How to select without arrow keys in INTELLIJ - vim

I hate to use arrow keys in IntelliJ. However, when IntelliJ gives me some advices (auto complete, etc.), as in the picture, it seems that I have to choose them with mouse or arrow keys.
Is there a way that I can switch the selections without using arrow keys?
For example, maybe I can use <C-n> (or other keys, like) to switch between these suggestions.

You can go to Settings | Keymap, find actions "Up" and "Down" there and assign whatever shortcuts you like to them.


How to map 「英数」 or 「かな」 key common in the JIS layout of Mac keyboards on vim?

Okay, please here me out on this -- this question is not about using these keys.
Macs come with a JIS keyboard layout that has the following keys 「英数」 and 「かな」 that is used to switch between Japanese and English input. (image below)
I would like to use these two keys to toggle between insert, visual, and normal mode. I tried pressing the 英数 and the かな key with Ctr+V in insert mode, but nothing was showing up so I have no clue about what vim sees when these keys are pressed.
Does anyone know how I can map these two keys to visual/insert mode?
If not, I would really appreciate some guidance on at least figuring out what vim sees when these two keys are entered.
my recommendation is using Karabiner
You can then map those keys to any key you want. The karabiner-eventviewer can help you find the pressed key easily.
I had a JIS keyboard and map the 英数 to command so my left thumb does not need to stretch too much. Good luck

How to scroll up/down through commands in vim without arrow keys

I've disabled the arrow keys to practice using the various navigation commands. However, I'm not sure how to scroll up/down through multiple options or history items. A basic example would be:
:colors 256-grayvim
Usually, I can then press the up/down arrows to scroll through all the color options. Or, I commonly type : and then up/down to view my command history. Is there a better way to do this then without the arrow keys?
You are looking for <c-n> and <c-p>. Those can navigate through your command history. To be honest i don't think that using the arrow keys is a bad option there. You should primarily avoid them in normal mode.
See :h up-down-motions

Remap left command key to leader in VIM?

I have hand pain in my right hand. I was hoping there was a way to map leader to the left command key. From what I've read this is not possible but perhaps there's a new plugin I'm not finding?
If it's not possible to map to left command key, is it possible just to map to the command key? I tried let mapleader="<D>" and let mapleader="\<D>" and this does not work.
Also, is there a way in Vim to remove binding such as command+n (new window) and reassign that to something else?
The map Leader is designed to define a two key mapping. In other words pressing one key and then the other within a timeout. For example if leader were a then a map of <Leader>b would mean depressing a then depressing b in quick succession.
The command key (and also meta, control, and shift) are all modifier keys and therefore do not register to the computer as a normal key press. You would have to attach an actual key value to to a modifier for vim (or the system) to recognize that a key sequence was entered. The closet you could get would be to have a modified key for the leader like :set mapleader=<D-a> would produce a key sequence like <D-a>b which seems more complex then simply ab.
So no, there is no way for the leader setting to remove the two step mapping in lieu of a single step modified key.
According to :help cmd-key of you want to reassign a command based mapping you first have to unbind it then reassign it. The help docs do much better at describing that then I could here.
I found a really good hack but it requires terminal vim. If you use Iterm2 as I am, you can go into the preferences and map the left option key to do "Meta", now in vim just map it using let mapleader="\<M>
I included a screenshot of the preferences tab in Iterm 2 for easy reference. Hope this helps someone.

How to use arrow keys in vi in screen

I just started to use screen and I found it being very convenient to use. However, there's only one thing that bothers me is that screen unbind my arrow keys in vim.
Now, I understand that I should use hjklwf and such in vim, but as a typer that often make typing mistakes, i NEED the arrow keys in insertion mode.
So my question is, how do I configure vi or screen so that my arrow key will work?
cat > /dev/null

Is it possible to use vim with the mouse

Is it possible to use vim with the mouse?
If so, how?
You can enable the mouse with :set mouse=a (The letter 'a' means enable it in all modes)
With GVim, you can select text and move the cursor, and select menu options with the mouse. Copy and paste, by right-clicking etc... But I guess this misses the point of using VIM.
You can map certain actions to mouse left click and right click. And there are plenty of already mapped actions to work with ctags and other things.
:help mouse-using
