How do I make sure a cron job completes? - cron

I only have access to cpanel and I have two different types of cron jobs that I would like to understand better:
This one seems to suffer time out constraints like a normal webpage does
wget --secure-protocol=TLSv1 -O /dev/null "" >/dev/null 2>&1
But what about this one?
php -q /home/website/public_html/code.php >/dev/null 2>&1
How do I make sure a cron job completes?


How do I run 1 instance of rsync / rclone script using flock as a cron job?

I'm trying to run only one instance of my back up script as a cron job.
I know I can do it with a function that checks if the process is running:
if pgrep -x rclone >/dev/null
# rclone is still running, backup is not done yet, exit.
# rclone is not running.
# start backup.
But after some research, I found out flock should be used instead of looking for process ID, in crontab -e, in this case, run the script every 30 minutes:
*/30 * * * * /usr/bin/flock -n /var/lock/myjob.lock /path/to/rclone/
Running the command above requires sudo. Therefore, the script asks for sudo password, and never runs. (I ran the command above manually, that's how I found out).
How exactly do I use flock? Do I type a variable in my script that injects the sudo password when flock asks for it? (I know it's not secure, so there must be a different way to do this).
I tried to research this subject but couldn't find any good answers that explain how to use it properly.
Thank you.

How to suppress cron email feedback?

I have a cron every two minutes (*/2 * * * *) firing the following command...
wget ""
Trouble is, it is emailing me every two minutes, and also creating copious tiny files on the server, one each time.
I have tried several things. I know there is plenty of info out there about suppressing email feedback from cron.
cPanel's Cron page, where my crons are set, makes clear: "If you do not want an email to be sent for an individual cron job, you can redirect the command’s output to /dev/null. For example: mycommand >/dev/null 2>&1"
But when I did it like this...
wget -O "" >/dev/null 2>&1
... the cron stopped functioning.
(I believed an -O was necessarily to direct the output).
What is the proper way to formulate this?
To suppress mails from cron you can add before your line in cron MAILTO
*/2 * * * * command
This seems to do the trick...
wget --quiet -O ""
Ie. Add --quiet
Answer found elsewhere on Stackoverflow.
Bit confused how --quiet and -O co-exist.

How do I make AcySms manual cron job in cPanel work?

When setting up AcySMS, there are few option for the cron job. "Web cron" runs at the fastest interval of 15 minutes, way too slow for me.
I have opted for "manual cron", and am given the following "cron URL"
Putting that into the cPanel cron job manager just leaves me with an error everytime the cron attempts to run:
/usr/local/cpanel/bin/jailshell: No such file or directory
I have discovered that the following command executes the script properly.
curl --request GET '' >/dev/null 2>&1
Note: ensure the URL is surrounded by ' ' otherwise it seems to miss everything from the & onward.
Note: >/dev/null 2>&1 makes sure there is no email trail.

two cron jobs - one after one not working well

This is my cron command:
/usr/bin/wget -O /dev/null -o /dev/null; wget -q -O -
The first file is running for 4 minutes for updating database (i have logs), the second file for some reason runs after 1:45, how it runs without the first one finished?

Using wget in a crontab to run a PHP script

I set up a cron job on my Ubuntu server. Basically, I just want this job to call a php page on an other server. This php page will then clean up some stuff in a database. So I tought it was a good idea to call this page with wget and then send the result to /dev/null because I don't care about the output of this page at all, I just want it to do its database cleaning job.
So here is my crontab:
0 0 * * * /usr/bin/wget -q --post-data 'pass=mypassword' > /dev/null 2>&1
(I post a password to make sure no one could run the script but me). It works like a charm except that wget writes each time an empty page in my user directory: the result of downloading the php page.
I don't understand why the result isn't send to /dev/null ? Any idea about the problem here?
Thanks you very much!
wget's output to STDOUT is it trying to make a connection, showing progress, etc.
If you don't want it to store the saved file, use the -O file parameter:
/usr/bin/wget -q --post-data -O /dev/null 'pass=mypassword' > /dev/null 2>&1
Checkout the wget manpage. You'll also find the -q option for completely disabling output to STDOUT (but offcourse, redirecting the output as you do works too).
wget -O /dev/null ....
should do the trick
you can mute wget output with the --quiet option
wget --quiet
