Im trying to write a formula that will check if 2 cells in a row are blank and if they are / arnt output true / false. Ive been working with isblank() and have put together this :
=IF(ISBLANK(L2) AND ISBLANK(N2), blank, not blank) but it returns a formula parse error, any ideas why this might be ?
Im doing this inside of google spreadsheets, so ideally id prefer not to use vba.
You're using an AND operator from a language that Excel can't compile.
In Excel it's an AND function with syntax:
AND(logical1, [logical2], ...)
Also the returns, being strings, need to be within double quotes in Excel functions so:
=IF(AND(ISBLANK(L2),ISBLANK(N2)),"blank", "not blank")
To try and make an everyday task for myself easier, I've been attempting to use:
Basically I have to grab groups of cells and wrap the text to fit in an attribute box elsewhere. I figured doing it right in Excel would be easier than writing something original with, say, Python, but I'm not having any luck. I get that vague #VALUE! error when entering this. Additionally, there shouldn't be any delimiter. The goal is to tie each cell end to end, wrapping it, without spaces, like I mentioned above.
For clarification, I'm using Excel 2016.
Does anybody have a remedy?
CONCATENATE(A1:A9) accomplishes nothing. It just returns A1:A9.
I assume you want this:
= A1&A2&A3&...&A9
Possibly also TEXTJOIN if you have the right version of Excel.
If you have Excel 2016 or 365, use TEXTJOIN:
The " " means that your values will be delimited by spaces (put a comma or dash or whatever you need in there); the TRUE means that it will not include empty cells (change it to FALSE if you want placeholders for those); A1:A9 is your range that will be concatenated.
I need help with an "IF" formula in excel using multiple conditions. This is what I need:
IF (cell) is <201, then *$2, if (cell) is 201-400, then *$1.15, if (cell) is >400, then *$1)
I am trying to create a "settlement" spreadsheet.
You may try this:
However, you've not mentioned what do you want to do when cell value is 201. If you want it to result in $2 then change formula to A1<=201 or else if you want it to result in $1.15 then write A1>=201 and same aplies to 400.
How many IF statements are you needing to string together? You are on the right track, they just get confusing the more you need to string together.
I am trying to get the values with wildcard in Cubevalue formula(below) in excel. I am not finding any solution.
=CUBEVALUE("ThisWorkbookDataModel","[Measures].[Sum of Bookings_Net]","[Dashboard_Data].[Level_1].[Karnataka_India]")
I am trying to get the values where [level 1] ends with [_India], I don't want to create a calculated Column in Data Model as this condition may be used for different columns and different conditions.
I have also tried by giving cell reference(eg-[Cell A1] = "_India) as like below but I am not able to get the results.
CUBEVALUE("ThisWorkbookDataModel","[Measures].[Sum of Bookings_Net]","[Dashboard_Data].[Level_1].["&A$1&"]")
kindly help me to overcome this issue.
First create a =CUBESET function in cell A1.
=CUBESET("ThisWorkbookDataModel","Filter([Dashboard_Data].[Level_1].[Level_1].Members, Right([Dashboard_Data].[Level_1].CurrentMember.Name, 6)=""_India"")")
Basically that is a language called MDX and the expression before "" double quote escaping is:
Filter([Dashboard_Data].[Level_1].[Level_1].Members, Right([Dashboard_Data].[Level_1].CurrentMember.Name, 6)="_India")
Then reference it in your =CUBEVALUE formula:
=CUBEVALUE("ThisWorkbookDataModel","[Measures].[Sum of Bookings_Net]",$A$1)
I'm trying to get a cell to pick a cell of data from a table using IF (Excel 2010, can't do IFS), but when I try to nest more than 2 IF, it returns a "too many arguments" error. Formula at this point:
=IF(B11="Humain",VLOOKUP(COO,Fonctions!A88:M110,2,FALSE),IF(OR(B11="Hybride Naturel",B11="Géno-Hybride"),VLOOKUP(COO,Fonctions!A88:M110,3,FALSE)))
Where am I doing it wrong? :/
You're missing a final comma should the second IF condition return false. Update your formula like so:
=IF(B11="Humain",VLOOKUP(COO,Fonctions!A88:M110,2,FALSE),IF(OR(B11="Hybride Naturel",B11="Géno-Hybride"),VLOOKUP(COO,Fonctions!A88:M110,3,FALSE),"N/A"))
Notice the N/A that will be produced should both IF statements do not yield any results.
I'm looking to add some functionality to a spreadsheet that does the following.
I would like to run a Vlookup that looks for a match with another cell, if it finds a match in I20, I would like to return the value of I21. It will always have to return the value with the cell directly below it. Is there a way for me to do this?
I do not want to hard code, since the values in the vlookup maybe different, but it will always need the value directly below the match.
As I mentioned in comments, you can use
Index/Match is pretty similar to Vlookup, you can read more here.
Also for error hadling you can use:
1) for Excel 2007 and later:
=IFERROR(INDEX(I:I,MATCH("something",I:I,0)+1),"there is no match")
2) for Excel 2003:
=IF(ISERROR(INDEX(I:I,MATCH("something",I:I,0)+1)),"there is no match",INDEX(I:I,MATCH("something",I:I,0)+1))