Activity Diagram and SwimLanes - uml

Should activity diagram include detailed information about how the system functions from the start of the application?
Say for example i am making a swing application in which the app loads a JList with images when the application opens, so should i specify that in activity diagram even though user isn't himself performing the task of loading the images in the JList.
Also should swimlanes in activity diagram be divided according to the possible classes my swing application might have.
For example having 1 swimlane for model, view and controller each in a simple swing application.
Below are the Image's that I made,
I feel that even though the first image is correct,the second one helps me visualize how the class diagram is going to shape up in a much better way.
So should I use the second Image?

As always, the answer is "it depends." The level of detail is not dictated by the type of diagram, but the context in which the diagram is used.
If the diagram is intended to show the flow through a use case, it should probably restrict itself to showing the activities performed by the actor(s) and the system as a whole, rather than the parts of the system.
If on the other hand the activity diagram shows the flow through a use case realization, it should definitely show the different parts of the system.
Let's say that halfway through the project you decide to change the design and not use MVC. This means the diagram needs to be redrawn. If the diagram is part of a use case realization, that's to be expected (because that's what you've done, you've decided to realize the use case in a different way). But a diagram that's part of the use case itself shouldn't need to be redrawn just because you've changed the design; the flow of interactions between the actor(s) and the system-as-a-whole shouldn't change.
That said, MVC is such a well-known way of breaking down a user interaction that it may be permissible to go to that level of detail even in a use case. So, assuming that you're documenting a use case and not a realization, if in your project or company user interactions are always designed as MVC, then I say go right ahead -- but keep it strict and use "model" rather than "image service". If the decision to use an MVC design cannot be taken during the use case analysis phase, I'd advise against it.

Swim-lanes have absolutely no model meaning. They are just a line. I recommend to use pools/lanes which are (BPMN stereotyped) UML elements. They are classified accordingly (usually with an actor) and the single actions go into each of those. This gives the activity a clear structure and it also shows responsibilities.


How to represent a complex use case where every step of the main flow can have multiple scenarios (alternative or error path)?

Little background
I'm new to writing use cases and representing their scenarios.
I'm dealing with a complex system. In the first step of analyzing the system, I created a use case diagram where each use case represents a distinct goal or value for the system. I have tried my best to keep the use cases independent. All these use cases require the initialization and activation of the system, so I decided to take out this common part and link it to the main use cases using include relationship.
I understand that include and extend relationships need to be used only when necessary.
Now I'm lookin into defining scenarios for each use case and then developing user stories and requirements based on scenarios.
Main issue
The use cases are very complex and the easiest way to analyze it seems to be mapping it into a sequence of steps/activities where each activity contains several scenarios and each scenario is represented using a sequence diagram.
I understand that an activity cannot be a use case which is related to the main use case using include relationship; but having sequence diagrams for activities seem wrong too.
What is the best way to represent a use case where each step of the main flow is complex and can have several interactions between actors and systems as well as having error scenarios which can result in termination of the sequence at that step or possibility of the user cancelling/aborting the sequence?
I have attached a simplified version of the activity diagram for "Initialize" use case.
As I mentioned, each activity can have many scenarios. For example
"Perform Self check" has many steps and each step might result in a failure that can terminate the sequence and alert the user (via a HMI). The user then can either terminate the initialization or retry.
"Validate system configuration" include steps for obtaining the reference config versions and comparing that to the system config, then download the new config files if necessary and then update the system configs. Each step might have a failure resulting in some sort of message to user and termination of the sequence. In some cases user should be able to skip the failed steps and proceed without doing that activity.
Same goes for every other activity in the diagram; many steps with exception or alternative paths.
Can I map these on one sequence diagram for the "Initialize" Use case?
My attempt to put all these on one sequence diagram failed.
I tried putting all these interactions on an activity diagram with swimlanes but things got so complex that stakeholders have a hard time understanding what is going on.
Maybe I'm trying to put too much details at the system level. Should I leave all these interim steps and interaction for the lower level of design? Should I create a hierarchy of use cases and roll down the complexity? I'm confused. :(
What is the best way to deal with such level of complexity? Could you provide some good examples.
The only way to represent a complex use case, where every step of the main flow can have multiple scenarios, is fortunately very simple:
The complexity of the scenarios does not change anything to the simplicity of the actor's goals. And if the goals are not sufficiently simple, you'd probably looking at too much details. Or the things are not as clear as they should.
The scenarios are often represented with a set of sequence diagrams. But if it gets really complex you'd better show the flow with an activity diagram.
By the way, you do not need to create an artificial extending or included use-case for the sake of modelling common steps. You may just create a separate activity diagram for the common part. Then, in each of your use-case activity diagram, you'd insert a call action of the common activity. This also avoids to misleadingly include the common part in the description of one UC and forget it for the others.
Last but not least, you also want to develop user-stories based on the use-case scenario. This is a mixed approach that requires some more thoughts:
user-stories are generally used without use-cases. Complex erquirements are described as an epic. The epic would then successfully be refine it into user-stories, that fit in an iteration;
it is possible to structure such user-stories according to stakeholder goals and tasks. THis approach is called user-story mapping. This is closer to the use-case, but there is no term to describe the higher-level goals.
use-case driven development is generally used without user-stories: the scenarios and activity directly lead to development without intermeriate user-stories.
Fortunately, the Use-Case 2.0 approach allows to combine both ways. Read the linked whitebook: it's short, it's free, it's written by the inventor of use-cases together with leading authors of use-case methodology; it offers a reegineered appraoch that allows agile developments, using use-case for the big picture and using use-case slices to break it down dynamically into units that can be developped in one iteration.
A complex use case can remain a single use case, but it may need multiple diagrams to specify its flows.
Your activity diagram (although not 100% UML compliant) gives a good overview of the flow of the use case. Keep this as the main diagram. I would decompose the complex steps in separate diagrams. To indicate that a step is decomposed in a separate diagram, you can display a rake symbol, as follows:
See UML 2.5.1 specification, section for more information.

how do i choose the right UML diagram for front end

I want to develop mobile applications, but I only focus on frontend development not on the backend.
I want to make a UML diagram, but I am confused about what to do, at this point I think I will make a use case diagram, a use case description, and an activity diagram. Do i need to add other diagram types like sequences or other? and if so what i need to make that diagram??
When drawing diagrams, you can draw them either from the entire system or just it's part perspective. Of course it is normal to use both approaches in a single project. It all depends what is your goal and what are you trying to model.
When looking at the FE, you can of course draw at least following diagrams:
Use case diagram to indicate what functions are offered by the FE. It will often be similar to UC diagram of the entire system, however it will definitely not contain the APIs exposed by the system for other systems to integrate as those are BE specific. Besides, you may have different front-ends (e.g. fat vs thin client), offering different functionalities
Activity diagram to show flow (e.g. screens' flow, e.g. per UC)
Class diagram to show data structures used by FE (they often differ to some level to the BE part, however usually are generated by the FE-BE integration layer)
Sequence diagram or Communication diagram to indicate points of integration with BE, especially in complex cases
Of course there can be much more, depending on your specific situation (e.g. timing diagram can be important in your specific case)
Having said that, take into account that you don't need to draw any diagrams. The idea of modelling is to draw those diagrams, that are needed, i.e. help grasp some ideas that may be otherwise be difficult to understand.

UML Use Case - Do I use it right?

I am to create a UseCase diagram for an existing web program. Unfortunately I am very unsure about UseCase, I like to mix it with other UMLs.
For this purpose, I have picked out the order page.
There are 3 different users, the admin, driver and customer.
The admin can view all orders and has the ability to create a new order.
The driver can see his own orders, as well as orders he can accept.
The customer can see his own orders, as well as place a new order.
There is a possibility to choose between the standard view (row view) and a widget view of the meta information of the order.
Last but not least, there is the possibility to click on one of the orders and a single order overview will open.
Based on this I have now created a UseCase diagram, my first question would be: Is this all correct, with the informations i gave?
Will this then become a huge UseCase diagram? Or should this rather be done page by page for web applications? For example, if this is the order overview and I now have the use case that I change the page (In this case, when I go to the single order overview). And is there a way to make this look cleaner? All these extends/includes on 1 place looks confusing.
I'm afraid I don't know if I'm doing this only partially right, or completely missing the point.
What you need to remember is that Use Cases are about added value and not about technical realization. That's really hard for tech people and that's why they always start functional decomposition. So looking at the above, the only use case is Show Order and nothing else.
Login is no use case from that perspective. It is just a constraint you apply to certain use cases.
You just have focused on the Show aspect but likely there's also add/edit/delete. Such CRUD can be dealed with in variuous ways and there's no general rule. There might be a Manage and a Show or what ever combination along with constraints.
Basically, when your UC diagram resembles a spider web your design is likely broken.

How do I present in a Uml use-case Diagram a toolbar

I am new to object oriented design and I wanted to do my first ever UML use case Diagram on a simple application which contains toolbar on the top left corner. The toolbar is called files and when the user clicks on it,a drop down menu is opened with options to open a slide,save slide,make new slide and exit the application.
My question is, am I doing it correct with Use-Case inheritance(Generalization) ?
This is my diagram.
I am sorry to disapoint you, but I have to tell you that this practice is just plain wrong:
From the point of view of the semantics, the use-case specialization means that Open presentation is a special form of Check file, and Save file as well, and that the actor could use them interchangeably and independently. But this cannot be what you mean: exiting a presentation is at best a sub-part of checking a file
From the point of view of the purpose, a use-case should represent a user goal. It's part of the problem space, i.e. what the user wants to achieve. It's not part of the solution space, i.e. how the user will achieve it. A toolbar is not a goal: it's a user-interface element.
From the engineering practice perspective, use-case should not be used for user-interface design. It's not my own statement, but that of Jacobson, Booch and Rumbaugh, the founding fathers of UML:
The problem is that the [use-case] descriptions often contain implicit decisions about user-interfaces. Later, when the user interface designers suggest suitable user-interfaces for the use-case , they may be limited by those decisions.
in The unified software development process, page 164
So in conclusion, it's a bad idea to start use-cases from the user-interface. It locks you into your own design and ignores the user experience. You should focus instead only on the user needs. THe same use-case could then be used whether you'll implement it using a GUI interface, a chatbot interface, or a a voice-based interface.
While drawing Use Case diagram, one thing you should focus on is, the actual meaning of it and the purpose of drawing it.
A Use Case refers to what the users in respect of their type are able to do in your System... Anything inside the boundary is what system is capable of doing or what it can provide as a service to its users.
While naming the use cases, you should only use verbs and actions, for example:
1- Login | 2- Submit a Request | 3- Update Profile Description
You should avoid any nouns in them.
There are several relationships that exist in a Use Case Diagram among use cases, and a relationship among actors and use cases of the system, And They are as follows:
Association: the only relationship that can exist between an actor and a use case; Which says the actor is initiator of this use case, or is the one who is caple of operating the use case.
In the example above, User is caple of loggin in and submitting a complaint.
Include: Use Cases can include one or more use cases. When a use case includes another use case, it means the included use case or use cases happen all the time and are part of the initial use case.
Paying fees is included, because user has to pay the fees in signing up process, it has to be done, and it's part of the baseline path of the scenario.
Extend: When a use case is not happening all the time, and is part of your alternative path ( Alternative path of the complete scnario for this use case ), the use case should be extended to the base use case.
Forget password is extended to Login use case, because it doesn't happen all the time, and it's part of a alternative path of Login scenario.
Generalization: When there exist several different ways that a use case can be performed and completed, we use generalization. The inheritent use cases should all be of the same type as the inherited use case.
Submitting a complaint can be done in several different ways, in this case, we need to seprate each use case and inherit from from the submit a complaint use case which includes paying fees, this shows that, paying fees is a part of every type of complaint which is submitted.

What is the difference between UML Domain Model and Context Diagram

Firstly, I'm still quite new to UML; but, highly interested and am attempting to learn as much about it as I can.
With that said, I’m in a situation where I’m directed to assemble a ‘Context Diagram’. I feel as though I understand the concept of what a context diagram is and how to create one, so I think I’m ok there. Basically it is identifying the system and the components or actors it will interact with. It applies the focus on the system, and not the actors. Kind of like a Use case diagram, but not focusing on the actors. If I’m wrong, please tell me.
I read somewhere that Context Diagrams are not actually part of UML. I also read, somewhere, that, if you use a Context Diagram, it falls into the Component side of things. When I read about Domain models, it seems like it should be there.
For my current situation, I know a simple answer is to simply create the diagram and move on, as that is all that is required. But, for my interest to better understand and leverage UML, I know there is a right way and a wrong way. If I were in a case of a bigger project, what would be the right way?
Now here is where my question begins. I’m using Enterprise Architect, create my project, and start to create a model. Does it belong in a Domain Model or Component Model? What is the difference between these two? Or even more. As it is an aide to help identify requirements, should it go there? Or does is just simply depend on what and how I want to convey it?
The Domain Model is where you standardize the vocabulary that everyone on the project will use to communicate in a consistent manner. The development team are experts at software development, but they may not have any experience in the domain (e.g. banking, air traffic control, healthcare) in which they are being asked to work. So you get domain experts and modelling experts together to build a model that describes the domain, answering important questions like "how are account fees calculated?" and "how does a pilot know what route to follow?" and then this model is then passed to the development team to provide them with the important domain knowledge that they will need. I would use UML class diagrams to create a domain model.
A Context Diagram shows the system being modeled in relationship to external systems. It could show data flowing in from and out to external systems, modeled by a data flow diagram (not part of UML). It could show behavioral interactions between the system and external "actors", modeled by a UML use case diagram. It could show the system's physical connections to other systems, modeled by a SysML block diagram. Whichever you choose, it will be on page 1 of your design document, so choose wisely!
You (can) create context diagram by making any element composite. Then drag the element itself onto that diagram as link (not instance!) and highlight it by making the border a bit thicker. Finally insert related elements from the context menu (differs from EA version to version). Layout the diagram and now you have your element in the context.
A domain model is usually a class diagram showing the (business) domain on a higher abstraction level.
As you have said, Context Diagrams per se are not part of the UML spec. There are plenty of ways to do a context diagram, but the UML way is to use a Use Case diagram, with or without supporting narratives and scenarios. Start with this, which is a broad overview of different types of Context Diagrams. Then, investigate use case diagrams, use case narratives, and activity diagrams. If you need to go into more detail than a use case narrative can easily do, get into use case scenarios and sequence diagrams. Here is a pretty good use case narrative template (feel free to leave out sections such as "scope and level" if they are more than you need, and consider adding information about what triggers the use case and where you go when you finish it--these two are required for scenarios if you go that far).
Keep in mind that use case narratives and use case scenarios are often confused. (Some people will say that I am the confused one; I will invite you to judge the matter for yourself.) A narrative is an explanation of an entire (single) use case, and may be supported with an activity diagram. A scenario is an explanation of a single path through a single use case, and may be supported with a sequence diagram.
For example, a use case will generally have a basic flow of events, along with a number of alternate flows. The narrative describes the entire process. The basic flow and each alternate flow would each be a separate use case scenario.
I suspect that it's unlikely that you will have to get down to the level of use case scenarios. You will probably want to put a use case diagram together, and possibly prepare narratives and activity diagrams for each of the use cases in the diagram.
