Best way to create a process step diagram in Excel - excel

Consider below set up:
Whenever you enter value under Time, it will be mapped on the right side under Process Time using the correct line legend depending on what column you enter your input.
I know my question would be a bit off topic or too broad, but I was hoping that someone may share their idea on how to accomplish the same other than VBA. I am currently doing this using Change_Event but this may be hard to maintain as steps may vary as well as the time intervals.
I also come-up with another solution using Conditional Formatting (same as the available template that Excel 2013 offers - Project Planner) but my customer wish to (as much as possible) preserve the legends.
So before I go on optimizing the current routine I've written, I want to consult on the communities opinion if I am on the right track on using brute force VBA (automating inserting and deleting lines) or if there is a simpler way. I just felt that maybe I am overdoing things (especially on the freeform line)

I had already a solution for this without VBA. But of course the legend symbols must be character glyphs. So they are not as flexible as you need. But maybe you get stimuli how programming this in VBA from this.
There is only one Formula in F4 copied cross down.
Row 3 must be empty. All times must be multiples of 10. And there is only one kind of process possible in each step. The cells F4:O10 must be formatted with a proportional font.


Filling in an array (table) with no Horizontal (row) or Vertical (column) duplicates formulaically in Excel

This may be impossible, but I am trying to create a baseball fielding lineup generator that has a few constraints provided by the league (ie. must play twice in infield, twice in outfield, no repeats at any position). I think this would be fairly simple task using any programming language, but I am designing this for my 70yo uncle and he can basically only use excel with no macros. So I can't brute force my way through the problem and I don't think I understand the mathematics behind the problem well enough to even know if there is a excel formulaic solution.
At it's essence it's a Sudoku creator and solver with no repeats in the rows or columns. I have an ok solution for the infield/outfield part via ranking the individuals by position.
Recursively calculating with F9 is ok for the solution since this is just a change in the options menu, but the last time I sent him a macro his university MS account wouldn't let him run it or change the settings.
Well, I have plenty of other info and have gotten close to solutions using huge nested IFs, but this relatively brute force method seems to be pretty dumb and is not giving great solutions.
Thanks for any help!
Well if your uncle has access to Excel 365 (sounds like a big if), you could use sorting to remove players already used in a given row or column, e.g. like this copied down and across from B2:
If the players were given names instead of numbers, you could try

Crop order scheduling in excel

I am looking for some advice, I have a small micro green business and I have an excel sheet that breaks down the seeds, seed batch amount required, yield etc and so on.
I want to create a tab where I can input a customer order, I then want excel to schedule that order based on the information contained above in a calendar format on a tab.
I also want excel to calculate the amount of seed required number of trays and assign the tray a number. All trays are number in this format "A123, A124, A125" etc.
I'm also keen for excel to then assign the seed batch to the order and a tray number to the order.
Firstly is this possible, I've used excel a fair bit from my previous work experience but this is quite new for me and I am keen to learn so if someone could point me in the right direction on a possible method and what I should be looking at!
It sounds like you are looking for a data(base) structure for this challenge. Yes, that could be done in Excel, some VBA skills will probably come in handy if you want to achieve it automatically. As a first step, you could e.g. set up something like this:
Mockup of a data structure
So you would at least need one table where you enter your orders, one list of trays and one table where you link your incoming orders to the trays. You might need more columns than I added in my mockup.
Hope that gets you started

How to optimize COUNTIFS with very large data

I would like to create a report that look like this picture below.
My data has around 500,000 cells (it will continue to grow larger)
Right now, I'm using countifs function from excel but it takes a very long time to calculate. (cannot turnoff automatic calculate)
The main value is collected as date and the range of date is about 3 years, so I have to put a lot of formula to cover all range of value.
The picture below is the datasource the top one cannot be changed. , while the bottom is the one I created by myself (can change). I use weeknum to change date to week number.
Are there any better formula or any ways to make this file faster? Every kinds of suggestions are welcome!
I was thinking about using Pivot Table, but I don't know how to make pivot table from this kind of datasource.
PS. VBA is the last option.
You can download example file here:
I will post this answer with the disclaimer that it is entirely dependent on the size of the data set. That turning on and off the auto calculate is the best way, but your question doesn't let me do that, so keep reading.
Your question made me curious, so I gave it a try and timed it. I essentially set up two columns of over 100,000 rand numbers choosing from 1-1000 and then tried to do a countif on the two columns if they were equal. I made a macro that I can run that turns off the autocalculate, inserts the start time, calculates, and then inserts the finish time. I highlighted in yellow the time difference.
First I tried your way, two criteria, countifs:
Then I tried to combine (concatenate) the two columns to see if I could make it easier by only having one countif criteria and data set. It doesn't. see result below:
Finally, realizing what was going on. I decided to make the criteria only match the FIRST value in the number to look for. I was essentially reducing the number of characters to check per cell. This had a positive result. See below:
Therefore my suggestion is to limit the length of the words you are comparing in anyway possible. You are mostly looking at dates, so you might have to get creative, but this seems to be the best way possible without going to manual calculation.
I have worked with Excel sheets of a similar size. Especially if you are using the data on a regular basis, I would heartily recommend switching to a proper database SQL based, Access, or whatever fits your purpose. I does wonders for the speed and also you won't run into the size limits of Excel. :-)
You can import the data you have now fairly easy.
I am happy as a clam with my postgresql db.

Excel nested if formulas

I've currently got a Uni project underway and part of this project is an excel spreadsheet which involves inputting data (to be later to be outputted).
Anyway, I don't have too much experience with Excel or programming at all, and I've come across a situation where I need some help.
The project involves building a climbing frame, using EITHER the material Wood, Steel or Aluminium.
In the input table, I have added a "Material Quantity" row where a user can select the material they would like to use (from the above list), and then the amount of material they want to use.
The problem is that the materials Steel and Aluminium can ONLY be provided in increments of 6 metres, while Wood can only be provided with an increment of 1 metre.
As you can guess, I want to create something where a user can select their chosen material and then ONLY be able to enter a amount with the same multiple of what it can be provided in. For example, if a user selects "Steel", they can only enter a value with a multiple of 6m - if they enter, for example, 10m, then I want it to return a error.
After some reading, I think the way to solve this problem is to use a nested IF statement with a MOD command too. If anyone can help me with the forumla it would be much appreciated.
The attached picture is what I've acheived so far (and an idea for you guys to see what I'm dealing with). I really have no clue how to approach the problem :(
Use this formula:
Another option would be to allow the user to input the exact length of material and then calculate the amount they will need using the 'MROUND' function.
=IF(OR(E8="steel",E8="aluminum"),MROUND(F8,6),IF(E8="wood",MROUND(F8,1),"Not valid"))

Excel - replace a formula cell with its result automatically

I am trying to make a sheet to add to templates that I give to my students for homework assignments; some of them are cheating by sending each other the files and I would like to catch them.
I have made a formula cell that populates with the current OS and directory of the file. What I would like to do is have this become text after evaluation so that if another student opens the file it will not change (but the following cell will, and so on..) Here is the formula:
(Cell A1):
(Cell A2 and beyond):
=IF(A1=(INFO("osversion")&INFO("directory")),"",IF(LEN(A1)<2," ",INFO("osversion")&INFO("directory")))
Do you know if there is any way to have a formula cell be replaced by its value after execution without using VBA? (If I use VBA it asks if you want to enable macros on startup which kind of gives the game away...)
Thank you in advance for your help!
There is a workaround: Use Track Changes. If you are using Excel 2010, for example:
Go to the Review tab and in the Changes group click Share Workbook.
Click the checkbox for Allow changes by more than one user at the same time.
In the Review tab, select Track Changes|Highlight Changes.
You may wish to select All for the When option and Everyone for the Who option.
You can then choose to highlight changes on screen and/or list changes in a new sheet.
If you do that before you make your final changes to the file, you can confirm that nobody has Accepted Changes between the last time you saw the file and the time it is returned to you by checking that your last change is shown correctly.
That will then let you see all the people who have edited the file since you last edited it, and what changes they have made.
As #Siddharth Rout pointed out in another answer, one can use technological means to make cheating on assignments more difficult but a sufficiently resourceful student can always find a way to circumvent such measures.
This predicament can be resolved by distinguishing two cases:
(a) learning opportunities where students can choose to learn (do the assignment and get feedback on their approach - not a mark) or not choose to learn, and
(b) evaluation processes where one can measure how much they have learned (e.g. by getting the students together under one roof).
In case (a) students are not being evaluated and so have no motivation to "cheat". In case (b), they are being evaluated but have no opportunity to cheat.
Do you know if there is any way to have a formula cell be replaced by its value after execution without using VBA?
The answer to your question is "No, it cannot be done"
Even if you considered VBA as an option, it's futile as this is a classic example of XY Problem.
No matter what you do, you cannot stop your students from cheating. Consider these few scenarios.
Scenario 1
Student A has 1.xlsx. Student B has 2.xlsx. After student A finishes his/her assignment, he/she create a copy of 1.xlsx. Let's call it Copy.xlsx. Now Student A gives Copy.xlsx to Student B. Student B opens Copy.xlsx and copies the answers into 2.xlsx. Once finished, Student B deletes Copy.xlsx and gives you 2.xlsx. So now tell me how will you know Student B cheated?
Scenario 2
Student B calls Student A on mobile. They both have their copies opened. Student A gives all the answers on the phone. How will you know Student B cheated?
Scenario 3
Student A and Student B open files in two laptops next to each other and finish the assignment. How would you know who cheated whose assignment?
Get all the students under one roof and then get them fill it up in front of you. There is no other way you can even guess whether someone cheated unless someone is fool enough to mention other students name in his/her template or copied the answers verbatim.
You could always put some text in a cell location that only you know about and make the text white. You could code your text for each student and lock only the contents of that one cell with a password.
That's what I would do...
You can give each of them a different problem (maybe the same problem with different data). You will detect cheating of any kind by just looking at the results.
Programming or IT is not always the solution, even to programming or IT problems.
