Union of two sharepoint list in SSRS - sharepoint

I have requirement to union two sharepoint list on basis of common id field for showing report. Please suggest whether union operation is possible.

Not sure if you mean UNION in the SQL sense (appending together) or you mean you want to join the two lists on a common value.
There's no way to append datasets together inside a report, but there is some limited functionality to look up the values from a dataset based on a value in another dataset.
Take a look at these report expression functions:


SharePoint List tables

I'm working on a project for work, and I'm attempting to move data from a database with multiple references to different tables.
My question is; is it possible to move the data and be able to have a list that references different lists? For example, when I click on an element in the list, can I create another "link" to take me to another list?
I am not sure but if I understand the problem well You would like to create some kind of column in one list which will store reference to item from other list, correct?
If so then You are looking for lookup columns. When adding column to a list You may select lookup column type, after that You need to select which list You would like to 'reference' and which column should be present from the second list in the lookup column from the first list. Please check the reference link
OOB lookup column(similar concept as database foreign key) will be good, while CSR will be helpful for complex scenario also.

Incorrect data being pulled from a SharePoint list to Power BI

When I pull data from a SharePoint list into Power BI, the values are pulled incorrectly for columns having the data type -
Person or Group - instead of names, numerical values are pulled. I guess these are the IDs of the values
Lookup - instead of the actual values, '[list]' is pulled in a nested column. When I expand, numerical values are shown. Again, seems like IDs
All other data types are pulled properly.
To work around this problem, I first pull the data from the list to Excel and then to PBI. However, I want to eliminate this manual step as the list will have frequent updates and I will need to pull the list data into Power BI regularly.
What should be done to pull the actual values as they appear in the list?
For the lookup columns: You need to pull in the lists where the lookup values are being looked up from and then create a relationship based on ID.
For the People: Look here:fully explained how to deal with Person object
I did some looking around and was able to find a solution.
Using the FieldValuesAsText column in the Query Editor, I got the values in the table. values for both column types were available. Since, I only needed the text values it solved the purpose.

How do I filter an Excel pivot table based on the combination of two OLAP dimensions?

I've been tasked with building some ad-hoc reports in Excel that are sourced from an SSAS OLAP cube. I don't have the ability to alter the design of the cube's dimensions currently. I've been receiving repeated requests to filter results based upon the combination of two different dimensions and their attributes.
For example:
One dimension lists locations with their hierarchies. Another dimension contains codes for the various insurance companies we work with. I'm given a list of combinations of these, concatenated with a hyphen separating them, and they are supposed to be the only combinations within the report. For example, I get things like "001-AB5". Unfortunately, there are duplicates of the codes, so I can't just pull the code, seeing that AB5 means different things for different locations, which I can't do anything about at this time either.
For some of the smaller data sets, I've used PowerPivot and just created a calculated column, and added a relationship to the list in another sheet. The issue is that now they want the drill-through actions that have been setup for the cube. Is it possible to create something like a calculated dimension in Excel (or some other means) that would be the concatenation of these without using PowerPivot?

What are the limits for SharePoint field values?

Are there any limits to the amount of data that can be stored in an individual SharePoint field? If there are, what are they?
Is there a limit in terms of the number of bytes or string length, say, that can be stored as a value of an individual field?
SharePoint stores the list items in a SQL Server table called AllUserData, so the maximum values are determined by the data types of the columns.
You can find the complete structure here. However, I cannot find any resource discussing the mapping between the SharePoint field types and SQL Server columns types; probably because accessing the SharePoint tables directly is strongly discouraged. That's not a big problem though - query the table, look at the results and you will be able to match the fields and the columns (e.g. nvarchar1 correspond to the 1st 'Single line of text' field).

Sharepoint 2010 Exclusive columns?

Does anyone know a way to have two columns in a SP2010 list that are exclusive? I need to ensure that there is only a value for ONE column, not both.
Basically I need the following structure:
Category List ->
SubCategory List (with a lookup to Category) ->
Value (with a lookup to SubCategory).
But, if there is no SubCategory, use a lookup to Category. One or the other must be used, not both.
Using either a list Event Receiver (SPItemEventReceiver) or a Custom Workflow should be able to achieve these desired semantics.
I do not believe the model itself can represent such relationships. An alternative might be to have different content types, for which only one of the columns applies (to each).
Happy coding.
