I'm using gvim 7.4 on Windows, and I use CTRL+O from insert mode quite often (execute one command from normal mode, then come back to insert mode). Something has remapped it (or not) to where it goes home or something from insert mode.
:imap, :nmap, and :vmap don't show any remapping for CTRL-O, and I've disabled the call to mswin.vim and behave mswin from _vimrc, but it's still happening.
Has anybody seen this or know how to correct it? Is there some other way to see what mapped it and/or override the mapping?
Not really satisfied with this solution, but Ctrl-Shift-O behaves in insert mode the way I expect Ctrl-O to behave.
If :verbose imap <C-o> doesn't show anything, it could also be caused by event handlers triggered by InsertLeave (or InsertEnter). You can quickly check via :set eventignore=all; if that fixes the problem, you need to go to all handlers listed by :autocmd InsertLeave to find the culprit.
I have previously used the following vim mapping so that when I press esc, vim does not 'creep backwards':
:inoremap <silent> <Esc> <Esc>`^
However, this has quite unexpected side-effects (to me, at least), for example, now that I have an <Esc> on the lhs, the arrow keys won't work anymore in insert mode (and a few other items that send escape sequences to vim.
Is there a better way to do this, or perhaps a settings within vim that alters this behavior? Ultimately, I want the behavior or <Esc>`^, I just don't want to have an <esc> that is mapped on the lhs for other reasons. What would be the best approach here?
No need to remap <ESC>. You could try using this autocmd in your .vimrc:
au InsertLeave * call cursor(getcurpos()[1], getcurpos()[2]+1)
This code is a reimplementation of the approach described in the Vim wiki, which is more verbose (and possibly outdated). The command has a small latency though.
In Vim, when in Visual mode, I have to press Esc twice to exit it and turn off the selection. After one press of Esc I have to wait 2 seconds for the selection to turn off.
What can I do to exit Visual mode immediately when Esc is pressed?
Executing following command helped me:
set timeoutlen=1000 ttimeoutlen=0
see: http://www.johnhawthorn.com/2012/09/vi-escape-delays/.
As Ingo explained. Just thought I would post the solution:
Works pretty well. It's a little bit confusing for me as well, so I can't really explain, but the code explains itself pretty well.
The point is it works, it simply makes <Esc> work immediately even when on Terminal. I believe if you do have mappings set to <Esc> it'll give you time to do those as well. However I'm not sure.
Studied a bit and I can now explain it. Basically, if you're not using a GUI (like MacVim) then when you enter insert mode the ttimeoutlen will be set to 0. Meaning that as soon as you click <Esc> that'll work. However once you're in normal mode then it'll set the ttimeoutlen to the number you prefer, letting you do mappings with <Esc>.
Perfect solution I think, since if you have mappings in insert mode it'll be using control or something like that.
Here's the code:
set timeout " Do time out on mappings and others
set timeoutlen=2000 " Wait {num} ms before timing out a mapping
" When you’re pressing Escape to leave insert mode in the terminal, it will by
" default take a second or another keystroke to leave insert mode completely
" and update the statusline. This fixes that. I got this from:
" https://powerline.readthedocs.org/en/latest/tipstricks.html#vim
if !has('gui_running')
set ttimeoutlen=10
augroup FastEscape
au InsertEnter * set timeoutlen=0
au InsertLeave * set timeoutlen=1000
augroup END
With time I've removed the condition that the GUI isn't running and it still works as far as I can tell.
A quick workaround is using <C-c> instead, but you probably want to fix the timeout on <Esc>, which is caused by a mapping that starts with <Esc>, which makes Vim wait for 'timeoutlen' to check whether the mapping is complete.
This does not necessarily need to be a "real" mapping; many terminal workarounds (e.g. to make certain keys work) advise to set up such a mapping. (Unfortunately, this is a difficult and complex issue.)
You can find the mapping via:
:verbose map <Esc>
I have no mapping bound to <ESC> globally or for Visual mode (calling :verbose vmap <ESC> gives no results) but there is still a significant delay when exiting Visual mode. Even on fresh installs with no vimrc the delay is present. Using <C-c> does exit visual mode without delay.
Since I don't like pressing <C-c> to exit any mode, I currently map <ESC> to <C-c> in visual mode. This exits visual mode using <ESC> without any delay.
:vmap <ESC> <C-c>
Or put the following line in your vimrc
vnoremap <ESC> <C-c>
This will not work if you do have global or visual mode mappings bound to <ESC>.
First try the accepted answer of adding the following to .vimrc
set timeoutlen=1000 ttimeoutlen=0
If that doesn't work check if you have any keybindings to <esc>
:imap <esc>
If you use tmux you also need:
set -sg escape-time 0
In Vim, when in Visual mode, I have to press Esc twice to exit it and turn off the selection. After one press of Esc I have to wait 2 seconds for the selection to turn off.
What can I do to exit Visual mode immediately when Esc is pressed?
Executing following command helped me:
set timeoutlen=1000 ttimeoutlen=0
see: http://www.johnhawthorn.com/2012/09/vi-escape-delays/.
As Ingo explained. Just thought I would post the solution:
Works pretty well. It's a little bit confusing for me as well, so I can't really explain, but the code explains itself pretty well.
The point is it works, it simply makes <Esc> work immediately even when on Terminal. I believe if you do have mappings set to <Esc> it'll give you time to do those as well. However I'm not sure.
Studied a bit and I can now explain it. Basically, if you're not using a GUI (like MacVim) then when you enter insert mode the ttimeoutlen will be set to 0. Meaning that as soon as you click <Esc> that'll work. However once you're in normal mode then it'll set the ttimeoutlen to the number you prefer, letting you do mappings with <Esc>.
Perfect solution I think, since if you have mappings in insert mode it'll be using control or something like that.
Here's the code:
set timeout " Do time out on mappings and others
set timeoutlen=2000 " Wait {num} ms before timing out a mapping
" When you’re pressing Escape to leave insert mode in the terminal, it will by
" default take a second or another keystroke to leave insert mode completely
" and update the statusline. This fixes that. I got this from:
" https://powerline.readthedocs.org/en/latest/tipstricks.html#vim
if !has('gui_running')
set ttimeoutlen=10
augroup FastEscape
au InsertEnter * set timeoutlen=0
au InsertLeave * set timeoutlen=1000
augroup END
With time I've removed the condition that the GUI isn't running and it still works as far as I can tell.
A quick workaround is using <C-c> instead, but you probably want to fix the timeout on <Esc>, which is caused by a mapping that starts with <Esc>, which makes Vim wait for 'timeoutlen' to check whether the mapping is complete.
This does not necessarily need to be a "real" mapping; many terminal workarounds (e.g. to make certain keys work) advise to set up such a mapping. (Unfortunately, this is a difficult and complex issue.)
You can find the mapping via:
:verbose map <Esc>
I have no mapping bound to <ESC> globally or for Visual mode (calling :verbose vmap <ESC> gives no results) but there is still a significant delay when exiting Visual mode. Even on fresh installs with no vimrc the delay is present. Using <C-c> does exit visual mode without delay.
Since I don't like pressing <C-c> to exit any mode, I currently map <ESC> to <C-c> in visual mode. This exits visual mode using <ESC> without any delay.
:vmap <ESC> <C-c>
Or put the following line in your vimrc
vnoremap <ESC> <C-c>
This will not work if you do have global or visual mode mappings bound to <ESC>.
First try the accepted answer of adding the following to .vimrc
set timeoutlen=1000 ttimeoutlen=0
If that doesn't work check if you have any keybindings to <esc>
:imap <esc>
If you use tmux you also need:
set -sg escape-time 0
When I leave insert mode by pressing Esc, there is a half-second pause before Vim actually returns to normal mode.
Normally this wouldn't be an issue, since pressing a normal mode command like j after pressing Esc executes the normal-mode command immediately (without the above-mentioned wait), but I have the mapping inoremap <Esc> <Esc>:w<CR>, so that every time I leave insert mode the file is written. I would like the write to occur immediately when I press Esc, but instead there is that half-second pause.
I'm assuming that the pause is because Vim is waiting for more input before it decides that I just meant to type a single, simple Esc. This must be because there is a mapping somewhere who's first character is <Esc>, but I've looked in my .vimrc and there is no such mapping.
Furthermore, I even ran :map <Esc>, and it returned No such mapping. So, if there is no such mapping, why does Vim appear to be waiting for more input, and how can I avoid that behavior?
Extra Information
It appears that this is not reproduceable, so here is some more information in case anyone really wants to get to the bottom of this:
I am using Steve Francia's spf13 distribution of Vim, with my own .vimrc.local on top of it. I have also installed several additional plugins using Vundle.
Notes: .vimrc.local is sourced last in .vimrc.
UPDATE (3/19/2014)
I found a far better solution than trying to hunt down all the mappings that start with <Esc>, courtesy of Powerline, from the Tips & Tricks section of the docs. Put this somewhere in your .vimrc:
" leave insert mode quickly
if ! has('gui_running')
set ttimeoutlen=10
augroup FastEscape
au InsertEnter * set timeoutlen=0
au InsertLeave * set timeoutlen=1000
augroup END
Note that this will make it impossible to use mappings that start with <Esc> while in insert mode, but there shouldn't be any of those anyway, because of the problem this solves.
I found the lines in spf13's .vimrc that were causing the problem:
" Fix home and end keybindings for screen, particularly on mac
" - for some reason this fixes the arrow keys too. huh.
map ^[F $
imap ^[F $
map ^[H g0
imap ^[H g0
The reason I couldn't find them before is because they weren't mapped using <Esc>, but ^[ instead. Very irritating! Hope this helps some equally disgruntled spf13 user :)
If removing those mappings doesn't work, then it's probably a mapping from a plugin.
Type :verbose map <Esc> to get a list of all mappings involving Esc. The verbose part instructs Vim to print where the mapping was set. That should help find out what's causing the problem.
Also, the command unmap <Esc> might be useful—it removes any mappings for the Esc key.
Note that unmap does not remove mappings in all modes; type :h unmap for more info.
In my case, it was tmux injecting that delay (this came as a complete surprise for me!).
I fixed it by adding set -g escape-time 0 to my tmux.conf.
This may not strictly help the author, but this question comes up first when searching for this issue with many different keyword combinations, so I hope it helps someone.
Source: first comment from here.
I'm not exactly sure what the problem is with the mapping you describe, in my opinion it should be fine. However, I think that what you want to accomplish can be reached in a better way. Your mapping is basically an attempt at creating a InsertLeave event, which Vim actually already has built in!
Try adding something like this to your .vimrc:
au InsertLeave * if &mod && expand('%')!=''|write|endif
As an added bonus, this one only saves your buffer if it has a filename and was actually modified.
set timeoutlen=1000 ttimeoutlen=0
timeoutlen - mapping delays.
ttimeoutlen - key code delays.
I'm on this computer (ubuntu) where TAB is mapped (I can't find where) to autocomplete. I searched and seems like this is done by supertab, although I couldn't find how to disable it, neither did I find its files.
In my ~/.vimrc and /usr/share/vim/vimrc files, there is no mapping of the tab key. The later file includes debian.vim (and tries with /etc/vim/vimrc.local, but that doesn't exist) but that also doesn't have any mappings of tab, or any reference to supertab.
The output of :map! is this:
i <S-Tab> * <C-R>=BackwardsSnippet()<CR>
i <Plug>SuperTabBackward & <C-R>=<SNR>13_SuperTab('p')<CR>
i <Plug>SuperTabForward & <C-R>=<SNR>13_SuperTab('n')<CR>
i <C-Tab> * <Tab>
i <Tab> * <C-R>=TriggerSnippet()<CR>
i <CR> * <C-R>=<SNR>13_SelectCompletion(1)<CR>
i <C-N> <Plug>SuperTabForward
i <C-P> <Plug>SuperTabBackward
i <C-R><Tab> * <C-R>=ShowAvailableSnips()<CR>
i <C-X> <C-R>=<SNR>13_ManualCompletionEnter()<CR>
Which indicates that supertab is indeed mapping these keys.
I tried putting nomap! <TAB> in my ~/.vimrc, but it doesn't work as it seems like supertab is being loaded after ~/.vimrc is read.
My question is, how can I disable supertab, or alternatively make sure ViM doesn't let anyone map TAB to anything else?
Supertab is a plugin. As such it should be installed somewhere in ~/.vim/. There are many ways to install plugins (default, pathogen, vundle, etc.). Look into ~/.vim/bundle (if you use Pathogen) or in ~/.vim/plugin.
If it's not there it may have been installed in /usr/share/vim/vim7x/ which is very crowded and should not be touched in any way: good luck.
Anyway, you can do :verbose map! to see where the mappings are set (and thus, where the plugin is installed if you want to remove it) or you could simply configure Supertab to not use <tab>. See :help supertab.
In case you don't want to completely get rid of supertab you can remap the default keybindings using something like (in your ~/.vimrc):
let g:SuperTabMappingForward = '<c-space>'
let g:SuperTabMappingBackward = '<s-c-space>'
If you only want to insert literal tab characters, supertab makes it easy by mapping literal tabs to ctrl+tab by default (which unfortunately doesn't work in terminal). It can be customized by using something like:
Lastly, you can always escape a mapping by prepending it with ctrl-v in insert mode.
see :h supertab-forwardbackward for more information. (might not work if you haven't built supertab docs)