Grep the most recent value of a particular column from a CSV file [closed] - linux

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Assuming this is the CSV file, I want to grep the value "e" from the column "cole" and store it into a shell variable. And then use the shell variable as a part of a wget command.
How would I do this?

set -f # disable globbing
variable="$(awk 'NR==2 {print $5}' file)"
set +f

Awk is well suited to this. If you know the column number you can simply do:
$ awk 'NR==2{print $5}' file.csv
This will print the fifth field on the second line. If you want to use the column name then:
$ awk 'NR==1{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)c[$i]=i}NR==2{print $c[col]}' col="cole" file.csv
Just set col="<name of column to use>".
You can use command substitution to store the value in variable:
$ val="$(awk 'NR==2{print $5}' file.csv)"
$ wget --what-ever-option "$val"
Or just use it in place:
$ wget --what-ever-option "$(awk 'NR==2{print $5}' file.csv)"


how can I remove some numbers at the end of line in a text file [closed]

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Closed 6 months ago.
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I have a text file which contains a series of same line except at the end.
how can I remove the last number? it goes upto 250
to change in the file itself
sed -i 's/[0-9]\+$//' /path/to/file
sed 's/[0-9]\+$//' /path/to/file > /path/to/output
see example
You can do it with Awk by breaking it into fields.
echo "lesi-1-1500-2" > foo.txt
echo "lesi-1-1500-3" >> foo.txt
cat foo.txt | awk -F '-' '{print $1 "-" $2 "-" $3 }'
The -F switch allows us to set the delimiter which is -. Then we just print the first three fields with - for formatting.

Cut a string after certain a specific character, but just one field [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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This is from a vhost file. This is the output I get
I'm wondering how to cut from this output so only this part remains
Keep in mind that "something" could be "something4141411" or "something23". So length operations won't work. Tried with cut command and AWK, but didn't work. I would be happy receive a tips from the bash experts :)
Like this :
grep -o 'something.*' file
or more specific:
grep -oE 'something[0-9]+\..*' file
Could you please try following, written and tested with provided samples only.
awk -F'uat3-dam-' '{print $NF}' Input_file
Description: Making uat3-dam- as field separator and printing last field of it.
2nd solution:
awk 'match($0,/something.*/){print substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH)}' Input_file
echo "ServerName" |cut -d\- -f3-4
Will return:
And if you change the string (as you mention):
echo "ServerName" |cut -d\- -f3-4
It will keep returning:
$ echo 'ServerName' | awk -F- '{sub(".*" $2 FS,"")}1'
This will work:
echo "ServerName" | sed -E 's/.*(something.*)/\1/'
Or, if the string is in a file named file
sed -E 's/.*(something.*)/\1/' file
-E is for extended regex
.*(something.*) means "any char 0 or more times followed by something and any other char 0 or more times".
\1 is used to print only the matching part inside the brackets.
You could also use :
echo ${test#*dam-}
Example :
echo ${test#*dam-}
which gives:
Note that the opposite version would be echo ${test%something*}

Command for printing part of a String? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have a file name test,
it contains a String James Bond 007,
and i want to print only James Bond.
I tried the following commands:
$ strings -n 2 test
$ sed -n '/James/,/Bond/p' test
$ awk '{print substr($1,10)}' test
To print the first two words, you can use awk:
awk '{print $1, $2}' test
To print the first ten characters, you can put the file contents in a variable, then use the bash substring operation:
contents=$(cat test)
echo "${contents:0:10}"
Or in awk:
awk '{print substr($0, 1, 10)}' test
Notice that $0 means the whole line, and you have to give both a starting index and length to substr(). Indexes in awk start at 1 rather than 0.
In sed, /James/,/Bond/ is a line range expression; it processes all the lines starting from a line containing James until a line containing Bond. It doesn't process just part of the lines.

How to create a Unix script to segregate data Line by Line? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have some data in a MyFile.CSV file like this:
100,tom cruise,USA
101,Johnny depp,USA
What will be the shell script to take the above file as input and segregate the data in 2 different files as per the country?
I tried using the FOR loop and then using 2 IFs inside it but I am unable to do so. How to do it using awk?
For LINE in MyFile.CSV
If grep "USA" $LINE >0 Then
$LINE >> Out_USA.csv
$LINE >> Out_India.csv
You can try with this
grep -R "USA" /path/to/file >> Out_USA.csv
grep -R "India" /path/to/file >> Out_India.csv
Many ways to do:
One way:
$ for i in `awk -F"," '{if(NR>1)print $3}' MyFile.csv|uniq|sort`;
echo $i;
egrep "${i}|country" MyFile.csv > Out_${i}.csv;
This assumes that the country name would not clash with other columns.
If it does, then you can fine tune that by adding additional regex.
For example, it country will be the last field, then you can add $ to the grep

Change the path address in a text file by shell scripting [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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In my Bash script, I have to change a name to a path address(new address) in a text file:
(MYADDREES) change to ( /home/run1/c1 ) and save it as new file.
I did like this: defined a new variable = new address and tried to replace it in previous address in text file.
I use sed but it has problem.
My script was:
# To debug
set -x
echo $x
sed "s/MYADDRESS/$x/g" < sample1.txt > new.txt
The output of pwd is likely to contain / characters, making your sed expression look something like s/MYADDRESS//home/user/somewhere/. This makes it impossible for sed to sort out what should be replaced with what. There are two solutions:
Use a different delimiter for sed:
sed "s,MYADDRESS,$x,g" < sample1.txt > new.txt
...although this will have the same problem if the current path contains a comma character or something else that is a special character for sed, so the more robust approach is to use awk instead:
awk -v curdir="$(pwd)" '{ gsub("MYADDRESS", curdir); print }' < sample1.txt > new.txt
