infinite background animations with velocity.js - velocity.js

How can i achieve an infinite background image scroll with velocity.js?
I'm talking about something like this:
this can be done with keyframes easily, but with velocity i got stack with the step (the progress) part for each interval.
function start(){
Velocity(elm, {'background-position-y': [-200, 0]},{
duration: 4000,
delay: 0,
complete: start

For starters, try changing 'background-position-y' into backgroundPositionY.
It would be more helpful if you had a fiddle of the JS you're trying to run.
Second, you have a syntax error, an extra } after start().
Lastly, unless you have complicated logic to run inside progress i'd suggest doing this with #keyframes since it will allow the animation to run in a separate thread in the background. If you do have some complicated logic there then there's probably no choice.


How to optimize my heroku webapp

I'm new to web development and I'm currently in the process of building my own website for my portfolio. My app uses node, express, and Heroku to launch it online. However, the page isn't as smooth as I'd like it to be. It drops a lot of frames when scrolling and viewing animations. I'm wondering what I can do to make my app feel buttery smooth. I've looked all around for solutions but I'm too new to development to really understand what to do. I've attempted to use the inspector to see if the css or javascript files are slowing down the processes via the waterfall insepctor, but came up dry. So far, I've compressed the files and lowered the scale of all images. Also, the entire website is static content so I can't imagine why its running so slowly. Any help would be much appreciated.
The website in question
The "lag" could be caused by the ScrollFire plugin. Every time you call Materialize.scrollFire(..) you actually add a JavaScript listener for the "scroll" event. The way you use it, you call Materialize.scrollFire for each of your target objects, so you actually create multiple "scroll" listeners. But the scrollFire options is actually an array of targets, so you could get away with only initializing it once. Like so:
var options = [
{selector: '.iphone1', offset: 300, callback: function(el) {
$('.iphone1').css('visibility', 'visible');
$('.iphone1').addClass('animated slideInLeft');
{selector: '#paragraph_intro', offset: 300, callback: function(el) {
$('#paragraph_intro').css('visibility', 'visible');
$('#paragraph_intro').addClass('animated slideInRight');
// ... And so on
It could also be caused by your own scroll listener at:
$(window).on('scroll', function(){
I would consider adding some kind of throttling, so these functions are called less frequent while the user is scrolling.
These may not be the problem, or the whole problem, as I cannot see how the page would behave without it, but it could have an impact, so it's worth investigating.

Nightmarejs screen resolution

Can I change the screen resolution in nightmarejs? (Not a viewportSize)
For example, how it works in Casperjs:
var casper = require("casper").create({
onPageInitialized: function (page) {
page.evaluate(function () {
window.screen = {
width: 1920,
height: 1080
Many thanks!
(This answer is pulled from my original answer in Nightmare #699.)
I'm not certain, but I don't think so, at least not directly. Electron's screen resolution depends on the framebuffer it's rendering to. You could use something like xvfb-run to alter the framebuffer (#224 touches on this, although for an entirely different reason).
Without more information, it's tough to answer your question. If you provide more information about what you're trying to accomplish, I'll update this answer.
Nightmare is based on electron. Refer similar question and my answer here

RobotC: Multithreading in TeleOp (controlling mode)

I am making a program for a robot in a competition, and need to multithread.
When I make a second task (task two()) and try to start (startTask) it with a button press from a controller, it just executes the first statement of the task and only as long as the button is pressed, instead of the whole block. I've tried many things including putting a loop in the second task also, using a function instead of a task and sleeping for 200 milliseconds before, and after the startTask(two); function, but the same thing happens every time.
I can't post my program because I don't want other people to steal it, sorry.
What edits will make it run the whole block?
Any help would be appreciated.
Since this is Controller Mode, I'm assuming that you are setting the motors to stop when the corresponding button is not pressed.
setMotorSpeed(motor10, 0);
This is the cause for the stopping of the motors when you release. All of the other methods that you tried had nothing to do with this, so they shouldn't have worked.
You need to put something like this:
int Motor10Speed;
setMotorSpeed(motor10, Motor10Speed);
This will control an individual motor. Repeat this for all other motors being used.
After that is done, make the function look something like this:
task mini_function();
task main()
task mini_function()
Motor10Speed = 50;
Motor10Speed = 0;
Expand the above program so it matches your current function, while using the MotorSpeed variables as setMotorSpeed variables.
This should make you able to drive and run a function at the same time without them interrupting each other.

MFC: Update Ribbon Bar elements to reflect operation progress

I am making a simulation tool, that runs simulation (in a separate thread) over user defined number of iterations, which can be entered in an Edit control on the Ribbon Bar. I would like to reuse it to show current iteration during simulation. I also also put CMFCRibbonProgressBar to show the progress. The Ribbon Bar is created with resource editor.
The question is what is the what to get the progress bar and iteration counter to get timely updated without causing the GUI to become unresponsive?
The conventional way over ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI routines requires activity in the window, like moving the mouse.
So I probably need a thread that would update this controls. Things like simply creating a thread and trying to update the controls from or using concurrency::parallel_invoke are not suitable.The former simply doesn't work, the latter works, but causes GUI to freeze.
I store pointers in my document to simplify access to the controls.
My general idea is (pseudocode)
sleep_40_ms();//conserves the resorces as there is no sense to update more frequent than 25 times per second
What is correct way of implementing this?
MSG msg;
while (simulating)
// Handle dialog messages
while(PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
I solved this by adding a method to the main window that performs the update. now the thread updating from above continually post messages to the main window to perform the update:
auto h = static_cast<CMainFrame*>(AfxGetMainWnd())->m_hWnd;
//here code for starting simulation in a separate thread
std::thread updating([this,h]{
while (simulating)
::PostMessage(h, WM_UPDATE_VISUALS, sumulator.getCurrentIteration(), 0);
::PostMessage(h, WM_UPDATE_VISUALS, num_iterations, 0);
I made a subtle mistake at first by capturing h by reference, which quickly expires
But in the end, the above code does exactly what I wanted to achieve

iPhone help with animations CGAffineTransform resetting?

Hi I am totally confused with CGAffineTransform animations. All I want to do is move a sprite from a position on the right to a position on the left. When it has stopped I want to "reset" it i.e. move it back to where it started. If the app exits (with multitasking) I want to reset the position again on start and repeat the animation.
This is what I am using to make the animation..
[UIImageView animateWithDuration:1.5
options:(UIViewAnimationOptionAllowUserInteraction |
ufo.transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(ufo.transform, -270, 100);
completion:^(BOOL finished){
NSLog(#"ufo finished");
[self ufoAnimationDidStop];
As I understand it the CGAffineTransforms just visually makes the sprite look like it's moved but doesn't actually move it. Therefore when I try and "reset" the position using = CGPointMake(355, 70);
it doesn't do anything.
I do have something working, if I call
ufo.transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(ufo.transform, 270, -100);
it resets. The problem is if I exit the app half way through the animation then when it restarts it doesn't necessarily start from the beginning and it doesn't go the the right place, it basically goes crazy!
Is there a way to just remove any transforms applied to it? I'm considering just using a timer but this seems silly when this method should work. I;ve been struggling with this for some time so any help would be much appreciated.
Applying a transform to a view doesn't actually change the center or the bounds of the view; it just changes the way the view is shown on the screen. You want to set your transform back to CGAffineTransformIdentity to ensure that it looks like "normal." You can set it to that before you start your animation and set it to what you want it to animate to.
