Joomla search in specific category - search

For my website I have a category which contains articles related to FAQ items. The standard search function searches the whole site and offers no personalization.
I need to search only in one specific category with a search module in Joomla , what would the easiest way to do that?
I have tried Smart Search, unchecking all other categories and indexing again. Still, results from other categories show up in the Smart Search module. Also I have seen the Filter option in the Smart Search module, but I haven't found out how that should work.
I am using Joomla 3. Any suggestions are appreciated!

It seems I have solved my question myself.
My solution was to add a filter at the Manage Smart Search page on the Search Filters tab, then choosing the category I wanted to search in.
Then, in the smart search module you choose that particular filter and you will only search in that particular category!


People listage in SharePoint page

i have an intranet (which is my main website) and a several sub-websites, which refers to the departments of the company. I need to add a list with people related to department of the current web-site. The list can be the same view of the SharePoint native search.
I find this component (Search Results), which i was able to add my criterias (like people which department is equals to "HR"), and i get the right results. However, i couldn't find an way to make the view similar to the results of the image above.
Somebody can help me? Thanks
I've changed the configurations to use "People Item" display index. Firstly, i had to import a javascript file. Then, even though that i had the right results, the properties aren't filled in the fields of the display item (as is shown in the image below).

Kentico smart search with custom web part

I have custom web part registered in Kentico web page and I would like to use Kentico smart search to search information from web part.
My custom web part contains grid view with following columns
Item Code
Item Name
Item Price
Mfg. Date
If user is going to enter "Laptops" in search box then system should search information based on Item Name.
Can anyone give me brief idea about Kentico smart search which satisfy above functionality?
Have you tried using the smart search index and set it to be the document crawler? In this case the crawler will index the HTML output of the pages - including the output of the web part.
I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of how smart search operates.
Basically you'll use Smart search to index your database.
You can then use Kentico's Smart search API to filter a dataset to be used to bind into a repeater or datalist of some type.
The only thing I can suggest is consulting the Kentico documentation for your version of Kentico, specifically looking for smart search. If you included more information such as the Kentico version and the source of your data (documents, custom tables, etc) then someone may be able to give a clearer answer.

Displaying the search module on one page only

I have installed my smart search module which is working fine, I want to only have this on my page 'blog' which - as you might have guessed - is a category blog.
I have tried the following things:
Only assign on the pages selected, here I selected blog
On all pages except those selected, here I selected everything apart from blog.
Included the search module in my category description, this worked, however, then I had two search bars instead of one. Is there a way to do this without the search bar appearing twice?
The problem is that the search bar does not only show up on the category blog site, but also on all the blog posts. How can I make sure that it only shows up on the blog page?
If the article is accessible from the Category Blog menu item, i.e. it appears in articles listed in the blog it will inherit the module positions of the Blog menu item. Thats how stock standard Joomla generally works. At least I think that's the way it works out of the box.
The reason I'm unsure is that we've been using the Advanced Module Manager(on the JED) extension (free and paid versions available) for nearly as long as we've been using Joomla. Using that I know we can specify whether a module appears on child items.

How to modify opencart basic search module to a more advanced one?

I am pretty new to opencart and I want to learn how can I create a more advanced search function.
For example I have products in my store, some of them are blue and some of them are red.
How can I specify or where I can specify a product's color (but not in the title, something like an attribute)?
And after that how can I search for red products?
I do not want to search by the keywords. I want a tab where to select the color and if I choose blue the search will show me all the blue products.
I hope you understand what I wish.(and can you please give me some code examples: where to add what to add to achieve what)
Thank you!
Normally, you would use Product Tags for this (field is under Product description on Product Page in Admin > Catalog > Products). You could have problems with very short tags 3 characters or less. See this post for more info:
mysql fulltext MATCH,AGAINST returning 0 results
You would add tags to your products like: red,black,brown,leather,s,m,l,xl small, medium, large
Then you could search any of the terms
[EDIT: in response to comment #1]
I would imagine that you just type multiple terms into search box:
then all products that have (any? both?) of these tags returned.
You could use a Tag cloud or similar module to display tags on your pages, also you could use these terms in search field. If you search for 'brown', all products that have this tag will be returned.
You may also consider a third party extension for a more advanced search, check Opencart site's extension section.
If you want to modify/improve the search functionality yourself, you'll need to tinker with SQL queries in catalog/model/catalog/product.php
Opencart Search is considered by many to be one of the weak points of this package. There have been discussions on Opencart forums on this matter.
Just see how it works for you with the out-of-the-box setup, then if you need more functionality, look for an extension that does what you want, hire a programmer or code it yourself.

Drupal search - alternative ways of doing it?

3rd Drupal question in a day.. guess what I'm doing!
OK, I've got the default Drupal search block, but I really need to find a way of restricting it to just searching one particular content type which is called "recipes" (guess what that one contains!)
Does anyone have any ideas on how I can restrict the search and then go about controlling the output display?
You can use the Search config module. If this module does not your work you should also look at this page: Just type in "search" and you can find a few search plugins with descriptions.
I recommend the Finder module, which works well with CCK and filters and is straightforward to theme.
You could be interested in trying Faceted Search, which add a series of blocs to filter the results returned by the search module. There are many other modules which are related (see Projects related with Faceted Search).
