Can I make my universal app has different display name between iPhone and iPad - ios-universal-app

I want to make my universal app has different display name between iPad and iPhone, iPhone shows A and iPad shows B
Is there a possible way to do without split into 2 app?

Simple Answer : You can't.
If you are making an universal app. App store will have just one app for both iPhone and iPad.
If you want two different names, you can make two apps and upload them independently. One is for iPhone and another is for iPad.
Hope this will help you.


Is it possible to embed/stream/project the live image of a native Windows window into a webpage?

In the new Microsoft Flight Simulator you can pop different cockpit displays out into their own external windows, like this:
However, none of the buttons needed to interact with the displays get "popped out" as well.
I'd like to build a web app that can embed (the continuously updating image of) one of these windows that I can surround with buttons, etc, for interaction to have, say, running on a tablet next to you.
My question is, is it possible with Node to embed the continuously updating image of a native Windows window within a webpage?
Stumbled upon the Screen Capture API. This is what I was looking for.

Rotate screen orientation on Web App Tizen [TV]

I'm developing a Web Application on Tizen. My application was first developed on other platforms like iOS and Android.
Basically it starts on Landscape mode and plays remote content such as image, video or opens a web page. It has a menu inside the app to offer people the ability to change the screen orientation inside the app manually.
This approach is quite easy on iOS and Android but on Tizen seems it doesn't work that easy.
I'm following Tizen's official documentation which send's us to :
But, can't make it work even though I followed steps written on the link above.
This is what I got when I try to rotate:
Trying with :
Error :
Promise {}
index.html:1 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: The page needs to be fullscreen in order to call screen.orientation.lock().
P.S. The app is already in fullscreen. The error is not relevant.
Do you have any ideas ?
Thank you
For all to those who are still trying to achieve this:
After having a long discussion with Samsung, they claimed that supporting the TV orientation via code is not possible right now (Not sure if it's gonna be implemented in the future).
These restrictions come due to different operability of the hardware components on different orientation.
The only way to rotate your screen is to do it via Samsung's TV Settings so that it can prepare its hardware for the chosen orientation.
There are a special Samsung TVs for Advertising market (Digital Signage series) that are ready to set the orientation of the screen.
I comercial Samsung TV sets Tizen is not able to rotate some kind of elements (as far I know the video object are one of the HTML elements that cannot be rotated)
I've developed some apps for Tizen and for one customer I tried to make a video wall but it was impossible due the firmware limitation of Tizen (it's a marketing strategy in order to avoid having hotel and digital signage capabilities in commercial TV sets)

Windows Phone camera customization

How can I use the camera in Windows Phone 10 and save screenshots o pictures with out flash (I mean blocking the flash option to the users) Is it possible?
You can create the user experience you want making your own camera app. Universal Windows Platform APIs will give you full control over what your user will be able to do.
Take this sample camera app as a good starting point
The process of taking a picture using the camera and taking a screenshot are completely different.
here is an article on how to make and save a screenshot, works for win 8.1, also for Windows Phone 10

attaching a file via iPad using Lotus Notes XPages

I am fairly sure this is not possible because of limitations of the iPad but has anyone worked with the iPad and XPages to allow a user to choose a file from the iPad to attach on an XPage? For example, the user wants to attach a PDF file...where would he be able to get it on the iPad. I'm not an iPad expert, but from the little that I know, I don't think this is possible.
Thanks in advance.
iOS 6 allows you to upload photos or vidoes - not any other files.

Developing a web site that can be accessed through mobile phone applications

I am developing a site that is tested only in Firefox and IE. Now I need to make the site accessible from mobile also.
So I need to know whether I need to calculate the time needed to shift the site. Is this created as a new application or the same application is modified?
When accessing from my mobile the design is entire changed. How is this done? Is it a separate application?
Whether or not you need to create a new application for mobile depends on the site you have. The website at my workplace could not possibly fit on a mobile phone screen (too many frames), but other sites that have a more adjustment-friendly layout might just need a little tweak.
I would test your site on a mobile browser emulator, there are a bunch of them listed on this site.
Also, you might consider switching your firefox's user agent (here) so you can browse popular site's mobile versions, along with the source they used to lay it out.
Usually different CSS templates chosen using UA string matching. My phone has a fairly fully enabled web browser on it, so I get the whole of stackoverflow the same.
Some phone browser may also "mobile optimise" the layout, or in the case of opera mini, it does it on opera's proxy server and then sends modified data to the phone.
Javascript support is more of a problem, expect it to be minimal in most cases, although it is getting better.
