logback Failover tcp appender - logstash

I'm currently attempting to use the logback-logstash-encoder to write my logs to two different logstash instances. Both of these instances will be writing to the same Elasticsearch instance.
I'm struggling to find a way to load balance between the two logstash instances.
After reading both the logback documentation and the log4j2 documentation, its clear that the TcpAppender that logback-logstash uses does not support 'load-balanced' urls (i.e. url1, url2). In log4j2, I can approximate this behavior with the FailoverAppender.
Is there similar functionality in logback? Or will I need to stand up another service to load-balance for logback?

AFAIK there is no support for load balancing within TcpAppenders. However, you could achieve load balancing by adding a hardware/software load balancer in front of the logstash boxes. In case a logstash process/box dies, the TCP connection gets reset, and the next log event should cause to re-establish the connection again.
This approach would require adding a load balancer to your setup. You would use the load balancer's address in your TcpAppender. The balancer handles the availability of logstash for you.
It depends on what you want to achieve. Is it not losing any log events? Then perhaps the better approach would be to write the logs into files and push the files by logstash-forwarder to your logstash boxes. If you're concerned about connection timeouts and slowdown of your application, then either async-appender or using UDP could be your choice.
HTH, Mark


Logstash log processing from multiple source

I am new to elk stack. Let me explain what i am trying to do. I have a application that is running separately for different users i.e. 5 different users will have 5 independent instance of the same application. I am using filebeats to send the logs from the application to logstash where it will be processed first before being sent to the elasticsearch. What i want is to write the application which enables the users to view the logs of theirs instance of application only. Now what i tried to do is creating the logstash pipeline for each the user with different port which will process the log and send it to elasticsearch with the different index name.
Can you suggest me if this is the best practice or i am doing it wrong? Is there a more better way to do it without having separate pipeline for individual users with separate port? I think the way I am doing it is wrong and it will be harder for me to manage when the instances will grow in numbers.
Thank You
I would suggest if there's no skinning , validation and enrichment involved then skip logstash altogether. You can straight away pass filebeat logs to ES. Now there are two ways from here. Filebeat can additionally send a parameter (any fixed string) along with the scanned message to ES or you can store the meta (like ip) source which filebeat will send along with message. This string can then be used to identify the source of the log message and then on kibana you can configure to show dashboard based on that fixed string / user / meta. This simply the process and avoid unnecessary hops.

pgbouncer - auroraDB cluster not load balancing correctly

I as using AuroraDB cluster with 2 readers and pgBouncer to maintain a connection pool.
My application is very read intensive and fires a lot of select queries.
the problem I am facing is my 2 read replicas are not getting used completely in parallel.
I can see the trends where all connections get moved to 1 replica where other replica is serving 0 connections and after some time the situation shift when 2nd replica serves all connections and 1st serves 0.
I investigated this and found that auroraDB cluster load balancing is done on by time slicing 1-second intervals.
My guess is when pgBouncer creates connection pool all connection are created within 1 second window and all connections end up on 1 read replica.
is there any way I can correct this?
The DB Endpoint is a Route 53 DNS and load balancing is done basically via DNS round robin, each time you resolve the DNS. When you use pgBouncer, is it resolving the DNS once and trying to open connections to the resolved IP? If yes, then this is expected that all your connections are resolved to the same instance. You could fix this conceptually in multiple ways (I'm not too familiar with pgBouncer), but you basically need to somehow make the library resolve the DNS explicitly for each connection, or explicitly add all the instance endpoints to the configuration. The latter is not recommended if you plan on issuing writes using this Connection pool. You don't have any control over who stays as the writer, so you may inadvertently end up sending your writes to a replica.
AuroraDB cluster load balancing is done on by time slicing 1-second intervals
I'm not too sure where you read that. Could you share some references?

logstash with redis sentinel is possible?

I want to build a High availability ELK monitoring system with redis.But a little confuse for how to make redis HA.
Redis Sentinel provides high availability for Redis.
But i donot find any configuration for this on the document. https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/plugins-inputs-redis.html
So can i use it for logstash as input and output? Anyone has experience for this?
Logstash Input Redis Plugin supports only one host in a host option.
I think you have 2 ways to get HA:
1) Continue use Redis. You can create dns A record (or edit your host file), that will point to multiple Redis servers, then put the record to host option.
2) Moving from Redis to Kafka:

Does Azure load balancer allow connection draining

I cant seem to find any documentation for it.
If connection draining is not available how is one supposed to do zero-downtime deployments?
Rick Rainey answered essentially the same question on Server Fault. He states:
The recommended way to do this is to have a custom health probe in
your load balanced set. For example, you could have a simple
healthcheck.html page on each of your VM's (in wwwroot for example)
and direct the probe from your load balanced set to this page. As long
as the probe can retrieve that page (HTTP 200), the Azure load
balancer will keep sending user requests to the VM.
When you need to update a VM, then you can simply rename the
healthcheck.html to a different name such as _healthcheck.html. This
will cause the probe to start receiving HTTP 404 errors and will take
that machine out of the load balanced rotation because it is not
getting HTTP 200. Existing connections will continue to be serviced
but the Azure LB will stop sending new requests to the VM.
After your updates on the VM have been completed, rename
_healthcheck.html back to healthcheck.html. The Azure LB probe will start getting HTTP 200 responses and as a result start sending
requests to this VM again.
Repeat this for each VM in the load balanced set.
Note, however, that Kevin Williamson from Microsoft states in his MSDN blog post Heartbeats, Recovery, and the Load Balancer, "Make sure your probe path is not a simple HTML page, but actually includes logic to determine your service health (eg. Try to connect to your SQL database)." So you may actually want an aspx page that can check several factors, including a custom "drain" flag you put somewhere.
Your clients need to simply retry.
The load balancer only forwards a request to an instance that is alive (determined by pings), it doesn't keep track of the connections. So if you have long-standing connections, it is your responsibility to clean them up on restart events or leave it to the OS to clean them up on restarts (which is obviously not gracefully in most of the cases).
Zero-downtime means that you'll always be able to reach an instance that is alive, nothing more- it gives you no guarantees on long running requests.
Note that when a probe is down, only new connections will go to other VMs
Existing connections are not impacted.

Suggestion on Logstash Setup

I've implemented logstash ( in testing ) as below mentioned architecture.
Component Break Down
Rsyslog client: By default syslog installed in all Linux destros, we just need to configure rsyslog to send logs to remote server.
Logstash: Logstash will received logs from syslog client and it will
store in Redis.
Redis: Redis will work as broker, broker is to hold log data sent by agents before logstash indexes it. Having a broker will enhance performance of the logstash server, Redis acts like a buffer for log data, till logstash indexes it and stores it. As it is in RAM its too fast.
Logstash: yes, two instance of logstash, 1st one for syslog server,
2nd for read data from redis and send out to elasticsearch.
Elasticsearch: The main objective of a central log server is to collect all logs at one place, plus it should provide some meaningful data for analysis. Like you should be able to search all log data for your particular application at a specified time period.Hence there must be a searching and well indexing capability on our logstash server. To achieve this, we will install another opensource tool called as elasticsearch.Elasticsearch uses a mechanism of making an index, and then search that index to make it faster. Its a kind of search engine for text data.
Kibana : Kibana is a user friendly way to view, search and visualize
your log data
But I'm little bit confuse with redis. using this scenario I'll be running 3 java process on Logstash server and one redis, this will take hugh ram.
Can I use only one logstash and elastic search ? Or what would be the best way ?
I am actually in the midst of setting up logstash, redis, elasticsearch, kibana (aka ELK architecture) at my company.
I have the processes split between virtual machines. While you could put them on the same machine, what happens if a machine dies? Then you are left with your indexer and cluster down at the same time.
You also have the problem of not being able to properly replicate your shards on the Elasticsearch. Since you only have one server, the shards won't be replicated and your cluster health will always be yellow. You need to add enough servers to avoid the split-brain scenario.
Why keep Redis?
Since Redis can talk to multiple logstash indexers, one key point is that this makes the indexing transparent to your shippers in that if one indexer goes down, the alternates will pick up the load. This makes your setup high availability.
It's not just a matter of shipping logs and having them indexed and searchable. While your setup will likely work in a very small, rare situation, the stuff people are doing with ELK setups are hundreds of servers, even thousands, so the ELK architecture is meant to scale. All of these servers will also need to be remotely managed by something called Puppet.
Finally, if you have not read it yet, I suggest you read The Logstash Book by James Turnbull.
The following are some more recommended books that have helped me so far:
Pro Puppet, Second Edition
Elasticsearch Cookbook, Second Edition
Redis Cookbook
Redis in Action
Mastering Elasticsearch
ElasticSearch Server
Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide
Puppet Types and Providers
Puppet 3 Cookbook
You can use only one logstash and elasticsearch if you put all the instance in a machine. Logstash directly read the syslog file by using file input plugin.
Otherwise, you have to use two logstash and redis. It is because logstash do not have any buffer mechanism, so it needs redis as its broker to buffer the log event. Redis do not use more ram. When logstash read the log event from it, the memory will release. If redis use large ram, you have to add the logstash workers for processing the logs faster.
You should only be running one instance of logstash. logstash by design has the ability to have multiple input channels and output channels.
input {
# input instances
syslog {
# add other settings accordingly
type => "syslog"
redis {
# add other settings accordingly
type => "redis"
filter {
# add other settings accordingly
output {
# output instances
if [type] == "syslog" {
redis {
# add other settings accordingly
else if [type] == "redis" {
elasticsearch {
# add other settings accordingly
