fatal: program autoreconf is required but was not found - haskell

I followed the installation of GHCJS and when I came to the step "Build the libraries" and I typed the command ghcjs-boot --dev
But I get the following lines in my Terminal
(lines omitted)...
generating configure script for ./boot/base
MyDir/.ghcjs/x86_64-darwin-0.1.0-7.8.3/ghcjs/ghcjs-boot/boot/base$ [autoreconf]: <not found>
fatal: program autoreconf is required but was not found
name searched for (from boot.yaml or command line): autoreconf
searched in PATH:
Does anyone know what's wrong here?

Just to make life a bit easier for subsequent users who landed here.
If you have already installed homebrew,
brew install automake will install the autoreconf for you.

Your system is lacking the auto(re)conf tool which is (unfortunately) not installed with XCode any more. There is an old post explaining how to install auto(re)conf on OS X manually:
Install autoreconf on OSX lion?


How to install smlnj in arch linux?

Earlier I was in Ubuntu & it was easy to install smlnj using
apt-get install smlnj
but now I shifted to Arch & I'm finding it difficult to install smlnj.
I tried to find smlnj package through yaourt but I didn't found any.
Then I tried to install it by steps given in official site by downloading tar file. I followed given steps and extracted tar file in /usr/local/sml & then compiled by running command
After doing all this I tried to run sml but was not successful. I tried setting environment variable but again was not successful.
Please tell me whether I'm missing any steps or doing it wrong way. What is correct way to install smlnj in Arch Linux?
Update: As Alexander (xyproto) points out, pacman -S smlnj should work again now that SML/NJ is in the [multilib] repository. The solution below would still work, but credit for making installation more convenient should go to him. :-)
Before: It seems that the package became unavailable for x86_64 in Feb 2017, but it doesn't look like it should have happened. I've asked Alexander who maintains the package in [community].
The AUR doesn't contain an smlnj package because it's against AUR policy to overlap with official packages, unless the AUR package is compiled with some tweak that is clearly visible in the package name.
You can still build an Arch package and install that by finding the PKGBUILD and accompanying files at: https://git.archlinux.org/svntogit/community.git/tree/trunk?h=packages/smlnj (or by cloning the git repo below with those four files in it):
~ $ git clone https://github.com/sshine/smlnj-arch.git
~ $ cd smlnj-arch
~/smlnj-arch $ makepkg
~/smlnj-arch $ sudo pacman -U smlnj-110.80-3-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz

How to get latest cmake version from CentOS 6.5

Is there a good way to install latest cmake version from CentOS 6.5?
I'm doing yum install cmake but it's giving me 2.6.4 from base repo which I don't want.
I tried installing cmake28 but the problem is that when I try to do ./configure it throws an error saying cmake is not available.
rpm -Uv ftp://ftp.pbone.net/mirror/ftp5.gwdg.de/pub/opensuse/repositories/Application:/Geo/CentOS_6/x86_64/cmake-3.0.0-143.1.x86_64.rpm
Hope this helps to somebody. If you have any problems with it let me know. Have fun.
I know this is an ancient question, but I got here by google searching and wanted to share what I knew so far.
when you sudo yum install cmake28, you get a /usr/bin/cmake28 binary on your machine. You can setup a symlink to make your configure script work via the following:
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/cmake28 /usr/bin/cmake
Not sure why the cmake28 package doesn't do this for you.
Well, after looking at the tutorial CMake gives on their website, it says download this and after that you have too type "./bootstrap" followed by "make" and "make install".
If you get any errors type "sudo" in front of all the said commands. If that doesn't work, your best bet would be too login to the root account by typing "su" and the root password following that.
If you already have cmake installed you should either follow the steps cmake offers on their website or try the command "sudo yum remove cmake".

error in Install previous versions of R on ubuntu

I have R on my computer (Linux).
I want to install R version 2.14.1 since the package Rmosek does not work in newer version.
I have downloaded the R-2.14.2.tar.gz from Cran.
My problem is that I do not understand the INSTALL instructions,
It says to unpack the R sources and go to the top directory and issue the following commands:
I wrote the following in a terminal:
tar -zxvf R-2.14.2.tar.gz
cd Downloads
cd R-2.14.2
It is run but finally gives the error:
configure: error: --with-x=yes (default) and X11 headers/libs are not available
and it gives the error:
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
The file explains that If my make is not called `make', set the environment variable MAKE to
its name, and use that name throughout these instructions. I really do not know how I should do it since I am new in Linux.
Is there any other instruction with more explanation? I would be very thankful in advance for your help or guidances.
This is answered in detail in the R installation and administration guide,
Unless you do not want to view graphs on-screen (or use a Mac) you
need ‘X11’ installed, including its headers and client libraries. For
recent Fedora distributions it means (at least) RPMs ‘libX11’,
‘libX11-devel’, ‘libXt’ and ‘libXt-devel’. On Debian we recommend the
meta-package ‘xorg-dev’. If you really do not want these you will need
to explicitly configure R without X11, using --with-x=no.
More specifically, for Ubuntu, this means:
sudo apt-get install xorg-dev
and then proceed with compiling and installing R.
If you have to compile R in your system and install you should have libx11-dev package installed in Ubunut.Can you check whether this package is installed or not.
Otherwise you can configure the source with this option as a work around solution only in the case if you are not going to use any GUI functionality in R.
./configure --with-x=no
You need to install these libraries:
sudo apt-get install -y libx11-dev \
xorg-dev \
Then run:
And then it should work.
Good luck!

"spawn.h not found" while installing octopress on Cygwin

I have been trying to install octopress on cygwin. I have googled but no avail. I hope that someone can suggest a hack (no matter how complicated) to resolve this.
I followed the octopress installation instructions. Everything went smoothly till the bundle install stage. When I reached that point, the installation quits with the error telling that it couldn't find spawn.h.
I searched and apparently spawn.h doesn't come in any of the cygwin libraries. I installed all the c++ libraries I could from cygwin setup but that did not help.
Can you please help resolve this?
I think the gem that fails in this process is posix-spawn. For this, you could install the gem locally:
$ gem install rake-compiler -v 0.7.6
$ git clone git://github.com/rtomayko/posix-spawn.git
$ cd posix-spawn
$ rake gem
$ cd pkg/posix-spawn-0.3.6
$ gem install --local posix-spawn-0.3.6.gem
The explanation (from an article I found):
There is a bug in the version of posix-spawn in the gem repositories however that makes installing via gem impossible on Cygwin
After this, try bundle install again, it should be successful.
Here's a related issue on the GitHub project
UPDATE: I recently installed scoop a command-line installer for Windows, a pretty easy setup. I installed Ruby, bundler and octopress without breaking a sweat. You should give it a try.

Yi failed to install

Would love to try the Yi editor, but unfortunately, it keeps failing during the installation.
First I get:
> cabal install yi
haskell-src-exts-1.13.0 failed during the configure step. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
yi- depends on haskell-src-exts-1.13.0 which failed to install.
then when I try to install haskell-src-exts I am stumped by this:
setup: The program happy version >=1.17 is required but it could not be found.
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
haskell-src-exts-1.13.0 failed during the configure step. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
installing happy cabal install happy (version 1.18.9 at that) does not help, as it still produces the error above!
I am trying to get this going on ArchLinux. Also, Windows installation didn't work either.
Any ideas?
cabal installs programs to ~/.cabal/bin (on Unix; no idea about Windows) if they are not already installed, and does not warn you to add it to your $PATH; it also (unless you have the latest unreleased version, built from its repo) does not know that it has done so, because it only tracks libraries, not executables. You will need to manually add $HOME/.cabal/bin to your $PATH so that it will be found
(edit be pedantic)
On ubuntu I installed happy using apt-get instead of through cabal, which worked.
Here is what I have done to install Yi with GTK+ under ArchLinux.
First, I tried cabal install yi and I got the same error as you.
To solve this error, I installed happy using this command:
yaourt -S happy
Then, I got another error because the alex package was needed. So, I installed it with:
yaourt -S alex
After that, I got some errors because of gtk2hs packages missing. I installed them with:
yaourt -S haskell-cairo haskell-glib haskell-gtk haskell-pango
Finally, I was able to install Yi with:
cabal install yi -fvty -fpango
I had the same issue in installing hprotoc which has a dependency on haskell-src-exts. The issue I believe was that I was running the sudo command which was modifying the path. When I took the recommended action in the following Q&A, it resolved the issue of finding happy.
sudo changes PATH - why?
Leksah uses Yi as a component, try installing leksah instead. I had similar error messages at one point, the haskell-src-exts error is due to running out of memory. Reboot your computer, have nothing else running except the console, and try again.
