So I have a bit of a problem with some query connections that I want to deal with inside an array because they can hold more rows than Excel can handle.
Option Explicit
Sub RefrescaConsultas()
End Sub
Private Sub EliminaConsultas()
Dim Consulta As Object
For Each Consulta In ThisWorkbook.Queries
Next Consulta
End Sub
Private Sub CreaConsultas()
Dim Mes As String: Mes = HMacro.Range("B2")
Dim Año As Long: Año = HMacro.Range("B1")
Dim MesNum As Byte: MesNum = Month(DateValue("01/" & Mes & "/2020"))
Dim RutaAccess As String: RutaAccess = Chr(34) & "\\ate2899cor01\reporting_administrativos\TELEFONICA\GP\Informe Evolucion Territorios\2020\Modelo Marzo´20\Inforrme Evolucion Ventas\Nuevo informe\BBDD\Actualiza Conversores.accdb" & Chr(34)
ThisWorkbook.Queries.Add "Brutas", "let" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " Origen = Access.Database(File.Contents(" & RutaAccess & "), [CreateNavigationProperties=true])," & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " _Brutas = Origen{[Schema="""",Item=""Brutas""]}[Data]," & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " #""Columnas quitadas"" = Table.Rem" & _
"oveColumns(_Brutas,{""fx_proceso"", ""fx_estado_fin"", ""fx_devengo"", ""estado"", ""cod_indicador_negocio_alta_comercial"", ""producto_alta_comercial"", ""subproducto_origen_alta_comercial"", ""soporte"", ""faro"", ""codigo_pedido"", ""tipo_doc"", ""id_fiscal"", ""CUC"", " & _
"""telefono"", ""segmento"", ""provincia_cliente"", ""ccaa_cliente"", ""territorio_cliente"", ""vendedor"", ""canal_venta"", ""co_proveedor"", ""no_empresa"", ""co_centro_venta"", ""provincia_venta"", ""ccaa_venta"", ""territorio_venta"", ""FechaGrab"", ""unidades"", ""producto_comision_alta_comercial"", ""producto_comision_actualizad" & _
"o"", ""importe_comision"", ""COD_T9"", ""rf_tq"", ""operacion"", ""sub_producto_destino_alta_comercial"", ""num_lineas_movil_tipo_fusion"", ""num_lineas_movil_planta"", ""in_fusion"", ""anul_15"", ""anul_30"", ""anul_60"", ""co_resolucion_sia"", ""resolucion_sia"", ""causa_anulacion"", ""fuente_origen"", ""cliente_nuevo"", ""in_servicio_tv""})," & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " #""Filas filtradas"" = Table.SelectRows(#""Columnas quitadas"", each Dat" & _
"e.Month([fx_solicitud]) = " & MesNum & ")" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & "in" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " #""Filas filtradas"""
ThisWorkbook.Queries.Add "TV", "let" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " Origen = Access.Database(File.Contents(" & RutaAccess & "), [CreateNavigationProperties=true])," & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " _TV = Origen{[Schema="""",Item=""TV""]}[Data]," & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " #""Columnas quitadas"" = Table.RemoveColum" & _
"ns(_TV,{""fx_proceso"", ""fx_estado_fin"", ""fx_devengo"", ""estado"", ""operacion"", ""cod_indicador_negocio_alta_comercial"", ""producto_alta_comercial"", ""sub_producto_destino_alta_comercial"", ""subproducto_origen_alta_comercial"", ""soporte"", ""codigo_pedido"", ""tipo_doc"", ""id_fiscal"", ""CUC"", ""telefono"", ""segmento"", ""provincia_cliente"", ""ccaa_cli" & _
"ente"", ""territorio_cliente"", ""vendedor"", ""canal_venta"", ""co_proveedor"", ""no_empresa"", ""co_centro_venta"", ""no_sucursal"", ""provincia_venta"", ""ccaa_venta"", ""territorio_venta"", ""FechaGrab"", ""unidades"", ""baja_prematura"", ""dias_baja"", ""producto_comision_alta_comercial"", ""importe_comision"", ""COD_T9"", ""rf_tq"", ""nu_administra"", ""fuente" & _
"_origen"", ""ds_fusion_origen"", ""ds_fusion_destino"", ""baja_prematura_8_mes_sig"", ""IN_PLANTA_8_MES_SIG"", ""CLIENTE_NUEVO""})," & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " #""Filas filtradas"" = Table.SelectRows(#""Columnas quitadas"", each Date.Month([fx_solicitud]) = " & MesNum & ")" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & "in" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " #""Filas filtradas"""
ThisWorkbook.Queries.Add "Fusion", "let" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " Origen = Access.Database(File.Contents(" & RutaAccess & "), [CreateNavigationProperties=true])," & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " _Fusion = Origen{[Schema="""",Item=""Fusion""]}[Data]," & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " #""Columnas quitadas"" = Table.Rem" & _
"oveColumns(_Fusion,{""fx_proceso"", ""fx_solicitud"", ""fx_devengo"", ""fx_instalacion"", ""estado"", ""operacion"", ""cod_indicador_negocio_alta_comercial"", ""producto_alta_comercial"", ""sub_producto_destino_alta_comercial"", ""subproducto_origen_alta_comercial"", ""soporte"", ""codigo_pedido"", ""tipo_doc"", ""id_fiscal"", ""telefono"", ""segmento"", ""provincia" & _
"_cliente"", ""ccaa_cliente"", ""territorio_cliente"", ""vendedor"", ""matricula_origen"", ""canal_venta"", ""co_proveedor"", ""no_empresa"", ""co_centro_venta"", ""provincia_venta"", ""ccaa_venta"", ""territorio_venta"", ""FechaGrab"", ""unidades"", ""baja_prematura"", ""producto_comision_alta_comercial"", ""COD_T9"", ""valor_origen"", ""valor_destino"", ""rf_tq"", " & _
"""dif_dias_baja"", ""in_servicio_tv_origen"", ""in_servicio_tv_destino"", ""num_lineas_movil_tipo_fusion"", ""num_lineas_movil_planta"", ""CUC"", ""fuente_origen"", ""fx_alta_desco""})," & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " #""Filas filtradas"" = Table.SelectRows(#""Columnas quitadas"", each Date.Month([fx_estado_fin]) = " & MesNum & ")" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & "in" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " #""Filas filtradas"""
ThisWorkbook.Queries.Add "Inserciones", "let" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " Origen = Access.Database(File.Contents(" & RutaAccess & "), [CreateNavigationProperties=true])," & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " _Inserciones = Origen{[Schema="""",Item=""Inserciones""]}[Data]," & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " #""Columnas quitadas"" =" & _
" Table.RemoveColumns(_Inserciones,{""fx_proceso"", ""fx_estado_fin"", ""estado"", ""causa_estado"", ""operacion"", ""cod_indicador_negocio_alta_comercial"", ""indicador_negocio_alta_comercial"", ""subproducto_origen_alta_comercial"", ""soporte"", ""codigo_pedido"", ""tipo_doc"", ""id_fiscal"", ""CUC"", ""telefono"", ""segmento"", ""provi" & _
"ncia_cliente"", ""ccaa_cliente"", ""territorio_cliente"", ""vendedor"", ""canal_venta"", ""co_proveedor"", ""no_empresa"", ""co_centro_venta"", ""provincia_venta"", ""ccaa_venta"", ""territorio_venta"", ""FechaGrab"", ""unidades"", ""cod_comision_alta_comercial"", ""producto_comision_alta_comercial"", ""importe_comision"", ""co_contrato"", ""co_plantari"", ""operado" & _
"r_origen"", ""operador_destino"", ""ICC"", ""LIQUIDABLE"", ""TARJETA_VIRTUAL"", ""NUMERO_REPETICIONES"", ""FUENTE_ORIGEN""})," & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " #""Filas filtradas"" = Table.SelectRows(#""Columnas quitadas"", each Date.Month([fx_solicitud]) = " & MesNum & ")" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & "in" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " #""Filas filtradas"""
ThisWorkbook.Queries.Add "Prosegur", "let" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " Origen = Access.Database(File.Contents(" & RutaAccess & "), [CreateNavigationProperties=true])," & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " _Prosegur = Origen{[Schema="""",Item=""Prosegur""]}[Data]," & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " #""Columnas quitadas"" = Table" & _
".RemoveColumns(_Prosegur,{""fx_proceso"", ""fx_estado_fin"", ""fx_devengo"", ""estado"", ""operacion"", ""cod_indicador_negocio_solicitado"", ""indicador_negocio_solicitado"", ""producto_solicitado"", ""sub_producto_destino_solicitado"", ""subproducto_origen_solicitado"", ""cod_indicador_negocio_alta_comercial"", ""producto_alta_comercial"", ""sub_producto_destino_a" & _
"lta_comercial"", ""subproducto_origen_alta_comercial"", ""soporte"", ""codigo_pedido"", ""CUC"", ""tipo_doc"", ""id_fiscal"", ""telefono"", ""segmento"", ""localidad_cliente"", ""provincia_cliente"", ""ccaa_cliente"", ""territorio_cliente"", ""vendedor"", ""matricula_origen"", ""canal_venta"", ""co_proveedor"", ""no_empresa"", ""co_centro_venta"", ""provincia_venta" & _
""", ""ccaa_venta"", ""territorio_venta"", ""pais_vendedor"", ""FechaGrab"", ""FechaGrabInci"", ""in_fusion"", ""tipo"", ""nu_administra"", ""unidades"", ""id_senializacion"", ""cod_comision_solicitado"", ""producto_comision_solicitado"", ""producto_comision_alta_comercial"", ""id_lead"", ""COD_T9"", ""rf_tq"", ""producto_comision_actualizado"", ""fuente_origen"", """ & _
"co_unico"", ""fecha_compromiso_ini"", ""fecha_alta_sistema"", ""Campo61"", ""Campo62"", ""Campo63""})," & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " #""Filas filtradas"" = Table.SelectRows(#""Columnas quitadas"", each Date.Month([fx_solicitud]) = " & MesNum & ")" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & "in" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " #""Filas filtradas"""
'Repos Móvil
ThisWorkbook.Queries.Add "Repos", "let" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " Origen = Access.Database(File.Contents(" & RutaAccess & "), [CreateNavigationProperties=true])," & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " _Repos = Origen{[Schema="""",Item=""Repos""]}[Data]," & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " #""Columnas quitadas"" = Table.Remov" & _
"eColumns(_Repos,{""fx_proceso"", ""fx_solicitud"", ""fx_devengo"", ""estado"", ""operacion"", ""cod_indicador_negocio_solicitado"", ""indicador_negocio_solicitado"", ""sub_producto_origen_alta_comercial"", ""subproducto_origen_alta_comercial"", ""cod_indicador_negocio_alta_comercial"", ""sub_producto_destino_alta_comercial"", ""subproducto_destino_alta_comercial"", " & _
"""soporte"", ""codigo_pedido"", ""tipo_doc"", ""id_fiscal"", ""CUC"", ""telefono"", ""segmento"", ""localidad_cliente"", ""provincia_cliente"", ""ccaa_cliente"", ""territorio_cliente"", ""vendedor"", ""matricula_origen"", ""canal_venta"", ""co_proveedor"", ""no_empresa"", ""co_centro_venta"", ""provincia_venta"", ""ccaa_venta"", ""territorio_venta"", ""pais_vendedor" & _
""", ""in_fusion"", ""tipo"", ""operador_origen"", ""operador_destino"", ""in_terminal"", ""FechaGrab"", ""FechaGrabInci"", ""co_contrato_origen"", ""co_contrato_destino"", ""co_plantari_origen"", ""co_plantari_destino"", ""cod_comision_solicitado"", ""producto_comision_solicitado"", ""producto_comision_alta_comercial"", ""ICC"", ""FUENTE_ORIGEN"", ""Arpu_Origen"", " & _
"""Arpu_Destino"", ""unidades""})," & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " #""Filas filtradas"" = Table.SelectRows(#""Columnas quitadas"", each Date.Month([fx_estado_fin]) = " & MesNum & ")" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & "in" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " #""Filas filtradas"""
ThisWorkbook.Queries.Add "Terminales", "let" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " Origen = Access.Database(File.Contents(" & RutaAccess & "), [CreateNavigationProperties=true])," & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " _Terminales = Origen{[Schema="""",Item=""Terminales""]}[Data]," & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " #""Columnas quitadas"" = T" & _
"able.RemoveColumns(_Terminales,{""fx_proceso"", ""fx_solicitud"", ""fx_devengo"", ""estado"", ""operacion"", ""cod_indicador_negocio_alta_comercial"", ""producto_alta_comercial"", ""sub_producto_destino_alta_comercial"", ""subproducto_origen_alta_comercial"", ""soporte"", ""codigo_pedido"", ""tipo_doc"", ""id_fiscal"", ""CUC"", ""telefono"", ""segmento"", ""provinci" & _
"a_cliente"", ""ccaa_cliente"", ""territorio_cliente"", ""vendedor"", ""canal_venta"", ""co_proveedor"", ""no_empresa"", ""co_centro_venta"", ""provincia_venta"", ""ccaa_venta"", ""territorio_venta"", ""FechaGrab"", ""unidades"", ""producto_comision_alta_comercial"", ""importe_comision"", ""vendedor_entrega"", ""canal_venta_entrega"", ""agrupacion_canal_entrega"", """ & _
"canal_entrega"", ""detalle_canal_entrega"", ""co_proveedor_entrega"", ""no_empresa_entrega"", ""co_centro_venta_entrega"", ""no_sucursal_entrega"", ""provincia_venta_entrega"", ""territorio_venta_entrega"", ""tipo"", ""gama_terminal"", ""in_financiado"", ""nu_imei"", ""cod_campania"", ""FUENTE_ORIGEN"", ""Campo56"", ""Campo57"", ""Campo58"", ""Campo59"", ""Campo60""" & _
", ""Campo61""})," & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " #""Filas filtradas"" = Table.SelectRows(#""Columnas quitadas"", each Date.Month([fx_estado_fin]) = " & MesNum & ")" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & "in" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " #""Filas filtradas"""
ThisWorkbook.Queries.Add "Movil", "let" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " Origen = Access.Database(File.Contents(" & RutaAccess & "), [CreateNavigationProperties=true])," & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " _Movil = Origen{[Schema="""",Item=""Movil""]}[Data]," & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " #""Columnas quitadas"" = Table.Remov" & _
"eColumns(_Movil,{""fx_proceso"", ""fx_solicitud"", ""fx_devengo"", ""estado"", ""operacion"", ""cod_indicador_negocio_alta_comercial"", ""subproducto_origen_alta_comercial"", ""co_modven"", ""soporte"", ""codigo_pedido"", ""tipo_doc"", ""id_fiscal"", ""CUC"", ""telefono"", ""segmento"", ""provincia_cliente"", ""ccaa_cliente"", ""territorio_cliente"", ""vendedor"", " & _
"""canal_venta"", ""co_proveedor"", ""no_empresa"", ""co_centro_venta"", ""provincia_venta"", ""ccaa_venta"", ""territorio_venta"", ""FechaGrab"", ""unidades"", ""baja_prematura"", ""dif_dias_baja"", ""producto_comision_alta_comercial"", ""importe_comision"", ""in_terminal"", ""co_contrato"", ""co_plantari"", ""operador_origen"", ""operador_destino"", ""ICC"", ""fuen" & _
"te_origen""})," & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " #""Filas filtradas"" = Table.SelectRows(#""Columnas quitadas"", each Date.Month([fx_estado_fin]) = " & MesNum & ")" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & "in" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " #""Filas filtradas"""
ThisWorkbook.Queries.Add "TMO", "let" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " Origen = Access.Database(File.Contents(" & RutaAccess & "), [CreateNavigationProperties=true])," & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " _TMO = Origen{[Schema="""",Item=""TMO""]}[Data]," & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " #""Columnas quitadas"" = Table.RemoveCol" & _
"umns(_TMO,{""semana"", ""New_Territorio"", ""PAIS_TABLA"", ""MODO TABLA"", ""MODO TABLA TMO"", ""FX_LLAMADA"", ""NO_SEGMENTO"", ""NO_TERRITORIO"", ""NO_SUBTERRITORIO"", ""NO_PROVEEDOR"", ""NO_ORIGEN"", ""Terri_cliente"", ""Subterri_cliente"", ""ORIGEN"", ""NO_SEGMENTO_SKILL"", ""CO_GRABACION"", ""CLIENTE_NUEVO"", ""DS_SEGMENTO_ORGANIZATIVO"", ""B2C"", ""Idioma"", """ & _
"CO_TIPO_EMISION"", ""IN_AGENDADA"", ""CA_RECIBIDAS"", ""CA_LLAMADAA_VALIDAA"", ""CA_Atendidas_Entrantes"", ""CA_Aten_20seg"", ""CA_Conv_M20Seg"", ""CA_TMO"", ""CA_TMO_S"", ""CA_TME"", ""CA_Tr_Imputables"", ""CA_Transferidas"", ""CA_Salientes"", ""CA_AGENDADAS"", ""CA_TMO_AGENDADAS""})," & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " #""Filas filtradas"" = Table.SelectRows(#""Columnas quitadas"", each [Mes] =" & _
MesNum & ")," & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " #""Filas filtradas1"" = Table.SelectRows(#""Filas filtradas"", each [Año] = " & Año & ")" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & "in" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & " #""Filas filtradas1"""
End Sub
The code is fairly simple, I've manually recorded Data->from data base->selected the data base->deleted some columns for each connection and filtered some data.
Now the workbook has all these connections that I need to work with, but pasting them into a sheet and then into an array might be a problem because some of them are more than 1M rows... Any Insight on how to achieve this?
Specifications and Limits for Excel Worksheets and Workbooks
Total number of rows and columns in a worksheet :
1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns
so you may have to add a clause to limit the number of rows: select TOP 1000 in your SQL request
With ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(SourceType:=0, Source:= _
"OLEDB;Provider=Microsoft.Mashup.OleDb.1;Data Source=$Workbook$;Location=Customer;Extended Properties=""""" _
, Destination:=Range("$A$1")).QueryTable
.CommandType = xlCmdSql
.CommandText = Array("SELECT TOP 10OO fx_proceso FROM [Prosegur]")
I am not having much experience writing VBA script, I am almost lost to find out in the multiline string. Where exactly I am lost is when I try to split the String in multiple lines, could you help me how to end
Working String is below before split:
strSQL = "insert into ded_limit_analysis (PDPD_ID,PDDS_DESC,PRODUCT_CAT,BASE_PDPD_ID,PROD_CYCLE,HMO_IND_DED) " & vbCrLf & _
"values (" & "'" & Me.txt_pdpd_id & "'" & "," & "'" & Me.txt_pdds & "'" & "," & "'" & Me.cbx_prod_type & "'" & "," & "'" & Me.txt_base_pdpd & "'" & "," & "'" & Me.cbx_prod_cycle & "'" & "," & "'" & Me.txt_hmo_ind_ded & "'" & ")"
The one not working is below, I am trying to split the lines because I have many columns to include in insert and it is more than 1000 caracters and not able to fit in single line (below is just sample, actual is much longer and I am forced to split the lines).
strSQL = "insert into ded_limit_analysis (PDPD_ID,PDDS_DESC,PRODUCT_CAT,BASE_PDPD_ID,PROD_CYCLE,HMO_IND_DED) " & vbCrLf & _
"values (" & "'" & Me.txt_pdpd_id & "'" & "," & "'" & Me.txt_pdds & "'" & "," & "'" & Me.cbx_prod_type & "'" & "," & "'" & Me.txt_base_pdpd & "'" & "," & "'" & Me.cbx_prod_cycle & "'" & "," & " & vbCrLf &" _
& "'" & Me.txt_hmo_ind_ded & "'" & ")"
Please advice where I am messing up, thanks
You need to start the next line with "&"
strSQL = "insert into ded_limit_analysis (PDPD_ID,PDDS_DESC,PRODUCT_CAT,BASE_PDPD_ID,PROD_CYCLE,HMO_IND_DED) " _
& vbCrLf & "values (" & "'" & Me.txt_pdpd_id & "'" & "," _
& "'" & Me.txt_pdds & "'" & "," & "'" & Me.cbx_prod_type _
& "'" & "," & "'" & Me.txt_base_pdpd & "'" & "," & "'" _
& Me.cbx_prod_cycle & "'" & "," & vbCrLf _
& "'" & Me.txt_hmo_ind_ded & "'" & ")"
Although, looking at the string, you can eliminate a lot of the "&" in your code. This would be cleaner:
strSQL = "insert into ded_limit_analysis (PDPD_ID, " _
& "PDDS_DESC, " _
& "BASE_PDPD_ID, " _
& "PROD_CYCLE, " _
& "HMO_IND_DED) " _
& " values ('" & Me.txt_pdpd_id & "', '" _
& Me.txt_pdds & "', '" _
& Me.cbx_prod_type & "', '" _
& Me.txt_base_pdpd & "', '" _
& Me.cbx_prod_cycle & "', '" _
& Me.txt_hmo_ind_ded & "')"
It's just much easier to understand this way. Also, you don't need "vbCrLf" in your SQL. It's just white space.
On the second string vbCrLf is within quotes and is seen as a string rather than a command.
Try this code in place of the problem line above:
strSQL = "insert into ded_limit_analysis (PDPD_ID,PDDS_DESC,PRODUCT_CAT,BASE_PDPD_ID,PROD_CYCLE,HMO_IND_DED) " & vbCrLf & _
"values (" & "'" & Me.txt_pdpd_id & "'" & "," & "'" & Me.txt_pdds & "'" & "," & "'" & Me.cbx_prod_type & "'" & "," & "'" & Me.txt_base_pdpd & "'" & "," & "'" & Me.cbx_prod_cycle & "'" & "," & vbCrLf _
& "'" & Me.txt_hmo_ind_ded & "'" & ")"
I tried with this option after seraching other post and works, thanks for proving other solutions, appreciate that.
strSQL = "insert into ded_limit_analysis (PDPD_ID,PDDS_DESC,PRODUCT_CAT,BASE_PDPD_ID,PROD_CYCLE,HMO_IND_DED) " & vbCrLf & _
"values (" & "'" & Me.txt_pdpd_id & "'" & "," & "'" & Me.txt_pdds & "'" & "," & "'" & Me.cbx_prod_type & "'" & "," & "'" & Me.txt_base_pdpd & "'" & "," & "'" & Me.cbx_prod_cycle & "'" & ","
strSQL = strSQL & "'" & Me.txt_hmo_ind_ded & "'" & ")"