Proving equivalence between non-tail-recursive and tail-recursive functions - tail-recursion

I have a recursive function* that is similar to an "optional map", with the following signature:
omap (f : option Z -> list nat) (l : list Z) : option (list nat)
I defined an equivalent (modulo list reversal) tail-recursive function (omap_tr below), and I would like to prove that both are equivalent, at least in the case Some.
I am currently failing to do so, either because my inductive invariant is not strong enough, or because I am not correctly applying the double induction. I wonder if there is a standard technique for this kind of transformation.
*The function has been simplified; for instance None seems useless here, but it is necessary in the original function.
Here is the code of the (simplified) non-tail-recursive function, along with an example of a function f:
Fixpoint omap (f : option Z -> list nat) (l : list Z) : option (list nat) :=
match l with
| nil => Some nil
| z :: zr =>
let nr1 := f (Some z) in
let nr2 := match omap f zr with
| None => nil
| Some nr' => nr'
end in
Some (nr1 ++ nr2)
Let f (oz : option Z) : list nat :=
match oz with
| None => nil
| Some z => Z.to_nat z :: nil
For instance, omap f simply converts Z integers to nat integers:
Compute omap f (1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: nil)%Z.
= Some (1%nat :: 2%nat :: 3%nat :: 4%nat :: nil) : option (list nat)
I performed what I believe is a standard accumulator-based transformation, adding an acc parameter to both f and omap:
Fixpoint omap_tr (f_tr : option Z -> list nat -> list nat) (l : list Z)
(acc : list nat) : option (list nat) :=
match l with
| nil => Some acc
| z :: zr => let nr1 := f_tr (Some z) acc in
omap_tr f_tr zr nr1
Let f_tr rz acc :=
match rz with
| None => acc
| Some z => Z.to_nat z :: acc
It seems to work, despite returning a reversed list. Here's an example of its usage, with a non-empty accumulator:
Compute match omap_tr f_tr (3 :: 4 :: nil)%Z (rev (1 :: 2 :: nil))%nat with
| Some r => Some (rev r)
| None => None
= Some (1%nat :: 2%nat :: 3%nat :: 4%nat :: nil) : option (list nat)
My first attempt included a nil accumulator:
Lemma omap_tr_failed:
forall l res,
omap_tr f_tr l nil = Some res ->
omap f l = Some (rev res).
But I failed to do the induction. I assume it must be because the invariant is not strong enough to handle the general case.
Still, it seems to me that any of the following lemmas should be provable, but I'm afraid they are also not strong enough to enable the proof:
Lemma omap_tr':
forall l acc res,
omap_tr f_tr l acc = Some (res ++ acc) ->
omap f l = Some (rev res).
Lemma omap_tr'':
forall l acc res,
omap_tr f_tr l acc = Some res ->
exists res',
omap f l = Some res' /\
res = (rev res') ++ acc.
Should a standard double induction allow these lemmas to be proven directly, or do I need stronger invariants?

Yes, your omap_tr'' invariant works perfectly for your lemma. Maybe you forgot to generalize over acc and res before doing induction, or forgot to apply some rewriting facts about app and rev?
Lemma omap_tr'':
forall l acc res,
omap_tr f_tr l acc = Some res ->
exists res',
omap f l = Some res' /\
res = (rev res') ++ acc.
induction l as [|x l IH]; intros acc res; simpl.
- intros H. inversion H; subst acc; clear H.
exists []; eauto.
- intros H. apply IH in H.
destruct H as (res' & H & ?). subst res.
rewrite H.
eexists; split; eauto.
simpl. now rewrite <- app_assoc.
Lemma omap_tr_correct :
forall l res,
omap_tr f_tr l [] = Some res ->
omap f l = Some (rev res).
intros l res H. apply omap_tr'' in H.
destruct H as (res' & ? & E).
subst res.
now rewrite app_nil_r, rev_involutive.


Smart constructor for tuple in Idris

I started reading Chapter 6 of "Type-driven development with Idris" and attempted to write a smart constructor for a tupled vector.
TupleVect : Nat -> Type -> Type
TupleVect Z _ = ()
TupleVect (S k) a = (a, TupleVect k a)
someValue : TupleVect 4 Nat
someValue = (1,2,3,4,())
TupleVectConstructorType : Nat -> Type -> Type
TupleVectConstructorType n typ = helper n
helper : Nat -> Type
helper Z = TupleVect n typ
helper (S k) = typ -> helper k
tupleVect : (n : Nat) -> (a : Type) -> TupleVectConstructorType n a
tupleVect Z a = ()
tupleVect (S Z) a = \val => (val, ())
tupleVect (S (S Z)) a = \val2 => \val1 => (val2, val1, ())
-- ??? how to create tupleVect (S k) a
How to create a constructor for an arbitrary k?
Basically #Matthias Berndt's idea. Counting down the arrows to be added, while making the final tuple longer. For this we need to access the more permissive helper from TupleVectType.
TupleVectType' : Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
TupleVectType' Z n a = TupleVect n a
TupleVectType' (S k) n a = a -> TupleVectType' k (S n) a
TupleVectType : Nat -> Type -> Type
TupleVectType n = TupleVectType' n Z
tupleVect : (n : Nat) -> (a : Type) -> TupleVectType n a
tupleVect n a = helper n Z a ()
helper : (k, n : Nat) -> (a : Type) -> (acc : TupleVect n a)
-> TupleVectType' k n a
helper Z n a acc = acc
helper (S k) n a acc = \x => helper k (S n) a (x, acc)
someValue2 : TupleVect 4 Nat
someValue2 = (tupleVect 4 Nat) 4 3 2 1
Though note that this will result in \v2 => \v1 => (v1, v2, ()) and not \v2 => \v1 => (v2, v1, ()) as the former fits the recursive definition of TupleVect (S k) a = (a, TupleVect k a) better.
I know almost nothing about Idris except that it's a dependently-typed, Haskell-like language. But I find this problem intriguing, so I gave it a shot.
Clearly you need a recursive solution here. My idea is to use an additional parameter f which accumulates the val1..val_n parameters that the function has eaten so far. When the base case is reached, f is returned.
tupleVectHelper Z a f = f
tupleVectHelper (S n) a f = \val => tupleVectHelper n a (val, f)
tupleVect n a = tupleVectHelper n a ()
I have no idea if this works, and I haven't yet figured out how to write the type of tupleVectHelper, but I've tried doing the substitutions manually for n = 3 and it does seem to work out on paper, though the resulting tuple is backwards. But I think that shouldn't be too hard to fix.
Hope this helps!

How to prove this lemma about eta expansion?

(here is a gist of my work so far.)
Coq comes with a rule about eta reduction, allowing us to prove something like the following:
Variables X Y Z : Type.
Variable f : X -> Y -> Z.
Lemma eta1 : (fun x => f x) = f.
The eta rule is not merely an equality rewrite, so we can use it beneath binders as well:
Lemma eta2 : (fun x y => f x y) = f.
Of course, one would expect that you could generalize this to an f of arbitrary arity. Here is my naïve attempt:
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Import ListNotations.
Fixpoint toType(ts : list Type)(t : Type) : Type :=
match ts with
|[] => t
|u::vs => u -> (toType vs t)
Compute toType [X;Y] Z.
= X -> Y -> Z
: Type
Fixpoint etaexpand(ts : list Type) : forall t : Type, toType ts t -> toType ts t :=
match ts as ts return forall t, toType ts t -> toType ts t with
|[] => fun t x => x
|u::vs => fun t f (x:u) => etaexpand vs t (f x)
Compute etaexpand [X;Y] Z f.
= fun (x : X) (x0 : Y) => f x x0
: toType [X; Y] Z
Lemma etaexpand_id : forall ts t f, etaexpand ts t f = f.
induction ts; intros.
(*stuck here*)
I get stuck on the inductive step of the above lemma. Naturally, I want to rewrite using the inductive hypothesis, but I cannot since the relevant subterm occurs beneath a binder. Of course, I myself know that the inductive hypothesis should be usable beneath binders, since it's just a chain of eta rewrites. I'm wondering then if there's a clever way to state and convince Coq of this fact.
In case anyone's curious, here's the solution I came up with after some thought.
The key is to simultaneously prove the following "niceness" property for etaexpand ts t:
Definition nice{X Y}(F : Y -> Y) := (forall y, F y = y) -> forall f : X -> Y,
(fun x => F (f x)) = f.

Functional Programming à la 1940s: Minimalistic Implementation of Factorial

I have watched the amazing talk by John Hughes titled Why Functional Programming Matters a couple of times and only recently decided to actually try implementing the "minimalist" version of booleans, integers, and of course factorial, as shown in the video.
I implemented true, false, ifte, zero, one, two, iszero, decr and finally fact here as follow:
-- boolean
true x y = x
false x y = y
ifte bool t e = bool t e
-- positive integers
three f x = f $ f $ f x
two f x = f $ f x
one f x = f x
zero f x = x
-- add and multiplication
add m n f x = m f $ n f x
mul m n f x = m (n f) x
-- is zero check
iszero n = n (\_ -> false) true
-- decrement
decr n =
n (\m f x -> f (m f zero))
-- factorial
fact n =
ifte (iszero n)
(mul n (fact (decr n)))
I tested every function, and they all compile and work perfectly, except for decr and fact.
Even though John Hughes promises at 6:37 that his implementation of decr works, it fails to compile with the following error:
error: Variable not in scope: incr
I am not certain how incr should be implemented in (\m f x -> f (m incr zero)).
Now if I define them as incr = (+1) and change the definition of decr to the following, then decr compiles and works fine, but fact still causes compilation failure.
decr n =
n (\m f x -> f (m incr x))
Is there a bug in the lambda (\m f x -> f (m incr zero)) used in the definition of decr, or should incr be defined differently?
When I define incr as incr n = (\f x -> f (n f x)), decr n works fine, but fact n fails to compile. Here's the readable portion of the error message:
factorial.hs:30:1: error:
• Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type:
| fact n =
| ^^^^^^^^...
factorial.hs:33:6: error:
• Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type:
• In the third argument of ‘ifte’, namely ‘(mul n (fact (decr n)))’
In the expression: ifte (iszero n) one (mul n (fact (decr n)))
In an equation for ‘fact’:
fact n = ifte (iszero n) one (mul n (fact (decr n)))
| (mul n (fact (decr n)))
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Note: the complete error message is several pages long.
It looks like you're really close
I can show you how to do this using Church's encodings in JavaScript, but not in Haskell, because I don't know how to make some simple combinators type-check in Haskell (U below)
Because JavaScript is strictly evaluated, predicate branches must be wrapped in a lambda
Go ahead and run the snippet – we calculate 8!
const True = a => b =>
a ()
const False = a => b =>
b ()
const IsZero = n =>
n (x => False) (True)
const Succ = n =>
f => x => f (n (f) (x))
const Pred = n =>
f => x => n (g => h => h (g (f))) (u => x) (u => u)
const Mult = m => n =>
f => m (n (f))
const Add = m => n =>
m (Succ) (n)
const one = f => x =>
f (x)
const two =
Add (one) (one)
const four =
Add (two) (two)
const eight =
Add (four) (four)
const U = f => f (f)
const Fact = U (f => acc => n =>
IsZero (n)
(z => acc) // thunks used for predicate branches
(z => U (f) (Mult (acc) (n)) (Pred (n)))) (one)
const result =
Fact (eight)
// convert church numeral result to a JavaScript number
console.log ('8! =', result (x => x + 1) (0))
// 8! = 40320
If you cheat a little, you can achieve faux laziness by using JavaScript's ?: ternary operator – I'm only showing this so you can see Fact in a more readable form; the above implementation uses only lambdas
const IsZero = n =>
// cheat by returning JavaScript's true/false booleans
n (x => false) (true)
const Succ = n =>
f => x => f (n (f) (x))
const Pred = n =>
f => x => n (g => h => h (g (f))) (u => x) (u => u)
const Mult = m => n =>
f => m (n (f))
const Add = m => n =>
m (Succ) (n)
const one = f => x =>
f (x)
const two =
Add (one) (one)
const four =
Add (two) (two)
const eight =
Add (four) (four)
const U = f => f (f)
const Fact = U (f => acc => n =>
IsZero (n)
? acc // now we're sorta cheating using JavaScript's ternary here
: U (f) (Mult (acc) (n)) (Pred (n))) (one)
const result =
Fact (eight)
console.log ('8! =', result (x => x + 1) (0))
// 8! = 40320
First, let's try to explicitly type everything. Naïvely, all this stuff is parameterised on some type that the Church functions deal with:
type Logical a = a -> a -> a
type Nat a = (a->a) -> a->a
-- boolean
true, false :: Logical a
true x y = x
false x y = y
ifte :: Logical a -> a -> a -> a
ifte = id
incr :: Nat a -> Nat a
incr n f = f . n f
-- integer “literals”
zero, one, two, three :: Nat a
three = incr two
two = incr one
one = incr zero
zero _ = id
-- addition and multiplication
add, mul :: Nat a -> Nat a -> Nat a
add m n f = m f . n f
mul m n f = m $ n f
-- zero check
isZero :: Nat a -> Logical a
isZero n = n (const false) true
...ok, here we run into the first problem:
• Couldn't match expected type ‘Logical a’ with actual type ‘a’
‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for:
isZero :: forall a. Nat a -> Logical a
at /tmp/wtmpf-file7834.hs:25:1-28
• In the expression: n (const false) true
The issue is that we try to use the Nat-church-numbers as a function not on the underlying a type that the result Logical is supposed to work with, but on those logicals themselves. I.e. it's actually
isZero :: Nat (Logical a) -> Logical a
It gets worse for decr – this doesn't work:
decr :: Nat a -> Nat a
decr n = n (\m f x -> f (m incr x))
because you're trying to use the number for both a logical purpose as in isZero, which requires injecting another Nat layer, but also for just passing on/incrementing. In traditional Hindley-Milner, you'd need to decide on one of these, so it's not possible to make it typecheck.
In modern Haskell, you can make it typecheck, by making the argument polymorphic:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, UnicodeSyntax #-}
decr :: (∀ α . Nat α) -> Nat a
To avoid carrying around the quantifier, we might make another synonym:
type ANat = ∀ α . Nat α
then it's just
decr :: ANat -> Nat a
And that technique works for the factorial as well:
fact :: ANat -> Nat a
fact n = ifte (isZero n)
(mul n $ fact (decr n))

Implicit length arguments in fixed-length-vector-functions in Agda

I wrote an Agda-function prefixApp which applies a Vector-Function to a prefix of a vector:
split : {A : Set}{m n : Nat} -> Vec A (n + m) -> (Vec A n) * (Vec A m)
split {_} {_} {zero} xs = ( [] , xs )
split {_} {_} {suc _} (x :: xs) with split xs
... | ( ys , zs ) = ( (x :: ys) , zs )
prefixApp : {A : Set}{n m k : Nat} -> (Vec A n -> Vec A m) -> Vec A (n + k) -> Vec A (m + k)
prefixApp f xs with split xs
... | ( ys , zs ) = f ys ++ zs
I like the fact, that prefixApp can be used without explicitly providing a length argument, e.g.
gate : Vec Bool 4 -> Vec Bool 3
gate = prefixApp xorV
(where xorV : Vec Bool 2 -> Vec Bool 1 is the Vector-Xor-Function)
Unfortunately, I dont know how to write a postfixApp-function which can be used without explicitly providing a length argument. My function definition so far looks like this:
postfixApp : {A : Set}{n m k : Nat} -> (Vec A n -> Vec A m) -> Vec A (k + n) -> Vec A (k + m)
postfixApp {_} {_} {_} {k} f xs with split {_} {_} {k} xs
... | ( ys , zs ) = ys ++ (f zs)
It seems, however, that postfixApp always needs a length argument. E.g.
gate : Vec Bool 4 -> Vec Bool 3
gate = postfixApp {k = 2} xorV
Does anyone know, how to eliminate this asymmetry, i.e. how to write a function postfixApp which works without an explicit length argument. I guess, I need another split-function?
With your prefixApp, you have
prefixApp : {A : Set}{n m k : Nat} -> (Vec A n -> Vec A m) -> Vec A (n + k) -> Vec A (m + k)
and you pass it a function Vec Bool 2 -> Vec Bool 1, so it knows that n = 2 and m = 1 by simple unification. Then, because addition is defined by recursion on the left arguments, the remainder of the function type reduces from Vec A (2 + k) -> Vec A (1 + k) to Vec A (suc (suc k)) -> Vec A (suc k). Agda can then apply straight-up unification (expanding the number literals) of:
Vec A (suc (suc k)) -> Vec A (suc k)
Vec Bool (suc (suc (suc (suc zero)))) -> Vec Bool (suc (suc (suc zero)))
to infer that k = 2.
Looking at the other one:
postfixApp : {A : Set}{n m k : Nat} -> (Vec A n -> Vec A m) -> Vec A (k + n) -> Vec A (k + m)
The only difference is that the known quantities that your xorV forces n and m to be 2 and 1, but this only makes the remainder of your function type into Vec A (k + 2) -> Vec A (k + 1). This type does not reduce further, because addition is defined by recursion on the first argument, k, which is unknown at this point. You then try to unify k + 2 with 4 and k + 1 with 3, and Agda spits out yellow. "But clearly k = 2," you say! You know that because you know math, and can apply subtraction and other simple principles, but Agda does not know that. _+_ is just another function to it, and unifying arbitrary function applications is hard. What if I asked you to unify (2 + x) * (2 + y) with 697, for example? Should the typechecker be expected to factor the number and complain that there isn't a unique factorization? I guess since multiplication is commutative there generally won't be unless you restrict the sides, but should Agda know that multiplication is commutative?
Anyway, so Agda only knows how to do unification, which basically matches "structural" quantities to each other. Data constructors have this structural quality to them, as do type constructors, so those can all be unified unambiguously. When it comes to anything fancier than that, you run into the "higher-order unification" problem, which can't be solved in general. Agda implements a fancy algorithm called Miller pattern unification, that lets it solve some restricted sorts of fancier situations, but there are some things it just can't do, and your kind of function application is one of them.
If you look in the standard library, you'll find that most cases in which a type involves an addition of naturals, one of the addends (the left one) will generally not be implicit, unless another argument specifies it completely (as is the case in your prefixApp).
As far as what to do about it, there isn't much to tackle the problem in general. After a while, you develop a sense for what Agda can infer and what it can't, and then stop making the uninferrable arguments implicit. You can define a "symmetric" version of _+_, but it ends up just being equally painful to work with both sides of it, so I don't recommend that either.
Actually, it's possible to define this function with almost the same type.
postfixApp : {A : Set}{n m k : ℕ} -> (Vec A n -> Vec A m) -> Vec A (n + k) -> Vec A (k + m)
postfixApp f xs with splitAt' (reverse xs)
... | ys , zs = reverse zs ++ f (reverse ys)
test-func : Vec Bool 3 -> Vec Bool 2
test-func (x1 ∷ x2 ∷ x3 ∷ []) = (x1 ∧ x2) ∷ (x2 ∨ x3) ∷ []
test : postfixApp test-func (false ∷ false ∷ true ∷ false ∷ true ∷ [])
≡ false ∷ false ∷ false ∷ true ∷ []
test = refl
The whole code:

Church lists in Haskell

I had to implement the haskell map function to work with church lists which are defined as following:
type Churchlist t u = (t->u->u)->u->u
In lambda calculus, lists are encoded as following:
[] := λc. λn. n
[1,2,3] := λc. λn. c 1 (c 2 (c 3 n))
The sample solution of this exercise is:
mapChurch :: (t->s) -> (Churchlist t u) -> (Churchlist s u)
mapChurch f l = \c n -> l (c.f) n
I have NO idea how this solution works and I don't know how to create such a function. I have already experience with lambda calculus and church numerals, but this exercise has been a big headache for me and I have to be able to understand and solve such problems for my exam next week. Could someone please give me a good source where I could learn to solve such problems or give me a little guidance on how it works?
All lambda calculus data structures are, well, functions, because that's all there is in the lambda calculus. That means that the representation for a boolean, tuple, list, number, or anything, has to be some function that represents the active behavior of that thing.
For lists, it is a "fold". Immutable singly-linked lists are usually defined List a = Cons a (List a) | Nil, meaning the only ways you can construct a list is either Nil or Cons anElement anotherList. If you write it out in lisp-style, where c is Cons and n is Nil, then the list [1,2,3] looks like this:
(c 1 (c 2 (c 3 n)))
When you perform a fold over a list, you simply provide your own "Cons" and "Nil" to replace the list ones. In Haskell, the library function for this is foldr
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
Look familiar? Take out the [a] and you have the exact same type as Churchlist a b. Like I said, church encoding represents lists as their folding function.
So the example defines map. Notice how l is used as a function: it is the function that folds over some list, after all. \c n -> l (c.f) n basically says "replace every c with c . f and every n with n".
(c 1 (c 2 (c 3 n)))
-- replace `c` with `(c . f)`, and `n` with `n`
((c . f) 1 ((c . f) 2) ((c . f) 3 n)))
-- simplify `(foo . bar) baz` to `foo (bar baz)`
(c (f 1) (c (f 2) (c (f 3) n))
It should be apparent now that this is indeed a mapping function, because it looks just like the original, except 1 turned into (f 1), 2 to (f 2), and 3 to (f 3).
So let's start by encoding the two list constructors, using your example as reference:
[] := λc. λn. n
[1,2,3] := λc. λn. c 1 (c 2 (c 3 n))
[] is the end of list constructor, and we can lift that straight from the example. [] already has meaning in haskell, so let's call ours nil:
nil = \c n -> n
The other constructor we need takes an element and an existing list, and creates a new list. Canonically, this is called cons, with the definition:
cons x xs = \c n -> c x (xs c n)
We can check that this is consistent with the example above, since
cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil))) =
cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 (\c n -> n)) =
cons 1 (cons 2 (\c n -> c 3 ((\c' n' -> n') c n))) =
cons 1 (cons 2 (\c n -> c 3 n)) =
cons 1 (\c n -> c 2 ((\c' n' -> c' 3 n') c n) ) =
cons 1 (\c n -> c 2 (c 3 n)) =
\c n -> c 1 ((\c' n' -> c' 2 (c' 3 n')) c n) =
\c n -> c 1 (c 2 (c 3 n)) =
Now, consider the purpose of the map function - it is to apply the given function to each element of the list. So let's see how that works for each of the constructors.
nil has no elements, so mapChurch f nil should just be nil:
mapChurch f nil
= \c n -> nil (c.f) n
= \c n -> (\c' n' -> n') (c.f) n
= \c n -> n
= nil
cons has an element and a rest of list, so, in order for mapChurch f to work propery, it must apply f to the element and mapChurch f to rest of the list. That is, mapChurch f (cons x xs) should be the same as cons (f x) (mapChurch f xs).
mapChurch f (cons x xs)
= \c n -> (cons x xs) (c.f) n
= \c n -> (\c' n' -> c' x (xs c' n')) (c.f) n
= \c n -> (c.f) x (xs (c.f) n)
-- (c.f) x = c (f x) by definition of (.)
= \c n -> c (f x) (xs (c.f) n)
= \c n -> c (f x) ((\c' n' -> xs (c'.f) n') c n)
= \c n -> c (f x) ((mapChurch f xs) c n)
= cons (f x) (mapChurch f xs)
So since all lists are made from those two constructors, and mapChurch works on both of them as expected, mapChurch must work as expected on all lists.
Well, we can comment the Churchlist type this way to clarify it:
-- Tell me...
type Churchlist t u = (t -> u -> u) -- to handle a pair
-> u -- ...and how to handle an empty list
-> u -- ...and then I'll transform a list into
-- the type you want
Note that this is intimately related to the foldr function:
foldr :: (t -> u -> u) -> u -> [t] -> u
foldr k z [] = z
foldr k z (x:xs) = k x (foldr k z xs)
foldr is a very general function that can implement all sorts of other list functions. A trivial example that will help you is implementing a list copy with foldr:
copyList :: [t] -> [t]
copyList xs = foldr (:) [] xs
Using the commented type above, foldr (:) [] means this: "if you see an empty list return the empty list, and if you see a pair return head:tailResult."
Using Churchlist, you can easily write the counterpart this way:
-- Note that the definitions of nil and cons mirror the two foldr equations!
nil :: Churchlist t u
nil = \k z -> z
cons :: t -> Churchlist t u -> Churchlist t u
cons x xs = \k z -> k x (xs k z)
copyChurchlist :: ChurchList t u -> Churchlist t u
copyChurchlist xs = xs cons nil
Now, to implement map, you just need to replace cons with a suitable function, like this:
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map f xs = foldr (\x xs' -> f x:xs') [] xs
Mapping is like copying a list, except that instead of just copying the elements verbatim you apply f to each of them.
Study all of this carefully, and you should be able to write mapChurchlist :: (t -> t') -> Churchlist t u -> Churchlist t' u on your own.
Extra exercise (easy): write these list functions in terms of foldr, and write counterparts for Churchlist:
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
append :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
-- Return first element of list that satisfies predicate, or Nothing
find :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a
If you're feeling like tackling something harder, try writing tail for Churchlist. (Start by writing tail for [a] using foldr.)
