Need to find reports on Search. E.g. Top searched keyword, categories - azure

I am using Azure search where it creates index on my database tables and shows results as expected.
Now I have a requirement where I need to find-out what are the words or items users have searched most or what was the pick time for search.
Is it possible to find any such reports with Azure Search?
Either by its portal or using the API or Code?

I'm on Azure Search team, thanks for using the service. Currently it's not possible, however, we understand the importance of this feature and we're working to deliver it. No exact dates yet. For now, you'd have to collect and aggregate the information you need on the client side.
For feature request like this, feel free to use our User Voice page to help us prioritize work:


SharePoint unfamiliar error on kw search: SubstrateSearchException: Remote executors failed

We run a classic JavaScript app on multiple tenants on SharePoint online. The app uses the Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Search.Query.KeywordQuery to search for documents within the site collection where the app is installed. On one of the systems we get the error:
Remote executors failed, local failback not allowed.
Despite the specific words in the error message, I was not able to find any documentation about its meaning. When I copy the search string used in the SP search field the search works. Any clues what could be the cause?
Any developments on this? We just started seeing this same error in one dev environment but not another, despite running the same code.
I have the exact same problem, but if I include "-contentclass:STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary" in the keyword query it works, but since i need items from document libraries this wont help me.
We have only seen this issue one one environment, I am not sure how to fix it. It looks like it is having issues with document libraries specifically, unless i include a some text it also should search for (besides the keywords). If i didn't know any better i would almost say it was some kind of overflow, but that just seems far fetched, and we do have limits on the query anyway.
Subsequently if I wrote a keyword for a specific library like ListId:73C91192-89CD-4C06-A322-388CEAE456ED instead, it also works
we just recently started to see this same issue.
In our case we were using a Classic SharePoint Online site, with the search web parts on it. The search results web part had a number of different Hit-highlighted managed properties that it was trying to bring back. One of these properties was "Topic". I checked the search schema and for some reason, this managed property had disappeared. Removing this property from the search results web part fixed the page and search results web part.
No one had touched our search schema in a long time so this property had simply disappeared. Definitely seems like search schema updates are causing issues.
Hit-highlighted properties
Does anybody have some usefull information or pointers on this issue? We just came across this issue on one tenant for one specific user. We have a multi-tenant app that executes a search query looking for document libraries with 3 conditions:
We do use the ContentClass:STS_List_DocumentLibrary condition as we are looking for document libraries
External content specifier: "-isexternalcontent:1"
Generic search term: just a single word
As mentioned we get this error on one tenant when one specific user executes it. I can't reproduce it with other user accounts. Since we are providing a multi-tenant SaaS we are afraid this will start popping up for our customers..

Data extraction using Azure Cognitive services

I've got a library full of documents. I would like to be able to know some more about these documents without reading through all of them. On the first page of each document I already put some relevant information about the document such as year of creation, author, number of pages and confidentiality.
I want to use some AI to browse through these documents and decide which is what and return it to me so I can store it in a CSV or something. This way I'll be able to easily find the right document.
Now, I did use LUIS and some of the TAA service of Azure's cognitive services before. But I cannot figure out a way how to accomplish this.
Is it theoretically possible to send the first page (using a powershell script to cut the rest of the document and send it through) to LUIS, which can then return the entities? I'd like them in a way: Date of creation: 18/10/2018, pages: 100.
Or is there a better way to use Azure's powerfull AI to get this done?

Azure Search Suggestions relevancy

I've been using Azure Search for indexing products on an eCommerce site. It works for 'Product Matches' using the Search API. I was able to configure the Scoring Profile to get me the results I need from the Search API.
However, I would also like to use the 'Suggestions API' to show the most relevant results as the user types text in the search box. But the results being shown are not most relevant since there is no way to apply scoring functions to the suggestions API.
I would like to boost most relevant products to the top of the suggestions when using the Suggestions API.
Any ideas?
Unfortunately, scoring profiles are not supported in the Azure Search Suggestions API and there is no other built-in way to influence ranking for Suggestions. Please vote for this feature on Azure Search User Voice page to help us prioritize.

Intranet search engine frontend?

We are currently using a number of open source and commercial products to store different type of information (in our internal network). All these products come with their own repositories (usually a database) and their own search capabilities and store different type of information.
Currently the list of products is as follows:
Dynamics AX
The problem we are facing is that when one needs to search for information, one needs to login into all these different systems and execute a search on each one.
I Googled for "search engine frontend", "meta search engine", etc. but i was not able to find something obvious that solves our problem. At this point, i have to say that we are not interested in building one "central repository" to be searched, but instead we are in need of a frontend that will accept the query from the user, "package it" to the format that each of the individual search engines understand, receive the respone (JSON or XML) and present it to the user
Any suggestions on how we could solve it?
Your strategy is right: If you are not interested in building a central index, you will need an application that accepts the query from the user, converts it to the format that each of the individual search engines understand, receives the responses and presents them to the user. This is exactly what a meta search engine does. Even if you use a framework (e.g. Carrot2), much work will probably remain to write those query and result transformers, and you will probably experience slow results because the meta search can never be faster than the underlying search modules of the components you search through.
Instead of querying each backend separately you can put your data into one backend.
You could export your data to a Apache Solr server and use a frontend like CorePages, . You could add a backlink to your data so you can directly jump to your search result entry, f. e. a Jira Ticket or a wiki article.

SharePoint API to get Crawling information

I'm trying to create a custom report that shows Current Crawling Time/Duration with Status on either Full or Incremental Crawl.
Does anyone know what the API that I can use to get such the information?
It is the Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.CrawlHistory class.
The SDK even has an article on this:
Not sure of the name but here is a good series of articles on the search API and may point you in the correct direction if someone cannot provide the full name.–-using-the-search-api-part-1.aspx
