MongoDB does not seem to behave how it should as a whole - node.js

When I first used MongoDB I managed to connect successfully, however then I wanted to carry out the most basic query such as:
I got an error saying TypeError: Cannot read property 'find' of undefined
Basically meaning I cannot use a collection as a property to the object db.
So i tried this:
var user_col = db.collection('users');
which works absolutely fine.
Over the last few days I have kept having to look up other ways of doing things as the standard documented way doesn't seem to work. Just now I wanted to get the total users on the app, so like it says in the documentation I should do this:
var count = db.runCommand( { count: 'users' } );
however this gave the error:
TypeError: undefined is not a function
Is there a problem with MongoDB you have seen like this before or am I just being stupid? I do not want to have to keep finding other, less efficient ways of doing things so finally I ask here what is going on.
Thank you.

It appears you are confusing the Mongo shell API with the node.js native driver API. While both are JavaScript, the shell is sync while node.js is async so they're totally different.


Topology was Destroyed / Topology was closed - MongoDB(Mongoose) - Discord.js

I keep on trying to implement MongoDB in my code using Mongoose, but in most of my commands that I add it in, it returns with either 'Topology was destroyed' or 'Topology was closed' and I can't find a way to fix the problem.
I followed along with tutorials on YT from (Worn Off keys) and changed it a bit and it didn't seem to work, and then I copied and pasted his one to see if it works but I get the same error.
Is there something I should check that I might have done wrong like in the schemas or connecting to MongoDB(even though I followed what was said in the videos) please let me know?

Sail. js / Waterline.js - find() not returning array

Problem: I'm getting unexpected output from code that previously worked.
Code Problem:
sails.models.user.find().then(function (users){...});
is currently returning { id: 1 }
but should return an array of User objects like [{id:x, name:y},...]
Code Alterations:
sails.models.user.find().exec(function (err, users){...}); does not contain an error and returns the same as using .then() like above.
sails.models.user.findOne(1).then(function (users){...}); correctly returns a User like {id:x, name:y}.
sails.models.venue.find().then(function (venues){...}); returns an array of venues, just as substituting any other class besides User.
This code was previously working (it's a pretty simple line), and the only changes I made between it working and not working was running npm install (but it was previously working on heroku where which installed, so I don't think that was a problem) and changing the schema of User to add a few columns (I did this by deleting the User table in the DB, updating the Sails User model, and lifting the app in create mode, so the table exactly matches the model). Neither of these should cause a problem, but we all know how "should" and coding don't mix :P
How do I fix this? And why did this happen? Thanks :)
Realized other code was calling the package sails-mock-models which was doing its job. Totally forgot about that code. Problem solved.

Problems running KeystoneJS without MongoDB

I would like to try running KeystoneJS without MongoDB.
There's a short blog post explaining how to do it at
Basically, it explains how to replace MondgoDB with TingoDB and using a Tungus driver.
The advice is to put the following into the top of the keystone.js file
global.TUNGUS_DB_OPTIONS = { nativeObjectID: true, searchInArray: true };
var tungus = require('tungus');
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
And later to set mongo database url to TingoDB.
keystone.set('mongo', 'tingodb://'+__dirname+'/data');
By doing this I got KeystoneJS up and running. By inspecting the contect of data/users file in TingoDB I can even see that the default user gets created, but I was not able to log in. It always reports that username / password combination is not ok.
What am I missing? How do I debug the problem to find out what exactly is the problem here?
Ok, to asnwer to myself, the problems seems to be because User.modele.findOne({email: emailRegExp}) doesn't work in TingoDB/Tungus.
When replaced it with, without using regex-es, it semms to work.
But who knows if and what else will break because of incompatibility.

where to specify "noCursorTimeout" option using nodejs-mongodb driver?

it might be obvious, but right now I'm not able to either find it in the docs or google it...
I'm using mongodb with the nodejs-driver and have a potentially long operation (> 10 minutes) pertaining to a cursor which does get a timeout (as specified in
In the nodejs-driver API Documentation ( a method addCursorFlag(flag, value) is mentioned to be called on a Cursor.
However, there's no example on how to do it, and simply calling e.g.
objectCollection.find().limit(objectCount).addCursorFlag('noCursorTimeout', true).toArray(function (err, objects) {
leads to a TypeError: Object #<Cursor> has no method 'addCursorFlag'.
So how to go about making this Cursor exist longer than those 10 minutes?
Moreover, as required by the mongodb documentation, how do I then manually close the cursor?
The example you've provided:
db.collection.find().addCursorFlag('noCursorTimeout',true) fine for me on driver version 2.14.21. I've an open cursor for 45 minutes now.
Could it be you were using 1.x NodeJS driver?
so I've got a partial solution for my problem. it's doesn't say so in the API docs, but apparently you have to specify it in the find() options like so:
objectCollection.find({},{timeout: false}).limit(objectCount).toArray(function (err, objects) {
however still, what about the cleanup? do those cursors ever get killed? is a call to db.close() sufficient?

Can't connect to MongoDB database with NodeJS native driver

I have a NodeJS app in which I need to connect to to MongoDB databases - one a single server set up, and the second from a replica set. I connect to the next one just fine, but when connecting to the second one - I get the following error:
throw err;
TypeError: Cannot set property 'auto_reconnect' of undefined
at /Users/iddogino/Documents/RapidApp/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/connection/repl_set/options.js:110:35
at Array.forEach (native)
at Options.decorateAndClean (/Users/iddogino/Documents/RapidApp/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/connection/repl_set/options.js:108:16)
at new exports.ReplSet (/Users/iddogino/Documents/RapidApp/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/connection/repl_set/repl_set.js:84:31)
at /Users/iddogino/Documents/RapidApp/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/mongo_client.js:320:30
at /Users/iddogino/Documents/RapidApp/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/db.js:296:11
at process._tickDomainCallback (node.js:459:13)
The code I use to connect (after omitting user names and real urls) is:
require('mongodb').MongoClient.connect("mongodb://password#url1:port1,url2:port2/dbName?replicaSet=setName&w=0&readPreference=secondary", function(err, doc) {...});
Now when I tried this alone (not after the code connecting to true other DB), I worked just fine... Any ideas?
This one took me a minute to figure out. The error says the problem is in ./node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/connection/repl_set/options.js:110
The issue is that options.js:91 creates an empty object. They're doing this make a dictionary and deduplicate the 'host:port' strings for the servers. options.js:104 loops through the keys in that dictionary and blindly loads them into an array. This would be a problem if you have added something to Object.prototype globally since it would also get added to the final array of servers. Since whatever you've added to Object.prototype probably isn't a server, it won't have an options property and you'll get this error.
Work around:
Figure out where in your code you have modified Object.prototype and make it less general. I think they've updated this in newer versions of the driver, but if you're using an old one you need to work around it.
