I can't manage a server in SQL Azure - azure

I have two servers in my SQL azure Portal. One of them allow me "manage", so I can login and manage my database. However, in the other one the button "manage" don't display. In this server just two options are displayed.
What can I do?

I hypothesize that one server is of version v11 and the other is v12.
Clicking the ‘Manage’ button in Azure Management portal launches the SQL Azure Management (SilverLight) Portal in a new tab in the browser. At this time, we do not plan to support this SilverLight-based SQL Azure Management Portal with V12 databases and servers.
We are working hard on an HTML-based T-SQL editor experience that will deeply integrate with the preview Azure Management Portal. Until then, we encourage customers to use Visual Studio Community 2013 which is a full-featured free version of Visual Studio 2013 to connect to Azure SQL databases for tasks such as running T-SQL, designing schema and for offline and online database development.
You can click the the ‘Open in Visual Studio’ in the database page in the Azure Management portal to launch VS2013 on your computer and easily connect to your SQL Database.
In addition, you can also use SQL Server Management Studio 2014 with CU6 to connect to Azure SQL Database. More details are on this blog post.


Hosting database and accessing on Microsoft Azure cloud using visual Studio and SQL

1.I want to host a database on Microsoft Azure cloud and also want to access it from there only.
SS_WPM is my database created on cloud,showing an online connection
As i click on "open with visual studio"button from the azure cloud, visual studio opens from my machine, further i am not able to access my tables in my local database.
3.Tables cannot be accessed even through azure server connection via visual studio.
4.I am able to see my tables in local database.[SQL server management studio]

How can I deploy my database from SQL Server 2008 Express to Azure SQL Database

I am using Visual Studio Community 2013, SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition for an MVC web application using entity framework code first migrations for my database.
I am trying to get my local application hosted on the Microsoft Azure platform.
I have registered for a trial account which expires in 30 days, and deployed my MVC5 app out which has been successful.
However, this app requires a database which I am struggling to deploy.
What is the easiest way to get my database deployed out to Azure as I do not seem to have the :
"Tasks" -> "Deploy Database to Microsoft Azure SQL Database" option available to me in SSMS.
I have extracted a Data-tier Application of my local database and have it stored on my C drive, however if I connect to my Azure Account in a second window, and right click the server then select Deploy Data-tier Application, it fails on "Creating schema object in database" with the following error:
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or
batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)
------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
Users cannot be mapped to certificates, asymmetric keys, or Windows
logins in this version of SQL Server. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error:
I'm assuming its tried to create my local account plus the IIS APPPOOL account I had to set up to host the website on my local network, however I do not see a way of removing them from the .dacpac export.
When I refresh the Databases node, there is still no database, I'm fairly lost now as to how I might get my db deployed to this server?
If you can extract a compatible Data-tier application and then Deploy it to your target server using your current version of Management studio, then this approach should work, see this link for more reading on ensuring your database is compatible.
Failing this, as was in my case. I downloaded Management Studio 2015, which gave me the option to deploy database to Azure by simply right clicking the required database.
Again, this threw up the error regarding my database level IISAPPOOL user, but not my server account user. As a way around this, I took a backup/restore of the database and removed this user then deployed the copy database obviously minus the problem account.
Now all that was left to do was add a transform to my Release web.config with the Azure connection string as provided on the Azure dashboard, and re-deploy the website.
Problem solved.

SSMS 2014 can't deploy databases to SQL Azure

I am trying to deploy my sql server 2014 database to SQL Azure using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 2014 and i get the following error:
I selected a Business edition while selecting which SQL Edition in the Sql deploy Wizard.
If you're trying to deploy to the Business tier, it's now retired. The wizard may not be updated to reflect this change. The tier that you will want to select for similar performance is probably one of the Standard tiers, but Premium is also available. For more information, view https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/azure-sql-database-introduces-new-service-tiers/
Upon further checking (see below) it seems that the tools are not upgraded to reflect the current tiers. So the problem is with SSMS in this case.

How to add SQL DB tables to Azure?

I have signed up for Azure, created a SQL Server item, but cannot see how to, from there, create a DB (create and design the tables, IOW the DDL part of things). Is this something I need to do with the SQL Design Tools, and then export this from Visual Studio / import into the Azure account? Or how is it done?
If you don't want to use the SSMS as other have suggested you can use the silverlight management tool online to execute TSQL Commands; the upside of this is that you have designer support which SSMS lacks.
Once you have selected your DB in the Azure portal click the manage button:
From there a new window will open where you will have to log into the SQL Server.
Once you have logged into your SQL Server you will have the option to create new tables, create procedures etc.
One handy hint, if you go into your SQL Azure details screen you will notice a section to retrieve connection string snippets that may come in handy hooking up your back-end to your application:
You can install SQL Server Management Studio to connect with your SQL Azure database, and from there you can create tables in the designer, or by entering SQL queries.
Keep in mind that you have to whitelist your IP address in order to access the database. Azure uses whitelisting, meaning that only authorized IP addresses can connect to the database.
You can connect to your database in Azure through Visual Studio and/or SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
Check this link for details.
SQL Azure Management

sql azure management portal adding keys

We migrated our mysql database onto sql azure. Logged in to the sql azure management portal. I can see the tables and add columns etc but was not able to figure out how to view existing foreign key constraints on a field (or a way to add foreign key constraints using the UI).
Just curious as to whether this is supported in the UI? Or should we install SQL Server Management studio?
Unfortunately you can't see constraints or relationships using the SQL Azure Management Portal. I suggest you use SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2. The express edition works fine:
However, even using Management Studio you don't get the full designer support, but you can at least see the foreign keys.
