Scons - Stop cleaning .obj files generated, on cleaning static library - scons

Using Scons, if I build static library, Scons compile all the source file and .obj files are generated. Now when I want to clean static library, I don't want to clean .obj files, how do I do that?

How about:
env = Environment()
sources = ['tridip.c', 'tridip1.c', 'tridip2.c']
objects = [ env.StaticObject(sf) for sf in sources ]
lib = env.StaticLibrary('tridip', objecst)
exe = env.Program('tridip3.c', LIBS=lib, LIBPATH='.')

If you don't want your final target and your static lib to actually depend on each other, you can create them in two separate SConstructs (two SCons projects). Like this, you'll still be able to reference the library as input to your final application/executable by name...but there will be no direct dependency detected by SCons, meaning that the static lib won't get created automatically when you try to create your final target. You'd have to do this manually each time. This is the crucial point here: you either want a dependency lib->exe, or not. In the former case, the dependency also holds for cleaning a target (and implicitly all of its dependencies further down the tree).
A way out of this dilemma would be to use the NoClean() function (see the UserGuide at ), but you'd have to wrap each single object file with it. Consequences are unclear regarding the correctness and stability of your build, so I definitely don't encourage you to go this way...nor any other user reading this. ;)


Scons command/explicit dependency

I have a code snippet similar to this:
# Compile protobuf headers
# Move headers to 'include' (compiled via protobuf)
env.Command([include headers...], [headers...], move_func)
# Compile program (depends on 'include' files)
out2 = SConscript('src/SConscript')
Depends(out2, [include headers...])
Basically, I have Protoc() compiling protobuf files, then the headers are moved to the 'include' directory by env.Command() and finally the program is compiled through a SConscript file in the 'src'.
Since these are header files that are being moved (that the src compilation depends on), they are not explicitly defined as a dependency by scons (as far as I understand). Thus, the compilation runs, but the header files haven't been moved so it fails. I have tried exposing the dependency via Depends() and Requires() without success.
I understand that in the usual case, scons should "figure-out" dependencies, but I don't know how it could do that here.
You seem to be thinking in "make" ways about your build process, which is the wrong approach when using SCons. You can't order single build steps by putting them in different SConscripts, and then including those in a special order. You have to define proper dependencies between your actual sources (C/CPP files for example) and a target like a program or PDF file. Then SCons is able to figure out the correct build order, and will traverse through the folder structure of your project automatically. If required, it will enter subfolders more than once when the dependency graph (DAG) dictates this. Defining this kind of dependencies between inputs and outputs is usually done, using a Builder...and in your case the Install() builder would be a good fit. Please also regard the hints for #2 in the list of "most frequently-asked FAQs" (
Further, I can only recommend to read a little more in the UserGuide ( ) to get a better feeling for how to do things in a more "SConsy" way. If you get stuck, feel free to ask further questions on our mailing list at (see ).
Finally, if you have a lot of steps that you want to execute in serial, and that don't require any special input/output files, SCons is probably not the right tool for your current task. It's designed as a file-oriented build system with automatic parallelization in mind, a simple (Python?) script might be better at the mere serial stuff...

SCons: how to explicitly express the dependencies between envs?

I have a project build by scons.
In the project there are multiple components, including client, shell, engine and etc...
Each component uses different compile options so they are split into different env.
And both shell and engine are going to require client libraries built first.
In the environment settings, both shell and engine has something like "-lclient -L[installpath]/lib", and SConscriptClient is going to build the libclient.a in [installpath]/lib.
So I expect SConscriptClient is run before everything else.
so in the code I have something like:
clientbuild = clientEnv.SConscript ( 'SConscriptClient', variant_dir=clientDir )
if hasShell:
shellbuild = shellEnv.SConscript ( 'SConscriptShell', variant_dir=shellDir )
Depends ( shellbuild, clientbuild )
if hasEngine:
enginebuild = engineEnv.SConscript ( 'SConscriptEngine', variant_dir=engineDir )
Depends ( enginebuild, clientbuild )
However it seems scons is not smart enough to understand the dependencies between client/shell and engine ( that means the Depends call doesn't take effect ). It still try to run SConscriptShell before SConscriptClient
Is there anything i can do to set the dependeices between sconscript?
You shouldn't have to explicitly set these dependencies with Depends(). If the client library is a target built by SCons and both the shell and engine link that library, then SCons should be able to implicitly determine the dependencies and build the client first.
Basically, I see 2 issues here:
Why doesn't SCons implicitly figure out the dependencies?
Why isn't it working as is with the explicit calls to Depends()?
If we figure out number 1, then we wont have to figure out number 2. But just to be complete, I think number 2 isnt working because of what the call to SConscript() is returning. In the subsidiary SConscript scripts (SConscriptClient, SConscriptShell, and SConscriptEngine) are you returning the target? If not, I would imagine the clientbuild variable would be None. To return the target use the Return() SCons function and pass it the return value of the Library() builder.
As for why SCons cant figure out the dependencies implicitly, we would need to see the subsidiary SConscript build scripts. But I can imagine its because you are probably specifying the client library "by hand", so SCons doesnt see the dependency.
The way to build a program with a library so that SCons can see the dependency, you need to use the LIBS construction variable, as follows:
env.Program(target='shell', source='')
Notice I don't use the -l nor the -L flags above, SCons will add those in a platform independent manner. If you're specifying the library "by hand" by specifying it like this: '-lclient' then SCons wont see the dependency. This is by design, and is more interesting with include paths: if you have a lot of include paths with header files that will almost never change, then (for performance reasons) you don't want SCons to scan them for changes, and thus specify them "by hand".
One additional comment, normally the different environments are passed to the subsidiary SConscript build scripts differently, as follows:
clientEnv = Environment()
# set the clientEnv accordingly
SConscript ('SConscriptClient', variant_dir=clientDir, exports=['clientEnv'] )
# You may want to clone the clientEnv here, if you want to make
# changes that you don't want seen in the rest of the build

How to prevent scons from cleaning parent and sibling directories?

I'm working on implementing a build system using scons for a somewhat large software project. There is a directory structure which separates the code for individual libraries and programs into their own directories. With our existing make system, I can do a "make clean" in a single program directory and it will only clean the files associated with the source in that directory. If I do an "scons -c" though, it recognizes that the program depends on a slew of libraries that are in sibling (or cousin) directories and cleans all of the files for those as well. This is not what I want since I then have to rebuild all of these libraries which can take several minutes.
I have tried playing with the "NoClean()" command, but have not gotten it to work in the way I need. Given the size of the code base and complexity of the directory structure, I can't realistically have a NoClean() line for every file in every library.
Is there any way to tell scons to ignore any dependencies above the current directory when doing a clean (i.e. scons -c) ?
I'd love to have a good answer to this myself.
The only solution that I can offer for now is that you get Noclean working.
So in your library, you should have something like this
lib_objs = SharedObject(source_list)
mylib = SharedLibrary('libname', lib_objs)
So for this we want to protect the library and the sources from being cleaned.
NoClean([mylib, lib_objs])
Notice that I had to split the building of the object files from the library because I want to be able to pass them to NoClean as well.
Try using the target name when cleaning.
scons -c aTargetName
You can use the SCons Alias() function to simplify the target name and to also group several target names into one alias.
With this approach you'll have to add an alias in each appropriate subdir, which isn't necessarily a bad thing :)

make one static library from whole project with cmake

c++-project, say, foo is maintained by the cmake.
One wants to create one library libfoo.a (with all classes/methods/functions created at the whole source-tree) to make possible creating programs that could linked to the library with -lfoo.
ok, let's consider now a toy example, and the prolbem will be clear. Directory foo (root of the project) contains directories a, and b. Two CmakeLists.txt are created:
# a/CMakeLists.txt
add_library(A <a_sources>)
# b/CMakeLists.txt
add_library(B <b_sources>)
And one CMakeLists.txt for root directory:
add_library(foo <foo_sources>
target_link_libraries(foo A B)
That was a surprise for me: after building libfoo.a contains only methods from foo_sources, and a_sources,b_sources are excluded.
That is ok in the case when executables are built with the same project: while creating executables cmake "guesses" that a and b must be linked if it is linked to foo.
But in the case executable is created "outside" project to use library foo one must link with -lfoo -la -lb, now imagine a project with lots of subdirectories - how to deal with it? so question is "how to create one library, aggregating methods from whole project with means of cmake?"
Googling led me to relatively recently embedded (appeared in 2.8.8) OBJECT library opportunity. Nice example of using it is shown here. Now the problem above can be solved with that:
# a/CMakeLists.txt
add_library(A OBJECT <a_sources>)
# b/CMakeLists.txt
add_library(B OBJECT <b_sources>)
# foo/CMakeLists.txt
add_library(foo <foo_sources> $<TARGET_OBJECTS:A> $<TARGET_OBJECTS:B>)
problem seems to be solved, unfortunately, not quite.
if dependency chain is longer than 2, for example, foo depends on A, which depends on B, problem still remains.
That is because,
Object libraries may contain only sources (and headers) that compile to object files.
Object libraries cannot be imported, exported, installed, or linked.
(quotes are taken from the same link)
I've tried several combinations of target_link_library(), add_library(), add_library(... OBJECT ..) trying to link A and B to foo without success (error during cmake-process.)
I must be loosing something simple, please help, thank you!
I am not sure is it important: project is maintained at the linux.
I think you're getting tangled up in the term "depends on". If you're building a library named foo and it has two parts, A and B, it doesn't matter whether A depends on B; the library should contain both. The CMake code you've shown will build foo properly.
Yep, I support answer #Pete Becker# . But it should be said as well that those libraries a $<TARGET_OBJECTS:A> and $<TARGET_OBJECTS:B> actually not a libraries at all, but rather cmake internal list of object modules. There is no dependencies between compilation of object modules (except auto-generated sources) so they can be done in any order and in parallel.
I guess more correct term for your intention is gathering together several TARGET_OBJECTS under single object library. That's really bad that you can't write add_library(B OBJECT b.cpp $<TARGET_OBJECTS:A>). But you always can implement this by yourself:
add_library(A OBJECT a.cpp)
add_library(B OBJECT b.cpp)
add_library(foo ${B_OBJECTS})
I.e just create special variables _OBJECTS to use them whenever you want to include those object libraries in library, executable or as part of other object library with that _OBJECTS flavor.

Link libraries with dependencies in Visual C++ without getting LNK4006

I have a set of statically-compiled libraries, with fairly deep-running dependencies between the libraries. For example, the executable X uses libraries A and B, A uses library C, and B uses libraries C and D:
X -> A
A -> C
X -> B
B -> C
B -> D
When I link X with A and B, I don't want to get errors if C and D were not also added to the list of libraries—the fact that A and B use these libraries internally is an implementation detail that X should not need to know about. Also, when new dependencies are added anywhere in the dependency tree, the project file of any program that uses A or B would have to be reconfigured. For a deep dependency tree, the list of required libraries can become really long and hard to maintain.
So, I am using the "Additional Dependencies" setting of the Librarian section in the A project, adding C.lib. And in the same section of B's project, I add C.lib and D.lib. The effect of this is that the librarian bundles C.lib into A.lib, and C.lib and D.lib into B.lib.
When I link X, however, both A.lib and B.lib contain their own copy of C.lib. This leads to tons of warnings along the lines of
A.lib(c.obj) : warning LNK4006 "symbol" (_symbol) already defined in B.lib(c.obj); second definition ignored.
How can I accomplish this without getting warnings? Is there a way to simply disable the warning, or is there a better way?
EDIT: I have seen more than one answer suggesting that, for the lack of a better alternative, I simply disable the warning. Well, this is part of the problem: I don't even know how to disable it!
As far as I know you can't disable linker warnings.
However, you can ignore some of them, using command line parameter of linker eg. /ignore:4006
Put it in your project properties under linker->command line setting (don't remember exact location).
Also read this:
Link /ignore
MSDN Forum - hiding LNK warnings
Update If you can build all involved project in single solution, try this:
Put all project in one sln.
Remove all references to static libraries from projects' linker or librarian properties.
There is "Project Dependencies..." option in context menu for each project in Solution Explorer. Use it to define dependencies between project.
It should work. It doesn't invalidate anything I said before, the basic model of building C/C++ programs stays the same. VS (at least 2005 and newer) is simply smart enough to add all needed static libraries to linker command line. You can see it in project properties.
Of course this method won't help if you need to use already compiled static libraries. Then you need to add them all to exe or dll project that directly or indirectly uses them.
I don't think you can do anything about that. You should remove references to other static libs from static libs projects and add all needed static libs projects as dependences of exe or dll projects. You will just have to live with fact that any project that includes A.lib or B.lib also needs to include C.lib.
As an alternative you can turn your libraries into dlls which provide a richer model.
Statically compiled libraries simply aren't real libraries with dependency information, etc, like dlls. See how, when you build them, you don't really need to provide libraries they depend on? Headers are all that's needed. See? You can't even really say static libraries depend on something.
Static library is just an archive of compiled and not yet linked object code. It's not consistent whole. Each object file is compiled separately and remains separate entity inside the library. Linking happens when you build exe or dll. That's when you need to provide all object code. That's when all the symbol and dependency resolving happens.
If you add other static libraries to static library dependencies, librarian will simply copy all code together. Then, when building exe, linker will give you lots of warnings about duplicate symbols. You might be able to block those warnings (I don't know how) but be careful. It may conceal real problems like real duplicate symbols with differing definitions. And if you have static data defined in libraries, it probably won't work anyway.
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 9.00.x (link.exe) knows argument /ignore:4006
You could create one library which contains A, B, C & D and then link X against that.
Since it's a library, only object modules which are actually referenced will get linked into the final executable.
Note that one way of getting this warning is to define a member function in a header without the inline statement:
// Foo.h
class Foo
void someFunction();
void Foo:someFunction() // Warning! - should be "inline void Foo::someFunction()"
// do stuff
The problem is you are not localizing library C's symbols. So you have a ODR violation when you link in A and B. You need to have a way to make these private. By default all symbols are exported. One way to do this is to have a special linker definition file for both A and B that explicitly mention which files need to be exported.
[1] ODR = One Definition Rule.
I think the best course of action here will be to ignore/disable the linker warnings(LNK4006) since C.lib needs to be part of both A.Lib and B.lib and A.Lib does not need to know that B.lib itself uses C.Lib.
This may not fix your link error, but it might help with your dependency tree issue.
What I do, is just use a #pragma to include a lib in the .cpp file that needs it. For example:
#pragma comment(lib:"wsock32")
Like I said, I'm not sure it would keep the symbols in that object file, I'd have to whip up an example to try it out.
Poor flodin seems frustrated that nobody will explain how to disable the linker warnings. Well, I've had a similar problem, and for years I have simply lived with the fact that several hundred warnings were displayed. Now, however, thanks to the info from Link /ignore, I figured out how to disable the linker warnings.
I'm using Visual Studio 2008. In Project -> Settings -> Configuration Properties -> Librarian -> Command Line -> Additional Options, I added "/ignore:4006" (without the quotes). Now my warnings are gone!
