Compatiable angularjs-nvd3-directives.js version for nvd3 version 1.8.1 - angularjs-nvd3-directives

I want to design multi-bar chart using nvd3 version 1.8.1 and angularjs-nvd3-directives.js. I found some problems with tooltip positioning with older versions of nvd3.So I want to use nvd3 version 1.8.1.
Then my question is: Which version of angularjs-nvd3-directives.js is Compatiable with nvd3 version 1.8.1?
Thanks In advance.


Next JS code not compiling after adding latest framer-motion package to project

[enter image description here](
enter image description here
Ijust installed the latest Framer motion version in an existing Next JS application, and the code does not compile when the motion tag is added to a div please find more details below and screenshots,
Please note my node version is 18.10.0 and my
Next JS version is 13.1.6
Framer motion version is version 9.0.0
and this issue can be reproduced with these versions
I have just installed the latest Framer motion version in an existing Next JS application, and the code does not compile when the framer-motion "motion" tag is added to a div please find more details below and screenshots,
I have also tried downgrading the node versions but this does not resolve, this, is anyone having this same issue with the latest necxt and framer-motion package versions?
Please note my node version is 18.10.0 and my
Next JS version is 13.1.6
Framer motion version is version 9.0.0
and this issue can be reproduced with these versions

Package.json has a version of a Package that doesn't actually exist. what happens?

I'm supporting a project that has a version of the following package.
the version in the package.json says we imported version 2.6.0 however the lastest version currently is 2.5.3 beta. I would have to assume someone manually changed this. So if the version specified is beyond the version that currently exists, is it smart enough to just take the latest version. and will it automatically update the the newest version until it hits 2.6.0?
I'm gonna just change it match the current version anyway, but I was curious if anyone knew the functionality of this.
Please look at versions of this package
The version 2.6.0 goes prior 2.5.x versions

Ubuntu QT install qt quick controls 2.1

I have a Qt 5.7.0 application. When I run my application it does not start and there is a terminal message saying:
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
qrc:/main.qml:2 module "QtQuick.Controls" version 2.1 is not installed
How can I solve this issue?
As you can see from the "Versions" section of the Qt Quick Controls 2 documentation, you have to import version 2.0 of Quick Controls if you're using Qt 5.7, not version 2.1 of Quick Controls.
Alternatively, you could update to the latest version of Qt (5.9), and then you can use Quick Controls 2.1.

Difficulty in Installing GraphLab for python 3.5.2

I am a newbie in Machine learning and want to build a recommendation system for my class project. To do so, I need to work with GraphLab. But I cannot find any version of it which will be supported by python 3.5.2. The latest available version is 2.1, which is supported by python 2.7x. Is there any equivalent package of GraphLab, or any alternative ways to build this system?
Currently there's no stable release of GraphLab for python 3.5. They are working on a stable release. However, there were a beta release here for 3.5 which seems to be inaccessible right now. You may try out scikit-learn, H2O as alternative.They have support for 3.5.

Antlr4 freeze after upgrade from 4.1 to 4.3

I made a grammar in antlr 4.1.
I tried to upgrade to 4.5.1, but freezes.
I tested with 4.2 and works well. Then I tried the 4.3 and the freezing began to occur.
When I generated the parser and lexer is not displayed error or warning.
Apparently it's frozen in ParserATNSimulator.closure
Something has changed in version 4.3 and higher?
Thanks a Lot!
Did you generate your parser class after upgrading ANTLR ? I just upgraded to 4.5.1 trouble-free.
Version 4.3 seems to be compatible with previous versions. However version 4.2.2 have some issues apparently: see the 'Breaking changes' section of the v4.2.2 release notes.
