How to edit jade image field from within Node/Express? - node.js

I want to display an image on a webpage on the basis of what the user enters in a form. I have the form defined in abc.jade, and in abc.js I store everything from the form, and generate the image's url and store it in a variable map_img on the basis of the form. How do I set an image's source in jade to point to map_img URL?
markers = [{ 'location': sales.location }]
var gm = require('googlemaps');
var map_img = gm.staticMap(sales.location, 16, '500x400', false, false, markers);
In general, what is the best way to manipulate fields in an HTML/Jade document from node/express?

Im not sure if i get your question right...
There are severals ways to send data.
Mostly described here:
I usually use #{img_map} or in the case you have to get pure html its better to use !{img_map_html_desc}.
Also, the alternative variant, create #temp div, send data there. Than on the front end js(on window.onload) you can get that data and store to the variable. Don't forget to clear the #temp div after you dont need that anymore.
Once i've used side front-end js module and couldnt find better sollution, than this. Cause that module waited for window.onload, and than started to load itself...


Downloading part of an EJS page as a PDF file

I have little developing experience and I would really appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction with my little project.
Basically, I have this first page where the user fills a form via radio buttons. These choices all represent pieces of texts in the database. When the form is submitted, an EJS page is rendered where these texts are merged. I've managed to make it work this far using Node, Express and MongoDB.
As the next step I'm trying to give the user the option to download the generated text as a nice looking PDF file. What would you recommend me to use?
You can use tools like node-html-pdf which takes a picture from your generated html page from EJS and print it using an headless browser.
Note : Since PhamtomJS is deprectated, node-html-pdf's too.

Rendering a user modified page using PhantomJS

My use case is: a user goes onto a webpage and modifies it by either filling in a form, populating the page with data from the database, or dragging around some draggables on the page. He can then download the page he modified as pdf. I was thinking of using PhantomJS to do the conversion from html to pdf.
I understand the basic functionality of PhantomJS and got the basic example working but in all the examples I've seen, either a local file or a url is passed in. Example:'./test.html', function () { ... }
How would I render the page that is getting modified by a user using PhantomJS? I have 2 ideas:
Have the url change as the user modifies the page, and simply pass in the url. For example, the url contains the position of a draggable div.
Send the modified html to back-end, save it, and run PhantomJS
Do these solutions make sense? I'm hoping there would be a simpler way.

Passing a variable from .ejs file back to express.js

I am working upon the project using node.js with express.js framework and view engine set to "ejs". The project's functions is to:
1. Get an input from a user.
2. Using the input send the request to the website's API.
3. Print the certain data from that API (including the ID to be used later).
4. When user clicks on the item (that is an 'a' tag) in the list consisting of the aforementioned data - use the ID of this item to send another request to the same website to get a more detailed info about the item.
I am stuck at the step 4. And the question is: How to send this id from the .ejs file to post request in node.js when the user clicks on the item?
Doing it the other way is simple: response.render("view name", {nodeJsVar: ejsVar}); But how to pass it back?
Thanks for the help!
First of all, you cannot send any data "from the .ejs file" - what you can do is to send it from the browser, that has a rendered HTML (and possibly JavaScript) and not EJS.
You can do it with some client-side JavaScript in which case you can do whatever you want.
You can do it by embedding the variable's value in a URL as a route parameter or a query parameter if you're using standard <a href="..."> links.
You can put a hidden input in a form if you're using forms and buttons.
You can put it in any part of the request if you're using AJAX.
Just to make sure you know what is what because it can be confusing - here X is a path parameter:
and here X is a query parameter:
try this (assuming you use jQuery):
url: '/routename_to_handle_id',
type: 'POST',
data: { id: id }
//callback to handle if it's successful

CKEditor inline with Node.js

I'm trying to create minimalistic content management system with ckeditor using node and express as a server. I would definitely want to implement the inline editing capabilities of ckeditor, but I'm having no success in sending the data to server and finally to nosql (mongodb) database.
I would like to have multiple inline editors within a page and to save to my database them simultaneously upon a POST event. I have my editor instances in invividual divs with an attribute contenteditable="true". Editor instances launch just fine, but when I'm trying to grab the data in my controller, all I have is an empty object. I can get the data from input fields, but then I lose the inline editing features. I've tried tinkering with bodyparser, but no success. All my divs containing the editable content lay under a HTML form element.
I would be more than happy is someone could at least point me to a general direction of how to accomplish this. Sorry if I was unable to make my self clear posting this question :)
tldr; How can I parse data from HTML elements, other than input-fields and text areas, in node/express with bodyparser?
Content of non-input fields won't be posted in a form, so you can't do that. A couple options come to mind:
Use JavaScript to update hidden inputs on the page as those divs change. Updated content will be posted.
Use JavaScript to make the POST, on save grab the contents, post them to the server, and then after that make the redirect from client side.

Can I render all zones to an HTML string in a controller method

I'm trying to render the HTML for a content item to a string from within a controller action. Technically I just want to get the "body" part of it without any header/footer stuff. I want to do this so I can get a content item rendering the way I want once, and then display it as a normal orchard page OR by requesting the HTML for the content item via ajax to display it in a div in a JavaScript app. I don't want to have to manually render everything in the JavaScript as that would be duplicating the layout logic I already did. I want to re-use the bulk of the server side rendering so any changes are reflected in my normal orchard page and my JavaScript page. I've been digging into the code and searching everywhere and have gotten close but not all the way there.
I found these:
How to render shape to string?
Using FindView in Orchard
In my controller I have:
var shape = _contentManager.BuildDisplay(contentItem);
Using either of the two methods above, I can render that shape to an HTML string in my controller. All was golden. I was getting the body of that page and using it in JS. Then, I changed a placement file:
<Place Parts_Common_Body="Content:1" />
was changed to:
<Place Parts_Common_Body="/AsideFirst:1" />
The body moved where I wanted it (AsideFirst) in my normal Orchard page but disappeared from the HTML retrieved using the two methods above.
If I look at shape.Content.Items after the BuildDisplay call, I can see the item for the body is no longer there... why is it not rendering all the zones? Or, I guess a more specific question is why is the BuildDisplay method not building the complete shape? Is there a way I can make this work?
I tried a million different things and eventually got this working. Not sure I totally get it yet, but I think the problem had to do with the fact that I was using shape.Content and I'd moved stuff out of the Content zone. And maybe when I was looking at what the BuildDisplay method was returning I was just not looking at some newly created zone that actually did had the stuff I thought was missing. Clearly I need to learn more about zones and shapes... Anyway, I have a new zone called "MainInfo" now that I created in a placement file. I get a MainInfo property on the main shape returned form BuildDisplay and pass shape.MainInfo to the view rendering code and all seems to be working well now.
