How to create folder using live code. I am using linux operating system my current Directory is
I want to create folder inside myproject
create folder pathName should work fine
I have a notebook with functions in a repo folder that I am trying to run in another notebook.
Normally I can run it as such: %run /Users/name/project/file_name
So I cloned the two files (function_notebook, processed_notebook) into a Repo in Databricks.
When I try to copy the path where I just cloned it, onlt this option appears: Copy File Path relative to Root
However in the Workspace user folder the option is Copy File Path
Evidently I dont quite grasp the difference between the relative path and the workspace path.
How can I run the notebook that has been cloned in the repo ?
RepoName (has 2 folders):
Folder1 Notebook1
Folder2 Notebook2
I'm in Notebook1 wanting to run Notebook2
%run ../Folder2/Notebook2
It's an UI problem that was already reported to development team. Until that time you need to create the path yourself. The difference is that it's starts with /Repos not with /Users. I have a small demo that shows how to use Repos to perform testing, etc. - if you interested in details.
But if the files are inside the same repository, then you don't need to use full paths, it's making them less portable - you can use relative paths, like, ./file_name to include notebook in the current folder, or ../file_name to include file in the level up folder, or ./folder/file_name to include file from the subfolder - but don’t specify file extension. In this case your code is portable, and could be used in different checkouts.
The name difference between workspace path & relative path is that former gives you full path inside the Workspace, while later gives you path relative to the root of the Repo
My notebook is called "UserLibraries" and i successfully ran it in separate cell without any other commands. Maybe it is the case. And if the path is correct I can open called NB in a new browser window by clicking path (it becomes hyperlink) (see picture).
Below image is snapshot in "C:\Users\myname"
What is it?? and how can I change directory for that?(I want move it into one folder)
I want to maintain C:\Users\myname folder clean
I have several DLLs referenced in my project. On build, they get dumped to the root directory.
How do I set a folder to which to copy these to and have the project reference them from the folder?
Basically, I want my output to have a folder called "whatever" and have my app reference them from the folder instead of the root.
Move your DLLs to the folder (source folder, as you have described). Then set your references to get the DLLs from that folder. (remove current reference, add reference, browse to your preferred folder).
In the /project/references (for the DLLs you have mentioned) set the property "Copy Local" to False.
I want one folder to be copied from my plugin's base directory (pluginBasedir) to the target project when someone installs my plugin. If I keep that folder within web-app, it gets copied. But I want to keep that folder under base directory.
Do I have to ovverride _GrailsPluginDev.groovy script?
You can use the plugin's _Install script (in the scripts folder). Assuming the folder you want to copy is named 'foo' and the plugin name is 'bar', you can use this:
ant.mkdir dir: "$basedir/foo"
ant.copy(todir: "$basedir/foo") {
fileset dir: "$barPluginDir/foo"
At least in the linux version of Dropbox, the user can choose which folder becomes their Dropbox. Is there a simple way to get this programmatically?
Maybe this will give you a clue.
The Dropbox configuration is stored in a sqlite database in your ~/.dropbox folder.
I found a small script which edits the Dropbox folder location:
The most forward way to force Dropbox to use another folder location is a symbolic link.
Stop the dropbox daemon and simply replace the default folder with a symlink:
> mv ~/Dropbox /other/dropbox/folder
> ln -s /other/dropbox/folder ~/Dropbox