wget: unable to resolve host address “www.cmake.org” [closed] - linux

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm trying to install cmake at my CentOS 6.2, but for some reason i get this error message :
Resolving www.cmake.org... failed: Temporary failure in name resolution.
wget: unable to resolve host address “www.cmake.org”.
This is the command i wrote :
wget http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.8/cmake-2.8.3.tar.gz

This is probably old, but here is how it worked for me:
1. Comment out the IPV6 properties on /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
2. Restart your network service.
service network restart
Then wget worked like a charm ;)

Yes. In my case this was because of wrong entry of DNS server in my local "/etc/resolv.conf".
I have added the proper entry in "/etc/resolv.conf" and then restarted the netwrork using "# service network restart".
Then I was able to use "wget".
Thank you very much.

I know I am necro-posting, but, I found a solution to this, and the solutions is that, you may have set-up a static ip which is not working in Raspberry Pi (basically it doesn't have internet access), So, removing the "ip" line from "/boot/cmdline.txt/" seems to helped me.


Not able to connect openvpn ubuntu 16.04 [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am trying to connect to openvpn with google authenticator enabled but it is showing the issue
AUTH_FAILED,Google Authenticator Code must be a number
However I am able to connect it via web.
Please help me and thanks in advance
This looks like an encoding issue. I was facing this after a dist upgrade to Ubuntu Xenial and solved this by simply changing the verbosity level.
Find your configuration file (Usually *.ovpn), find the line which says verb 3 and change it to verb 4. That makes it work.
If you can't find your ovpn file, try running a grep -nar "verb 3" on the root directory. That should help you find the file.
For example: sudo openvpn --config client.ovpn --script-security 2
As in my case configuration file is client.ovpn
I was able to resolve this issue after installing openvpn from source
https://ramzavil.wordpress.com/2016/07/25/how-to-fix-openvpn-not-working-in-ubuntu-16-04/ tutorial over here

Connecting WinSCP with Ubuntu on VirtualBox [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm trying to connect Winscp with virtual machine. I'm working on Windows,and this problem is killing me for 5 hours. Studied a lot of examples, but I can't find out what is the problem. I tried to connect with putty to, but connection is every time refused. Tried to connect with every protocol, but didn't help. I even can't install ssh into Ubuntu, because something is blocking but not firewall(failed to fetch us archive ubuntu com). Port forwarding too wasn't very helpful.
1st Adapter is NAT, and second host-only.
Problem is that I need to enter home directory, and add some files, so I'm trying to find the easiest way to do this.
I would really appreciate any help. Here is my ifconfig, ip a, and interfaces picture.
Use the following step to configure.
1- Run ipconfig /all on your windows machine and see which ip are assigned to your virtual adopters.
2- Assign the same range ip to your virtual machine. For example:
If on virtual adopter ip is:
Then assign ip to your vm as: 192.168.130.*
and set gateway to :
and restart the service network and check the reachability by pinging from both side.
3- If You able to ping then you will be able to use internate on your VM. Then install the ssh.
Now you will be able to use.

Raspberry Pi 2: routing table has no the specified gateway [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have this routing table:
I used SSH to be able to use my Raspberry Pi on my laptop screen. Everything was fine until I opened my browser and wanted to ping Google in the terminal. I can't, though.
When I try to ping (Google's nameserver), I get the message below the routing table in the image above. But the strange thing is, when I run SSH with PuTTY on a different laptop, the Internet connection is fine. So probably the problem is on my laptop.
How can I fix this issue?
Seems like you are using as a gateway, yet you have configured as the network.
You should either try to configure the default gateway to - perhaps - or your IP address to 192.168.1.x.
An ifconfig output would be handy.
Add default gateway:
route add default gw
You might also need to remove current default gateway(s).

linux openvpn route add command failed [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am trying to access my office vpn through their provided opvn file with my linux (ubuntu 14.04 LTS) laptop, but it is failing with following error:
Wed May 6 22:36:55 2015 /sbin/ip route add xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/16 via yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy (actual ips hidden here)
RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument
Wed May 6 22:36:55 2015 ERROR: Linux route add command failed: external program exited with error status: 2
The error repeats for many different ips.
It does work through our windows 7 computer so it must be some configuration issue on the linux machine. And I would like some help to fix this.
I am running openvpn through the terminal with a script doing the following:
1) change nameserver to company nameserver (sudo sed -i "s:" /etc/resolv.conf
2) sudo openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/my_vpn_file.ovpn
I have been able to figure out that there probably somehow are multiple connections to the vpn..? So I guess the start would be to find and remove that/those other ones, but how?
(I am not a complete novice in the linux world, but in the network/routing world - and stackoverflow!)
Thanks in advance!
The problem is with your route command:
/sbin/ip route add xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/16 via yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy (actual ips hidden here)
RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument
Something about that is fishy -- but, lacking the IPs, I can't say what exactly. However, since you're using a /16, that means that these are private IPs (RFC 1918), which means they are meaningless for helping someone identify who you are, so I strongly recommend you edit your initial posting with the real IPs. I'm imagining there's overlap or something.

connecting Ubuntu to windows [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have installed Internet Information Services on windows and Apache on "Ubuntu" using apt-get command to install . "Ubuntu" is being run in my virtual box. now i want to connect these two computer together for which i opened fire fox on Ubuntu and entered my windows "IP address" in the address bar .windows firewall is off.
i ran # /etc/init.d/apache2 start to start Apache as well
Result: link of Microsoft.com/web with a huge IIS 8 on the page .what is wrong ?how can i fix this?
I don't really get what you are trying to do, but when you write the IP of a computer running either IIS or Apache, you should see a home page, probably the default one if you had never change it.
What are looking forward to do exactly?
In IIS the default html file is located in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\index.html
In Apache you should find httpd.conf file, it has the route to the default website, which probably is /www/index.html or something like that
