Does MvcSiteMapProvider support "Sql Server" session state? - mvcsitemapprovider

I am trying to use the MvcSiteMapProvider in an application that is configured with SqlServer session state mode.
However, I get an exception the moment I call the RegisterRoutes method of XmlSiteMapController class, like this:
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
// ...
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "" }
// Add our route registration for MvcSiteMapProvider sitemaps
Then I get an exception saying
Type 'System.Web.Routing.RouteValueDictionary' in Assembly 'System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' is not marked as serializable.
This makes me think MvcSiteMapProvider does not support SqlServer session state mode. Does it?

Unless you have customized it, MvcSiteMapProvider does not interact with session state in any way. So, it should work with any mode of session state (I haven't tested it with SqlServer mode, so if you continue having issues I suggest you open a new issue about it). Please see How to Make MvcSiteMapProvider Remember a User's Position for an explanation about how it works without session state.
The error posted indicates your application is trying to serialize the System.Web.Routing.RouteValueDictionary, which is not something that MvcSiteMapProvider does.
On a side note, you don't need to call XmlSiteMapController.RegisterRoutes explicitly from an MVC 4 application as long as you have installed the MvcSiteMapProvider.MVC4 NuGet package. This method is called automatically using WebActivator. It is possible you might be having issues by calling it twice.

MvcSiteMapProvider would need to interact with state servers if you want to put a node into session state for any reason. I do that to keep track of objects that I have associated with the nodes, since MvcSiteMapProvider forgets any state information upon each new request.
If you download the code you can add the project to your solution.
If you do a replace and
Replace public class with [System.Serializable]\r\n\public class
Also replace public abstract class with [System.Serializable]\r\n\public abstract class
The remove the attribute off the JavaScriptSerializerAdapter class.
then it will be usable with State Servers.


Servicestack Multitenancy dynamic plugins

We are moving from an on premise-like application to a multi tenant cloud application.
for my web application we made a very simple interface based on IPlugin, to create a plugin architecture. (customers can have/install different plugins)
public interface IWebPlugin : IPlugin
string ContentBaseUrl { set; get; }
We have some plugins that would normally be loaded in on startup. Now i'm migrating the code to load at the beginning of a request (the Register function is called on request start), and scope everything inside this request.
It's not ideal but it would bring the least impact on the plugin system for now.
I could scope the Container by making an AppHost child container which would stick to the request:
Container IHasContainer.Container
if (HasStarted)
return ChildContainer;
return base.Container;
public Container ChildContainer
get { return HttpContext.Current.Items.GetOrAdd<Container>("ChildContainer", c => Container.CreateChildContainer()); }
problem case
Now im trying to make plugins work that actually add API services.
appHost.Routes.Add<GetTranslations>("/Localizations/translations", ApplyTo.Get);
But this service is unreachable (and not visible in metadata). How do i make it reachable?
I see you execute the following in ServiceController AfterInit. Re-executing this still wouldnt make it work.
//Copied from servicestack repo
public void AfterInit()
//Register any routes configured on Metadata.Routes
foreach (var restPath in appHost.RestPaths)
//Auto add Route Attributes so they're available in T.ToUrl() extension methods
.AddAttributes(new RouteAttribute(restPath.Path, restPath.AllowedVerbs)
Priority = restPath.Priority,
Summary = restPath.Summary,
Notes = restPath.Notes,
//Sync the RestPaths collections
appHost.RestPaths.AddRange(RestPathMap.Values.SelectMany(x => x));
solution directions
Is there a way i could override the route finding? like extending RestHandler.FindMatchingRestPath(httpMethod, pathInfo, out contentType);
Or could i restart the path compilation/caching? (would be enough for now that the service would be reachable tenant wide )
All configuration in ServiceStack should be contained within AppHost.Configure() and remain immutable thereafter. It's not ThreadSafe to modify ServiceStack's Static Configuration at runtime like trying to modify registered routes or Service Metadata which needs to be registered once at StartUp in AppHost.Configure().
It looks as though you'll need to re-architect your solution so all Routes are registered on Startup. If it helps Plugins can implement IPreInitPlugin and IPostInitPlugin interfaces to execute custom logic before and after Plugins are registered. They can also register a appHost.AfterInitCallbacks to register custom logic after ServiceStack's AppHost has been initialized.
Not sure if it's applicable but at runtime you can "hi-jack Requests" in ServiceStack by registering a RawHttpHandler or a PreRequestFilter, e.g:
appHost.RawHttpHandlers.Add(httpReq =>
? new CustomActionHandler((req, res) => {
//Handle Route
: null);
Simple answer seems to be, no. The framework wasn't build to be a run-time plugable system.
You will have to make this architecture yourself on top of ServiceStack.
Routing solution
To make it route to these run-time loaded services/routes it is needed to make your own implementation.
The ServiceStack.HttpHandlerFactory checks if a route exist (one that is registered on init). so here is where you will have to start extending. The method GetHandlerForPathInfo checks if it can find the (service)route and otherwise return a NotFoundHandler or StaticFileHandler.
My solution consists of the following code:
string contentType;
var restPath = RestHandler.FindMatchingRestPath(httpMethod, pathInfo, out contentType);
//Added part
if (restPath == null)
restPath = AppHost.Instance.FindPluginServiceForRoute(httpMethod, pathInfo);
//End added part
if (restPath != null)
return new RestHandler { RestPath = restPath, RequestName = restPath.RequestType.GetOperationName(), ResponseContentType = contentType };
technically speaking IAppHost.IServiceRoutes should be the one doing the routing. Probably in the future this will be extensible.
Resolving services
The second problem is resolving the services. After the route has been found and the right Message/Dto Type has been resolved. The IAppHost.ServiceController will attempt to find the right service and make it execute the message.
This class also has init functions which are called on startup to reflect all the services in servicestack. I didn't found a work around yet, but ill by working on it to make it possible in ServiceStack coming weeks.
Current version on nuget its not possible to make it work. I added some extensibility in servicestack to make it +- possible.
Ioc Solution out of the box
For ioc ServiceStack.Funq gives us a solution. Funq allows making child containers where you can register your ioc on. On resolve a child container will, if it can't resolve the interface, ask its parent to resolve it.

MVC5, OWIN, and Ninject - GetOwinContext Issues

I have an MVC5 project that is doing OwinStartup, and I'm using Ninject.MVC5, Ninject.Web.Common.OwinHost, etc.
I have NinjectWebCommon bootstrapping DI and things were working just fine. Until I started playing with the identity code.
I need to issue a password reset token, which requires a DataProtectionProvider. No problem, the ApplicationUserManager wires that up in the Create method, which is bound to the OwinContext during startup in Startup.Auth.cs:
public void ConfigureAuth(IAppBuilder app)
In my NinjectWebCommon I have the following registrations:
.ToMethod(ctx => HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().Get<ApplicationDbContext>())
.ToMethod(ctx => HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>())
The problem I'm having is that the token isn't being issued. Why isn't that what my question is about? Well, if I get an instance of the ApplicationUserManager using the Create myself and use that, things work flawlessly.
Next on my plate a reported user creation bug. Hyphens aren't working in usernames. In that same ApplicationUserManager.Create method, is the UserValidator code that's overriding the default AllowOnlyAlphanumericUserNames value.
Again, if I use a self created dependency, it works as expected. This seems to indicate Ninject's injected dependency isn't using the ApplicationUserManager.Create'd version.
I'm guessing this has to do with the call to: HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext??
Is there something I need to do in order to inject something that relies on the owin context or something else I need to do while registering my resolver?
I've seen other questions here showing UseNinjectMiddleware and UseNinjectWebApi. I tried that approach, but didn't have any luck, nothing was being injected in...
Any assistance is greatly appreciated!

The model backing my context has changed

I have a class library project where my POCO classes live along with a Dbcontext. I am using Code First with data migrations and everything has gone great up to this point. I use the class library in a console application test project and it still works fine there, but I am also trying to use the same exact class library in an MVC project and I get a "The model backing the context has changed since the database was created". Whenever I make a change to the model, I do the database migration update and everything goes well. The model has not still works in the console application just fine.
I have this method in a controller where I am trying to access the context:
public MultiSelectList GetListOfPossibleDispositions()
List<DALDevices3.Dispositions> dispositions = new List<Dispositions>();
dispositions = context.Dispositions.GroupBy(d=>d.Description).Select(grp=>grp.First()).ToList();
selectListDispositions = new MultiSelectList(dispositions, "id", "Description");
return selectListDispositions;
Any thought on what might be causing this issue or a possible work around ?
In my MVC application I had a connection string name like this:
<add name="DALDevices3.DeviceContextConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=....
so I removed the connection string since it is code first and still received the same error. I put the connection string back like this:
<add name="DALDevices3.DeviceContext" connectionString="Data Source=....
and the application works. So a connection string is not required in the DAL application, but is needed in the consuming application.

How to disable automatic table creation in EF 5.0?

I installed Entity Framework 5.0 RC for Framework 4.0 in my project. But when I try to get data from Views I get error. EF tries creating table for this entity.
Use this on your application startup to turn off database initialization and migrations:
If you want to turn off database initialization/migration completely regardless of in which project you're using your Context you can add a static constructor to your context to call the initializer.
This ensures that the SetInitializer will be called once prior to the first construction/use of your context.
public class YourContext : DbContext
static YourContext()
// don't let EF modify the database schema...
Database.SetInitializer<YourContext >(null);
public YourContext() : base("name=YourContext")
However, if you only want to do this in a select few projects, you're better off doing it explicitly via application startup - e.g. during your normal IoC setup, like suggested by Ladislav.

adding custom methods in Hook environment?

i am adding a new method into CalEventLocalServiceImpl using hook...
my code is ..
public class MyCalendarLocalServiceImpl extends CalEventLocalServiceWrapper {
public MyCalendarLocalServiceImpl(CalEventLocalService calEventLocalService) {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public List getUserData(long userId) throws SystemException{
DynamicQuery query=DynamicQueryFactoryUtil.forClass(CalEvent.class)
List deatils=CalEventLocalServiceUtil.dynamicQuery(query);
return deatils;
my question is how to use getUserData from jsp file.
Can anybody help me out....
i think u didn't gt my question...i want list of events based on USERID from Calendar achieve this task what i need to do??
I assume getUserData() is not overridden but a new method (can't look up currently). This is not what you can do when overriding a service. Instead you'd have to add a new Service and make it available to the portal.
Remember that a customized ("hooked") jsp is running in the portal classloader, while your overloaded service is running in the hook's classloader. Thus, if you create a new service and make the service.jar available to Liferay (e.g. on the global classpath) you can call it from JSPs. The interface of Liferay services can not be extended through an overloaded service.
In case getUserData() is already in the interface (as I said I can't look up currently), you just need to call the CalendarLocalServiceUtil from your jsp and it will be delegated to your wrapper.
Just to add to Olaf's answer and comments...
if you you want to extend CalEventLocalService service with just "getUsetData" and use it in one jsp than building your own service might be overkill. Simply put your code from "getUserData" in jsp. Otherwise follow Olaf's suggestions.
