Haskell's `otherwise` is a synonym for `_`? - haskell

I ran across a piece of code recently that used Haskell's otherwise to pattern match on a list. This struck me as odd, since:
ghci> :t otherwise
otherwise :: Bool
So, I tried the following:
ghci> case [] of otherwise -> "!?"
I also tried it with various other patterns of different types and with -XNoImplicitPrelude turned on (to remove otherwise from scope), and it still works. Is this supposed to happen? Where is this documented?

It's not equivalent to _, it's equivalent to any other identifier. That is if an identifier is used as a pattern in Haskell, the pattern always matches and the matched value is bound to that identifier (unlike _ where it also always matches, but the matched value is discarded).
Just to be clear: the identifier otherwise is not special here. The code could just as well have been x -> "!?". Also, since the binding is never actually used, it would make more sense to use _ to avoid an "unused identifier" warning and to make it obvious to the reader that the value does not matter.

Just since nobody has said it yet, otherwise is supposed to be used as a guard expression, not a pattern. case ... of pat | ... -> ... | otherwise -> ... Now its definition as True is important. – Reid Barton
An example:
fact n acc
| n == 0 = acc
| otherwise = fact (n-1) $! (acc * n)
Since otherwise is True, that second guard will always succeed.
Note that using otherwise in a pattern (as opposed to a guard) is likely to confuse people. It will also trip a name shadowing warning if GHC is run with the appropriate warnings enabled.


A real life example when pattern matching is more preferable than a case expression in Haskell?

So I have been busy with the Real World Haskell book and I did the lastButOne exercise. I came up with 2 solutions, one with pattern matching
lastButOne :: [a] -> a
lastButOne ([]) = error "Empty List"
lastButOne (x:[]) = error "Only one element"
lastButOne (x:[x2]) = x
lastButOne (x:xs) = lastButOne xs
And one using a case expression
lastButOneCase :: [a] -> a
lastButOneCase x =
case x of
[] -> error "Empty List"
(x:[]) -> error "Only One Element"
(x:[x2]) -> x
(x:xs) -> lastButOneCase xs
What I wanted to find out is when would pattern matching be preferred over case expressions and vice versa. This example was not good enough for me because it seems that while both of the functions work as intended, it did not lead me to choose one implementation over the other. So the choice "seems" preferential at first glance?
So are there good cases by means of source code, either in haskell's own source or github or somewhere else, where one is able to see when either method is preferred or not?
First a short terminology diversion: I would call both of these "pattern matching". I'm not sure there is a good term for distinguishing pattern-matching-via-case and pattern-matching-via-multiple-definition.
The technical distinction between the two is quite light indeed. You can verify this yourself by asking GHC to dump the core it generates for the two functions, using the -ddump-simpl flag. I tried this at a few different optimization levels, and in all cases the only differences in the Core were naming. (By the way, if anyone knows a good "semantic diff" program for Core -- which knows about at the very least alpha equivalence -- I'm very interested in hearing about it!)
There are a few small gotchas to watch out for, though. You might wonder whether the following is also equivalent:
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
lastButOne = \case
[] -> error "Empty List"
(x:[]) -> error "Only One Element"
(x:[x2]) -> x
(x:xs) -> lastButOneCase xs
In this case, the answer is yes. But consider this similar-looking one:
-- ambiguous type error
sort = \case
[] -> []
x:xs -> insert x (sort xs)
All of a sudden this is a typeclass-polymorphic CAF, and so on old GHCs this will trigger the monomorphism restriction and cause an error, whereas the superficially identical version with an explicit argument does not:
-- this is fine!
sort [] = []
sort (x:xs) = insert x (sort xs)
The other minor difference (which I forgot about -- thank you to Thomas DuBuisson for reminding me) is in the handling of where clauses. Since where clauses are attached to binding sites, they cannot be shared across multiple equations but can be shared across multiple cases. For example:
-- error; the where clause attaches to the second equation, so
-- empty is not in scope in the first equation
null [] = empty
null (x:xs) = nonempty
where empty = True
nonempty = False
-- ok; the where clause attaches to the equation, so both empty
-- and nonempty are in scope for the entire case expression
null x = case x of
[] -> empty
x:xs -> nonempty
empty = True
nonempty = False
You might think this means you can do something with equations that you can't do with case expressions, namely, have different meanings for the same name in the two equations, like this:
null [] = answer where answer = True
null (x:xs) = answer where answer = False
However, since the patterns of case expressions are binding sites, this can be emulated in case expressions as well:
null x = case x of
[] -> answer where answer = True
x:xs -> answer where answer = False
Whether the where clause is attached to the case's pattern or to the equation depends on indentation, of course.
If I recall correctly both these will "desugar" into the same core code in ghc, so the choice is purely stylistic. Personally I would go for the first one. As someone said, its shorter, and what you term "pattern matching" is intended to be used this way. (Actually the second version is also pattern matching, just using a different syntax for it).
It's a stylistic preference. Some people sometimes argue that one choice or another makes certain code changes take less effort, but I generally find such arguments, even when accurate, don't actually amount to a big improvement. So do as you like.
A perspective that's well worth bringing into this is Hudak, Hughes, Peyton Jones and Wadler's paper "A History of Haskell: Being Lazy With Class". Section 4.4 is about this topic. The short story: Haskell supports both because the designers couldn't agree on one over the other. Yep, again, it's a stylistic preference.
When you're matching on more than one expression, case expressions start to look more attractive.
f pat11 pat21 = ...
f pat11 pat22 = ...
f pat11 pat23 = ...
f pat12 pat24 = ...
f pat12 pat25 = ...
can be more annoying to write than
f pat11 y =
case y of
pat21 -> ...
pat22 -> ...
pat23 -> ...
f pat12 y =
case y of
pat24 -> ...
pat25 -> ...
More significantly, I've found that when using GADTs, the "declaration style" doesn't seem to propagate evidence from left to right the way I'd expect it to. There might be some trick I haven't worked out, but I end up having to nest case expressions to avoid spurious incomplete pattern warnings.

Does a function in Haskell always evaluate its return value?

I'm trying to better understand Haskell's laziness, such as when it evaluates an argument to a function.
From this source:
But when a call to const is evaluated (that’s the situation we are interested in, here, after all), its return value is evaluated too ... This is a good general principle: a function obviously is strict in its return value, because when a function application needs to be evaluated, it needs to evaluate, in the body of the function, what gets returned. Starting from there, you can know what must be evaluated by looking at what the return value depends on invariably. Your function will be strict in these arguments, and lazy in the others.
So a function in Haskell always evaluates its own return value? If I have:
foo :: Num a => [a] -> [a]
foo [] = []
foo (_:xs) = map (* 2) xs
head (foo [1..]) -- = 4
According to the above paragraph, map (* 2) xs, must be evaluated. Intuitively, I would think that means applying the map to the entire list- resulting in an infinite loop.
But, I can successfully take the head of the result. I know that : is lazy in Haskell, so does this mean that evaluating map (* 2) xs just means constructing something else that isn't fully evaluated yet?
What does it mean to evaluate a function applied to an infinite list? If the return value of a function is always evaluated when the function is evaluated, can a function ever actually return a thunk?
bar x y = x
var = bar (product [1..]) 1
This code doesn't hang. When I create var, does it not evaluate its body? Or does it set bar to product [1..] and not evaluate that? If the latter, bar is not returning its body in WHNF, right, so did it really 'evaluate' x? How could bar be strict in x if it doesn't hang on computing product [1..]?
First of all, Haskell does not specify when evaluation happens so the question can only be given a definite answer for specific implementations.
The following is true for all non-parallel implementations that I know of, like ghc, hbc, nhc, hugs, etc (all G-machine based, btw).
BTW, something to remember is that when you hear "evaluate" for Haskell it normally means "evaluate to WHNF".
Unlike strict languages you have to distinguish between two "callers" of a function, the first is where the call occurs lexically, and the second is where the value is demanded. For a strict language these two always coincide, but not for a lazy language.
Let's take your example and complicate it a little:
foo [] = []
foo (_:xs) = map (* 2) xs
bar x = (foo [1..], x)
main = print (head (fst (bar 42)))
The foo function occurs in bar. Evaluating bar will return a pair, and the first component of the pair is a thunk corresponding to foo [1..]. So bar is what would be the caller in a strict language, but in the case of a lazy language it doesn't call foo at all, instead it just builds the closure.
Now, in the main function we actually need the value of head (fst (bar 42)) since we have to print it. So the head function will actually be called. The head function is defined by pattern matching, so it needs the value of the argument. So fst is called. It too is defined by pattern matching and needs its argument so bar is called, and bar will return a pair, and fst will evaluate and return its first component. And now finally foo is "called"; and by called I mean that the thunk is evaluated (entered as it's sometimes called in TIM terminology), because the value is needed. The only reason the actual code for foo is called is that we want a value. So foo had better return a value (i.e., a WHNF). The foo function will evaluate its argument and end up in the second branch. Here it will tail call into the code for map. The map function is defined by pattern match and it will evaluate its argument, which is a cons. So map will return the following {(*2) y} : {map (*2) ys}, where I have used {} to indicate a closure being built. So as you can see map just returns a cons cell with the head being a closure and the tail being a closure.
To understand the operational semantics of Haskell better I suggest you look at some paper describing how to translate Haskell to some abstract machine, like the G-machine.
I always found that the term "evaluate," which I had learned in other contexts (e.g., Scheme programming), always got me all confused when I tried to apply it to Haskell, and that I made a breakthrough when I started to think of Haskell in terms of forcing expressions instead of "evaluating" them. Some key differences:
"Evaluation," as I learned the term before, strongly connotes mapping expressions to values that are themselves not expressions. (One common technical term here is "denotations.")
In Haskell, the process of forcing is IMHO most easily understood as expression rewriting. You start with an expression, and you repeatedly rewrite it according to certain rules until you get an equivalent expression that satisfies a certain property.
In Haskell the "certain property" has the unfriendly name weak head normal form ("WHNF"), which really just means that the expression is either a nullary data constructor or an application of a data constructor.
Let's translate that to a very rough set of informal rules. To force an expression expr:
If expr is a nullary constructor or a constructor application, the result of forcing it is expr itself. (It's already in WHNF.)
If expr is a function application f arg, then the result of forcing it is obtained this way:
Find the definition of f.
Can you pattern match this definition against the expression arg? If not, then force arg and try again with the result of that.
Substitute the pattern match variables in the body of f with the parts of (the possibly rewritten) arg that correspond to them, and force the resulting expression.
One way of thinking of this is that when you force an expression, you're trying to rewrite it minimally to reduce it to an equivalent expression in WHNF.
Let's apply this to your example:
foo :: Num a => [a] -> [a]
foo [] = []
foo (_:xs) = map (* 2) xs
-- We want to force this expression:
head (foo [1..])
We will need definitions for head and `map:
head [] = undefined
head (x:_) = x
map _ [] = []
map f (x:xs) = f x : map f x
-- Not real code, but a rule we'll be using for forcing infinite ranges.
[n..] ==> n : [(n+1)..]
So now:
head (foo [1..]) ==> head (map (*2) [1..]) -- using the definition of foo
==> head (map (*2) (1 : [2..])) -- using the forcing rule for [n..]
==> head (1*2 : map (*2) [2..]) -- using the definition of map
==> 1*2 -- using the definition of head
==> 2 -- using the definition of *
I believe the idea must be that in a lazy language if you're evaluating a function application, it must be because you need the result of the application for something. So whatever reason caused the function application to be reduced in the first place is going to continue to need to reduce the returned result. If we didn't need the function's result we wouldn't be evaluating the call in the first place, the whole application would be left as a thunk.
A key point is that the standard "lazy evaluation" order is demand-driven. You only evaluate what you need. Evaluating more risks violating the language spec's definition of "non-strict semantics" and looping or failing for some programs that should be able to terminate; lazy evaluation has the interesting property that if any evaluation order can cause a particular program to terminate, so can lazy evaluation.1
But if we only evaluate what we need, what does "need" mean? Generally it means either
a pattern match needs to know what constructor a particular value is (e.g. I can't know what branch to take in your definition of foo without knowing whether the argument is [] or _:xs)
a primitive operation needs to know the entire value (e.g. the arithmetic circuits in the CPU can't add or compare thunks; I need to fully evaluate two Int values to call such operations)
the outer driver that executes the main IO action needs to know what the next thing to execute is
So say we've got this program:
foo :: Num a => [a] -> [a]
foo [] = []
foo (_:xs) = map (* 2) xs
main :: IO ()
main = print (head (foo [1..]))
To execute main, the IO driver has to evaluate the thunk print (head (foo [1..])) to work out that it's print applied to the thunk head (foo [1..]). print needs to evaluate its argument on order to print it, so now we need to evaluate that thunk.
head starts by pattern matching its argument, so now we need to evaluate foo [1..], but only to WHNF - just enough to tell whether the outermost list constructor is [] or :.
foo starts by pattern matching on its argument. So we need to evaluate [1..], also only to WHNF. That's basically 1 : [2..], which is enough to see which branch to take in foo.2
The : case of foo (with xs bound to the thunk [2..]) evaluates to the thunk map (*2) [2..].
So foo is evaluated, and didn't evaluate its body. However, we only did that because head was pattern matching to see if we had [] or x : _. We still don't know that, so we must immediately continue to evaluate the result of foo.
This is what the article means when it says functions are strict in their result. Given that a call to foo is evaluated at all, its result will also be evaluated (and so, anything needed to evaluate the result will also be evaluated).
But how far it needs to be evaluated depends on the calling context. head is only pattern matching on the result of foo, so it only needs a result to WHNF. We can get an infinite list to WHNF (we already did so, with 1 : [2..]), so we don't necessarily get in an infinite loop when evaluating a call to foo. But if head were some sort of primitive operation implemented outside of Haskell that needed to be passed a completely evaluated list, then we'd be evaluating foo [1..] completely, and thus would never finish in order to come back to head.
So, just to complete my example, we're evaluating map (2 *) [2..].
map pattern matches its second argument, so we need to evaluate [2..] as far as 2 : [3..]. That's enough for map to return the thunk (2 *) 2 : map (2 *) [3..], which is in WHNF. And so it's done, we can finally return to head.
head ((2 *) 2 : map (2 *) [3..]) doesn't need to inspect either side of the :, it just needs to know that there is one so it can return the left side. So it just returns the unevaluated thunk (2 *) 2.
Again though, we only evaluated the call to head this far because print needed to know what its result is, so although head doesn't evaluate its result, its result is always evaluated whenever the call to head is.
(2 *) 2 evaluates to 4, print converts that into the string "4" (via show), and the line gets printed to the output. That was the entire main IO action, so the program is done.
1 Implementations of Haskell, such as GHC, do not always use "standard lazy evaluation", and the language spec does not require it. If the compiler can prove that something will always be needed, or cannot loop/error, then it's safe to evaluate it even when lazy evaluation wouldn't (yet) do so. This can often be faster so GHC optimizations do actually do this.
2 I'm skipping over a few details here, like that print does have some non-primitive implementation we could step inside and lazily evaluate, and that [1..] could be further expanded to the functions that actually implement that syntax.
Not necessarily. Haskell is lazy, meaning that it only evaluates when it needs to. This has some interesting effects. If we take the below code, for example:
-- File: lazinessTest.hs
(>?) :: a -> b -> b
a >? b = b
main = (putStrLn "Something") >? (putStrLn "Something else")
This is the output of the program:
$ ./lazinessTest
Something else
This indicates that putStrLn "Something" is never evaluated. But it's still being passed to the function, in the form of a 'thunk'. These 'thunks' are unevaluated values that, rather than being concrete values, are like a breadcrumb-trail of how to compute the value. This is how Haskell laziness works.
In our case, two 'thunks' are passed to >?, but only one is passed out, meaning that only one is evaluated in the end. This also applies in const, where the second argument can be safely ignored, and therefore is never computed. As for map, GHC is smart enough to realise that we don't care about the end of the array, and only bothers to compute what it needs to, in your case the second element of the original list.
However, it's best to leave the thinking about laziness to the compiler and keep coding, unless you're dealing with IO, in which case you really, really should think about laziness, because you can easily go wrong, as I've just demonstrated.
There are lots and lots of online articles on the Haskell wiki to look at, if you want more detail.
Function could evaluate either return type:
head (x:_) = x
or exception/error:
head _ = error "Head: List is empty!"
or bottom (⊥)
a = a
b = last [1 ..]

Implementation of null function

I have to learn Haskell for university and therefor I'm using learnyouahaskell.com for the beginning.I always used imperative languages so I decided to practice Haskell by coding a lot more than I would for other languages.
I started to implement several functions to work with lists such as head, tail, init,...
At some point I looked up the implementations of these functions to compare to mine and I stumbled upon the null function defined in List.lhs.
null's implementation:
-- | Test whether a list is empty.
null :: [a] -> Bool
null [] = True
null (_:_) = False
my implementation:
mNull :: [a] -> Bool
mNull [] = True
mNull _ = False
I know there are no stupid questions even for such simple questions :)
So my question is why the original implementation uses (_:_) instead of just _?
Is there any advantage in using (_:_) or are there any edge cases I don't know of?
I can't really imagine any advantage because _ catches everything.
You can't just turn the clauses around with your solution:
mNull' :: [a] -> Bool
mNull' _ = False
mNull' [] = True
will always yield False, even if you pass an empty list. Because the runtime doesn't ever consider the [] clause, it immediately sees _ matches anything. (GHC will warn you about such an overlapping pattern.)
On the other hand,
null' :: [a] -> Bool
null' (_:_) = False
null' [] = True
still works correctly, because (_:_) fails to match the particular case of an empty list.
That in itself doesn't really give the two explicit clauses an advantage. However, in more complicated code, writing out all the mutually excluse options has one benefit: if you've forgotten one option, the compiler can also warn you about that! Whereas a _ can and will just handle any case not dealt with by the previous clauses, even if that's not actually correct.
Because _ literally means anything apart from explicitly specified patterns. When you specify (_:_) it means anything which can be represented as a list containing at least 1 element, without bothering with what or even how many elements the list actually contains. Since the case with an explicit pattern for empty list is already present, (_:_) might as well be replaced by _.
However, representing it as (_:_) gives you the flexibility to not even explicitly pass the empty list pattern. In fact, this will work:
-- | Test whether a list is empty.
null :: [a] -> Bool
null (_:_) = False
null _ = True
I'll add on to what leftaroundabout said. This is not really a potential concern for the list type, but in general, data types sometimes get modified. If you have an ill-conceived
data FavoriteFood = Pizza
| SesameSpinachPancake
| ChanaMasala
and later you learn to like DrunkenNoodles and add it to the list, all your functions that pattern match on the type will need to be expanded. If you've used any _ patterns, you will need to find them manually; the compiler can't help you. If you've matched each thing explicitly, you can turn on -fwarn-incomplete-patterns and GHC will tell you about every spot you've missed.

What would pattern matching look like in a strict Haskell?

As a research experiment, I've recently worked on implementing strict-by-default Haskell modules. Instead of being lazy-by-default and having ! as an escape hatch, we're strict-by-default and have ~ as an escape hatch. This behavior is enabled using a {-# LANGUAGE Strict #-} pragma.
While working on making patterns strict I came up on an interesting question: should patterns be strict in the "top-level" only or in all bind variables. For example, if we have
f x = case x of
y -> ...
we will force y even though Haskell would not do so. The more tricky case is
f x = case x of
Just y -> ...
Should we interpret that as
f x = case x of
Just y -> ... -- already strict in 'x' but not in `y`
f x = case x of
Just !y -> ... -- now also strict in 'y'
(Note that we're using the normal, lazy Haskell Just here.)
One design constraint that might of value is this: I want the pragma to be modular. For example, even with Strict turned on we don't evaluate arguments to functions defined in other modules. That would make it non-modular.
Is there any prior art here?
As far as I understand things, refutable patterns are always strict at least on the outer level. Which is another way to say that the scrutinized expression must have been evaluated to WHNF, otherwise you couldn't see if it is a 'Just' or a 'Nothing'.
Hence your
!(Just y) -> ...
notation appears useless.
OTOH, since in a strict language, the argument to Just must already have been evaluated, the notation
Just !y ->
doesn't make sense either.

Why do non-exhaustive guards cause irrefutable pattern match to fail?

I have this function in Haskell:
test :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> Maybe a
test a b
| a == b = Just a
test _ _ = Nothing
This is what I got when I tried the function with different inputs:
ghci>test 3 4
ghci>test 3 3
Just 3
According to Real World Haskell, the first pattern is irrefutable. But it seems like test 3 4 doesn't fails the first pattern, and matches the second. I expected some kind of error -- maybe 'non-exhaustive guards'. So what is really going on here, and is there a way to enable compiler warnings in case this accidentally happens?
The first pattern is indeed an "irrefutable pattern", however this does not mean that it will always choose the corresponding right hand side of your function. It is still subject to the guard which may fail as it does in your example.
To ensure all cases are covered, it is common to use otherwise to have a final guard which will always succeed.
test :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> Maybe a
test a b
| a == b = Just a
| otherwise = Nothing
Note that there is nothing magic about otherwise. It is defined in the Prelude as otherwise = True. However, it is idiomatic to use otherwise for the final case.
Having a compiler warn about non-exaustive guards would be impossible in the general case, as it would involve solving the halting problem, however there exist tools like Catch which attempt to do a better job than the compiler at determining whether all cases are covered or not in the common case.
The compiler should be warning you if you leave out the second clause, i.e. if your last match has a set of guards where the last one is not trivially true.
Generally, testing guards for completeness is obviously not possible, as it would be as hard as solving the halting problem.
Answer to Matt's comment:
Look at the example:
foo a b
| a <= b = True
| a > b = False
A human can see that one of both guards must be true. But the compiler does not know that either a <= b or a > b.
Now look for another example:
fermat a b c n
| a^n + b^n /= c^n = ....
| n < 0 = undefined
| n < 3 = ....
To prove that the set of guards is complete, the compiler had to prove Fermat's Last Theorem. It's impossible to do that in a compiler. Remember that the number and complexity of the guards is not limited. The compiler would have to be a general solver for mathematical problems, problems that are stated in Haskell itself.
More formally, in the easiest case:
f x | p x = y
the compiler must prove that if p x is not bottom, then p x is True for all possible x. In other words, it must prove that either p x is bottom (does not halt) no matter what x is or evaluates to True.
Guards aren't irrefutable. But is very common (and good) practise to add one last guard that catch the other cases, so your function becomes:
test :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> Maybe a
test a b
| a == b = Just a
| True = Nothing
