I'm trying to figure out masterless environment with puppet. I'm using this link to install the newest version of Puppet on Ubuntu.
I'm using this repository https://github.com/szymonrychu/puppet-masterless and running the script: modules/os/files/puppet.sh.
It downloads current Puppet repository to the /opt/puppet directory and then runs the code specified in it. (It sets cronjob pointing to the script, so it will run every hour)
After first run the hiera env is prepared (hiera.yaml) and deployed. From that point the code should start connect to hiera database, but it's not happening.
Most probably there is an issue in modules/os/files/hiera.yaml or in manifests/site.pp, but after several days of struggling I can't get it to work.
Ok! I know what was broken :)
first missing part in common.yaml:
- os
os::version: 'ugabuga'
second mistake in modules/os/manifests/init.pp:
class os (
$version = 'v0.0.0'
){ (...) }
instead of:
class os {
$version = 'v0.0.0'
and finally, the code should be included in manifests/site.pp like this:
node default {
include os
And that's it! But it wasn't trivial - at least for me. Documentation isn't that specific in that case and there are no complex examples about this.
The following is a simplified manifest I am running:
package {'ruby2.4':
ensure => installed
exec { "gem2.4_install_bundler":
command => "/usr/bin/gem2.4 install bundler",
require => Package['ruby2.4']
Puppet apply runs this manifest correctly i.e
installs ruby2.4 package (which includes gem2.4)
Installs bundler using gem2.4
However, puppet apply --noop FAILS because puppet cannot find the executable '/usr/bin/gem2.4' because ruby2.4 is not installed with --noop.
My question is if there is a standard way to test a scenario like this with puppet apply --noop? To validate that my puppet manifest is executing correctly?
It occurs to me that I may have to parse the output and validate the order of the executions. If this is the case, is there a standard way/tool for this?
A last resort is a very basic check that the puppet at least runs, which can be determined with the --detailed-exitcodes option. (a code different to 1).
Thank you in advance
rspec-puppet is the standard tool for that level of verification. It can build a catalog from the manifest (e.g. for a class, defined type, or host) and then you can write tests to verify the contents.
In your case you could verify that the package resource exists, that the exec resource exists, and verify the ordering between them. This would be just as effective as running the agent with --noop mode and parsing the output - but easier and cheaper to run.
rspec-puppet works best with modules, so assuming you follow the setup for your module from the website (adding rspec-puppet to your Gemfile, running rspec-puppet-init), and let's say this is in a class called ruby24, a simple spec in spec/classes/ruby24_spec.rb would be:
require 'spec_helper'
describe 'ruby24' do
it { is_expected.to compile.with_all_deps }
it { is_expected.to contain_package('ruby2.4').with_ensure('installed') }
it { is_expected.to contain_exec('gem2.4_install_bundler').with_command('/usr/bin/gem2.4 install bundler') }
it { is_expected.to contain_exec('gem2.4_install_bundler').that_requires('Package[ruby2.4]') }
I wrote a simple module to install a package (BioPerl) on a Ubuntu VM. The whole init.pp file is here:
The problem is it doesn't work, and it gives me no feedback to let me know why it doesn't work. There are 3 simple steps in the module. I checked and it didn't do any of them. Heres the first 2:
Step 1: Download an archive and save it to /usr/local/lib
exec { 'bioperl-download':
command => "sudo /usr/bin/wget --no-check-certificate -O ${archive_path} ${package_uri}",
require => Package['wget']
Step 2: Extract the archive
exec { 'bioperl-extract':
command => "sudo /usr/bin/tar zxvf ${archive_path} --directory ${install_path}; sudo rm ${archive_path}",
require => Exec['bioperl-download']
pretty simple. But I have no idea where the problem is because I can't see what its doing. The provisioner is set to verbose mode, and here are the output lines for my module:
==> default: Notice: /Stage[main]/Bioperl/Exec[bioperl-download]/returns: executed successfully
==> default: Notice: /Stage[main]/Bioperl/Exec[bioperl-extract]/returns: executed successfully
==> default: Notice: /Stage[main]/Bioperl/Exec[bioperl-path]/returns: executed successfully
So all I know is it executed these three steps successfully. It doesn't tell me anything about whether the steps did their job properly or not. I know that it didn't download the archive to /usr/local/lib that directory, and that it didn't add an environment variable file to /usr/profile.d. Maybe the issue is the variables containing the directories are wrong. Maybe the variable containing the archives download URI is wrong. How can I find these things out?
It turns out the module does work. But to improve the module (since I want to upload it to forge.puppetlabs.com, I tried implementing the changes suggested by Matt. Heres the new code:
file { 'bioperl-download':
path => "${archive_path}",
source => "http://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/C/CJ/CJFIELDS/${archive_name}",
ensure => "present"
exec { 'bioperl-extract':
command => "sudo /bin/tar zxvf ${archive_name}",
cwd => "${bioperl_target_dir}",
require => File['bioperl-download']
A problem: It gives me an error telling me that the source cannot be http://. I see in the docs that they do indeed allow http:// files as the source for the file resource. Maybe I'm using an older version of puppet?
I want to try out the puppet-archive module, but I'm not sure how I can set it as a required dependency. By that, I mean how I can make sure its installed first. Do I need to get my module to download the module from github and save it to the modules directory? Or is there a way to let puppet install it automatically? I added it as a dependency to the metadata.json file, but that doesn't install it. I know I can just get my module to download the package, but I was wondering what best practice for this is.
The initial problem you describe is acceptance testing. Verifying that the Puppet resources and code you wrote actually resulted in the desired end state you wanted is normally accomplished with Serverspec: http://serverspec.org/. For example, you can write a Puppet module to deploy an application, but you only know that Puppet did what you told it to, and not that the application actually successfully deployed. Note Serverspec is also what people generally use to solve this problem for Ansible and Chef also.
You can write a Serverspec test similar to the following to help test your module's end state:
describe file('/usr/local/lib/bioperl.tar.gz') do
it { expect(subject).to be_file }
describe file('/usr/profile.d/env_file') do
it { expect_subject).to be_file }
its(:content) { is_expected.to match(/env stuff/) }
However, your problem also seems to deal with debugging why your acceptance tests failed. For that, you need unit testing. This is normally solved with RSpec-Puppet: http://rspec-puppet.com/. I would show you how to write some tests for your situation, but I don't think you should be writing your Puppet module the way that you did, so it would render the unit tests irrelevant.
Instead, consider using a file resource with the source attribute and a HTTP URI to grab the tarball instead of an exec with wget: https://docs.puppet.com/puppet/latest/type.html#file-attribute-source. Also, you might want to consider using the Puppet archive module to assist you: https://forge.puppet.com/puppet/archive.
If you have questions on how to use these tools to provide unit and acceptance testing, or have questions on how to refactor your module, then don't hesitate to write followup questions on StackOverflow and we can help you.
I am playing around with puppet and am trying to copy a file from my local directory (my laptop) on to my puppet agent. I have two VM's running, one is puppet master and one is puppet agent. I looked up at this answer here but it seems like it was an older version on puppet. I am running puppet 3.4.3 . I have gone through the pro puppet book and the puppet tutorials but find them way to confusing (the former having very glaring typos). It would be BIG help if someone helped me out with the process in simple steps. This is what I have till now.
I created a folder named my_module in /etc/puppet/.
In /etc/puppet/my_module is created two folders files, manifests and a file init.pp .
Init.pp looks like this:
class myfile {
file { "/home/me/myfolder/file.py":
mode => "0440",
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
source => 'puppet:///modules/module_name/datas.xls',
I then copied the file file.py to the files folder I created above. I am unsure how to proceed after this step. Any help?
please read this documentation regarding creating your own modules. The module you created is in the wrong location right now. Should be /etc/puppet/modules or wherever the modulepath in /etc/puppet/puppet.conf points to on the puppet master.
The file given with source => 'puppet:///modules/module_name/datas.xls' is the one which will be placed in /home/me/myfolder/file.py on the client where you run the puppet agent -t command to rollout your changes.
Another good source for examples how to use the standard builtin puppet features is Type Reference of puppetlabs.
Vagrant is awesome. Puphet can help to create vagrant files way easier & packer can deploy the exact same system. Both use puppet. I thought it would be awesome if all three tools would work together. However, when I run my local packer-parallels-iso builder I get errors in the puppet scripts like:
Error: Could not parse for environment production: Could not match |$key, at /tmp/packer-puppet-masterless/manifests/nodes/Cron.pp:5 on node ubuntu-1404.vagrantup.com
Where this respective line looks something like:
each( $cron['jobs'] ) |$key, $job| {
The interesting bit is: these errors do not show up in vagrant / or vagrant's provisioning.
Strange. As far as I know, both use the puppet of version 3.4.3
This is the link https://www.dropbox.com/s/cai49xrrv23jzra/pppTest.zip?dl=0 to an example configuration of puppet and packer.
Hopefully, someone can tell me what is wrong with this setup.
I am trying to create a custom provider for package but for some reasons I keep on getting
err: Could not run Puppet configuration client: Parameter provider
failed: Invalid package provider 'piprs' at
I have added pluginsync=true in puppet.conf in both client and server. I have created the following rb file in module/test/lib/puppet/provider/package/piprs.rb. I am basically trying to create a custom provider for package resource type
#require 'puppet/provider/package'
:parent => ::Puppet::Provider::Package) do
commands : pip => "/usr/local/bin/pip"
desc "Python packages via `pip`."
def create
pip "freeze"
def destroy
def exists?
In the puppet.conf, there is the following source attribute
pluginsource = puppet://puppet/plugins
I am not sure what it is. If you need anymore details, please do post a comment.
First things first - you do realize there is already a Python pip provider in core?
If that isn't what you want - then lets move on ...
For starters - try your module without a Puppet master - this is going to be better for development anyway. You need to make sure Ruby can find the library path:
export RUBYLIB=<path_to_module>/lib
Then, try writing a small test in a .pp file:
package { "mypackage": provider => "piprs" }
And run it locally:
puppet apply mytest.pp
This will rule out a code bug in your provider versus a plugin sync issue.
I notice there is a space between the colon and the command - that isn't your problem is it?
commands : pip => "/usr/local/bin/pip"
If you can get this working without a puppetmaster, your problem is sync related.
There are a couple of things that can go wrong - make sure the file is sync'd properly on the client:
ls /var/lib/puppet/lib/puppet/provider/package
You should see the piprs.rb file there. If it is, you may need to make sure your libdir is set correctly:
puppet --configprint libdir
This should point to /var/lib/puppet/lib in most cases.