ(x) := the length of the match list for term x). Assume, without loss of generality, that occ(A) > occ(B), i.e. A occurs more frequently in the documents than B. What you do then is to iterate through all matches for B and search for each of them in the list for A. If indeed the lists can be searched in logarithmic time, this means you need
occ(B) * log(occ(A))
computational steps to identify all matches that contain both terms.
A great book describing various aspects of the implementation is Managing Gigabytes.
I don't really understand why people is talking about intersection for this.
Lucene supports combination of queries using BooleanQuery, which you can nest indefinitely if you must.
The QueryParser also supports the AND keyword, which would require both words to be in the document.
Example (Lucene.NET, C#):
var outerQuery + new BooleanQuery();
outerQuery.Add(new TermQuery( new Term( "FieldNameToSearch", word1 ) ), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST );
outerQuery.Add(new TermQuery( new Term( "FieldNameToSearch", word2 ) ), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST );
If you want to split the words (your actual search term) using the same analyzer, there are ways to do that too. Although, a QueryParser might be easier to use.
You can view this answer for example on how to split the string using the same analyzer that you used for indexing:
No hits when searching for "mvc2" with

Best way to sort a long list of strings

I would like to know the best way to sort a long list of strings wrt the time and space efficiency. I prefer time efficiency over space efficiency.
The strings can be numeric, alpha, alphanumeric etc. I am not interested in the sort behavior like alphanumeric sort v/s alphabetic sort just the sort itself.
Some ways below that I can think of.
Using code ex: .Net framework's Arrays.Sort() function. I think the way this works is that the hashcodes for the strings are calculated and the string is inserted at the proper position using a binary search.
Using the database (ex: MS-sql). I have not done this. I do not know how efficient this would be though.
Using a prefix tree data structure like a trie. Sorting requires traversing all the trieNodes of the trie tree using DFS (depth first search) - O(|V| + |E|) time. (Searching takes O(l) time where l is the length of the string to compare).
Any other ways or data structures?
You say that you have a database, and presumably the strings are stored in the database. Then you should get the database to do the work for you. It may be able to take advantage of an index and therefore not need to actually sort the list, but just read it from the index in sorted order.
If there is no index the database might still be able to help you. If you only fetch the first k rows for some small constant number k, for example 100. When you use ORDER BY with a LIMIT clause it allows SQL Server to use a special optimization called TOP N SORT which runs in linear time instead of O(n log(n)) time.
If your strings are not in the database already then you should use the features provided by .NET instead. I think it is unlikely you will be able to write custom code that will be much faster than the default sort.
I found this paper that uses trie data structure to efficiently sort large sets of strings. I have not looked into it in detail though.
Radix sort could also be good option if strings are not very long e.g. list of names
Let us suppose you have a large list of strings and that the length of the List is N.
Using a comparison based sorting algorithm like MergeSort, HeapSort or Quicksort will give you an
where n is the size of the list and d is the maximum length for all strings in the list.
We can try to use Radix sort in this case. Let b be the base and let d be the length of the maximum string then we can show that the running time using radix sort is .
Furthermore, if the strings are say the lower case English Alphabets the running time is
Source: MIT Opencourse Algorithms lecture by prof. Eric Demaine.
