Remove Envelope ID Stamping - Sandbox - docusignapi

Is it possible to remove the Envelope Id Stamping from dev/sandbox environment? The following still results in a pdf with the envelope id. I also see no option under Preferences >> etc, etc as other posts mention to remove this. Not possible in Sandbox?
// extra props removed
envelopeIdStamping : false,

This is an admin setting that you can reach out to DocuSign support to have them enable/disable in your account.


DocuSign Apex API: Add sign here and date tabs

I have implemented Docusign's embedded signing using the apex toolkit for docusign. I have stored my document to be signed in Documents object. I want to add the sign here tab to the document and then send it to docusign. ANy ideas on how can I achieve this?
Below is the code i've used to generate the envelope. I need to add the sign here tab to the envelope:
Id mySourceId = '0012v00002WathI';
Id myDocumentId = '0692v00000AF1yP';
dfsle.Envelope myEnvelope = dfsle.EnvelopeService.getEmptyEnvelope(
new dfsle.Entity(mySourceId)) // The initiating Salesforce entity.
new Set<Id> {
.withRecipients(new List<dfsle.Recipient> {
myEnvelope = dfsle.EnvelopeService.sendEnvelope(
myEnvelope, // The envelope to send
true); // Send now?
I may be wrong but from what I remember when working with the apex toolkit it does not allow you to add tags to documents through Apex. I'm pretty sure what you have there should work and when you initiate the embedded signing process you will get to choose where the sign tags go. You could set up a template for this document to decide where the tags go beforehand (which is useful if you send the same document often) for how to add documents with templates to envelopes see this page at step 3. The toolkit documentation isn't very clear so you may want to watch a demo to see how the whole process works like this one. Hope this helps.

DocuSign API - Reset/Unlock RecipientAuthenticationStatus

I'm using the DocuSign API to electronically sign documents within my app. I'm using the access code authentication feature, for some additional security; however, I am trying to 'Unlock' a signer (via the API) that has input the wrong access code too many times, without voided and creating a new envelope, or using the DocuSign Admin interface.
I don't care if I have to resend the initial email, I just want to be able to conserve my client's total envelope count. It's also important (if there are multiple signers) that I don't force one signer to have to sign multiple times, if they completed their signatures prior to signer2's authentication error.
I have attempted a POST to:
I have also sought a solution using the docusign-java-client:
Recipients recipients = envelopesApi.listRecipients(accountId, envelopeId);
List<Signer> signers = recipients.getSigners();
for (Signer signer : signers) {
I still get the below response
"recipientAuthenticationStatus": {
"accessCodeResult": {
"status": "Failed",
"eventTimestamp": "2018-01-15T23:49:15.8600000Z"
I'm able to "Resend" via the DocuSign admin GUI, and everything works as expected...
Is there any way that I'm able "reset/unlock" this authentication feature programatically, through the API?
You can use below PUT endpoint
PUT /restapi/v2/accounts/<accountId>/envelopes/<envelopeId>?resend_envelope=true
Body as:
This should send another email to the signer who failed the authentication, and that user will again get option to enter the access code.
I think you will need to delete and then re-add the recipient (signer). That makes the signer become a new recipient.
However, doing so means you'll need to re-create everything about the signer: their document tabs/fields, etc.
I can't imagine that it is less expensive to simply void/resend the envelope than to spend a developer's time to work on this issue.
If this scenario is occurring a lot, then perhaps think about providing better training to your signers with respect to using the access code feature.
Per the documentation found here
I must include the json or xml with the request (if the authentication method failed). I assumed incorrectly that if there was only one recipient, then I would NOT have to specify. If you just want to resend the envelope, you don't need to include and signer data.
Such as:
{"signers" :
"name":"FirstName LastName",
You should then get something like the below response:
"recipientId": "1",
"errorCode": "SUCCESS",
"message": ""

Envelope Allow Markup not Working

Per the documentation one of the properties of an envelope is a boolean 'allowMarkup'. I assume this works in conjunction with the settings property located at Preferences >> Account Administration >> Features >> "Allow Markup". I have this option check and I've created a new envelope with the following json:
"allowMarkup": true,
"emailBlurb": "Allow Markup Test",
"emailSubject": "Test envelope that should allow to modify docs."
After I create the envelope I see the following check box is not checked in the UI :
It seems that i can only set the highlighted property from the UI. Bug? Can anyone reproduce this? We are testing this in sandbox as an FYI.
Just to following up on this: This was a issue was reproduced by DocuSign support and has been assigned to engineering for resolution.

If New Document/Media uploaded in liferay by admin, user has to get message after login

I am very new to liferay. Please help me implementing the below requirement.
Using Document and media portlet in liferay, If any new document is uploaded or uploaded document is modified(Version changed) by admin user, then
How can i identify that the particular document is modified or newly uploaded as i have to show a popup message to user based upon if any new files is uploaded or modified after log on.
That is not a little change request - this required bit more development. And here is more different variants:
Simple but nonperformance variant:
With UserLocalServiceUtil you can check the last user-login date
Similarly iterate over all documents and check last modification date
Create Liferay-Portlet that shows the list of documents with modification date after last user-login date
Here are the steps:
Use corresponding Document Listener i.e
DlFolderListener or DlFileEntryListener. You have to use hook to
add your listner in
For Example, you would need to workaround below property.
This class would be extending BaseModelListener<FileEntry>
Override and use onAfterUpdate method to notify appropriate audience
Now this can be done by setting this notification in user
On user Login, check corresponding user preferences for this
notification and notify user. You can use hook LoginPostAction to read user preferences for notification.
Hope this helps.
Create customfield for user. Create table with service builder to store the fileEntry Id which modified.
Create DLFileEntry Listener and write
code on FileUpdate. Add DLFileEntryID in same table created in step 1. Set
custom field true for all the user.
Create LoginPostActionHook and on Check the user's flag and fetch the FileEntryId get info of that fileEntryId and display notification with all file's information. Set customfield Flag false for particular user and remove the fileentryid from table or mark them all as read.

Displaying additional profile fields that are synced with AD using JavaScript

Along with the thumbnail photo, I may want to display other properties in my master pages that are imported from AD such as "company" using User Profile sync
If I use SPServices.SPGetCurrentUser() (, I can get selected properties held in user profile settings. However, I can't make this call since the property does not exist here (yet).
var company = $().SPServices.SPGetCurrentUser({
fieldName: "Company",
debug: false
It is however, is displayed both in when in Mysite and _layouts/ProfAdminEdit.aspx (Edit user properties in Central Admin). I guess my question is then to be able to use SPServices, do I somehow edit the default properties and include my "Company" attribute held in the user' mysite profile? Alternatively, is there another way to access the properties held in the user profile with JavaScript ?
$().SPServices.SPGetCurrentUser calls this page : For me the function is not able to parse the page correctly, but you could simply use jQuery (or pure JS or whatever) to get by yourself the same page, and then parse it to find the data you want.
Otherwise you can use $SP().people() to query the User Profile Service and gets the info for the user. See the example from the provided link. In theory that should return you the same information or even more info.
