How does cabal determine where to install packages globally (windows)? - haskell

I have installed haskell into a custom location, which I have in my PATH:
However, when I install a package globally, I get this:
Installing executable(s) in C:\Program Files\Haskell\bin
Warning: The directory C:\Program Files\Haskell\bin is not in the system
Where is it getting this path from, and how can I control where haskell will install packages globally? I would prefer they were installed in either the haskell install directory or my user profile somewhere.

Your cabal configuration has a block labeled install-dirs global which gives the directories to use for global installations. I'm not sure where this file sits on Windows, but in Linux, it is in ~/.cabal/config; so perhaps you can poke around in your profile's local settings directory for a directory named cabal or similar that contains a config file in it.

Adding to what MathematicalOrchid already mentioned, from the Cabal-Install wiki page:
You can edit the cabal configuration file to set defaults, for *nix
based systems this is:
The config file on a Windows system is


How to uninstall RStudio (server) under Ubuntu from source build

I was trying to install RStudio-v2022.07.1-554 (server) under Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (arm64). Because there doesn't exist a binary for arm64, I have to build the RStudio from the source. After download the source (tag 2022.07.1-554), and installed all dependencies. I was able to install the binary.
However, after make install, I found out that the default CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX was set to /usr/local, not as the INSTALL file claimed: /usr/local/lib/rstudio-server! Now, all the 1560 library and binary files of RStudio-server are spread over under the folder /usr/local(Thank you RStudio team!):
When I try to make uninstall, I found out the makefile doesn't define any uninstall action. Fortunately, there is an install_manifest.txt file which listed all the files installed under usr/local. What I could think of to "uninstall" RStudio is to use shell script to loop through the files list and remove them one by one.
Is there any better way to uninstall the RStudio-server compiled from source other than manually delete the files one by one.
Thank you for your attention and reply in advance.

How to make Cmake globally available

I just installed Cmake from git clone wget in a new folder on a Linux server. The compilation worked but cmake command is not recognized from other paths. Should I copy the entire contents of cmake-2.8.0 folder to usr/local/bin? Or is the contents of bin folder that need to be copied?
On Linux and other Unix-based systems, a common arrangement is to install packages to /opt and add relevant entries to the PATH environment variable to make them available. This is intended for packages not provided by the native package manager or distribution. By choosing an appropriate directory structure, this can be done in a way which also allows different versions to be installed simultaneously and the user can pick which one they want by adding the relevant directory to the PATH.
For the specific case of CMake asked about in the question, you can use a directory structure like /opt/cmake/<version> and then add the relevant /opt/cmake/<version>/bin directory to your PATH (e.g. /opt/cmake/3.8.2/bin for the 3.8.2 CMake release). You can even just download the official pre-built CMake tarballs, unpack them and move the top level directory into the /opt/cmake area as the particular version you downloaded. I've used this successfully on Linux, MacOS and Solaris, as I'm sure have many others.
Note that once you've run CMake on a particular source tree, the cmake executable doesn't need to be on the PATH any more. If cmake needs to be re-run, the build will do so itself and it records the full path to the cmake executable in its own cache, so the PATH isn't even consulted (this is essential in ensuring the same version of CMake continues to be used for all builds regardless of the PATH, since PATH can change between login sessions, etc.). You would only need cmake on your PATH if you intend to invoke cmake manually or for the first time you run it on a source tree, but in both of these cases you can always just use the full path to the cmake executable if you preferred.
I should also add that the entire set of files provided in the CMake package are required, not just the bin directory. CMake makes extensive use of files in its other directories, such as the various modules it comes with. If you are building CMake from source, you may want to build the package target so you get a relocatable tarball or similar which will contain everything that should be included when you provide a CMake package on your system.
After the build, use 'sudo make install'. This will make sure the correct libraries and binaries are copied to their proper places.
Usually this will install the binary to /usr/local/bin.
Make sure the PATH variable has this included.
sudo make install did not copy to /usr/local/bin/ for some reason, so I copied the content of CMAKE /bin. to usr/local/bin an it worked.
cp –a bin/. /usr/local/bin/

How can I change the directory where cabal stores the documentation

I installed a custom Haskell toolchain with the prefix $HOME/usr, so the compiler lives in $HOME/usr/bin/ghc and the documentation in $HOME/usr/share/doc/ghc/.... The toolchain consists of a ghc installation, a cabal installation and all the libs you need. I set up $PATH in a way, that all these programs are in it. There is no other installation of these tools on my system.
Now I tried to install some other libraries. But I always got the same error when cabal tried to install the documentation:
~$ cabal install --global binary
Resolving dependencies...
Configuring binary-
Preprocessing library binary-
Building binary-
... snip ...
Registering binary-
cabal: /usr/local/share/doc: permission denied
How can I tell cabal where the documentation should live? I don't want to give this information again and again in the shell, so the best would be a config file. I want to have all the haskell related stuff in my home tree, to avoid destroying my system with a wrong command.
Why are you installing with "--global"? By default this would put everything in /usr/local/. If you do a standard per-user install the docs will be installed into your home directory and it should work fine.
That being said, this is configurable via a file. The cabal config file is typically located at ~/.cabal/config/. Here's the relevant section of mine:
install-dirs global
-- prefix: /usr/local
-- bindir: $prefix/bin
-- libdir: $prefix/lib
-- libsubdir: $pkgid/$compiler
-- libexecdir: $prefix/libexec
-- datadir: $prefix/share
-- datasubdir: $pkgid
-- docdir: $datadir/doc/$pkgid
-- htmldir: $docdir/html
-- haddockdir: $htmldir
You can make whatever changes you like, just be sure to uncomment the lines. There is also an "install-dirs user" section, which is used in per-user installs.
I agree with the poster. Why is there no clear documentation for how to do
cabal install package --global
that prompts for sudo when permission is needed?
sudo cabal install package
is a bad idea because then you're building packages as root. And you have to allow an internet connection to write to a file owned by root (you will have to populate /root/.cabal or something like that).
Here is a good reason why one would want to do this:
If I install ghc and the haskell platform through my linux package manager (there are good reasons for this ;), then if I do cabal install package
it will not recognize the packages that globally recognized.
Well, someone actually posted a(n almost annoyingly) detailed description of how to do global installations (with either --global or install-dirs global) without running into permission errors. The trick is to use root-cmd sudo in the cabal config file.

Install multiple versions of a package

I want to install multiple versions of a package (say libX) from src. The package (libX) uses Autotools to build, so follows the ./configure , make, make install convention. The one installed by default goes to /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/lib and I want to install another version of this in /home/user/libX .
The other problem is that libX is a dependency for another package (say libY) which also uses autotools. How to I make libY point to the version installed in /home/user/libX ? There could be also a possibility that its a system package like ffmpeg and I want to use the latest svn version for my src code and hence build it from src. What do i do in that case ? What is the best practice in this case so that I do not break the system libraries?
I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 and Opensuse 10.3.
You can usually pass the --prefix option to configure to tell it to install the library in a different place. So for a personal version, you can usually run it as:
./configure --prefix=$HOME/usr/libX
and it will install in $HOME/usr/libX/bin, $HOME/usr/libX/lib, $HOME/usr/libX/etc and so on.
If you are building libY from source, the configure script usually uses the pkg-config tool to find out where a package is stored. libX should have included a .pc file in the directory $HOME/usr/libX/lib/pkgconfig which tells configure where to look for headers and library files. You will need to tell the pkg-config tool to look in your directory first.
This is done by setting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH to include your directory first.
When configuring libY, try
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$HOME/usr/libX/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig ./configure
man pkg-config should give details.

How to build from source code?

I need a non-stripped version of for debugging. How can I compile it from source code? Host is Linux 2.6.
If you're on an RPM based system, use rpm -qf .../ to find out which package installed the file (if that doesn't produce a result, the .so file is probably a link; then run the command on the file the link points to).
If you have the package name, search for the "source package". How this works depends on the distribution you use. For openSUSE, you must add the Source Repository using Yast. After that, you can install the source package which will give you some entries under /usr/src/packages. To build the package, go to /usr/src/packages/SPECS and run rpmbuild with the pthread.spec file as parameter.
When the build suceeds, edit the .spec file and change it so it doesn't strip the symbols.
Alternatively, look if there is a *-debug package (replace "*" with the name of the package) and install that. It should contain the version of the library with the symbols.
